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Author Topic: July 10, 2009 Continued  (Read 5038 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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July 10, 2009 Continued
« on: July 10, 2009, 11:30:56 AM »

I've been reading your work for a while but have never e-mailed you... I just read about your illness and am very sorry to hear it, know I am praying for you and your family...  I don't go to church because no church I know of believes what we do. I'm no Bible scholar but I know what I believe and its right in line with you so going to your page and doing a little Bible study and reading is my church... Know this: You've brought me closer God and I thank you from the bottom of my heart... May God hold you near and dear...   Ronnie

Dear Ray,
You and Manuela are in my thoughts and prayers daily.  You are a  
treasure and blessing to so many of us who have been spiritually  
enlightened by your writings.  God has used you mightily in reaching  
so many people who are hungry and thirsty for Him and His truth.  None  
of us came to your site by accident but by Divine appointment.  I give  
God all the glory and thank Him routinely for gifting you with more  
spiritual insight than any other person I have ever been associated  
with.  Your writings, Ray, have been the catalyst which opened my  
spiritual eyes and ears beyond my wildest expectations.  I am so very  
grateful to you and appreciate you more than words can possibly express.
I will continue to pray for your healing, strength and the Peace of God.
God Bless You,

Ray –  Thank you for your excellent teaching regarding the Truths of God’s Word. Truly these teachings have set us free from bondage and prison and the lies and deception of the church’s hypocrisy. All the questions I had, and all the (false) doctrines I was taught have been answered and totally destroyed by The Truth. Thank you for your courage, teaching us the hidden Wisdom of God which is NOT for everyone in this age. The God of Christendom is not the God in the Holy Scriptures. These charlatans do not believe The Scriptures, do not believe Jesus Christ, and love the fact that God is going to destroy or burn most of humanity because He is fair and a Loving God.  Unbelievable!  May God keep you in health and in Spirit all the days of your life; and continue to provide all your needs as He has promised.   Brother George (in The Beloved).
Hi Ray,   Thanking our Lord above who is able to keep you in spite of your condition til to date. I have to say that I was blown away of your scripts on Nashville conference 08, especially the topic of WISDOM! Wow!  How do you do this? How do you connect all this truth?  Make no mistake about it, you are Super gifted of the heavenly! As the bible says, every good gift comes from the Father!  I still need to chew down my throat this new information you are throwing at me at once!  I don’t know what to make of it but it’s a little too much for me! Thank you kindly for your teachings!    Floyd

Dearest Brother Ray,  I wanted to tell you what you have meant to me.  I was praying one night with all my heart for God to tell me the truth about eternal punishment.  It never made sense to me and yet, and YET, what to DO with all that scripture? You changed my life.  I have read and read and re-read nearly everything you have written.  I walk everyday and frequently listen to you on my IPOD.  I feel such sorrow for all that you are going through.  I pray for you.  I do not say this lightly, I REALLY will pray for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.  May God BLESS you and keep you, may he be gracious unto you,  may he lift up his countenance upon you and GIVE YOU PEACE.  See you on the other side,  Jann

Ray:  I have just looked on your site and read about your condition. I am truly sorry to hear of your illness I pray God heals you from this, I will let all of my friends know and we will pray for you Ray. With love, Robert, Australia. God be with you Ray Always.

Hi Ray, if it is within the scope of what God wants for your life, I ask that He heals you completely of all illness. You have been an invaluable guide for me towards the truths of God and His Kingdom, and for that I am and will be forever grateful.  I also ask that irrespective of God’s plan for you, I ask that you be infused with the peace of God at all times. Either way, I’ll see you on the other side!  Take care  Mark

Hi Ray  I am so sorry to hear about your illness.  I am praying ,HARD, for you and your family.  I have sent you emails seeking your guidance and your responses have helped me tremendously.  Ray, I want you to know that your teaching has brought me joy, sometimes unspeakable joy.  I now look at GOD as a faithful creator with a plan. You have answered the call and have brought many us out of darkness into light.  Your courage, insight, intelligence and will are to be admired.  You truly are an inspiration to us all.  Now, get better, you are not done!!!!!   Pat
Dear Ray,  I am sorry to hear you are still unwell. It is my prayer that God will give you the strength to endure and  above all, that His will is done in your life. I believe that God is going to use you even more after this trial you are going through for His glory.  May the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be merciful unto you and your family, and heal you.  We love you and we pray for you Ray!   Evelyn and children.

