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Author Topic: Lyrics & musicians needed  (Read 5485 times)

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Roy Martin

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Lyrics & musicians needed
« on: May 23, 2010, 10:50:25 AM »

Hello everyone.
I've been busy with landscaping this time of year and haven't had much time to visit with the forum, but I do click on it and read whats going on everyday.
I'm scheduled for recording this Tuesday morning. The guy doing the recording, a very good friend and senior professional musician came to the house.We sat for an hour or so as I played my acoustic guitar letting him hear the songs I want to record. He was very impressed. I told him they just come to me, they compose themselves, I hear them in my head and heart, all I do is put them into real sound through instruments.
As some of you know that I have been wanting to do this a long time, and invited forum members to get involved, but it didn't happen.Time went by, and suddenly as I picked up my guitar, I started playing a rhythm  that blew me away.It was a complete song. I knew right away that it was spiritually influenced.I kept playing it over and over and then bam! I could hear all the instruments and their parts. The next day it happened again with another song. I worked on it most of the day of just practicing, but not changing anything. Again it happened on the third day with another melody.I've been practicing these 3 songs now for several months with an overwhelming passion to record them. I made several appointments to record, but canceled each time for reasons unknown to me. I think it was fear, but I don't know why or what it was about. Four days ago my friend Larry with the studio called me wanting to come see me and hear the songs and discuss them. I saw this as it was time to step out with what God had gave me.Yes! God gave me these songs, and composed them every note and chord. We were sitting on the porch. Larry was talking to Silvia and me. I had my guitar in position but waited for him to be distracted as he was talking to Silvia when I started playing a song. I wanted to see his body reaction. Suddenly my fear vanished as I could clearly see he was affected by what he was hearing. He stopped in mid sentence to listen. His foot was tapping. I stopped to explain all the other instruments parts and of how clearly I can hear them. I made it very clear that I didn't write these songs, and of how they are spiritually inspired, of how they came to me.Keep on mind that Larry has been playing music of many instruments for over 60 years. He is 75. He reminds me of Chet Atkins or Les Paul. I don't think I could impress him if I had wrote these songs. This guy was jammin with Buddy Holly in the 50's and now he's on my porch listening to something inspired by God. I played all three songs and got the same reaction from all of them. That night in my sleep I could literally hear these songs in their entirety, completely finished, all night long until I woke in the morning. One song has 3 guitars. 2 rhythm guitars, one lead, and some harmonizing lead guitars, bass guitar, drums, and keyboards. I will play bass, rhythm guitar and drums. Jason; a friend will play keyboards.Another will play lead. I will play some lead.
Okay now that I've said all of that; I don't have any lyrics for any of these songs. I simply don't know why, but God hasn't gave me any. Perhaps this inspired topic will give me the reason through a forum member. We will see.
 My first session will be just me with the rhythm, bass and drums in click. If anyone is inspired, and believe me you will definitely know if its from God just as I did, then I will send it to you in DVD form so you can work with it.
I have no plans what so ever as to where these songs will go. However, I can feel more songs in me that will be brought to surface I think before the third song is finished.
 I don't know what this is about or why, but I know it has nothing to do with my flesh or personal gain in any way.
Someone is here in this forum that God will choose to complete this. Who will it be?
Am I being a bit nuts here? Probably yes to some, but I was a nut when I was of the world, and now I'm even more of a nut to the world. Larry believes me, and he doesn't know about us, but he believes in God.
 Pm me if your interested by spiritual influence. I need Lyrics and God will provide.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 09:32:47 AM by Roy Martin »

Roy Martin

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 08:31:15 AM »

For those that are interested in getting involved, or would like to hear what has been done so far, please PM me with an email address. Members only for now.
I initially had this plan for forum member musicians almost a year ago, but ran into some brick walls, but I didn't give up.
 So far, there are three of us from the forum with a possible fourth plus one non member friend, but very like minded.
 You don't have to get involved, but maybe if you hear the song we are working on then you might get inspired.



