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Author Topic: Just need some upliftment.  (Read 7403 times)

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Just need some upliftment.
« on: April 11, 2006, 01:28:57 AM »

I tried my best to avoid it, but I had a big argument with my family about the things I  have learned.   I didn't even come on strong I just suggested that Free Will may be misunderstood and  I just got dumped on big time.

I couldn't even get a simple point across.

I feel really terrible.   I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the matter, I didn't have any feelings of superiority, and the conversation was about God when I mentioned this.  

Was I wrong?  I mean, I did expect that I would get resistance so maybe I shouldn't of brought it up, but I just didn't think I would of caused that much hostility.   I guess thats what bothers me more since its my parents and sister.

Thanks for the support and truth  I have found here.

Joey Porter

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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 01:53:17 AM »

I have learned that it's not worth getting too excited about sharing the good news with others.  As good as it is to us, it is just as infuriating to others.  

They are your family and you definitely should love them deeply, but remember what Christ said:

Matthew 12
48He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" 49Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. 50For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."

Michael A.

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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2006, 02:01:22 AM »

Followers of Jesus Christ, do not be deceived or deluded, a mans enemies will be those of his own household.  This is a test of your faith, so don't fight it, rather understand and relate with  Jesus Christ, for even with Him, even His own brothers and sisters and friends He grew up with did not believe in Him.

SO when you suffer, relate with Jesus.  That's much more important than just academic learning, or academic pursuit of knowledge.  It's how relationships are built, by what we share as common experiences.  It's the difference between information and incarnation - thinking or relating; and it's in our experiences where we can really know what it felt like for Jesus, and in those times when we suffer the same pains that He did that we can relate with Him most. It is one thing to read about Jesus, and another to walk through life with Him, hand in Hand.  It is by your experiences that Jesus will make the scripture alive to you, and draw you deeper into your relationship with Him.

So rejoice brothers and sisters, when you are allowed to suffer in such manner, God has weighed you in His balances and found you worthy (of sufficient weight, spiritually speaking) to "suffer" for His names sake, so that you too can relate more closely with Jesus Christ in His sufferings.  It is a great blessing to suffer in your own house, and at the hands of your own loved ones.  Someday you will be strong enough in the Lord to suffer at the hands of complete strangers, and love them too even as you love your own family.  But that is down the road a ways. Who knows, perhaps even "prison doors" will open for you too, when you really get the point of it all.

Now, go and do Jesus proud by loving your family even through such hard times, even as Jesus did.  This is the path to maturity, and while difficult, Jesus walks this road with each of us, and He willl shortly reveal Himself to you in a new and dramatic, but very personal way.  Perhaps opening the scriptures in your understanding, or perhaps in the breaking of bread at your table.  But be alert, it's coming my friend.  I've been down this same path.

In all things be thankful to God, and then nothing will be able to hurt you.  Also, present your choices to the Lord, and in every choice you make, choose what you know in your heart what is pleasing to God, and when He is joyful, He will strengthen you.  After you have endured well, the Lord will even send ministering spirits to build you up.  The Joy of the Lord is YOUR strength, so in all things seek to please the Lord.

God's Speed.


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2006, 02:17:37 AM »

Great replys Joey and Michael.  True, so true.  Even Jesus when He started His ministry, his own family thought He had lost His mind.  So, you are in good company, Phazel.

God bless,



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Just need some upliftment
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2006, 06:25:23 PM »

Don't worry. I have blabbed too much.  I guess we are so excited we just assume our loved ones will be too.  No.  Either, its "whatever!" or they get downright angry. It is hard not to share this but I am learning if they don't ask- don't tell.  It is God who will drag them anyway.  I agree with the other posters--Love them-don't be mad at them.  Be the best, daughter or sister you can be.  God will do the rest.  Learn the scriptures while you are waiting (I am saying this to me too) for them to ask. You will be in our prayers.


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just need
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2006, 06:32:39 PM »

Just read a new e mail  UNSURE in Ray's e mail section.  It is perfect for this thread.


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Re: just need
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 06:38:32 PM »

Quote from: gmik
Just read a new e mail  UNSURE in Ray's e mail section.  It is perfect for this thread.

amen. her name is heather and we all should pray for the dear little one!!!



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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 08:08:38 PM »

i am reminded of the time i told a friend, after they asked, that God created evil, they didn't believe me so i showed them a verse

Isa 45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

well they threw the bible across the floor with a physical strength that was frightening and screamed "what's the ****ing point then!!!!"

i just said sorry, i didn't mean to offend you, or something like that and let it all simmer down

anyway that person is now studying the lake of fire series with awe and wonder at the plan and purpose of God.

so it would seem all is not lost :)


Mat 10:16  Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2006, 01:51:24 AM »

Thank you all.    This is just a new road for me.  I guess I was not expecting more hatred (strong word, I know my family does not hate me)
from those I valued as Christians than from people I know that are athiests that I shared my Christian faith with.

hmm,  now I might get an opportunity to Reshare, LOL.   Oh I think some brain cells popped.