My Dear Friend Ray.  Just letting you know that I have been praying for your recovery.  I feel a certain kinship with you.  I too have had prostate cancer (so far doing O.K).  I also spent over 25 year in Worldwide.  I have copied and studied your writings for the past three years. I have them catagorized and neatly lined up in binders.  My daily routine is to check Bible Truths and see what new material or comments may have been added.   I have been "reawakened" to search for truth after being disillusioned from my Worldwide experience.  Thank you for using the gifts of discernment, analysis, and writing God has given you for our edification.  God bless you.  Your friend in Colorado  Lynn ...

Mr. Smith,  I have been spiritually blessed by your writings and want you to know I thank God for you.  I stumbled onto your web site only a few weeks ago, and since have come back almost daily to read your material.  You are a blessing to so many and I pray it is God's will to heal you.  Your Brother in Christ,   Orlan

Dear Bro. Ray,  I am saddened to read that you are sick, and I know a great number who don't appreciate you are joyfully mocking you.  I fear for them more  than you having sickness. God gave you peace by His word.  I hope and pray that God in Jesus name heals you and clears the mind and spirit of those who contradict.  May the grace and mercy of God heal you for His Glory, and may He lengthen your life to bring out to the world the truth. In Christ, Bro. Cesar

Hi Ray, Just a note to remind you that your are remaining in our prayers here in Lake Orion Michigan. I am sure prayers are being said 24/7 around the world, praise God. My heart is heavy and I am concerned for you in your time of need. Rest and get well soon. Thank you for being you and sharing the marvelous truths of God with us. Peace and Grace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ.  ….. and I cant thank you enough for revealing God's truths to me. I was 24 years of age when I first came across your website and my life was changed. I live in California and I know that your preaching has reached people all around the world and will continue spreading even if God takes you from us. I am sorry to hear that you are very ill but I'm glad that you are doing a little better. I hope to meet you one day face to face. I will pray for you and your health. Thank you for all the spiritual treasures that you gave all of us that God has sent across your site.  I cant thank you enough. May God richly bless you and your family and may he give you health.  Much Love and respect to you.  Thank you!  YOUR WORK WAS AND IS NOT IN VAIN

Hey Ray,
I know you are fighting an incredible illness and my heart and prayers go out to God on your behalf, your family, and all those who oppose you and all those whose lives have been forever changed by your love of the true God (big G). I have an inner peace that I have never known before because of that love. I am forever changed and inspired to carry on in your footsteps in boldly proclaiming the true God without reservation. I love you.  Many thanks, John

Ray,  I have been reading your articles for two years now. There are no words to express my gratitude to God for bringing me to your site. I am truly being set free daily and tear-up even now as I reflect upon the ways God has changed my life through your faithful work on Bible truths. Thank you!!! I am so sorry for the devastating health problems you are facing. But know that we have a God that is greater. My prayers, concern and love extend to you and your family. May God bring you peace, comfort and ever increasing faith to rest in Him.
 Love,   Sherri

Shalom and greetings Ray  Thank you so much for all your teachings and for opening so many of  our eyes to know the truth about God and his word.

