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Author Topic: Jonah Moment  (Read 6769 times)

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Jonah Moment
« on: December 09, 2008, 10:17:47 AM »

Hey Gang,

Right now, things are VERY tight financially for me right now.  However, I feel led to write this question to all of you (especially you newbies), in light of Joe's thread about Jonah's Gourd.,8707.0.html

 Have you had a JONAH MOMENT latley?    Give this some thought.
Doesn't it appear that YOU are at a pont where nothing seems to go your way?  As I think about the Gospel account of Jonah more and more, I'm starting to see (a bit clearer I might add) what that account means SPIRTUALLY for all of us.  Remember that God called Jonah to preach to a corrupt Ninevah, and Jonah wanted no part of that.  He tried to run away from his calling, but God had EVERYTHING under control.  Preparing the Great Fish to swallow Jonah when he jump into the raging sea. 

Someone I know was recently arrested back in September.  I felt that the Lord had called me to write this person a letter informing him that God was in control of his situation.  I didn't write the letter when the words were given to me.  And I thought about it more when a project I was to be doing last month fell through.  I did eventually write the letter, and things are STILL tight as my prospect seem to be dim.  However, I now see that being in the belly of the fish, SYMBOLIZES a point of BROKENESS, and SURRENDER to what God had called me to do.  He has me right where He wants me, and has the FINAL SAY on what happens from here. 

In other words, what I wanted to do wasn't what He wanted me to do.  Since EVERYTHING is on His APPOINTED time schedule.  And what comes in His time WILL come.  Not one milli-second sooner, not one nano-second later.  The Lord knew Jonah would do EXACTLY what he did.  And was merciful, to have brought Jonah to be able to fufill what he called to do.  Not that it was easy or that Jonah necessarily liked it.  But God's ways are NOT our ways, and until HE has brought to that point of surrender to His will we will feel like we're in the belly of a fish.  Dark, dank, dreary, hopeless wishing (like Jonah) we were dead rather than stuck. 

As you ponder this, think of a paper, email reply, or audio from Ray that has helped you understand your JONAH MOMENT. 



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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2008, 11:19:28 PM »

That is very interesting Ches.  Sorry I am just now finding your thread.
I will have to think on the Aha Jonah moment, as I feel sorta in the belly still.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 12:11:21 AM »

I have those moments often,wanting to do what I want to do knowing I can't.
 I have to sick this out.
I hope that makes sense. :)


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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 12:40:50 PM »

Hey Ches,

Just saw this post myself....Eventually all lessons lead to the Jonah moment!
When we are in the belly of the Whale we learn compassion for others, and know we are not in control of anything.

Praying God's will for you that he will meet all your needs, and trusting with you that GOD works all things for GOOD for everyone.




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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2008, 11:50:08 PM »

Your Jonah moment is so vivid. I, in my older years, have the opportunity to look back at so many of those moments in my life. I find myself praising GOD that HE new best and that HE has blessed me beyond belief.  Age and maturity does bring into perspective HIS will and HIS wisdom. GOD brought L. Ray Smith and Bible-Truths into my life at just the right moment. I thank HIM that in my Jonah moments HE always knew what was best.


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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2008, 07:34:49 PM »

...As you ponder this, think of a paper, email reply, or audio from Ray that has helped you understand your JONAH MOMENT. 


Well, all of Ray's teachings have been AMAZINGLY helpful. But as far as my "Jonah Moment" goes, I think that the Conference 2005 Audio series that includes "Repentance, We Are All Guilty of All, and How To Get Saved" had the biggest impact on me recently, as it was extremely humbling, and yet comforting at the same time.

It pierced my 'prideful heart' and really helped me to understand who I am (as all of us) as human beings. I've done my share of sins, even really bad sins, and yet I know that but "by the grace of God", I could have been 100 times worse...

It's also comforting to know that God is in control. He has given me a strong, growing desire to be better and to follow Him closer, and so when I fall, it hurts a lot. But I know that in His time, I will get to where He wants me.

