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Author Topic: What God can do  (Read 14306 times)

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Re: What God can do
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2012, 02:17:31 AM »

Colossians 2:15

King James Version (KJV)15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

That would be great.... no more abusive powers  that controls the people with fear...

Amen to that!  Denise - you're rockin the house.  You go girl!


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2012, 03:10:47 AM »

Denise -

Quite an interesting read that you presented!  I like it!  :)  Yes Denise, what you have commented on makes sense to me.  And I get it!

With all of those verses we have shared; there is so much to comment on and all kinds of tangents we could explore   :P but I will just say a couple of things.   Personally I don't usually dwell or think too much upon the "evil dominions".  Since I believe that I am filled with the Holy Spirit... there is absolutely no room for any other spirit other than God's spirit in my being.  But then again, I know for sure that God allows evil spirits to control others to "attack" or influence me according to His will.  Sometimes as a test and sometimes for my "growth".  But, I have put on the whole armor of God!  :)  I certainly don't ask for evil influences, but I am always ready for it!!

You stated:

 The bible seems to be focused and centered on Earth only.  I would definitely love to get a bible on the rest of the universe, or rather what God says about universes out there... All in due time, right? scriptures already say there are dominions in heavens and earth.. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more planets out there teeming with life, as well.

Yeah, me too... or let's say I would like to believe it.  ???

Thanks for sharing the videos and I will share one with you that you can dream about before you go to sleep some night!
Concentrate on what the narrator has to say about the 1/84th fraction of your little fingernail as to the image size that the Hubble telescope took and all the galaxies that fit into that space.  It just leaves me stupefied.  I don't know what other word to use.

I'll pray for you in your studies for the profession of your choosing..... and I'll talk to you again sometime!  Nice meeting you!

« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 03:14:40 AM by doug »


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2012, 03:51:39 AM »

The bible seems to be focused and centered on Earth only.  I would definitely love to get a bible on the rest of the universe, or rather what God says about universes out there... All in due time, right? scriptures already say there are dominions in heavens and earth.. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more planets out there teeming with life, as well.

Yeah, me too... or let's say I would like to believe it.  ???

Please.  My nerves.

I hate to break up the party, but God is not playing mind games with us. 

God's not withholding or hiding anything from us in outter space.

What you all are saying smacks directly of Satan in the garden and how he put Eve's eyes on the tree of knowledge.  Don't you remember how she was fine with the Tree of Life?  Then, Satan came along and convinced her there was something better, juicier to be gotten because the Tree of Life wasn't going to satisfy her, and that God was withholding something from her?

Atheists are fascinated by the thought that aliens are out there.  See, they know there is something beyond them, but their pride keeps them from accepting God's ways, and so they would rather foolishly believe there are "beings" just waiting for the right time to visit us. 

They're here. 

They're here now. 

They go by the name demons and Satan--who transforms himself into an angel of "light." 

Satan's STILL a liar.  But whatever.

Whoops! Did I just say that out loud?!



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Re: What God can do
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2012, 04:17:37 AM »

From Why Does God Love You:

God did not create some kind of creature with higher intelligence than the plants and animals so that He could communicate with them. Humans are not just some kind of play things for God. God did not create some kind of aliens when He made us. We are the extension of His family, His kinfolk. We are God's CHILDREN -- we are the expansion of God's RACE!

From:  Dates to remember:

Somebody has been asking me, in the last few months, about aliens and spaceships and all this stuff. I said there is no such thing as a spaceship. Something made out of material like aluminum, shaped like a saucer that is going to fly here from an alien galaxy someplace? Why? It’s too far, it would take thousands of years. It’s many years to the closest stars, but our closest stars are not known to have any planets. So then you would have to find a star out there that has planets. But you’re too far away, you can’t make it in a spaceship. So that is the end of the aliens, finished, no such thing.

From an email:

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.
I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,



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Re: What God can do
« Reply #24 on: July 01, 2012, 10:12:05 AM »

From Why Does God Love You:

God did not create some kind of creature with higher intelligence than the plants and animals so that He could communicate with them. Humans are not just some kind of play things for God. God did not create some kind of aliens when He made us. We are the extension of His family, His kinfolk. We are God's CHILDREN -- we are the expansion of God's RACE!

