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Author Topic: ENEMY OF THE CROSS  (Read 5456 times)

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« on: May 26, 2007, 07:08:17 AM »

A state of open, armed, often prolonged, conflict - carried on by Satan, wages in the lives of true believer’s, as he attempts to crumble the foundation on which we stand through a cancerous (CA) confusion among the body.  We must study the Scriptures in their entirety and not selectively, "Beware lest any man spoil you through their philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ" (Col. 2:8 ).  Are you subject to ordinances, after the commandments and doctrines of men?  Are not all Scriptures given by the inspiration of God and are they not profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (Col. 2:20, 22; 2 Ti. 3:16)?

Many who profess to be Christians derive at their truth through the teachings of another, never seeking the truth given by God in His Word. They merely echo the views or opinions of those who wrongly divide the Word. Seemingly, by giving only a portion of the truth (a half-truth) that is worse than a whole lie.

The worldly church has experienced divisions among those who attend with regard to Election and Free-will doctrines.  These doctrines are probably better known as Calvinism and Armenianism (CA).  While the Bible does indeed teach us that Salvation is by Grace (Unmerited Favor) in Christ (the Way, the Truth and the Life) through Faith (the assurance of things hoped for – the conviction of things not seen) and not of works, least any man should boast.  The confusion seems to come from – "it is given to me alone" (Election), or "it is received by me alone" (self-determination or will).  Perhaps the subtitle should read, "Can God cure, us of Cancer" (CA).

The word Election [Gk. ekloge #1589; "Selection" and eklegomai #1586; to select: - make choice, choose out (Strong’s Concordance)] in the Scriptures has several distinctive and applied meanings; to the choice of nations by God for His purpose (the Jews – a chosen nation); to the choice of certain individuals by Jesus (the twelve apostles and the apostle Paul, etc.); to the selection of those who would become the Sons of God (Saints-rule and reign with Christ). The latter one seems to cause all the confusion and the theological debate over who are to be…the Sons of God?  Are they not those who by faith, "OVERCOME" and are chosen. For many are called?

...To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. (Rev. 2:7)

...He that overcometh shall not be hurt by the second death. (Rev. 2:11)

...To him that overcometh will I give...hidden manna...white stone, and in the stone a new name written, (Rev. 2:17)

“And he that overcometh, and keepth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.” “And he shall rule...” “And I will give him the morning star.” (Rev. 2:26-28)

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment: and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but will confess his name before my father... (Rev. 3:5)

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: ... (Rev. 3:12)

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, (Rev. 3:21)

He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. (Rev. 21:7)

[Gk. nikao #3528; to subdue (lit. or fig.): - conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory. Gk. pas #3956; all, any, every, the whole (see also; Heb. kowl #3605)].

Therefore, the question seems to be – "who will receive the gift of Salvation?" Is it only those who were saved from/for all eternity (as opposed to those who were damned from/for all eternity- double predestination), those who choose for themselves of their own free will (self-determination), or those who are drawn (Gk. - dragged) by the Spirit of God  in the faith of Christ – all of humanity?

1). Calvinism basically states that "God declined to give salvation to all." He pre-destined only a certain few to be saved, and the rest of humanity is pre-destined to be eternally separated and damned.

2). Armenians believe all are offered salvation, as God desires all to be saved. But given free will, "man not God", determines who will receive salvation. Those who reject the opportunity for salvation will be eternally separated and damned, as well.

3). God is Sovereign: He has sworn by Himself and the Word is gone out of His mouth in righteousness, and shall not return – that unto Him every knee shall bow, every tongue shall declare…"Jesus Christ is Lord…to the glory of God the Father."  In praise and worship!
The Apostle Paul declared that he was not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes (Ro. 1:16) and further states that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved (Ro. 10:13).  How does this happen except the Lord sends, or calls certain individuals to preach (the bible-truths), in order that one may hear and believe.  Is there anyone who seeks the Lord of his or her own free-will without the preaching of the gospel – the good news?  No not one! 

Salvation on the basis of our accepting the Gospel of Christ has been misconstrued as being deserving; a form of "human merit" because we profess in Christ with are lips.  Yet, the Scriptures state unequivocally that faith comes from hearing (not merely speaking the words), and hearing by the word of God (Ro. 10:17). And, without faith it is impossible to please Him…"For he that comes to God must believe that He is" (Heb. 11:6).  Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness (Ro. 4:3), thus, would not the perfect "Righteousness of Christ" be attributed to those, whosoever, believes in Him for their salvation. Furthermore, "For by Grace you are saved through faith (of Christ), and not of yourself – it is the gift of God."             
The truth is that God has already charged "all under sin" (Ro.3: 9), both Jews and Gentiles alike.  Hence, the penalty for sin is death…"for as in Adam all die". Therefore, justification is by the faith of Christ and Him alone, being the atonement (crucified), is the only way for man to be reconciled from death to God … "for in Christ shall all be made alive" (I Cor 15:22). This was His foreordained plan from the beginning, designed to save the lost when that individual trusts in Him (Christ) for their salvation.  Regardless of whether you are Jewish or not, nor when that person believes.  Is a gift any less of a gift merely because we accept or reject it?  Is the atonement, limited because of what man desires, or thinks?                   

