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Author Topic: thanks for prayers  (Read 6432 times)

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thanks for prayers
« on: November 25, 2006, 06:41:28 PM »

Hey ya'll! I am using a friend's computer just for a bit to give ya'll an update and a heartfelt thanks. Michael and I are okay. My neighbor saw the flames and came to get me out of the house. He pushed me out and then rushed up the stairs into the smoke and flames to try to put the fire out. I couldn't let him go alone and ended up going back into the fire 4 times before we both made it out. The last time I went in to try to find him I breathed in before calling his name again and it sort of burned my lungs. I just have small burns on my hands and arms and a good bit of bruising but aside of that ... all okay. I was carried out and came to a bit later. God is good and provides. We still have our lives and know how to start from scratch. God in His goodness... let us have some laundry yet to be done so I had a track suit and michael had a couple pairs of jeans and a few shirts so we have some clothes to wear. I know all will be all right it is just kind of hard right now. Who would ever have guessed God can bless you with dirty laundry!!! I guess it just goes to show how good He is! Well, please keep praying for us. I will check back in with ya'll as soon as I can. Much love and thanks, Jennie


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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 01:42:03 AM »

Praise God.  He is Faithful.  Will keep praying for you!!



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 08:30:14 AM »

Jennie thank God for you! You are such an inspiration to me and I am sure others will agree.

Jennie if you need ANYTHING please let me know and the others here also.

You dear sister cannot imagine my love for you and what a blessing you are. I pray that God will give me a heart just like yours. To see the good in all that He does for us and your spirit of love and understanding. You are the Job of today in my eyes and if I even had 1/16 of the faith that you have I could move mountians!!

God has truly blessed you my friend and I thank Him so much for making you a part of my life along with all the others here.

Praying for you and Michael.

I love you my dear sister and friend,



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 10:07:48 AM »

Dear Jennie,

It is so good to hear from you again, you have many people praying for you and we know you and Michael will come through all of this even stronger.

His Peace to you Sister,



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 01:26:37 PM »


I am so glad to see you back on line with us again. I am so blessed by your faith, love and peace that is strongly shinining through you in testimony of His presence with you. Through your painful circumstances His presence is made visible to me and that He chose you to show up through is no surprise to me. He has made you kind, caring and considerate of others and His love for you and your family can be no less than awesome! This is better than your biscuits that you couldn't post to me in Africa!

Be peaceful in His love my dear Sister to you and your precious family :)



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2006, 01:50:46 PM »

Who would ever have guessed God can bless you with dirty laundry!!!

Just another example of how His ways are so much higher than ours. For sure, only dirty laundry can be a blessing from our Lord.  ;)

Your faith and endurance is beautiful Jennie. Thank You.



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2006, 03:16:59 PM »

Hey ya'll, I got a chance to use a computer again. I miss ya'll so much. Please don't think I am better than I truly am. I have questioned God in this as to "why"??? That little 3 letter word is so big. I have cried and I have felt hopeless. I am trying to see the blessings instead of the troubles and somedays I do better than others at that. We are having a lot of stress right now in dealing with all the paperwork and insurance and all. We are having a tough time even getting groceries right now but maybe when the insurance company gets through that too will ease up. I saved spare change in a box for hard times. Guess were it was? Upstairs ...of course! Now writing this to ya'll, I have lost the tears and am smiling because there are funny things like the dirty laundry, the coins for hard times and the funniest yet. Okay are ya'll ready for this one??? The work people have been out here. They were working on the ceiling and walls upstairs. In our burned out house we somehow avoided holes through the downstairs ceilings. We felt really happy about that. Yesterday as they were working, one of the workers stepped onto the ceiling of the downstairs instead of the 2x4 pieces. We heard an awful noise and the next thing you know here comes 2 legs down through the ceiling downstairs!!! Thank goodness, he was all right. Ya'll, I had to go walking outside so no one would hear me laughing! After I knew he was all right of couirse. If you could just imagine 2 legs stuck through your ceiling just wiggling like a bug! I guess it is true... He turns our tears to laughter!

Well, my time is up so ya'll keep praying for us and thank you all for your love and prayers. Just the fact that ya'll would take time out of your lives to think of us says more to my heart than I can ever put into words. I love ya'll and will get back to you as soon as I can! Jennie


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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2006, 07:57:23 PM »

We all go through hard times now and then.  And I suspect we all ask "why me?" and feel hopeless and lost, like He has left us on our own and removed His loving care.  But, always, He comes back and lets us know somehow that He not only still loves us, but that He was there with us the whole time.

You and Michael and your neighbor are in my prayers.

Love in Christ



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2006, 04:22:36 PM »

This is a very bittersweet thread, it is joyful to read the posts by Gena, Bobby, Arcturus, Marie and Mongoose but it is painful (yet inspiring) to read what has happened to you (and how you are responding) and your family.

You are in my prayers dear Sister,



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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2006, 09:23:31 PM »

Hey ya'll, I got another chance to "borrow some time" and wanted to say how much I appreciate ya'll and miss you too. We have been blessed during this hard time and it has helped us see the goodness of people. Sometimes that is hard to remember so God has used this time to remind us. I love you every one and hope that I will soon be able to get a computer so I can "visit" with ya'll each day. Much love, Jenie


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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2006, 02:44:25 PM »

Hey ya'll !!! Just got another chance to "borrow time" at a computer and just had to tell you.... we have a floor and a roof! How great is that. You know floors and ceilings are very under rated! Ya'll , thanks for everything and keep on praying for us! I love you all and will get back as soon as I can, Jennie


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Re: thanks for prayers
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 03:46:47 PM »

Hey Jennie

So glad for you.   :D I feel the spirit of love and hope and joy through your posts.

Perhaps when you are in the future looking back, you will be MORE amaized at how you have been carried through this trial and blessed with His presence and care for you leading you all the way. For me it is these memories that hold more meaning  and call to be re-visited than the trivia that the world can offer us in glossy photos of a seemingly good vacation .... without Him in mind, heart or prayer.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
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