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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 09:57:12 AM »

Very inspiring, Roy!!  :)
Kathy ;)

judith collier

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 09:58:35 PM »

Maybe if one person started with a line then others would be inspired. But then again sometimes we lapse into insanity here. I wish you the best though. judy

Roy Martin

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 11:38:36 PM »

Hi Judy,
Thank you!!
Sam of the Goldfields has done lyrics for one song, and then he went much farther than the extra mile in helping in composing, recording, and much more. I knew he was talented, but I didn't know how much until we got started.
 Its not just lyrics I need and want. I could go out and get all the musicians I want from the world, but I thought it would be something special for forum member musicians to participate, but that hasn't been the case at all. There has been a few exceptions.
 I'm not the one leading this project. I've been inspired, and led by God. Only those inspired in the same way will do the same. All in Gods time, but for now I'll continue in this project if I have to do all of it by myself.God opened the door and said do it. That's what I'm doing. I know He will provide.
 Is there no one at all that even wants to hear the first song? Its not about me or Sam, or anyone. I'm not looking for glory. It means nothing to me.
 This is Gods song. Its about Him, His glory, His plan of which I don't know yet.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 11:40:32 PM by Roy Martin »

judith collier

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 05:37:26 AM »

Roy, I really would like to hear the song. I have a pretty good ear, could always hit the right note in choir except one time and the choir director's wife sat next to me and said, "my dear, that was flat!" OOPS.

Roy Martin

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2010, 08:43:09 AM »

Hi Judy, well I would love for you to hear it, but you need to PM me with an email address so I can send an mp3 file. ;) 8)


Roy Martin

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Re: Lyrics needed
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2010, 09:22:53 AM »

I want to elaborate a little on this topic.

 I can play several instruments. I have tried most of my life to compose, but it never seemed to come together. Well in my entry post I spoke of songs God has laid on my heart, and how they came to me completely composed and arranged.
 They are here inside me. I can literally hear them as they play almost non stop in my head and heart.
 Approximately a year ago I invited forum musicians to get involved in this project. All I had was music talent, but no songs in my heart, but I had a plan, and time frame; on my time, my dreams and passion. I didn't want it to be about me, but I was fooling myself, and God let me know it very quickly. The project never left the ground. I was hurt,disappointed, frustrated, so I gave up on forum members, and started trying to choose people not like- minded, but the Spirit wasn't there; I thought. The passion was overwhelming, but God knew I wasn't ready. Finally God opened my heart and poured these songs into me. The feeling was like it was when He first opened our eyes to the truth; sort of. So! here they are in me, but I know God doesn't intend for them to be just for me. He has planted them like a seed in me, but its going to take others like Sam to bring them out of me. I can play a foundation rhythm as I did for Sam and describe what and where everything goes as I hear it.Absolutely!!! no doubt that God moved in Sam.
 Suddenly I knew the time was right, so with no one but me and God, I paid up front for months of Pro studio time. I went into the studio with just my guitar and Gods spirit that holds these songs in my heart. I played several songs for them. They got more excited than me. I explained the songs as I hear them.So here I am asking again, who will help in bringing these songs out of me, or perhaps a song, or songs in your heart to add to this mix of songs that will end up as a complete CD.
 Just think about it and ask, why would God be doing this? What and where could it go. Is it to be placed on a shelf, or swept under a rug?
 I don't know, but I know God has a purpose for it.
 Now God has gave me 5 songs.
I don't have a clue who will get involved; whether it will be people from the forum or the world. I'm counting on God to do His thing in all of this.

The title of song 1 is;
I've been waiting for you.



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Re: Lyrics & musicians needed
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2010, 07:41:08 PM »


No one have a clue, only God knows where you are going. Remember his purpose for your life is so far away then what we can imagine somtimes.

Keep on, your good (only with your songs tho ;D, hehe).

God be with you:)

judith collier

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Re: Lyrics & musicians needed
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2010, 03:37:18 AM »

I listened to Roy's recording. The music carries you to a beautiful place. Somehow you know there is truth in it. For some maybe they won't know what that truth is but the music invites you and at the very least a person might wonder.
Let's say it was background music of a movie, the movie would be of real quality with a tried and true message, the music takes you down to state of earthly reality,(at least for me) not sad but the kind where you wish there was just a bit more to life, more like 'what is, is' and then (I can imagine an orchestra with this) brings you back up with hope.
I was really surprised and Roy is right imagining this piece with accompaniments which would make it fuller and bring it up to what it deserves. Judy

Roy Martin

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Re: Lyrics & musicians needed
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 09:04:34 AM »

Hi everyone,
 I think you should know that I will copyright these songs, but only the ones in my heart. My intent with my songs are not about money.However if God makes it available for money to come in for these songs, I will not refuse.The copyright is to avoid someone out there in the world from taking advantage of them.
 If anyone has an issue about this then please PM me to keep it off the board.
Thank you.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 09:06:06 AM by Roy Martin »
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