'In The Valley of Gehenna'



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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2008, 07:58:54 PM »

Daywalker, It is hard when we fall. But, over the years I have seen how God has used those falls as part of my training to become more like him. There are things in my life that God has given me victory over and things I still need victory over. Kind of strange on how he gives victory over some right away and others we go through longer. But, I believe he even chooses those falls. It is wonderful to know he is in control. Just the fact you want to quit falling shows how he is working in you. We do have trials and tribulations so that we can learn and see him work his victories in us. Sometimes he has grown me up slowly and other times fast. We, all are in a race. I guess, if we never took a fall we would never learn anything.

We Serve A Awesome God!!!!!!
In His Love,


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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2008, 07:09:42 PM »

Thanks for your responses.  I know that the question is DEEPLY personal, thus the reluctance on the part of members to share.  I hope that this thread will encourage you as an adversity pill to endure such times.



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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2008, 10:16:46 PM »

... Kind of strange on how he gives victory over some right away and others we go through longer. But, I believe he even chooses those falls. ...

We Serve A Awesome God!!!!!!
In His Love,

Hey Marlene,

Great points!! So true..  ;)

Funny thing, when I first discovered this site, and God started drawing me towards Him, and I starting studying Ray's teachings and the Scriptures, I noticed that immediately God took a few 'sins' away from me. Suddenly, I didn't do them anymore, and the desire was gone! But soon after, I started to get a lil 'cocky', amazed at all the knowledge that I had been gaining. And God reminded me real quick of who I was by giving me some of those 'sins' back. (More specifically, the desire) God definitely has a lot of humor, there's no topping Him on that!  :D

Well, soon after I started straightening up again. And as I said earlier, Ray's teaching from the '05 Conference was exactly what I needed... (God: "Of course it was. Would you expect anything less from Me?")

Slowly Being Humbled,



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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2008, 01:43:48 PM »

Hello Ches & Everyone,

I have been hesitant in replying to this since my most profound (to date) 'Jonah Moment' actually came before I stumbled onto Bible Truths.

It was early 2002 when I started having strange dreams of being sort of trapped within crawl spaces or (Florida style) shallow attics, I could squeeze in to make my inspection of the construction but when I attempted to reposition myself to exit there was no room to turn around, crawling backwards was not a real option as it was always after a series of turns that I found myself feeling trapped. The more I wiggled around seeking a better postion the more the space seemed to shrink and the walls appeared to be even closer. I would wake up in a sweaty panic mode grateful beyond words that it was only a dream. This happened multiple times, 20, 30, maybe more over about a 2 year period or so, each time it felt like it was the first time I experienced this, it wasn't until I woke up and regained my composure that I realized it was just another episode in this series of being trapped and squeezed, even though they were all virtually the same I could not for the life of me figure out the plot. Bizarre!

This anxiety would stay with me (not as intensely but still consciously) through the day, a feeling of being trapped and having no power within myself to do anything about it, frustration and a sense of weakness were my constant companions. Was I experiencing some midlife crisis, was this normal? I didn't ask about it, or discuss this feeling with anyone, no way was I going to show myself to be a weakling who was breaking down mentally. There was a real sense of something big missing, a gaping hole in the center of my soul, why now, things were relatively good as far as family, friends, job, etc. What the heck is my problem? 

I really had no clue as to why it was happening and even less of a clue as to the solution but not being one to sit around and sink into self pity or (heaven forbid) see a mental health specialist I decided I needed to do something, something big, something that would be a testimony that I actually existed, long after I departed this world, I would build us a new house! It would outlast my wife and I and perhaps it would be handed down to our daughter and maybe even our (eventual) grandkids. I had some ideas on how I would build it, first class all the way, all the bells and whistles, what we call in the (home building) business 'a jewel box.'

We had a nice investment property on the Hillsborough River, woods on one side, only one neighbor adjacent to our property, a huge lot, 300' deep and more than 70' feet of frontage on the water, a perfect place to build this monument to myself. The only problem was the sinking, freefalling sense of emptiness was still getting worse. I would think, well once I get the permit approved I will feel better, as Ray might say; "wrong paleface."

Each step of the way I would think, "ok, once this is done I will begin to feel like I am something, that my self worth will return in full bloom," wrong again!