I am sad that you are so sick but know all is in God's hand.  This is very comforting to me coming from a Catholic and strict background of heaven/hell.  I pray for God's grace upon your life and as I have prayed I have told the Lord how much we need you here with us.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

Many blessings

I've never mailed you, but I've read your site for a while now. I'm saddened by your condition, but I sincerely hope you make it. God's will shall be done, whatever the outcome. But just in case, I wanted to let you know what you've done for me. You helped me to accept God again. Every contradiction, every question I had that no pastor could answer, you covered it all. I'm sure you get mail like this all the time, and mine may not stand out that much, but that's fine. It's just one more life you've touched. I guess all we can do now, is see what God has in store. Thank you, Ray. God bless you. Mark

First I want to thank God for leading me to your website. I am a 'born again ' Christian almost all my life and I love God BUT I have always sensed and felt like there is a lot of deception going on in the world and especially in Christendom. I had a lot of unanswered questions in my life about a lot of scriptures that I (correctly) thought the Ministers were not explaining or interpreting correctly.

I am a divorced mother of three children ( two living with me and almost grown up ) and on the night of 31 December 2007 I felt like God was leading me to leave the church that we were attending as I had become disillusioned with church and I was seeking the TRUTH. As the head of the family, I discussed this with my children and surprisingly enough they said they felt the same way! We have not been attending any church since then but we have been reading the bible and fasting and praying to God to show us the way. One day I was browsing the net to see if I can find some truths about scriptures ( and God ) and as I was reading this other website, I don’t know what happened and all of a sudden I was reading your website "EXPOSING THOSE WHO CONTRADICT" !!!!!!!
 Boy oh boy was I blessed and scales removed from my eyes! All of a sudden scriptures made sense to me and as I continue to read your papers every day I am beginning to receive answers, for the first time, to my questions!! Many of the answers I already had in my heart but because I was taught something different (and the same things were taught differently at the different churches I have attended throughout my life!) I thought maybe my thinking was wrong, but then again it was all so confusing and I was frustrated.
I introduced my children to your website and they are very grateful and are saying they are beginning to understand scriptures and most importantly to them (and me) how God operates...
 (Who (God) works ALL things after the COUNSEL of His own WILL). This knowledge is really setting us FREE INDEED!!!!!!!! We find that we do not have to ask ' God, why this?’ or ' why that? ' Any more but believe His spoken word.

I just want to say thank you Ray for being such a blessing to us and the millions who are reading about the truth of the word of God on your website! Thank you for being obedient to God, you are doing a fantastic job! I love your sense of humor, and we all love you Ray and we are praying for you to be healed of that sickness in your body. I do not know about the current state of your health but I know that God will never leave you nor forsake you; He is with you in this fire you are going through.

God bless you and your family Ray!

Yours in Christ,
Evelyn and family

Dearest Ray
I can only imagine what you are experiencing and what your precious family must be enduring.
With all my heart, strength and mind, I just want to say I love the teachings you have shared with me. They have broken forever the bond of error that once blinded me. Though I am still unconverted, I do have the blessing of knowing that God has touched me through the honest words you have published.  
With all my soul I wish you soothing relief in your time of suffering and heavenly mercies upon you and your family..
Subject: “Thanks”
That's all.  Thank you.

Regards in Christ, Valerie

“Thanks” is enough, Valerie!
God be with you,


I want to thank you for giving me hope. I can't thank you enough for the good work you do, and for all the people you have helped and healed. I only hope one day I can come remotely close to following in your footsteps. You have truly set an honest, humble, and powerful example to all whose lives you have touched. I know that you will divert the praise, but I truly believe our Father is smiling down on you today saying "well done thou good and faithful servant."

You and yours are in my prayers and I pray that God works a miracle of healing on you.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

Hello Ray,
   Words cannot express how sorry my wife and I feel about your condition. You are constantly in our prayers. We do rejoice that you are in our Father's hand and His will be done. You have been a blessing too, beyond words to our family in that God used you to bring the 'light' we were missing and searching for. That light being the TRUTH in God's word and about his TRUE character. We have paid a price in receiving that truth but so be it. Although we've never met you, do know that you are loved and appreciated deeply. God willing, one day we'll meet on this side of things. :)
Be encouraged Brother!
James and Marsha

Dear Ray,
 The news of your condition deeply saddends me because of the way way your teaching and courage has changed my life. I'm a black ordained former Baptist preacher who could not continue preaching a so called good news which was really bad news. When I first came across your site I was convinced that you had to be a false teacher. But I prayed and asked God to please open my eyes to the truth and your teaching helped me to unlearn religion and help me to grasp the true love and grace that I always knew deep in my heart that God has for his crown of creation. You will always be an inspiration to me. You sir are a warrior in the Kingdom of God. I will always thank Him for leading me to your website. My prayers are with you and your family. I also pray that all the people fortunate enough to learn under your teaching will be as courageous as you have been to stand up for truth. I know that you know God is able as you hold His unchanging hand . You are a mighty man of God.
Rev. Brian P.

