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Author Topic: Fellowshipping in Love  (Read 4279 times)

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Fellowshipping in Love
« on: November 03, 2006, 05:21:58 PM »

Hi Everyone

I was once told by a friend that my mannerism in posting is blunt or matter of factly.  She told me I should use more emoticons  ;D  I know that when I post I do try to strip my post of any self and that sometimes I think comes across as straightforward, unemotional or even perhaps as having a lack of love.  I know I do this because in this way I can read the posts of others without putting any of myself in their post and in that way I can better understand what that person is trying to say as opposed to simply imagining what it is that person is trying to say. 

I have been to various boards (as I am sure you all have) where Christians say things to each other with a spirit of puffed upness ( if that's a word  :-\ ) and have also seen where things were said where no offense was meant yet offense was taken.  I can also say that I am guilty of doing both.  So I guess I kind of developed this writing style to avoid committing these acts again.   ???

Anyway I just wanted to write that when I came to this board I saw a fellowship of love and it was like coming in from out of the cold.  It was the main reason I continued reading here and eventually posting.  I'm sorry if my posts come across as lacking in love (and no doubt I do lack in exhibiting love and pray the Lord circumcize the foreskin of my heart so that His love can be seen in me) but please know that I have a great yearning for you all in my heart and am comforted by you all in fellowshipping with you.



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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 05:36:00 PM »

Hi Layla

I have seen courage and boldness in your posts. I have seen honesty and integrity. These are qualities of Christ.

My problem is that I do not want to add to anyone's sense of self esteem by getting too back patting, approving or by connecting to personalities that are temporal as we are being conformed into the image of Christ. Well that is how I see it anyway. I am not trying to preach at you.

I believe that we are all learning here and that there is help that comes to us from Christ through one another and we have only Him who we can truly look to as our example. We all love HIM and that is my comfort as I see Him dragging us all, sometimes by the scruff of the neck and sometimes on His lofty shoulders :) As for me....I have been dragged here across ravines and over boulders. I thank God that He led me here.....from out there! I am still in recovery mode! :D

Arcturus :)



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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2006, 06:05:01 PM »

Great posts, both Layla and Arcturus,

I have often thought I might come across a bit distant even abrupt, like you Layla it was and is to some degree calculated as to not feed a carnal type personality cult and to keep communications specific to the messages being traded rather than who is giving the message.

Ditto Arcturus, it is my feeling as well, I do not want to be a part of any cult of personality in any form although I truly care for my brethren here, I guess it can be a fine line when we are only dealing with a one dimensional form of communication, we lose the body language, verbal intonation and all the other nuances of relating to each other.

Excellent topic.

Thank you,




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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 02:42:12 AM »


If our goal and mission is to serve Jesus and be more like Him, we cannot go wrong, in both posting and reading.

We love our neighbor as ourself; we empathize.
We've put aside our own feelings; so we take no offense to words.
We seek the Kingdom, and its' righteousness, we strive for love.

Sometimes our posts appear blunt because a lot of what we talk about here is the real Meat of The Word and not merely the milk. It is serious stuff!  We cannot speak things because it's what itching ears want to hear, that is fruitless. 

We need to be trained in His Word so we can discern from right and wrong, even in the matters of what constitutes a loving post.

The fact that you can hide behind your computer screen doesn't mean your heart is hidden. God of course knows our hearts, but also the personality of each member comes out in their posts, we need to remember we're all different and God has a purpose for each of us. All different members, but of one body! All just equally important.

If we aren't humble in our posts, God will fix that.

Jesus first. The rest will be given to us.

Layla, Arcturus, and Joe; your posts were all loving, caring and in unity of the spirit. Thank You.

Much love to all, and Praise to our Lord,


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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2006, 07:38:33 AM »

Thank you Joe and Marie

I agree with you Marie...."the personality of each member comes out in their posts"...and don't you think Joe, that we have an advantage of NOT being exposed to, as you say... the body language verbal intonation and all the other nuances of relating to each other." What you wrote Joe, makes me think about this and brought me to this insight....We do not have the body language of Jesus, neither I hear his voice or intonation in the flesh. Of course I hear and feel Him....not often enought though and .... Is it not true to say that all these aspects of dealing with one another are in fact clouding and muddying our perception of the spirit? Could it not be said then, that we here in this Form are truly privilaged to be unencombered with fleshy distractions and here we can  exercise our spirits in the practise of seeing and communicating in spriit and in truth!...Do you see what I mean?

This makes me see again those words Jesus spoke in Matt 12 : 34...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks...

Our God given opportunitiy here is to see what we think by writing what we feel and come to know what is in our hearts with the eyes of encouragement, edification and exhortation upon us. What a PRIVILAGE! this process we are exercised, trained in Christ mindedness and blessed to percieve HIM via us and through our TRANSFORMING personalities that more closely reflect HIS Spirit of Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Patience, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Endurance.

I feel fed in my soul and heart each time I gleen from this forum, these aspects of the Spirit of our Lord Jesus who's Spirit is complete in Wisdom, Council, Power, Understanding and Might!.....That is why I am here....I NEED HIM in my life. I believe that is why we are here together.  and in consequence into fellowship in  relationship to HIM and of love in the absence of the flesh which is an advantage, a distinction and signature of spirit itself!  ;D WE are here  trained and purified in His Spirit of Truth. That we learn to know and love one another is a by product of His work in us as He draws us to Himself. I thank God.....for us all and for His care and love for us individually and uniquely.....and showing us HIS  unalterable presence here with us through our thick and thin days!

HIS Spirit to you all.......

Arcturus :)


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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 09:51:37 AM »

Arcturus, Joe and Marie - WOW thank you all for the wonderful responses!  Marie you surely said a mouthful, truly if our focus is on Jesus Christ while posting and reading, He is faithful to lead us to all truth!



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Re: Fellowshipping in Love
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2006, 10:28:39 AM »


Thank you for starting this very interesting thread, Arcturus and Marie your contributions were most edifying.

There certainly is wisdom in the words that have been written here, the points about how we only know each other by the messages we exchange is an important one. It is on the merit of our words how we are perceived without being filtered through physical appearances, wealth, or any other physical/carnal distractions.

The person on a 12 year old computer in a small apartment on the rough side of town is truly an equal to someone who has more worldly blessings, of course this should always be the case but we all know that in society, even most churches the mentality of "he who owns the most toys wins" is very dominant, the well to do or power brokers in business or politics or wherever gleen the most attention or adulation and respect. This form (Internet) of communication helps to level the playing field as we all continue to grow and mature in His Spirit.

It also should make us more careful in the words we use and things we write, something that could be taken lightly or even humorously with a smile or other type of body language can be perceived as hurtful or aggressively hostile written in black and white.

Thank you all again.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,

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