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Author Topic: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE  (Read 6511 times)

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In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« on: August 12, 2007, 01:14:47 PM »

Col 3: 14      But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. [NKJV]

1Pet 4: 8      And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." [NKJV]

Thinking about one day... when we are beyond the flesh... and the Scriptures have all been fulfilled... and we really won't even need the words of theologians anymore... these two verses come to mind. 

I offer this as an improvement of my one of my recent posts that showed a lack of good judgment at the time. 

Sorry I'm a bit slow on this,



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2007, 01:47:38 PM »

Two awesome verses.

My brother in law and sister in law just left 5 min. ago from a weekend visit.

I wish I had remembered those verses.

Naturally we got "into" what we believe now.  I couldn't remember a scripture to save my life!! :D  I did show my sister in law Ray's BT site and we perused the forum too.  I showed her e sword and isa.  She was impressed.  My husband and his brother did more "sparring" but we all parted friendly etc.

Their big question was always "well, if this is what you believe what do you care what we believe, since it all doesn't matter"

Oh well, only God can open eyes and in his time!

Happy Sunday morning to you all. :-*


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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2007, 02:54:53 PM »


And above all these, put on love which is the bond of perfectness. Col 3:14

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2007, 05:56:26 PM »

Col 3: 14      But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. [NKJV]

1Pet 4: 8      And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins." [NKJV]

Thinking about one day... when we are beyond the flesh... and the Scriptures have all been fulfilled... and we really won't even need the words of theologians anymore... these two verses come to mind. 

I offer this as an improvement of my one of my recent posts that showed a lack of good judgment at the time. 

Sorry I'm a bit slow on this,

Hey Janice,

I've been away from the forum for a couple of weeks only to be pleasantly greeted by those wonderful verses you shared.  Thank you so much for that.

Gena, I know from whence you come with the relatives.  One the verses I once focused on after a "bout" of discussing my search for truth with my brother-in-law follows"

Psa 85:10  Mercy and truth are met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Without loving kindness, discussion of truth becomes a battle of egos.  Love brings everthing into perfect harmony as Janice's verses point out.  I am truly fortunate to fellowship here.

be blessed



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 12:45:19 AM »

Hello everyone,

I've only been reading the website and studying for a few weeks.  But the thought has come to mind...what are the kids going to think about   They are used to me digging into the Bible though so I'm hoping some day soon to maybe talk with them.  My question is this:  How do you know when the right time is to share?  I mean I'm still trying to get most of this in my head and heart so I don't feel "armed" right now.  I guess God will let me know when the moment is right.  I foresee some of that sparring referred to above  :)

I'm just excited to learn more and really, really appreciate everything I've read so far in this forum.  The welcomes were so nice - I've never received anything close in any church.  Thank you all for being so nice!



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 01:26:11 AM »


Gena, when you have time... what is "isa?"

Hi Dawn!  I think it's so very wonderful for you to present yourself an example for your children in studying God's word... you are a good little theologian!!  :)  :D

I have to hop and can't stay very long right now... but I'm sure my brothers and sisters will chime in some of their thoughts, if not tonight, but more tomorrow...

But for now, my feeling is that you are intuitively right, God will sort of let you know when the time is right for sharing.  I feel/think Him preparing me for all kinds of things at times, and sometimes it's funny how He pieces things together when looking at it in retrospect.  :D

As for the probable upcoming sparring part with your offspring... I'll defer to someone else on this.  I'm a widow with no children, so my perspectives are not generally in the middle of the road so to speak.   :)

To me, it helps to have quiet times, if that's a tip that can possibly help you to "hear" Him.

God bless you dear woman for joining us tonight!  More later!!  :) :)

Take care,



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2007, 03:28:30 PM »

Hi Janice,

Beautiful post!  You know, in this world, the word "love" is thrown around loosely and who knows if many even understand what it means.  The pull to seek to understand the Love that God IS has been growing stronger in me.  I will always love to study, research and read but this elusive Love....what a mystery!  It is thrilling to contemplate that when we see Him we shall be like Him, which means we will BE cool is that!!  Can't wait. :D

(Janice...ISA is Interlinear Scripture Analyzer which is a free program you can download from here:

Hi Dawn,

My question is this:  How do you know when the right time is to share?  I mean I'm still trying to get most of this in my head and heart so I don't feel "armed" right now.  I guess God will let me know when the moment is right.  I foresee some of that sparring referred to above

Welcome to the journey.  Initially when I came to understand these truths I was so excited and wanted to share with everyone.  I can tell you it didn't go as I had imagined.  It is depressing to see that people are not happy to learn that God is Love and Love never fails....the next words you hear are always  "Yes BUT....."  In time, God gave me an understanding that it is He who chooses whose eyes will be opened and if he has chosen that a person remains blind for a time than nothing I say will sink in. 

