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Author Topic: A Hello  (Read 4802 times)

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A Hello
« on: October 30, 2007, 11:00:42 PM »

Just wanted to say hi.  It has been hard to not have the internet-I do not have time to get to the library to use it very often.  Anyways-I am doing okay.  Hope you all are too.  I miss the fellowship here.  I do not really have anyone to discuss the things I learn with.  That can be very hard when I am excited about something I can see on my own!! 

I am still going to church with my husband, and things are going well between us.  I began to read a book about what happens to the soul/spirit when we die.  My husband brought it home and so I decided to see what it was all about.  The man who wrote the book refers to someone named Rutherford all of the time-actually he is trying to refute what the man says.  Well, I do not know who Rutherford is or what he believes, and it sounds like I would not agree with Rutherford anyways, but I have been able to see through this man's arguments for different things he believes that are against Rutherford's beliefs.

Anyway, my husband and I had a discussion about something he wrote in his book, and I was able to prove the guy wrong, from the scriptures, and my husband saw that.  It was a great thing for me-and I think my husband kind of saw me in a different light. 

I hope that my husbands eyes are opened some day.  For now, I wait.  I do not share anything with anyone at church because I do not want to cause division.  I just do not feel right about it.  I still want to get away from the doctrines of the church, but I am stuck here for now.  My husband is planning on going full time next July-and he knows how I feel about it.  I hope that you all can keep us in prayer.   

I have to say good-bye.  Hope to come back again! 



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 11:07:18 PM »

Hi Beth,

You made my day Sister!

It is great to hear from you and that you are holding up well, it was also nice to hear that your husband got a glimpse of the insights you have been granted from above.

I know there are many in the Forum that have been wondering about you and praying for you and your family, thank you for checking in and giving us an update.

His Peace and Wisdom to you and yours,



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2007, 01:20:55 AM »

yea Im wit Joe,
                    yep! Hi Beth it is great 2 hear frm U sister & jus 2 know U & urZ! r well, & a Big Amen 2 d@ on U gettn & taking a smidgn of wot has been shown U 2 ur husband, a Big Yes! also sister 2 my/our Prays! 2 U & urZ! & may our FATHER BLESS Uz in abundance!, wil b thinkn of U alwayZ! ur brother in CHRIST JESUS!, takecare!, GODS Peace...
                    muchLOVE!! Pera


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Re: A Hello
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2007, 02:07:09 AM »

Hi Beth!  Happy to hear from you!
Thanks so much for thinking about us all and sharing your situation to-date.  My prayers are still with you and your family.  Great that you were able to refute falsehoods with Scripture! 

We surely do miss your bright uplifting spirit.  Take good care.

God is working all together for good!  And we praise His holy name!

With Christian love,
Your sister in Christ Jesus our glorious Redeemer,


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Re: A Hello
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2007, 04:31:26 AM »

  I do not know you, but I know your plight (sounds like a mirror image of mine). 
Thanks for sharing and stay strong in the truth!

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2007, 04:50:13 PM »

Hi Beth!

So wonderful to hear from you. I'm glad you are doing well and are holding up.

I'm praying for you and your husband.

Your sister in Christ.



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2007, 05:14:18 PM »

Hello Beth! ;D

Wonderful to hear from you!

Two things stand out from your post for me. You say..with my husband,.. things are going well between us. That is GOOD to hear Beth. I am very happy for you both as this is most important to our spiritual development into the children of God that we are functional, not dysfunctional in our marriages.

You say about Rutherford...I have been able to see through this man's arguments That too is GOOD to hear Beth. It sounds like you have grown in leaps and bounds! I am so happy for us all for you.

Also that you are not trying to convert anyone or change the system of the Church is for me, wisdom in motion. Lovely to see Beth.