From:  Dates to remember:

Somebody has been asking me, in the last few months, about aliens and spaceships and all this stuff. I said there is no such thing as a spaceship. Something made out of material like aluminum, shaped like a saucer that is going to fly here from an alien galaxy someplace? Why? It’s too far, it would take thousands of years. It’s many years to the closest stars, but our closest stars are not known to have any planets. So then you would have to find a star out there that has planets. But you’re too far away, you can’t make it in a spaceship. So that is the end of the aliens, finished, no such thing.

From an email:

Dear Azza:
The statement is based on science/astronomy, and the Scriptures.
Jesus died for the sins of the "world," not the sins of the "universe."
Eve is the "mother of all living," etc., etc., etc.
I should think that all people know that interstellar space travel is
physically impossible. Even traveling at millions of miles an hour,
there are very few places that one could go in less than a thousand years!
Everything is TOO FAR AWAY.
God be with you,


Please.  My nerves.

I hate to break up the party, but God is not playing mind games with us.

God's not withholding or hiding anything from us in outter space.

What you all are saying smacks directly of Satan in the garden and how he put Eve's eyes on the tree of knowledge.  Don't you remember how she was fine with the Tree of Life?  Then, Satan came along and convinced her there was something better, juicier to be gotten because the Tree of Life wasn't going to satisfy her, and that God was withholding something from her?

Atheists are fascinated by the thought that aliens are out there.  See, they know there is something beyond them, but their pride keeps them from accepting God's ways, and so they would rather foolishly believe there are "beings" just waiting for the right time to visit us.

They're here.

They're here now.

They go by the name demons and Satan--who transforms himself into an angel of "light."

Satan's STILL a liar.  But whatever.

Whoops! Did I just say that out loud?!

Gina... I thought about that right after I posted my post to Doug LOL..I wanted to add that there are spiritual, there are physical, there are heavenly beings, there are physical beings. The bible does not deny there are super natural beings, such as different types of angels, and of course God.  There's spiritual beings, there's physical beings right?  Both of them exist. Both of them are aware of their own existence. yet many physical beings do not believe in spiritual beings however and even though they do exist. 

Just because we don't see them yet doesn't mean they are not there. same goes with the other worlds. Just because we don't see them, doesn't mean they are not there.I think the bible is more focused on mankind.

Technically, those spiritual beings are "Aliens" which means, foreign to us...That is why many of us get into shock mode when we see one because it is not in our "norm" to see them. all the leaders of the bible did LOL They are all living beings aware of their consciousness.  whether they are really spiritual or physical, they say they are not of this world, while we are. I know there's a spiritual application to that as well. The bible says they will reveal themselves when the time is right. What if they are an advanced beings that already learned all of these and more... ability to heal, ability to resurrect from dead, has ability to teleport, has ability to destroy physical cities, can read minds and so on. Jesus said we can do what Jesus did if we believed in it ourselves to do so. faith of a mustard seed, he said.

They are called supernatural beings to humans because they are of different physiology from ours and can do more than we can..Maybe they're more evolved than we are. Or maybe they are spiritual beings that physical laws has no effect on.

I'm just throwing possible theories... To be honest we will not understand until it happens, right?

we will not understand until we see it all. Scientists are coming up with things that seemed impossible to people of past times. They wouldn't fathom it at all. I wouldn't be surprised if scientists found the gene that causes death and destroys it? They are finding alot of things that are in the genes. I wouldn't be surprised if there are genes that cause cellular degeneration which causes aging..  Imagine, to people of past times, It would shock them to see cars, not chariots with horses, anymore. Those pharaohs of the bible would kill for a car LOL.. concept of speed of light doesn't exist. concept of Physics doesn't exist at all back then. Electricity doesn't exist back then either. Internet, phones, video cameras, cameras, Airplanes.. They don't understand it at all yet, they exist? Now...

As for interstellar travel. I wouldn't say it would be impossible in the future, it is impossible  before and now, of course... but not in the future.. becuase what we have now, is impossible before. I read somewhere that scientists has found a way to teleport something from place A to place B...using technology. Back then, people of course would say that is impossible.. imagine STAR TREK. hehe.. those who are fans, will understand.  :) So far they can teleport matter to three feet away... That was three years ago. Who knows what they can find now and in the future. Scientists has found ways to make things happen.. I wouldn't say interstellar travel is impossible in the future.. It is now, of course.. it doesn't exist now. :)

Shawn Fainn

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Re: What God can do
« Reply #25 on: July 01, 2012, 11:01:23 AM »

Someone say aliens? I thought i smelled a bug hunt.. Let's get it on!


