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Author Topic: More Propaganda exposed !!!  (Read 7386 times)

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Richard D

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More Propaganda exposed !!!
« on: October 09, 2008, 01:02:41 AM »

I had finished watching the 08 conference videos and discovered more lies I had been taught by Christendom. So I understand the world is billions of years old and there was not a world wide flood in Noah’s day.

My question is this, is it true that although the world is billions of years old that man has only been on the earth for six thousands years? Or is this another false tale as well?  ???



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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 02:54:45 AM »

Science says humans have been here a lot longer than 6,000 years. ;)


PS: I just finished the videos and all I can say is wow! I knew there were different Hebrew words for create and make used but I would of never taken that to the level Ray has. I have such a long, long way to go :-[


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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2008, 03:24:12 AM »

I just wanted to put my 2-cents in on this subject. Even though my 2-cents is worth about 1-cent. That being said, I believe man is much older than 6000 yrs. There is just to much evidence. Of course that doesn't mean anything. I just think that man is much older than that. Ray seems to have the wisdom to ansewer these kind of questions. In time I wouldn't be suprise that Ray had some insight on this subject. Just like the world being older than they thought. Who knows maby next conference.


Richard D

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2008, 05:37:16 AM »

Hi Tintnocker.

Yeah the information in those videos were awesome, what insight. It totally blew me away. Especially Noah’s flood, I always thought it was a world wide flood. I’m convince that everything I learned before has no truth to it.

I can see being here is a direct call from God and the confirmation of it is we believe the truth which is more amazing. I say that because when I talk to people about these truths they think I’m nuts………..LOL

God bless their hearts. Once I was there myself like about eight weeks ago…

                                        In His Love. Richard.


You’re probably right but I had to ask I would like to know how long human being actually been on the earth. It’s kind of interesting but I only seek the truth.

Welcome back also my brother I hope you’re vacation was enjoyable.

                                           In His Love. Richard.


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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2008, 09:47:07 PM »

Its interesting to see just how much of the latest conference, and the scientific facts that Ray imparted, has been such a revelation to so many.
Having come to Christianity later in life, and living in Britain which is a lot more secular than the US, the age of the universe and the earth, whether there was a global flood, the age of mankind etc was never an issue I ever struggled with.
For me the revelation was how and where these facts can be found in scripture, as Ray pointed out.
All of the science that Ray discussd is well documented, fairly common knowledge.


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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 02:14:56 AM »

My dear Brother Richard,

God is everywhere to be found. He inhabits the very atoms that uphold the whole universe.

Heb 1:3  Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;

Ray a very excellent teacher of God's word, is one of many helping and assisting to take the blindness off many non-Christians and Christians.

Kind Regards,



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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 06:09:49 AM »

The conference was also a real eye opener to me. For a while some years ago, I was taken in by the young earth teachings that were put forward by organizations like AIG and even subscribed to their magazine for a while.
However young earth-old earth arguments didn't seem such a big deal in the grand scheme of things up till now.It's only when Ray described young earth teachings as yet another church heresy,that I truly realized the significance of the issue, and how God's name is blasphemed as a consequence.
I'm certainly feel much more equipped now as a result of what I have learned.Once again 'thanks Ray'

Richard D

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 06:25:04 AM »


Dear brother, you’re so right when you say God can be found everywhere from the very atoms that uphold the whole universe. You’re faith in God is very encouraging to my spirit.

Thank you for reminding me that God can be found everywhere and in every situation. We who have been so blessed by the opening of our eyes see the handy work of our Lord in nature, for nature itself declares his existence.

I have gained much knowledge through Ray’s papers and this forum but only because God has allowed this understanding to encompass my mind and heart. I find God works through all his children.

Thank you again Digitalwise for reminding me God can be found everywhere and in all things.

God bless you my brother. In His Love. You’re friend and brother. Richard.

Richard D

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2008, 06:58:42 AM »

Dave UK.

I also believe like so many of us that these false teaching were taught without regards for truth. We know one must worship God in spirit and truth. But why have the religious leaders withheld this truth from those who are seeking?

When one comes to and accurate knowledge of God can one worship in spirit and truth, why has truth been concealed? One can not deny these false teachings within the church. We are indeed blessed to understand the difference between the two and the road we must walk on.