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2007, 11:26:06 PM »

BamBam-  yeeeaaaahhhhh!!  Thanks for letting us know how you are doing!.   God Bless you as the Lord works out His will for you and your family.  Don't know when you can next check back, but thanks so much.  Love ya & miss you!

brandon h

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Re: A Hello
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 10:12:13 PM »

Well Beth, I don't know if we've met but glad to hear from you. And now that I know of you I'll be sure to keep you in prayer.

God Bless


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Re: A Hello
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 08:56:38 PM »

It thrills my heart to hear from all of you!!  I really won't  be checking here much, but I just had to come and see if anyone dropped me a line. ;)  I am very thankful for you. 

Sometimes, I get very restless because I want to learn more and understand more.  Since I have been away from here, I have had times of doubt, and then I have to smack myself and say-stick with it Beth!!  I study every night before bed.  All I use is a Greek/Hebrew Bible and strong's concordance and I am ever learning.  It is still difficult not to have anywhere to discuss all that I learn, but God is with me. 

Lately, I have found it difficult to pray.  I have been struggling to understand what and how I should pray.  I talk to God about this or that and ask for help, but praying for others has been hard.  I don't look at it as a magic solution, because God has everything already planned out.  But the Bible does teach us to pray in the examples he has given-like with Paul and all the times he mentions his prayers for the saints.

I have also been thinking about what church is really supposed to be.  I cannot even begin to tell the blessings that have been occurring in the church I attend.  Of course it has to do with numbers and space and money.  But it doesn't make sense to me that success is found in something so way off the mark.  So I am planning on studying all the references where church is mentioned and see what I come up with.  I truly want to know and understand wht Christ wants His church to be and what He expects from it.  Then maybe I can find some peace about my own church.  It troubles my heart every time I walk through the doors of our church building.  Feeling like it's just not right, but seeing the joy ooze from the people, and the warmth that so many people have seen in our church.  It has turned my heart in circles.  I need strength here, and understanding-and patience I think too! ;D

Thanks for all the comments.  God is good-so good.  I think I am just learning to rest and wait on him-He has it all worked out, right!  Blessings to all of you!



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Re: A Hello
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2007, 07:14:45 PM »

Friend Beth,

As you know we are all like little children, even though we are physically older we are spiritually very immature. Imagine yourself as one of many young children in the local congregation who are worshiping God as you have been trained and after class one day the teacher calls you to one side to speak to you privately. 

The teacher tells you then that you have been selected to receive special information and training that the other children are not being given at this time.  He tells you that this special training will prepare you to serve as counselor and teacher for the next class of little ones and that you must keep this information to yourself until graduation, because even though you are able to understand it in part, you will not immediately have the capacity to share the information effectively with others; not until you have completed the course work.

The other children are not able to understand the special lessons at this time, because the teacher has other plans for them.  They will be able to understand later and will have the blessing of serving and sharing when the time is right.  For now it is your job to learn as much as possible and to hold these things in your heart and practice them so that you become the things you are being taught, like the teacher.

These things are sometimes called 'mysteries' which is defined as 'spiritual secrets'.  God, who never lies, does provide answers to the mysteries of life to each person in the proper order.  This is not to show favoritism to God's children, for all will receive their reward in due time.  God however is the only one who knows what is the best time to reveal 'spiritual secrets' and we must learn to trust God and to patiently wait upon God to do what is best for each of us.

This time in your life may be a special opportunity to learn patience and compassion for others and to prepare yourself to serve in a greater way when Messiah Jesus comes into his Kingdom.  You have a special friend in Jesus our counselor and comforter who loves you completely and without reservation.  Trust him and lean upon him and you will have peace.

You might continue doing that with your husband too.  God can make even the most ordinary of men to be loving and attentive and special when we trust God.  So continue letting God into your heart and then follow your heart with joy.

Your friend Indiana Bob


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Re: A Hello
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2007, 02:41:12 AM »

Bob well put
Beth  thanks for telling us how yu have been doing I have had the same experience with my middle son and he is seeing the scriptures better.  The Lord substains us not ourselves so take heart dear sister he has you in his fold.  Peggy
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