I recently had the joy of seeing patience pay off.  When I initially tried to share in naive excitement with my sister-in-law over a year ago I was met with a brick wall.  I just came off of a week long visit with her and I waited on the Lord to show me if He wanted me to talk to her again.  She excitedly told me about a book she has been reading that has been stirring up her world and has created some spiritual turmoil for her and she was asking me some questions.  This book is the complete opposite of what we here believe, but it gave me opportunity to present some things for her to consider and she was interested in hearing more!  I was able to speak with calmness and God brought to my mind the scriptures that I needed.  We shall see what God has in store for her now, but it is so much more peaceful knowing God is in the driver's seat!

Peace and love,

Sue Creamer

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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2007, 04:20:09 PM »

Hi All,

Like Diana I believed my relatives would be sooooo happy to hear about God's love for ALL and that there is no such thing as an eternal hell.  I first tried my brother (who came out of the same church I had)
and I was shocked at his response and his down right angry at times.  I then thought my 32 year old daughter would listen but WRONG again..!!!  Since then, I have learned to keep my beliefs pretty much to myself unless I am asked.  Unfortunately, a bit to late for the title I earned from my husband and daughter which is "Sister Sue"...!    :o

I believe now that God is in the process of teaching me and I just don't know enough to spout off to others....I need to take that lowly chair in the room and if I could only remember everything!!!
Sue Ann



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2007, 05:09:40 PM »

Thank you Janice and Diana!

I've only talked with my husband who (since he's not a "churched" person) listens, which I'm thankful for.
I've also talked with my sister.
She is where I was a couple of years ago when I was forced (by God) to look at the Trinity doctrine.

My sisters words were "its hard to think that everything I've learned in church is wrong".  I told her that I understood and that when the time is right, God will help her to "see". 

It got me to thinking about just how we feel when our house (on sand) is blow over.  It hurts bad at first.  Its difficult because you think that if you were wrong on that, what else?  What else indeed.  Well when the trinity thing got brought to me by a good friend (who is Oneness/Jesus only) (that's another post later lol) I soundly rejected his beliefs.

But little by little, I was brought to "see" the error in the Trinity doctrine.  So yes, its painful but as we go on in our study, it turns from pain into thankfulness!  I think we just need to remember that pain when we do talk with others. 

I love this forum.  Thank you again everyone!



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2007, 10:42:09 PM »

Hi again Dawn,

Well I can "see" our Lord's holy spirit is brewing up good things your way!  Ha!  :)

When you mentioned your sister's words:  "It's hard to think that everything I've learned in church is wrong".  It made me think of:

Jeremiah 16: 19     O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, SURELY OUR FATHERS HAVE INHERITED LIES, VANITY, AND THINGS WHEREIN THERE IS NO PROFIT.

It's a great prophecy and clearly indicates that God has planned, set, and operates this all to come about! 

You make a good point about those houses on sand... OUCH!  And then, "What the heck else indeed!?!"  Right, I see it.  And I agree and am here to testify that the pain that turns to thankfulness also brings His blessed joy within.  How I praise Him for this!!  I think those who are bonded socially to a (false) church have it more difficult in the pain department than others, such as myself, that had not been attending any church for a number of years and wasn't too indoctrinated or socially tied.  Double ouch!!

I will pray for your sharing with your children and your sister; it sounds to me that she, like you say "little by little," may be given to be receptive!  And your Oneness/Jesus friend as well sounds like he has the potential of spiritually thinking out of the bag, so to speak. :D  Will include him in the prayer also!

You'll pick up a lot of tips here, I sure do!  Have fun!

Happiness and joy in Jesus!  :)



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2007, 01:05:08 AM »

Thank you for your prayers Janice!

And my oneness friend is constantly telling me "it has to be revelation" as if I myself have never had a revelation.  His speaks in tongues (I don't) and so he ties that in with salvation.  Matter of fact, he read Ray's article on tongues and of course rejects it.  On a more positive note, he seems to be agreeable to the hell articles and is definitely NOT free will, so go figure....I guess we all have our "pet projects".  With me it was eschatology/last days.  I really got into in heavy when I first became of believer, even watching TBN/Hal Lindsay -- oh goodness, how far I've come from there.  and....oh how far I have yet to go   :) and I'm excited for the ride....


