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Author Topic: The speed of a tsunami  (Read 5390 times)

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The speed of a tsunami
« on: March 20, 2012, 02:54:05 PM »

Can we imagine the speed of a Tsunami across the ocean surface and the speed of the force currents in the depth of the ocean after an earth displacement?

The Biblical flood is not said to occur with a gentle rain of 40 days gradually accumulating or with the stored water of the "great deeps" gradually seeping up to the surface. No it is more likely to have been very sudden and with storm surges unlike anything man has seen since. Then with the land covered with water the earth still quaking for weeks and months causing great movements under the surface.

This video illustrates something similar and I don't think it is preaching.
Moderators please examine. Indiana Bob

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 03:54:50 AM by Dave in Tenn »


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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 06:08:53 AM »

Hi Indiana.

Of course the waters came suddenly. But did they form a flood that covered all of our planet?

That's the question.

God bless you,
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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 03:20:24 PM »

Hi Eirik,

Thanks for the question.
My only point in this is that we don't know the former conditions of the earth prior to recorded history and much of that is questionable. Scientist of every discipline are prone to using their imagination to fill in the gaps in their research in order to have their research published, just as are the theologians prone to offer humanly devised answers where God's spirit has not as yet.

Therefore, what if the highest point on the earth prior to the "supposed" global flood was a mountain range of about 1000 meters. All the rest of present day high mountains and sea bed depressions having been formed during the flood by God's miraculous power. It is my understanding that the water presently found in the earth is great enough in volume to stand about 1.5 Kilometer above a smooth surfaced globe.

So, my guess is that there could have been plenty of subsurface water prior to God's miraculous flood event to comply with the Genesis story.

I'll refrain from further comments on this topic unless I get a private email.

Respectfully, Indiana bob


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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 04:40:18 PM »

Hi Bob,

Below is a part of what Ray taught in the 08 conference that helped me to see that the flood could not have been worldwide.,8385.msg69365.html#msg69365 ---------

Well the pyramids really are pretty close to the time of the traditional date of Noah’s flood. 

The Step Pyramid was built in 2750 BC and the Great Pyramid was built about 2560 BC. Now the traditional time of the flood is 2348 BC, so the Great Pyramid is at least 200 years before the flood.
Not only didn’t the flood wipe them away, there is no flood damage! You know what I mean, there was no flood damage on these pyramids. These things are not totally water tight and if there had been a flood rocking around for a whole year and all that sea water would be seeping down into all the chambers an stuff. There is no sea water down in those chambers.
Now one other possibility for this, if only the Great Pyramid is 200 years off, the Step Pyramids 400 years. What if they are all off a few hundred years? Maybe the pyramids were made a little more resent and maybe the flood was a little more early… possibility? Maybe the flood came before 2348, maybe it came around 2770 or something. Well it would have to come a lot earlier than that, because it takes a long time to build the pyramids.  But lets give them a 100 years to build the pyramids and maybe it’s not 2348, but maybe it’s 2800 BC and then after the flood the Egyptians built the pyramids.  It was one of the first things they did, built the pyramids. So we would have a global flood and we would have all the strata accounted for and we would have the pyramids still intact, right. Is there a problem with that? 

[Answer: There would be nobody there to build them, they would be all dead.] Well now that is a good point. Noah might say, ‘kids let get together and we are going to start raising big families over there in Egypt and I think in about, oh I don’t know, about 500 or 1000 years will have enough laborers we can build pyramids.’ That wouldn’t work would it, because then we would have the pyramids being built about 1044 BC when King David was reigning over Jerusalem. That won’t work at all. They would be building the Pyramids 500 years after the children of Israel were slaves down there.

There would be no people who would have built the pyramids. He was over in Mesopotamia some where, Noah and his boys. Then they built the tower of Babel, they didn‘t build pyramids. There is nobody to build the pyramids. 

Well let’s push this thing a little further, maybe the pyramids were built two three or four hundred years later. There is still a problem, there is still a insurmountable problem and I’ll tell you what it is.

With all the architectural Egyptology work going on in Egypt in the last one or two hundred years they have discovered a lot of stuff. They have the kings list pretty complete now, they have the first Dynasty beginning in 3050-2857 BC, Dynasty II: 2857-2705 and they have all the names (see list below) and all the dates of their reigns. All the way through the first dynasty, the second dynasty, the third dynasty that is then known as the Old Kingdom. Dynasty 4,5,6...
I take this list all the way down to 1991 BC to Mentuhotep IV and he reigned at the time of Abraham. Now Abraham is just this side of the flood. So if you are going to tell me that the pyramids were built after the flood, then that’s where they were, not knocked down. What are you going to do with a thousand years of perfectly documented history of the kings of Egypt? Some of these kings built them… Cheops built The Great Pyramid and we know when he reigned 2606-2583, that’s when he built The Great Pyramid of Cheops. The Bent Pyramid was built back in 2705 under the reign of Nebka I. 