My brother, the elect are receiving an accurate knowledge of God and I’m starting to wake up to this fact that we here are receiving and accurate knowledge of God. It’s sobering when one starts to understand this.

                            In His Love. Richard. You’re friend and brother.

Chris R

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2008, 08:44:09 AM »

I had finished watching the 08 conference videos and discovered more lies I had been taught by Christendom. So I understand the world is billions of years old and there was not a world wide flood in Noah’s day.

My question is this, is it true that although the world is billions of years old that man has only been on the earth for six thousands years? Or is this another false tale as well?  ???

We really don't know..... Rays message was not about precise times or events, Even scientists figure the world to be between 4 billion, and 4.5 billion years old.... don't sound like much...but 500,000,000 years is alot of years.

The message centers around why the science community will dismiss ANY religion based on ignorant facts that the earth is only 7-8 thousand years old.

I wouldn't get tied up in knots over a precise time when man was created, but look at this mesage as a whole, and its intention to discredit Christendoms theory of worldwide floods, and four thousand year old dinosaur bones which science knows to be false.

There is a reason we decided to tread softly on these subjects, because we know that topics such as this have no decisive answers, and threads might turn to guessing, surmising, and towards subjects that have little to do with bibletruths.


Chris R

« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 08:45:50 AM by Chris R »

Richard D

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2008, 09:16:44 AM »


Thanks for the understanding that mans duration on earth is not relevant in conjunction with bible truths. However understanding mans duration on earth just exposes those who contradict.

I fully understand that everything I was taught to believe about God and how to get saved and how we send ourselves to hell if we don’t except Christ before we die does anger me.

In fact Chris, it sickens me to no end. But I forgive them Chris because this is the right thing to do. I’m sure I have question that will go unanswered in this age and in the next age my question probably won’t even matter because we will be with God.  :)

                                                   In His Love. Richard.

Chris R

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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2008, 09:26:26 AM »

Hi Richard,

I agree,  Ray has exposed christendoms idea that the earth is a mere 7000 years old, i guess what i'm saying is more in the line of what the Apostle Paul taught in Tim 1

Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: [so do]

I reckon once the heresy is exposed, which it has been.....then we move forward...


Chris R


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Re: More Propaganda exposed !!!
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2008, 12:48:03 AM »

In Genesis 2:7, it says that “the LORD formed man of the DUST of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living SOUL.” The word MAN is the word ADAM (H120), and is used two different ways in the Scriptures. It can be indicative of a specific human being (the first man, Adam), or of the entire species of mankind. The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary tells us on page 25 that:

Adam means man, and in many places the Hebrew word refers to mankind in general. Genesis 1:27, for example, says, “So God created man [adam] in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female [see also Genesis 5:2; 6:1]. Adam is also used of the first man, either with the article as “the man” (Genesis 2:15,16) or as the name “Adam” (Genesis 4:1,25; 5:3,4). Finally, the term can refer to a member of the human race, “a man” (e.g., Genesis 2:5, “there was no man to work the ground”).

Genesis 5:2 says: “And [He] called (not his, but) THEIR name Adam.” The word ADAM is clearly used in the plural form here, which denotes, not the first man, but mankind in general.

Now perhaps you are aware that “dust” is a symbol for man-KIND (Gen. 3:19; Eccl 12:7; etc). So what is the Gen. 2:7 text really implying? Could it be that God merely took the DUST (prehistoric men) who were already here on the earth and added a key element (God's Spirit) to turn the DUST into a living SOUL? The word “breath” (H5397: ruah) can denote divine inspiration or intellect. One of Christianity's biggest misconceptions is this idea that God already perfectly created (past tense) man in His image. He did not. Creating man in God's image has been an ongoing PROCESS, which began (perhaps) several hundred thousand years ago with prehistoric men, and will not be completed until this corruption puts on incorruption (I Cor. 15). So it is very possible that approximately 6,000 years ago God was simply moving this evolutionary process along according to His plan. And this would go a long way to explain all of the skeletal remains of creatures such as Neanderthal man Cro-Magnon man, which bore a resemblance to modern man, but were different nonetheless. A Biblical Hebrew scholar also testified to Dr. Gerald L. Schroeder that there is nothing definitive in the Genesis account which would positively affirm that Adam and Eve were the first humankind beings created by God.

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