What about the rest of humanity? The fearful (timid) and unbelieving – to the worst of the worst, will they eventually confess (Phil. 2:10-11) in the name of Jesus, and all he came to accomplish which is the will of the father?
   "That at the name of Jesus every (all) knee should bow, of things (all) in heaven and, things (all) in earth, and things (all) under the earth; And that every (all) tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (also – Isa. 45:23, Rom. 14:11)

   "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. And, all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation, To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of Reconciliation" ( 2 Cor. 5:17-19)
If you have felt uncomfortable in a church (i.e. building – per se) consider that there are three Fundamental Doctrines that are taught; and every shade or color in between each of them which account for the rainbow of denominations (thousands) existing today. Also, is this the reason for so much confusion in the church (that was to be of one mind, heart and purpose)? All denominations believe and endorse one of the following opinions and deny the others.

ETERNAL TORMENTS IN HELL – those who do not believe of their own "free will", or those who are not "elected" to salvation; the majority of humanity (CA).

ANNIHILATION – All of the "wicked."

RECONCILIATION – complete salvation of all in "due time and order."

After an in depth study of each of these; comparing the Scriptures (Spiritual with Spiritual), through prayer, faith and the teachings of the Holy Spirit - there are but seven questions to answer, as follows:

1. Which doctrine reflects "GOD’S GLORY, GRACE AND FULNESS"?
2. Which doctrine exhibits "GOD’S LOVE, MERCY and RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT" that overcomes "ALL THINGS"?
3. Which doctrine bears the most "FRUIT"?
4. Which doctrine fills your mind and heart with a purpose – to proclaim the "GOSPEL" to the world?
5. Which one is filled with "HIS LOVE"?  (Love of Christ)
6. Which of these is truly the "GOOD NEWS"?
7. Which was "JESUS CHRIST" sent to accomplish? (Will of the father)

God is indeed Sovereign – "He is the Ultimate Authority", not man and his misguided tenets which are derived from Pagan mythologies and Satan’s deceptions. Thus, we must study the scriptures and not be carnally minded.

The Apostles said, "there would be a falling away from the truth" and it would get worse and worse. Yet, most believe that this applies only after our time (generation), and not over the previous two thousand years. How ignorant have we become?

If there be TEN with the "faith of Christ", will He not receive the rest? I therefore pray for a few more that would believe in the complete word of God, and not justify only themselves. For God is not the author of "confusion" (Babylon), especially in the churches. And, I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins…" Did not Jesus say, "Why are you fearful”? "Where is your faith"? Do you not know that the fearful and unbelieving shall have their part in the Lake of Fire? All will come to the knowledge of the "truth" for Jesus is a consuming fire!

We were given the "Ministry of Reconciliation". The churches teach that "All" means "All" only when one speaks of sin and death, but that "All" only means a "few" when spoken of final Salvation. They give more power to Adam and Satan, than to "Jesus Christ our Lord."

Does not GRACE ABOUND MUCH MORE?           


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« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2007, 10:39:00 PM »

Good Post Jer!

What I have wondered about the election is...some people that stay in Babylon, maybe even cursing Ray, can be in the elect and those of us on the forum may not be elect.

I reallly try not to obsess one way or another. Just want to live my life pleasing unto Him.


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« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2007, 11:22:10 PM »

I'm with you, Gena,
jER- that was an incredible post - beyond me to ever express such detail and comprehension of the scriptures- wow. But one thing I can concur with- They do not know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent- how precious are the words of Jesus- yet they esteem them so lightly.

-and even tho many in the church openly revile this forum and its truth and even the teachings of the scriptures- I cannot begin to fathom the wisdom of God who "chooses whom He chooses". There are some that I have crossed paths with that so love the Lord with all their heart- yet not according to knowledge...and their love is pure devotion (altho I can only look on the outward things- God is looking at their heart) and I cannot judge who is called and chosen. and I would not presume to judge such matters. I think someplace in Isaiah it talks about Jesus judging with a righteous judgement and I am grateful for that.

I think the real challenge is loving all. not figuring out who is in and who is out. I know that day to day I am so ashamed of how I fall short of the Love the Father has bestowed on me.

but all in all- great posts and edifying and provoking at the same time.
What I love about the forum is that it really does bring up the hard questions-meat that has to be chewed!
not just milk to swallow!
judie h.