The actual construction went along really well, I used the same sub contractors as our company uses and I played the role of General Contractor, they all treated me very good in regard to prices and meeting my schedule, the only problem was my soul felt even emptier, there was little joy in this project that was supposed to make this Pinocchio a real boy! Yes, I acted happy as I interacted with the trades or showed the progress to the wife and others but there was no real joy, there was less joy on the horizon.

2004 was the worst year of the 30+ years I have lived in Florida in regard to hurricane activity, now guess what year I built the house?  ;) It was going smooth until I was nearing completion (in August) but the weather had other plans:

The house withstood the onslaught with no adverse effects or damages, I installed more than double the hurricane straps that the code requires and the architectual shingles did their job so we were ok in that respect, the only setback was a few felled (small) trees and some water pooling in areas where the final grading had not been completed. The ditch we dug for the front drainage culvert was flooded for a while but we had to just wait it out to make the needed repairs and complete it. The overall delay was close to 2 months.

Does anyone remember where I was going with this?  ???

Ok, now I remember, empty soul, midlife crisis, trapped in an attic, Jonah moment......

2004 becomes 2005 and the always positive (I speak as a fool) news media is predicting an even worse hurricane season for the new year, my house is not my only concern as our company was building 300 or so houses per year at that time and my responsibility was the Warranty Dept. in addition to Quality Control. Technically, according to Florida Statute (I forget the #) builders are not responsible for "Acts of God" but try telling that to home owners who experience leaks or failed roof systems, they get emotional and dread the idea of paying an insurance deductible in addition to their mortgage. I had determined in previous years the best plan of action was to physically inspect (either me or one of my employees) the house and determine if there was even the slightest chance the problem might have been our fault or even partially our fault, if so we just took care of the problem. It still was no fun dealing with people who were in a highly agitated state before we even had the opportunity to evaluate the situation and make any needed repairs.

The thought of all this sent me spiralling down even faster.

One night as my gaping internal hole tore further open I sat at my computer wondering if all this hurricane activity was a sign from God that the end was near, is this what all the doom and gloom, rapture peddlers were selling? I typed in "weather revelation" hoping to get some insight from scripture and guess what popped up? :o

L. Ray Smith, hell does not exist!

It did not meet the words I entered and I was never able to replicate the result but I was just enough intrigued by this "nutjob" to check his site out for a bit, maybe get a laugh or two...... I really wondered when the pitch to buy a book or CD would come up, you know how it goes, put up a teaser line or two and if you want the whole story get out your wallet! :P

About 3 or 4 hours later after my wife heard me repeatedly shout WOW! AMAZING! YES! she came upstairs to my office wondering if I was watching porn or something and I told her I had found the most incredible site, I was babbling on in my joyful excitement and after politely listening she told me it was getting late and asked when I was coming to bed (my very first experience with a BT scoffer)! ;D

That was the beginning of my Jonah Moment coming to an end, the fish coughed me onto the beach, the feeling of being trapped and bound and helpless lessened, I could even that night feel the gaping hole in my soul start to heal. The Spirit of God through the inspired writings on Bible Truths had introduced Himself to me and I was so happy to welcome Him!

Sorry for the length of this folks but that is another reason I was hesitant in responding here, I knew once I got started I would go on and on and on....



« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 02:21:39 PM by hillsbororiver »


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Re: Jonah Moment
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2008, 06:07:13 PM »

Thanks Ches, Joe, Marlene, Brenda, gmik, Jackie lee, Phil3:10, Daywalker for sharing your moments.
Yes we all have had or are having Jonah moments often. I have come to understand that
when those times are on me to pay attention to where my focus is and stop procrastinating.
Waiting on The Lord Jesus to Work things out is hard when i think i can fix it. Well every fix
i have ever done on my own has grown into an even worse predicament. Today finds me in
constant communication with God In Prayer just to check my way before i go.

Now these Scriptures are my companions always:

Matthew 6:33:
But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 11:29:
Take my yoke on you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.

Philippians 4:19:
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 6:11:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

george. :)

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