So we know when the pyramids were built and we know who was reigning and it is unbroken for a thousand years. How are you going to cramp a thousand years of history, that occurred before the flood, into after the flood? Where are you going to put it? It’s like we take all the history from 1750-1850 in the United States and try to cram it in between 1850-1950 how are you going to cram a hundred years of American history in there, I mean it is just foolishness. So there is the proof.

This in and of itself was enough to convince me, but Ray gave many more proofs than this at that conference. So this is just what I wanted to bring out was what helped me to disbelieve the flood was worldwide.

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 10:39:02 PM by Kat »


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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 10:46:31 PM »

I don't understand everything about the flood in Noah's time, but I have one question that I can't figure out.
If Noah's flood covered the mountains of Ararat, wouldn't water come to that same level all over the globe.  What would stop it from not coming to the same level everywhere?  Just a thought that maybe someone can staighten out for me.


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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 11:01:34 PM »

Hi Sky,

Welcome to the forum  :)
Here is something that Ray says about the ark being on Ararat, from the same conference.,8385.msg79675.html#msg79675 ---------------

 Gen 8:4  And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.

It says that the ark came to rest on Ararat at the top of the mountain. It’s the same thing as the hills or it can mean the hill country.  But young earthers say, ‘yeah it landed on Ararat up there.’ Now in Turkey they call it Mount Ararat... it says “the mountains” or the hills of Ararat. It isn’t like one mountain, but now we’ve got one Mount Ararat. They’re up there looking for the ark and there is one that claims he found it. Of course he didn’t, he lies.

But that mountain is 17,000 ft tall. So think for a moment, just think here men and women. The ark lands at the top of Mount Ararat, 17,000 feet up in the sky and then the water slowly starts to dissipate. Noah sends out a dove and it comes back with an olive branch… growing 17,000 feett high in the sky? Olives don’t grow 17,000 feet on the top of mountains. See the Bible knows what it’s talking about, but young earth Christians and theologians don’t know what they’re talking about.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2012, 02:26:07 AM »

Dear Friend Kat,
I guess you got me there Kat.

Now I have a different problem.
Jesus read the old testament and chose not to correct the misunderstanding that we would obviously draw from what was presented about the genealogy and the historical statements.

The Bible as canonized is not a scientific manual, but Jesus being the son of God would know all of these facts very well. So, what are we to think? What are we to say to our detractors who point out these inconsistencies? Who decides which part of the scriptures is valid. In human relationships the most powerful and most popular organization gets to say what is acceptable.
So, there we have Roman Catholicism holding sway.

I know that this doesn't change what you or I believe, but is sure does add to the mystery.

Jesus said it would not be easy.
Will Jesus find faith on the earth when he returns??
Indiana Bob


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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 10:41:08 AM »

Hi Bob,

This is a good study, we are simply bringing out our thoughts for one another to consider. Having done the transcripts and reading what Ray said so many time in so doing, was a great blessing from God for me in that I have retained so of that info. So I bring it here for others to consider whenever I can  :)

Yes of course Jesus knew perfectly well what was in the OT Scriptures, He did inspire it's writing and no He did not correct things in it to better the understanding of it. I believe it is written as it is so there is the opportunity to create confusion, not so the meaning becomes clear, it allows for the Truth to be hidden in plain sight. We see the Scriptures are filled with parables, it's almost like a book of riddles. For a few God reveals the great mystery of the hidden meaning of it's words.

Mark 4:11  And He said to them, "To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God...

For the many they read many false interpatations into the words in the Scriptures, as was intended, because this is the age of deception. Though we can see the Truth in the Scriptures, it becomes so obvious once revealed to those whose eyes are opened. But to the many it leads them to twist and turn in trying to understand and, as we bare witness to, they are simply blind to the true meaning in it and can not figure it out.

Mark 4:11  ...but to those who are outside, all things come in parables,
v. 12  so that
       "Seeing they may see and not perceive,
       And hearing they may hear and not understand;
       Lest they should turn,
       And their sins be forgiven them."

My favorite saying these days, it is what it is.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: The speed of a tsunami
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2012, 12:23:19 PM »

Hey Bob, what really convinced me from the 08 conference is what Ray had to say about the impact craters. I had read some of the 08 conference but when Dave brought it up in Arc's topic we've been replying to, I read it all the way through and man what a eye opener it really was for me on the flood being world wide or not.
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