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Author Topic: Are you being persecuted?  (Read 4656 times)

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Are you being persecuted?
« on: April 30, 2006, 10:14:49 PM »

Persecution is one thing we as true believers experience.  This is one aspect of life that sets apart the called from the chosen.  Those who have carnally minded religion and those who have been separated by the will of God.  One can not be accepted by the world and speak the truth of God.  Just like oil and water does not mix, it's the same for the spiritually minded with the carnally minded.

Albeit, the spiritually minded forgive those fleshly minded, because we follow Jesus, and say forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.  This is what separates the called from the chosen, because of experience, by being judged in this life, to learn the right way to treat our fellow man.

Jesus, who bore the sins of the world, was judged for our sins and accepted the will of the Father.  Obedience is the key.  We learn of righteous judgment by obedience.  And obedience of the spiritual truths in this world will bring persecution and tribulation.  There is no escaping it.

I have been kicked out of several churches, told I was possessed by a devil, thought to be crazy, damned to hell, looked at as if I was one of the lost that is destined to eternal hellfire, ostrasized, have had all kinds of rumors and false accusations spread to belittle my character and intent.

So on and so on, they never cease to amaze me what can come out of the heart of man.  Not only the people who initiate these incriminations, but the feeble minded ones who believe such things.  Not sure which is worse.  It is incredible and hard to comprehend how people who say they are saved and love God can do such things.  

But, then again, I look at the prophets in the Old Testament, our Lord, the apostles, and through history all the untold millions who have suffered greatly for the truth.  I, no longer am alone, but in the company of many brethren and sisters, called, chosen, and faithful.  Amen.

I have to say, I love it!

God bless,



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Are you being persecuted?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 12:07:48 AM »

You are not alone brother! :)

Although i am young, i have been told by a friends parent, when i tried to share the truth with them that i was bieng "Posseessed by the devil."

Fortunately God is working everything, and my friend is slowing having his eyes opened, i told Him not to share it with his mom because She is blind and will not see, atleast not yet.

Religious persecution for me is not great, because i am still young physically, and spiritualy and always learning. So i don't speak out much or teach, i only teach the small flock i have been given and even then it is not much. These people (Younger brothers and 2 friends) are very close friends of mine anyway and they look up to me and take what i say full heartedly so i feel that it is almost my job to give them the truth, although i know God works all and nothing is of my own and that if they believe or fall away is of His choice.

I've only just begun my walk with the Lord :)

I believe if i used the Bible as a map for my life, im spiritualy at the part where i see Abraham and Sarah with His son as the Old covenent and Abraham and the Maid/slave and her Child as the GEntiles with the New covenent that Christ would soon make. SPiritualy offcourse :)


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Are you being persecuted?
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 12:20:57 AM »

Hello Gary,

At about the time you were writing this post I was on the phone with one of my "brothers" of my monday night men's bible study group. He regretted to inform me that if I continued to come that the group would be disbanded. I knew this was coming but it was still hard to hear. I had been removed from a forum before and it did not bother me so much. I guess because I did not know those people on a personal level. I attended this group for one year and got to know these men pretty well. When I started questioning their beliefs the friendships fell away. Over the last few weeks they had asked me to stop discussing the controversial issues as we were there to study the book "Porpuse Driven Life". Anyway we all know that this will continue to happen as long as we continue to speak of the one true Christ our Lord and Savior not only ours but the Savior of all men. I do thank God for opening my eyes and ears. May any who suffer persecution count it for joy. It may temporarily sadden our hearts to see others not seeing the truth but God will bring all to the knowledge of the truth in their due time. I am thankful that there is people of like mind at this site that understand the frustrations that we all go through. May God be with you all.


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Are you being persecuted?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 12:38:02 AM »

being rejected by the ones you love most has been the worst part for

you want them so much to see but.... :cry:


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Re: Are you being persecuted?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 12:49:08 AM »

Quote from: orion77
Persecution is one thing we as true believers experience.  This is one aspect of life that sets apart the called from the chosen.  Those who have carnally minded religion and those who have been separated by the will of God.  One can not be accepted by the world and speak the truth of God.  Just like oil and water does not mix, it's the same for the spiritually minded with the carnally minded.

Albeit, the spiritually minded forgive those fleshly minded, because we follow Jesus, and say forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.  This is what separates the called from the chosen, because of experience, by being judged in this life, to learn the right way to treat our fellow man.

Jesus, who bore the sins of the world, was judged for our sins and accepted the will of the Father.  Obedience is the key.  We learn of righteous judgment by obedience.  And obedience of the spiritual truths in this world will bring persecution and tribulation.  There is no escaping it.

I have been kicked out of several churches, told I was possessed by a devil, thought to be crazy, damned to hell, looked at as if I was one of the lost that is destined to eternal hellfire, ostrasized, have had all kinds of rumors and false accusations spread to belittle my character and intent.

So on and so on, they never cease to amaze me what can come out of the heart of man.  Not only the people who initiate these incriminations, but the feeble minded ones who believe such things.  Not sure which is worse.  It is incredible and hard to comprehend how people who say they are saved and love God can do such things.  

But, then again, I look at the prophets in the Old Testament, our Lord, the apostles, and through history all the untold millions who have suffered greatly for the truth.  I, no longer am alone, but in the company of many brethren and sisters, called, chosen, and faithful.  Amen.

I have to say, I love it!

God bless,


I agree we will be persecuted by others.  But i think it is too easy to look at others and there "feeble minds" rather than within.  Within there is a battle, we must decrease so he can increase.  This battle is where the real persecution should be going on.  Taking every thot captive to the obedience of Christ.  The beast within has to die.  

"So on and so on, they never cease to amaze me what can come out of the heart of man.  Not only the people who initiate these incriminations, but the feeble minded ones who believe such things.  Not sure which is worse.  It is incredible and hard to comprehend how people who say they are saved and love God can do such things."

The beast within us is these people.  

May God's grace continue to persecute us within, and dethrone the beast.
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