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #26 on: July 01, 2012, 11:44:43 AM »

Hudson,  Rofl!!!!! I don't mean ufoey aliens but in scientific terms.  people from othrr countries are labeled aliens as well.

I'm just saying if bible is saying there are 'life forms' in thr form of angels and super natural beings or spirits. They're defined as advanced beings not affected by physical laws. I wouldn't put past it if there is other worlds out there if supernatural beings other than us already exist? See what I am trying tto say?

There's universes out there. Its awfully big for just one earth? Thoughts?


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #27 on: July 01, 2012, 02:13:32 PM »

haha  Oh Denise you're such a cutie pie!   Muaaaahhh!!!   :-* :-* :-*

About scientists in the future destroying the gene that causes death--what a lovely thought. 

No one wants to die.  I don't.  The thought of dying terrifies me.  It absolutely terrifies me.  I remember when I first learned what death was.  I was seven.  I couldn't figure it out.  Why would God send people to outter darkness?  Somewhere, all alone, afraid, no one could reach them or help them.  That's the way I processed the state of being dead.  (No one could explain it to me in a way that I could understand until Ray came along.  Ref. An Encouraging Word About Death.)  I couldn't stop thinking about death.  I got so depressed about it I had a nervous breakdown when I was eight years old.  My mind couldn't handle it.

Ecclesiastes 3:2 a time to be born and a time to die

See, what I wonder about is how God will cause dead people to be resurrected!

There's a lot that scientists are discovering, especially with stem cell research (would love to be on the staff at Stanford U in their stem cell research dept!)  Scientists are making new body parts grow in labs!  It's freaking unreal but it's real.  Will they discover a way to raise dead people back to life?

< Ezekiel 37 >>
English Standard Version   
The Valley of Dry Bones

1 The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley;a it was full of bones.

2 And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry.

3 And he said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” And I answered, “O Lord God, you know.”

4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.

5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.

6 And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”


My boss was in the military and took part in the terrorist investigations.  He was pretty high up there as far as military intelligence - not too long ago.  He briefly mentioned after I asked him about it that the "intelligence" we civilians currently see is only the things our government WANTS us to see (he has no reason to lie -- he told me that with extreme caution -- he wasn't joking or bragging; he knows something but he's not telling anyone and I wasn't about to ask details because frankly -- what good would it do me).  He said the U.S. military at this point in time is about 50 years beyond the knowledge that civilians currently are being exposed to.   

It is hard to fathom just what is really going on that we don't know about. 

But I seriously don't believe that there are UFOs or aliens or other life forms out there. 

I personally believe what the military and governments know mostly is: 

I'm dead serious.  ;)

I really enjoy your posts.  I understand totally how you're fascinated by those topics.  I am too, I just don't think that there's any validity to there being any aliens out there with a higher intelligence on other planets or other universes

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that shall inherit salvation?

I'm most certain there are principalities and powers and dominions and any spirits associated with them are getting an education, just like the rest of us.

But you go ahead. :)  ;)  (But be careful.)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 02:28:06 PM by Gina »


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #28 on: July 01, 2012, 03:35:32 PM »


Yeah, What you just said confirms what the scriptures say about principalities and powers that are known and unknown, whether they are good or bad, that we fight against everyday..

about other lifeforms on other planets- they probably don't exist or do exst, who knows but it's not essential to our spiritual development in this life time anyway. One question, Would you say angels, God, etc are other life forms than our own? Since they are aware and conscious of their own existance? what would you say they are? Maybe they are not from anywhere in the universe but from the spiritual realm maybe? It's hard to fathom something we haven't seen. I think once we see it and understand what it is, it will come easy..

I heard of this story... It's like the Indians, when they saw the ships, they didn't see any ships at all, their brain wouldn't register the image at all  because it's something they haven't seen before, but one Indian, he knew something was wrong with the water, and kept studying it for days, eventually he finally "saw" the ships and alerted the others. It was quite an fascinating story really.

Maybe there are many things that goes on around us, but our brain wouldn't register at all.... That could explain why we couldn't see the unseen but they're here? it's interesting really...

I also hear that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. We are all made of energy... Nothing's impossible I would say. :)

Maybe God is creating the universes so big, for when the time comes, we could explore or whatever or maybe it's just his own artwork that he wants to keep creating. I was simply curious to what reason he keeps creating is all.