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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2007, 02:13:02 PM »


That was really beautiful! 

Gena and Judie, I'm in total agreement with you guys, especially what you said here Judie:

I think the real challenge is loving all. not figuring out who is in and who is out. I know that day to day I am so ashamed of how I fall short of the Love the Father has bestowed on me.

True, real love, like the kind of which God is made up of, is still a mystery to me.  But for me, this is how this whole journey began into being pulled out.  I knew I did not understand this love, let alone possess it, and I cried out to God to show me what it means to love.  Universal reconciliation is what he showed me....and it the unveiling continues...

Jer, I liked your seven questions.  One of them sparked a memory however:

3. Which doctrine bears the most "FRUIT"?

Interestingly, this is the very question a Christian relative asked when I attempted to share the salvation of all.  This was back when I had just learned these things myself, and we likely all know how it goes when in excitement we want the whole world to know God's redeeming power.  Anyways, she apparently knew a couple of people who "believed this way" and their fruits, according to her, showed her the truth.  They went off and had affairs, divorced their wives, lived of the flesh etc etc etc.  In other words they were fulfilling the scripture:

Jude 1:4 ESV
For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

In her mind, this was the fruit of what they believed.  "You shall know them by their fruits!" is what she said to me.  And sadly, there are universalists who live this way because they still have no understanding of God's judgment and chastening.  They don't understand that this very grace is what chastens!  At the time, I didn't understand this myself and so I didn't have an answer for her.  I went back to the scriptures to study it out more, but my friend was content to let the fruit of men determine for her whether a "doctrine" was true or not.

It seems this is the thing that pops up time and time again, especially in Ray's emails....if God saves all, I guess I can go out and do whatever I want yada yada yada.......Interestingly and thankfully, this was not my reaction.  Discovering God's love for all of humanity, motivated in  me the desire to serve Him all the more, to be what He wanted me to be, according to His word.  We love, because He first loved us.  It's all of Him. 

So if there is fruit, it is caused by Him only:

1 Corinthians 3:6-7
6  I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth.
7  So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.



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« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2007, 06:00:57 PM »

I had a girlfriend once who was a professing Christian. without being blunt, the time came when a particular situation came in our relationship. I told her it wasn't necessary because I didn't want to be the one who created a dilemma with her , her family and Christ. She told me it was all right because once you are saved you can do anything you want and you are forgiven. My problem with statements like that is , if you have Jesus at the center of your heart and life will you want to purposely go  out and do something the Bible speaks against before marriage?  The other thing in this thread that I don't understand is the elect, the chosen or whatever. It is sad to me that many live their lifetime never with the peace of not knowing. If you got Jesus do you think God is going to look over you? I don't think so. If you know your heart and the faith is there, you know what the future is in a way. I don't know how to say it real good but it seems like terminology is a big deal here. It says in the Bible that even a little child can understand and accept the gift of Jesus. About the gift thing. I don't know who said it earlier but if you get a gift from someone and don't ever open it does it do you any good? The gift could be the sweetest set of golf clubs ever made but if you don't open the box and go to the course it does nothing for you. You have to hold your hands out, take the gift, open it up and go swing!


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« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2007, 06:29:21 PM »


The bottom line in your post arose this scripture to my mind with the emphasis with which I have entered with my thoughts.

Rom 5 : 20,21 But THEN ( PAST tense ...a done deal. It has happened. Like spilt milk. ) Law came in only to expand and increase the trespass making it more apparent and exciting OPPOSITION. But where sin increased and abounded, grace HAS ( also a done deal. It has happened but not anything like spilt milk. On the contrary this is a VICTORY of Supreme Sovereignty of God. ) surpassed it and increased the more and superabounded. 21 So that, just as sin has reigned in death, so grace, His unearned and undeserved favor might reign also through righteousness which issues in eternal life through (I would put OF instead of  through...but that is how I understand this which is in line with what you observe jER quote : "For by Grace you are saved through faith (of Christ), and not of yourself – it is the gift of God."   ) Jesus Christ our Lord.

I had the thought just today that emotions can often be like a big hoax or bluff or veil that covers and conceals from view what the real doctrine is which is where we should be able to discern the differences between the truth or the heresy. Never mind how nice the guy or gal is. Check the doctrine and that will show what is covered up that is hidden, secret and will be made open when all secrets are revealed and all hidden thoughts and motives are made known. When the Light, when He, Jesus Christ returns His judgement will make visible everything hidden and blind eyes will see and cry and gnash teeth and eyes that see will rejoice and sing praise. Before that happens though, it will be as in the days of Noah when wickedness abounds. I think that for every generation since the Resurrection of Jesus, wickedness has abounded and continues to get worse as Paul prophesied.

Peace be to you as you continue to study, analyze and divide the Word of His Truth.

Arcturus :)

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