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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2007, 02:43:41 AM »

HA! Dawn, interesting about your friend.... what a composite of interests/pet projects... funny~ so very unique... definitely not in the mainstream of Bell's curve.... :D... may God favor him!  And us!!

Here's a cool verse:

John 8: 36      If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

I read on another thread that you too have been unchurched for quite awhile, so you and I are on par there.  I also related to you specifically in pretty much being "in touch" with Him on a certain level most of my adult life.

I too am a pet project of my Lord (below):

I do not necessarily know what He's going to have me do next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am humbled and graced by being given to share His cross daily and living very simply.

Like you, so so recently... (within the past couple of years more intensely) it (this transformation) is all moving so fast... like a streak of lightening...whoa...   :) I was there, now I'm here... whoosh...... HO!  Praise God and thanks to him for L. Ray Smith.  Dawn, where would we be right now without him?? 

Yes, I too scanned the religious channels... I embraced secular ideas on God's Word... like, duh...

And it's given to me to be interested in a variety of theological pursuits... I wonder what all will be given additionally to you??  I can see where you are already being drawn to share His Word.  HANG IN THERE!

I praise God for you sister!!

Have a great week in Christ,
Love, Janice

P.S.  I pray for you the discipline to get through the bulk of Ray's Inspired insights.  Amen.   :)



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2007, 03:47:14 AM »

Hi again Janice,

I was just getting ready to retire for the night but thought I'd check one last time and I'm glad I did.  I find it very hard to NOT be reading BT and the forum posts.  Its funny how you described my friend (unique for sure) and I think he would chuckle about it.  With as many differences that we still have (after 10 years), I do treasure his encouraging me to study.  Although at times, I know he's not always in agreement with what I find when I do.  :)

I wanted to add just a few words, words that spoke to my inner spirit about 10 years ago.  I was talking online with someone (a different person) and we were talking about the trinity.  This really was my first experience of my "learned doctrine" being challenged (even though I NEVER really understood the concept of a trinity and felt like I had to pick which god to pray to).  We spoke for a long time and I felt so frustrated and I remember saying "how can so many people have it wrong!" and his reply has haunted me (in a good way, ever since), he said "how many were in the ark Dawn?

Needless to say I was speechless.  Its funny, I don't speak with this person anymore and it was only a short "chat" relationship online, but those words have stayed with me all these years.  I know they were truly from God.

So let me tell you....these last 10 years have been a roller coaster.  For so long I thought "great, now I just don't know what to believe!"   

Eph 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 

--- that was my fear, that I would be tossed for the rest of my life.

But since I've been reading the material on BT I notice that I've been talking more about God to my husband and sister.  And I notice scripture coming easier to my mind (usually my memory is terrible), and I am meditating almost constantly on God and all these things.  I will go to bed here shortly and lay there for at least 15-30 minutes thinking about it all and praying for wisdom.  For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have hope of figuring some things out!   :)

Thank you again for your prayers - goodnight and God bless you!



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2007, 12:40:50 PM »

Hey Dawn,

Welcome to the forum.  It is so uplifting to hear your joy and excitement at finding your way to the truths. It is so contagious, like sharing a smile. You can't help but smile back. :)

I was once so eager to share my new found knowledge of the truth that I would tell any and all who would listen.  It didn't last long. I learned quickly that, unless God has allowed them, people will not "hear" what you have to say.  It was and still is a little painful to be branded a heretic even by your own family.  I have been judged and sentenced to eternal torment by more than I can remember.  In fact, they have thrown enough stones my way to build a cathedral.  ;D ;D

Continue your studies and share with others in your own way. Sometimes people latch on to the most insignificant points which lead them to  places like bible truths.  I have suggested to many that they lock up their king james bibles for a while and read a newer translation for a change. Questions like, did you know that the word hell is not even mentioned in the Rotherdam translation of the bible, have started off coverstations about translation errors and authenticity.  I usually leave it with, look for yourself, don't just accept what I say or what you were spoon fed as a child.  I am not suggesting you do what I do but only that you find your own way.  Most of the time now I share only when asked. I consider myself a neophyte and have a long way to go and a lot more to learn.

