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Author Topic: ...a quick hello  (Read 4387 times)

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...a quick hello
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:08:59 PM »

Hello everyone,

I finally am able to say a quick hello and to let you all know that you are thought of much more than I have been able to express or show lately, and for that I do apologize and hope that you all do not think that I have taken for granted the past relationship that we have made together, because I don't.  I recall where we left off as well as the details of our interactions.  I miss all of you and miss the interaction and fellowship that we once shared (you know who you are too ;D), so I pray that we can just pick up from where we left off and I hope that no one is offended that I tend to drop off of the face of the earth when the trials of life overwhelm's just my way of coping and keeping my head above the water, staying positive and focused on The Lord and not on the negative things.  I really do have a place in my heart for you all and for the bond that I have built with each of you.  I think that the trials are now at a place in my life where I am now able to have a little extra time, and of course I want that time to be spent here with you all.  So, give me some updates on what is new with everyone.  How is Ray, especially?  I pray for him and for all of you as well, as the Spirit leads me to, but I've been out of the loop for too long.  It's great that I see a lot of new names here too.

I am in College here is West Texas, working toward my Masters' Degree (I still have a long way to go too;) but, GOD is good b/c HE has provided a fully paid education for me; in fact, HE blessed me so much that HE has the VA paying a monthly stipend on top of the tuition, just for me to go to great that, and is our God?!)  What is ironic/providential really, is that 30 years ago I stood on this very same Christian Campus with a friend whom was trying to encourage me to go to this University and to get a degree in Social Work, but, I told her then that I was going to obey God by not going into debt/loans for an education, and that if God wanted me to go to school, then HE would provide for me to go!  I was made to be patient (HA, FOR 30 YEARS...)  BUT, GOD KEPT HIS WORD, AND FINALLY, I AM CURRENTLY WORKING TOWARD EARNING MY MSW (Masters in Social Work! (too funny)      Plus, I am still homeschooling Daniel, almost 13 years old now.  And I just quit a job at the VA Clinic, that I really did like a lot, but it was too much with everything else going on.)

I just can't thank you enough (Kat, Craig, Joe,Dennis, and all of you moderators at BT) for allowing God to use you in this capacity, b/c without your willingness to assist here, we would be in trouble, I am certain!

Well, gotta get in the textbooks, finals are just around the corner....(I covet your prayers for them too...thank you!)

Take much care.
Lots of Love,
Susan (West Texas)


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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 10:48:17 AM »

Hi Susan,

I'm so happy you will be joining in here again  :)  How time flies, my 3 girls have all grown up, one is maried and the last will be leaving home in about a month. But on a happier note I do have my first grandbaby, Zoey.

Ray had a Bible study last month, the first in about 2 1/2 yrs. We are hopeful that he will have more this yr. It's amazing how he keeps going, in spite of his illness, still working on multiple articles. We can't understand the ways that God works from our standpoint, but praise Him as He is perfect and wise in all His ways.

Well hope to see you here on a regular bases  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 11:30:57 AM »

Hello Kat,
I'm so glad to hear from you, as you have always been so positive and such an encouragement to me.  Wow, you're gonna have a lot of time on your hands when your last daughter moves out, what are you going to do with yourself? ???  Plus, your first grandchild, CONGRATS for the big blessing (now I know what your time will be spent doing... ;D)  It seems as if God has blessed you by providing you with Zoey at this time to help make your transition of an empty nester a little bit easier. (I have 6 Grandkids, 3 whom I will probably never get to meet and whom live far away from us, 2 others live here in the same town and are being kept from us, and then one in Ft. Worth where we can;e t visit him enough! It's sad b/c we love them so much! :'()

I'm glad that L. Ray is still able to study on his own and that he got out for another conference, our prayers are working, PRAISE GOD.  I agree, it is a miracle that Ray is doing as well as he is.  God is so gracious to him and to us.  Do you know if he has plans for another meeting?

Take care my sister,
Many Blessings



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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 03:16:00 PM »

Hi Susan!