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Re: What God can do
« Reply #29 on: July 01, 2012, 04:25:25 PM »


Yeah, What you just said confirms what the scriptures say about principalities and powers that are known and unknown, whether they are good or bad, that we fight against everyday..

1 I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—I who am humble when face to face with you, but bold toward you when I am away!—

2 I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show boldness with such confidence as I count on showing against some who suspect us of walking according to the flesh.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.  (He's talking about destroying doctrines of demons.  Hello?)

5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,

Get it?  ;)

about other lifeforms on other planets- they probably don't exist or do exst, who knows but it's not essential to our spiritual development in this life time anyway.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. :)

One question, Would you say angels, God, etc are other life forms than our own?

Are we not a part of God, Denise?   Let's read it, hon:

1 Cor. 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, OF whom are all things, and we in him; and the Lord Jesus Christ, BY whom are all things, and we by him.

Did God not make humanity?  Then I imagine we're all part OF God -- we're just not LIKE God in many ways.  Jesus said that His Kingdom was not of this world.  He never said that He was not of this world --  (EDIT:   John 8:23 And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.    Okay, yes, before anyone clobbers me - Jesus did say that; however, we know what he meant.)  Of course he was part of this world.  He came out of the womb of a woman -- a real live woman.   Jesus simply said that His Kingdom is not of this world--meaning His WAYS are higher than our ways.  His THOUGHTS are higher than ours.  (I know you're familiar with that OT scriptures.) 

I hope that makes sense, hon.

Since they are aware and conscious of their own existance? what would you say they are? Maybe they are not from anywhere in the universe but from the spiritual realm maybe? It's hard to fathom something we haven't seen. I think once we see it and understand what it is, it will come easy..

ummm...  no comment. ;)

I heard of this story... It's like the Indians, when they saw the ships, they didn't see any ships at all, their brain wouldn't register the image at all  because it's something they haven't seen before, but one Indian, he knew something was wrong with the water, and kept studying it for days, eventually he finally "saw" the ships and alerted the others. It was quite an fascinating story really.

I'll have to check that out.  Send me a link by pm or something.

Maybe there are many things that goes on around us, but our brain wouldn't register at all.... That could explain why we couldn't see the unseen but they're here? it's interesting really...

I also hear that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. We are all made of energy... Nothing's impossible I would say. :)

Yes, energy isn't destroyed.  It simply changes FORM.  You know -- the tree that dies, it decays and its parts break down to the smallest particles and its ashes return to the earth.

Water -- it can't be destroyed.  It comes down as rain and fills the oceans and lakes, etc.  Some of it is evaporated and goes back up to the clouds.  We can't always see it being evaporated (unless you think of steam from boiling water).  Water molecules expand out and then collect to form clouds. 

Maybe God is creating the universes so big, for when the time comes, we could explore or whatever or maybe it's just his own artwork that he wants to keep creating. I was simply curious to what reason he keeps creating is all.

I wonder about that too.  Sometimes I think God is kind of working with us like one of those mathematical equations where the key to solving the equation is hidden in the midst of a bunch of words, words, words and more words.

 "If Johnny has 4 apples, and Susie has 10 apples, and Suzie gets in a car and drives up the street to see her cousin who has a dog and two cats, how many apples will Johnny have if he gives one of his apples to Susie?"

Well, anyway, enjoy this optical illusion:

This is what my brain looks like right now.  Oh, you can't see it, but trust me it's there and that's exactly what it looks like right now.  ha! 

You're still a doll. 

Denise, You ask good questions.  I have to go clear my head......

Tah, tah
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 04:01:44 AM by Gina »

Shawn Fainn

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Re: What God can do
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2012, 11:27:57 AM »

Hudson,  Rofl!!!!! I don't mean ufoey aliens but in scientific terms.  people from othrr countries are labeled aliens as well.

I'm just saying if bible is saying there are 'life forms' in thr form of angels and super natural beings or spirits. They're defined as advanced beings not affected by physical laws. I wouldn't put past it if there is other worlds out there if supernatural beings other than us already exist? See what I am trying tto say?

There's universes out there. Its awfully big for just one earth? Thoughts?

Well, I certainly have some thoughts regarding the belief in aliens and how it ties in with the spirit of antichrist and changes in our culture (specifically media/movies) in an attempt to replace God and hope. However, I don't have my own pc or laptop yet so I can study/teach it effectively from Scripture without going too much into my own opinion. To be short though, I don't believe in aliens or life forms on other planets.
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