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Author Topic: Thank you for the fellowship  (Read 6166 times)

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Thank you for the fellowship
« on: August 19, 2006, 12:28:05 PM »

Dear Forum,

I have very much enjoyed participating in this forum, and I would like to thank all of you for allowing me this opportunity to learn and fellowship. It was especially comforting to me to be led to Rays site and this forum because I know that God is still interested in me.

Unfortunately, my heart is heavy this morning. I didn't sleep. In a few days, I am going to begin one of the hardest years of my life, and I am not prepared. I'm not sure what I was looking for on this forum, I only know that I was lonely, and felt the need to speak to brothers and sisiters that understood. At this time though, I obviously don't have a place here. I find myself now showing anger in my words to others and that is unacceptable to me.

What I had thought would bring peace has only brought more frustration. I feel very alone...again. Please pray for me and my family, that God will bring our true purpose to light, and that we will have the strength to accept it.

I will continue to read, study and pray for Gods plan for my life. Perhaps at some time he will lead me back again to you good people.

With Love and respect.

Chuck Bridges



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2006, 07:17:49 PM »

Chuck we are really going to miss your fellowship.

My prayers will be an affirmation that God's Will bring you through this upcoming year. God has a purpose for all things even when we cannot see them.  The fact that you percieve the upcoming year as hard shows that some great work is to be done in your life.

(Jer 29:11 KJVR) 
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

You have never said anything that I percieved as being meanspirited. I hope that you are able to fellowship in some way (letters, phone etc)  with one or two believing individuals if nothing but for support.

May Grace, Pease and Love be with you



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2006, 08:17:33 PM »


I, too have never noticed anything wrong with your posts.  Appreciate your fellowship, too and hope you stay.

You said a hard year is coming up, so my prayers are with you, and never forget the Lord is always with you.

Have always enjoyed reading your posts.

God bless,



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2006, 08:46:00 PM »


Your kindness has made me feel welcome here and I always look forward to your posts.

I think maybe some of us have been disconnected for so long it is hard to fit in anywhere. I don't feel that I fit in and I know I appear a little strange to people, but I'm going to stick around and learn everything I can and hopefully be able to join a discussion now and then. Words and communication are not my strong point.

I so appreciate your posts. I hope it is God's will for you to be here. I try to follow a 30 minute rule. If something triggers me I try to wait 30 minutes before posting. That usually helps me.



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2006, 05:45:22 AM »

I love you all, I sincerely mean that. Thanks for everything.

God bless,



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2006, 11:13:11 AM »

Dear Chuck:
Your post came to me by surprise.  I would have never guessed you to be frustrated, nor have I ever seen anger in your posts...quite the opposite actually.  Nonetheless, you know what you're going through, I don't.

I also have felt frustrated within this forum as well, and each time I've turned it over to God and asked Him to help me understand what it was He was having me go through. Growing pains hurt.  I've found that people are the hardest thing in life to cope with...but then remember that our fight is not with flesh and blood.  We need to fellowship with like-minded believers.

You have been a real blessing here Chuck, if God is leading you away, I pray he will also lead you back in His timing. I will pray that this coming year for you would be growth in God and that you would see it that way. God is faithful and knows you can handle it, or he wouldn't have you endure it.

You will be dearly missed. You are a necessary member of this body of Christ.  Please re-consider (?) !
In His Love,


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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2006, 11:34:36 AM »

Godspeed Chuck,

I think I understand at least some of the frustration you feel at the forum.  However, I hope this difficulty you mention  in the next year will be somewhat ameliorated by your fellowship here.

In pure selfishness I ask you to reconsider staying.  You have touched our lives in a very positive way and we are all the better for it. Thank you for the time you spent here.

Be blessed in God's wil Chuck



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2006, 01:16:27 PM »


This came as a surprise to me because I don't really see where your posts were hate filled or mean or anything like that. If anything I'm the one that should leave not you.
I hope you'll come back eventually.



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2006, 05:46:27 PM »

Hi Chuck

I was thinking about your post today.  I was feeling very weary and alone.  I have been for the past week or so.  I think we all go through these "dry periods" when we are vulnerable to attacks from the adversary.  It is good to withdraw from speech (during these dry periods) and during this time it is best that we truly hide ourselves in  Jesus Christ soaking up his mercy and grace and being refreshed though the living water.  It is there we are strengthened and able to come back into the world to share the gospoel and encourage and strenthen each other.

