Almost, two years ago, I left my church of many years. There was a Woman who was in a severe car accident and left paralyzed. She had not been going to my church very long. Through, her accident we had a chance to become wonderful friends. She was so heart sick when I left the church. I never told her what the Pastor did to us so as not to make trouble. She did find out through the grapevine. We have remained friends. Just, wanted to give you some history of how we became friends.
She had to have skin grafts on her legs because of sores and infections not healing. She is now again confined to bed because these skin grafts are not taking hold right. She is so down from being bed fast. I have been sharing Ray's Truths with her over the phone. I have not been albe to get out much because of my health problems. Still recovering from surgery. But, she is really depressed. She is very receptive to what he is teaching. I am going to make her some copies and try and visit her. Give her something to read while she is in the bed.
I believe God put her in my path for a purpose. She is such a humble and loving person. She had a care worker who went to church with her once. The Pastor preached on tithe and she felt she could never go back cause she barely had money to make ends meet.
I would love for you all to pray for her a healing, and that also, that I might be used of God to show the Truths of God Ray has presented. She does not judge me nor think I am on the wrong track. But, I need to spend some time with her. We planned on her getting out this Spring and Summer and spending time outside learning together.
I have talked to her about all the wonderful Brother and Sisters in Christ I have here. I know, if it is the will of God this will all work out, but would love your prayers also.
In His Love,