I really liked that Noah response to how can so many be wrong.  Thanks for sharing it. 

It is a joy to see as all growing in God's love and truth.

be blessed



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2007, 01:55:21 PM »

Thank you feat!

Let me tell you my world has been rocked the last few weeks and especially the last few days.  I actually gave my notice today at my job, where I'd been for 28 years!  I'd been wanting to for so long but always afraid to take the step in faith.  But this morning, something was different.  I started sobbing as I was getting ready for work and that was it.  I kept praying "what should I do God" and kept waiting for an answer.  But today, this feeling that overwhelmed me - in my physical pain at the mere thought of going to work struck a chord in me.  What is it I keep seeing here - first the physical then the spiritual?  I'm not sure that applies here, but I know if something is bothering this much, that maybe that is God answering me.

I'm nervous but I keep praying for peace.  I know I FINALLY made the right decision.  It was something in another post about putting Jesus in the "right place" that was my confirmation.

Funny how He works.  I love Him so much...sigh

Have a blessed day!


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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2007, 11:20:42 PM »

Hi Dawn,

That's a BIG step in faith, but it's exciting where God is leading you. I'll be praying for you. It sounds like you knew this was coming and I'm really happy for you! What's next, eh? Whatever it is, it will be tremendous!


I never read the Rotherdam translation of the bible. Thanks for that tip about hell not being mentioned in it. I'll have to check it out.

Hey Janice,

I am so totally blessed by your post, specifically:

Like you, so so recently... (within the past couple of years more intensely) it (this transformation) is all moving so fast... like a streak of lightening...whoa...    I was there, now I'm here... whoosh...... HO!  Praise God and thanks to him for L. Ray Smith.  Dawn, where would we be right now without him??   

It does feel like...whoosh..."surely I am coming quickly" Rev. 22:20.

Love to you all,





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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2007, 11:32:19 PM »

Thank you Ursula!
Today has been crazy, but good crazy.
I definitely will find a part time job and I would love it to be in some kind of a service industry.  I would love to work at a food bank or something along those lines.  My job has been in downtown Seattle so I've seen a lot of homeless people that just touch my heart.  You give one of these dear people a couple dollars and they say "thank you, God bless you" or "you're a beautiful person, thank you so much" something like that, and I KNOW they really mean it!  I've received more appreciation from complete strangers than those close to me.  It really blesses me.  So yes, I've felt a longing for some type of volunteer work so now I just need Jesus to line something up for me  :) 
Thank you again for your prayers!



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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2007, 01:33:36 AM »

Hi ALL... and thanks to those participating...

Sue Ann... "I believe now that God is in the process of teaching me and I just don't know enough to spout off to others..."  I hear ya yet I encourage you to search within for the right words given to you to express yourself... according to Scripture it will be given to you by implication [Matt 10: 19, Mark 13: 11]  It's a constant struggle with me and probably always will be.  No way could I be an orator, speaking to others is definitely not one of my gifts.  Even to type up some posts here at da forum requires me to edit and re-edit, but for some reason  ;) it's given to me to do so.  :)

This also reminds me of the following verse that inspires me, so I hope it inspires you:

Prov 25: 2     It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

God willing we are kings in the making!!  :) I thank Ray's insight for this concept.  :)

Ursula... I recently found Rotherham's Emphasized Bible online and will PM you.   ;)  I like it quite a bit, but as with any translation, it's not perfect.  THIS IS THE ONE THAT TRANSLATES 'MUSTERION' AS 'SACRED SECRET' THAT JOE RECENTLY DID A THREAD ON!!  It's cool to see it in print!  8)

Thanks for link Diana... I've been using that online Greek-English Interlinear regularly but didn't realize 'til now they have a downloadable analyzer... will have to try

Dawn, I am on the floor with surprise about your big move today... whoa!  Surely you felt spirit-lead so I congratulate you!  BIG SQUISHY spiritual hug!!   ;) :) :D  Lemmie hear more from ya, send a PM or make a post... as your story/situation may bless others.  Wateva!  ;)

I'm praising our glorious Father of Lights tonight, *
I praise His holy name,

*James 1: 17      Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 01:43:36 AM by DuluthGA »


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Re: In fellowship, Two verses of LOVE
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2007, 10:50:37 PM »

Hi Dawn,

For sure, as Janice said, please let us know how it goes with your journey. It will be exciting to see what God is going to do in your life.

Janice, thank you, I'm looking forward to Rotherhams.



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