So much has happened and it all feels like in the twinkling of an eye! Time seems to have less meaning. I feel younger in heart and soul, disposition and assurance. I’ve been changed.

I feel great joy for Ray ~  the quickening of the Spirit of Christ in him, defeats worldly reports and medical forecasts that say he should be dead long ago!
Jesus WAS dead LONG AGO and returns not to deal with sin again but to bring full salvation.
Love to you all and DH


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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 03:28:58 PM » glad to hear how our gracious Lord supplies our needs--especially for
your "eddicashun"!  I know what a "punch in the stomach" feeling it is to be parted from this web-site and the true family we have been adopted into.
Glad to have you back, as oft as you feel you can post.  In Christian love, Duane


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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 10:21:20 PM »

Hey Arc!  So glad to hear some that life is well and that you are staying so positive.  You are an encouragement to me and always have been. Have you been taking those 'Youth" pills again? ;) :o  Young?  Whats' that?? ??? You will really feel 'old' when you go back to college at my age (nearly fifty) and the kids look at you as their mother and grandmother!!!  It's all good, I'm actually enjoying my time there with them though; plus they have.e so much energy, which I need to bottle up and take myself...  I went through seminary 30 years ago with one of my PHD instructors; ha, we were on a team together to go and work in Germany as apprentice missionaries, ha.  Also,God used me to lead her here to Bt, so she is currently a lurker and she is actually wanting to hear more of this good/great news @ BT.  (I almost wrote an English paper in her class about "No Hell"; but, we decided that it might be too much for the young babes in Christ there...)

Anyway, Yes, it is awesome that our Lord has found so much favor with us to allow Ray to stay with us and to teach us as he does; of which i am so very humbled and thankful for Ray to be a willing and positive vessel!  I am so impressed with Rays' spiritual maturity; he is a great example of faith, strength, and love; he is not complaining; yet I know others whom are having hardly any trials in their life and yet they are screaming and kicking about it.

Hello there Duane,
(Ah, I see that you are a 'phonetic' learner... ;D)  He is indeed so gracious toward me!  He is such a great GOD!  So, is sad when I am away from here.  I hope not to stay gone for so long again.  So where are you from Duane?  (I am here in good ole' DUSTY and windy West Texas.)

Y'all take care now, ya hear?? :o



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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 07:17:00 AM »

   Young?  Whats' that?? ???

To my happy surprise I am aware that I am not my body ~ neither can you be!

back to college at my age (nearly fifty)

Have you been taking those 'Youth" pills again? ;) :o 

Jesus dedicates Himself to Resurrection and affirms dependence on God, not death or crucifixion... ~ the Kingdom of God is not of the world nor found in it!

Christ is the Mind and Light in us as we believe as Jesus said “ You are the light of the world.” Do we have to physically die, to believe? No.

Susan, you are a Light that is not your own creation but a gift of Light that has been and ever shall be, The Light of the World.

Shalom my friend, Shalom



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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2011, 02:04:51 AM »

hi susan.  you might not remember seeing my name around, but i remember you and reading posts from you. PLUS, you are a sister texan!  glad you are adding your voice again to let us know you are here.   :)

claudia in austin.  8)


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Re: ...a quick hello
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2011, 11:02:14 AM »

Arc, very well said...I love that THE LIGHT is in us and that we are the light to this world...

Hi again Claudia, I hope all is well with you! I certainly do remember you.  You had joined a few months after I had, several years ago. I used to (and still do) want to call you "ciwood", since your ID looks as if it were spelled that way ??? ??? :D; so,unbeknown to you, I have always called you by the nickname 'ciwood' ::).   Plus, I remember that you are one of only a few Texans here on BT and you've always had interesting posts too. I know of you in Central, Texas, Carol (Sweetwater)l, Debbie the home schooler (SW area), Longhorn (eastern) (and there used to be my friend from he still with us?) So, I guess the Lord has covered all of Texas' with us 'truth seekers and holders', that is pretty neat!  :o 
Take care

Shalom and Blessings,
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