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2006, 04:55:40 PM »

I have never posted on this site before.  I have been reading for months though but never was brave enough to say anything.  I can't help but speak up now in this discussion.  Last night I had another discussion with my husband about what God has been showing me of the truths.  Our conversation ended the same way it always does: My husband is frustrated and upset, feeling that the "truth" i speak sounds worse than the lies he has known his whole life.  I have absolutely no one who sees like me (family or friends) and i wanted to just share that when my husband does not understand the truth, I feel such a deep pain in the pit of my chest.  I ache to talk to him on the absolutely wonderful "good news" I see.  I know he will see the truth some day (even if it is when every knee shall bow) I know this is how it is supposed to be right now, but the lonliness hurts.

Thanks for listening to my first post.
Becky  8-[


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2006, 05:36:11 PM »

Thank you!

I have to work on my patience so that I don't continue to put stumbling blocks in front of him.



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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2006, 05:52:03 PM »

Quote from: Becky
I have never posted on this site before.  I have been reading for months though but never was brave enough to say anything.  I can't help but speak up now in this discussion.  Last night I had another discussion with my husband about what God has been showing me of the truths.  Our conversation ended the same way it always does: My husband is frustrated and upset, feeling that the "truth" i speak sounds worse than the lies he has known his whole life.  I have absolutely no one who sees like me (family or friends) and i wanted to just share that when my husband does not understand the truth, I feel such a deep pain in the pit of my chest.  I ache to talk to him on the absolutely wonderful "good news" I see.  I know he will see the truth some day (even if it is when every knee shall bow) I know this is how it is supposed to be right now, but the lonliness hurts.

Thanks for listening to my first post.
Becky  8-[

Some things a milk drinker can't understand, and even if they do understand may be unhealthy for them to understand. I would not even worry or talk about UR, the trinity or tithing with him. Just start with the basics, and keep it simple. He need his fill of milk and not meat. Talk about Luke 10:27 and Matthew 5 together because together they are the basic doctrine of Jesus in a nut shell. He need to know that God love him and Jesus died for his sorry a@@. Don't even talk to him about who is saved and not saved. Just talk about him and yourself, keep it simple. Talk about God the father being the source of all love and with out him there is no love.

Luk 10:27 Now he, answering, said, "You shall be loving the Lord your God out of your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole strength, and with your whole comprehension, and 'your associate as yourself.'"

With this Jesus only gave us two simply commandments, and we can not keep either one. Even though we can not keep either of them, we should try to with all our Strength, heart and  comprehension to keep them both. Only by walking with God can we have any love at all, and only be being closer to him can we have more then we have right now.


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2006, 05:52:50 PM »

I'm so happy to have posted today!

Becky :D


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2006, 05:57:38 PM »

it makes since to keep it personal with him. (If and when he asks me about this again) thanks rvhill!


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2006, 06:04:41 PM »

I'm always reading here during my work day.  I'll read tomorrow too.  Maybe I'll post more.

Michael A.

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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2006, 06:34:23 PM »

Becky wrote:
I have never posted on this site before. I have been reading for months though but never was brave enough to say anything. I can't help but speak up now in this discussion. Last night I had another discussion with my husband about what God has been showing me of the truths. Our conversation ended the same way it always does: My husband is frustrated and upset, feeling that the "truth" i speak sounds worse than the lies he has known his whole life. I have absolutely no one who sees like me (family or friends) and i wanted to just share that when my husband does not understand the truth, I feel such a deep pain in the pit of my chest. I ache to talk to him on the absolutely wonderful "good news" I see. I know he will see the truth some day (even if it is when every knee shall bow) I know this is how it is supposed to be right now, but the lonliness hurts.

Jesus can relate. Now you know how He felt.  Often He was alone, and often He went to be alone with our Father, in prayer.  Even towards the end of His ministry, when He took those closest to Him to pray with Him, they were willing, but the flesh was weak, and once again Jesus was there in the garden alone, praying to our Father.

Becky, draw near to God in those times where you feel so alone. He is leading you through a time of deep relating, a way of learning that many cannot endure the first time around.  It is being known by Jesus in the things He suffered, and being united to Him in His sufferings.  It is an intimate place.  It is learning to take up your cross, and follow Jesus.

It's not ALL about the head knowledge we have about God, but also the heart knowledge of common experience, in walking out our life with Him, being identified with Him, and being shaped and conformed into His image.  

When you have passed through this time you will find great joy, because what you choose pleases our Father.


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2006, 08:47:02 PM »

As I read all this posts. I understand where you all have been. Cause I have been there myself. Cant tell another about what you believe. They cant hear you. If they ask, that is a door openning.But if they dont ask, be silent. Just let them see Jesus Christ in you. Let His Light Shine through us. But if a member of your family or friend says something against truth, repute what they say. Stand up for the truth, even if it will cause bad feeling.We have to stand behind Jesus and what is Truth. ~Karen~


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Just need some upliftment.
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2006, 09:58:34 AM »

Thank you all again for the replys!  I thought over your comments all last night and they really helped me out.  It is good to know that you have gone through the same things that I am going through.  It is very comforting!
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