Aloha Brother Dennis,
Thank you for helping the rest of us stay in touch with Ray during this trying season. Please convey to Ray how much he has inspired me to seek the truths of God. I pray Ray's healing in the flesh and because of Ray's teachings I am no longer the Pentecostal-emotional-lead-me-by-the-nose-believing-everything should-be-healed-because-I-asked-for-it kind of Christian. Praise God! And Praise God for Ray!  …..

…..  Dear Ray,
You are a truly gifted teacher. I appreciate you very much.
I have received many revelations and insights that can be
attributed to your teaching gift and inspiration. The ripple
effect of your teachings and how God uses you will be
instrumental to Christ' Body before the great day of the
Lord. Thank you, Ray.

Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you Father.  
My prayer of praise and thanksgiving is to God for you Ray.  Jesus,
thank you for blessing my brother and his wife and family
during these times of trial.  May the peace of God along with
the grace of our Lord Jesus rest upon Ray and his wife.
Maranatha!  Brother Kimo, Hilo, Hawaii

Hi Ray,
I was sitting here thinking about you and praying for you. I know that you are going through a lot here and all of my prayers are with you. God used you to change my life forever and I will never forget you for that. You have made me and I am sure many other people into real Christians, the ones who seek out the truth. I love you Ray and no matter what the current situation is, I will always thank you for your contribution into my life. I am at peace, happy and looking forward to what God has in store for me. I am no longer at a struggle about whether I need to be in church or not because now I know that I am the church. Thank you Ray. I look forward to seeing you again if at all possible. Tell your lovely, beautiful wife that I said hello and I look forward to talking to her again as well. Again, I love you with all my heart and my prayers are with you.    In Jesus name,  Shawn

Just wanted to say that everyone on the forum is still praying for you and your family. You have been a great blessing to us. Please take comfort in knowing that you are loved and appreciated.

Ray, I haven’t been to your site in quite a while.  I was shocked and saddened to hear of your illness.  I just want you to know that your heralding of God’s word really influenced my life 10 years ago and continues each and every day.  I thank you for sharing the Truth God graciously granted you.  You’ve been given light the vast majority of mankind won’t see until the consummation of the ages, when all will be vivified in Christ and the Father will be All in all.  I came to your site 10 years ago seeking truth and found a multitude there.  How we can glory in the knowledge that none will be left out of God’s plan and all will be included at the end of the ages.  I love you brother, and as you well know, GOD IS IN CHARGE AND NOTHING HAPPENS OUTSIDE OF HIS WILL.  Take comfort in that.  Alan, Oklahoma
Thank You Ray for all your labor of Love……You are the Righteousness of God in Christ. Love you brother!!!!!    Fran, Wilmington Delaware.

Hi Ray,
 I'm saddened to hear about your health.  I pray God may heal you but I know that all is after His plan.  Your teachings have changed my life and brought me far closer to God and I know you have so much more to teach us.  Whatever He does I will bless the Lord for your sake.
God bless you Ray, in this life and the next,

Hello Ray:  Thank you for sharing Bible truths; it has been a great blessing to me and for once in my Christian walk I am no longer afraid, but trust in God with joyful hope.  I pray that the will of God our Father will be done in your life according to His good pleasure. Get well soon brother in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kind Regards from South Africa, Hannes
God Bless you wonderful man of God, with absolute complete healing, and thank you for all that you have done for me.   Tracey

« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 12:27:22 PM by Dennis Vogel »
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