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« on: June 08, 2006, 12:01:19 PM »

Hello Ray,  I wanted to e-mail you and tell you how I found your website.  I have always believed in God and Jesus as my Savior. I didn't always attend church so well. Most of my life I've been doing a real good job of being the sinner that I am. I am now 62 years old,and taking my beliefs a  lot more serious, than I have in the past. Have been for the past several years. Lost my husband 11 years ago to cancer, and the trials we went through during that time, brought both my husband and I close to God. After his death I began to attend church services. I attended different churches in the last 11 years, but was not satisified,so I ended up not going. But  I would get my Bible out from time to time and get interested in it. I watched a lot of televangilists on tv, and would get downright disgusted. I downloaded e-sword and then I really got interested in learning Gods word. I always hated the hell the chu rches taught, and it always made me feel that something wasn't right. I started digging in the Strongs for proof of what they were teaching. I would get frustrated as I couldn't seem to grasp it. One day I got to thinking about all the evil in the world, after watching CNN. It then hit me, that most of mankind was going to end up in the hidious hell that was being taught. I couldn't stop thinking about it . I started to get really angry at God, and would rant  at Him, Literally yelled at him for being so hateful. One night while lying in bed and unable to sleep from thinking about it, I yelled at Him and said," Well, you may as well throw me in their too, cause if you're going to do this horrid thing to all those people, I hate you, I don't love you anymore!" All at once these words popped into my mind......"If you can feel this way, How do you think I feel". I stopped crying,I lay very still and thought, where did that come from? I said, God, was that you? Or am I g oing crazy? But there was nothing. I jumped out of bed, turned the computer on, and punched HELL in the search engine. Your websight caught my eye,and I clicked on it. I read,and read, and read until about 3:30 in the morning. I cried, and cried, and cried, but it was with JOY! It was like a heavy weight being lifted off my heart. Then believe it or not, I danced and danced, and would drop to my knees in praise to God. Then I would dance some more, and praise some more. Now, that was probably a real sight...A 62 year old woman dancing around in her nightgown! But who saw me? God did!  I want to thak you for this wonderful websight! I just wish there was a church in my area that taught all this. I would be their first member. Thank you, Thank you, thank you, God., And thank you, thank you, thank you, Ray Smith!

Dear Ms J:
Well bless your soul:  If I had been there I would have danced with you!  People curse and damn me to hell on a daily basis, not having a clue as to what they are talking about.  Most of them don't literally say, "Damn you to hell, Ray," but that IS what they are hoping will happen to me, as to insist: "You will find yourself in the very hell you claim doesn't exist."
Your experience alone, J, is worth all of the thousands of hours I spend writing papers and answering emails to encourage those who have a love of the Truth.
God be with you,
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