I'm sorry to hear though Chuck that you felt that you don't belong here for where do you belong in fellowship if it is not amongst those who are seeking after the same thing as you, i.e. the high calling of Jesus Christ.  Even though we don't all completely agree with each other or even with all that Ray writes, Ray has provided a forum where all those who have the same desire (attaining to the high calling) can rest and refresh ourselves and one another.

May the peace of the Lord continue to comfort and strengthen you.



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2006, 03:09:18 AM »

Hello everyone,

I signed on to write a letter to bobby, and saw so many people who care, that had written.

I am humbled beyond words.

As I face these things in my life, I can only thank God for you all. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Its so strange, no matter how hard we try to predict when, and how, and WHY...God will "show up" in our lives, it really never happens like we think it will. His perfect will, against my flawed and carnal nature. When I am sufficient in his will...he will lead me again.

I hope, back here again.

My most sincere love and thanks,



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2006, 08:55:54 PM »

Hello all.

This is really quite amazing to me. I've known people for years and during the worst times of my life they didn't even bother to phone up just to see how things were...and then I see this! The letters, the pm's. words of charity and understanding...absolutely amazing.

I am really speechless. But not so much that I can't explain myself  :)

Things are bad right now, and I have learned from past trials to just hunker down and ride the storm. I guess I was just reacting as I have done before. I thank God every day for the fire he has put us through, and WILL put us through again...but I grow so weary at times.

I have to admit, I may have overreacted to some of the comments on this forum. It is very frustrating to watch someones carnal tirade. I am in the habit of walking away from that type of thing, so much have I seen of that. I have no use for that any longer. I don't even want to hear about carnal fears and government plots. I don't want to hear angry comments and name calling. I don't want to hear people talk so proudly about how they have no real faith in God, or that we shouldn't "spiritualize things too much", on and on and on.

I paid a huge price to leave that all behind, and I find its existence in others to be offensive. But here lies the problem. That is so wrong of me to think like that. I have no right to judge anyone else because regardless of what I have been through, I am the same as before...carnal, weak, and worthless.

Up until now, I felt that I DID have the right to isolate myself from that. But now, with all these words of support and love, I am thinking I was wrong.
God led me here in the first place knowing full well that there were divisions and strife at this forum. I should know better than to question where he has placed me.

I WANT to stay and fellowship, I did what I THOUGHT God wanted me to isolate myself again while this storm rages. I must be wrong.

I am going to stay, and I will sit on my hands if nessecary to keep from writing anything mean spirited or harsh. I am just worried that I will make a mistake and cause a brother or sister to feel bad by words that may flow from my frustration. I DO NOT have that hurt anyone...even if they do deserve it. Some people just don't know when to quit.

I will probably lurk in the shadows for a while, until I am ready to join you again...but I will.

THANK YOU EVERYONE...Love IS the answer.

Please forgive me for being so outspoken about my feelings...God isn't done with me yet.....sigh.

I love you all,



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2006, 09:02:31 PM »

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2006, 09:37:39 PM »

God bless you Chuck,

I see through your words God has put you through some trying times, as He has all of us here.  These hard trials and tribulations teach us through experience, the correct way to treat our fellow man.  It's definetly not through the way the worldly religious treat us, but through the way He treats us.  To think He loved us first, while being sinners, speaks of His character.

My prayer is that we follow His example and be llike Him.

God bless,



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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2006, 10:54:56 PM »

Hi Chuck,
I knew you were meant to be here! I could feel it.   ;)
I have thanked God for showing you that.

I don't want to hear people talk so proudly about how they have no real faith in God, or that we shouldn't "spiritualize things too much", on and on and on.

I paid a huge price to leave that all behind, and I find its existence in others to be offensive. But here lies the problem. That is so wrong of me to think like that. I have no right to judge anyone else because regardless of what I have been through, I am the same as before...carnal, weak, and worthless.

Your quote above reminds me of the parable of the " tares" Matt13:24-30.

Thanks be to God that His thoughts and ways are above ours!


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Re: Thank you for the fellowship
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2006, 01:49:28 AM »

  Hey Chuck,

   I always find the best thing to do when I am not feeling very fruitful is to stop posting for awhile.  This may be your best bet.  Glad to hear you are staying though.  God be with you brother.

with love
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