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Author Topic: Turning the other cheek  (Read 6998 times)

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Jackie Lee

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Turning the other cheek
« on: February 04, 2008, 10:05:13 PM »

What would anyone consider turning the other cheek?
I had some unnessary words spoken to me today, It was the hardest thing to walk away yet I did.
Should we just walk away or should we defend ourselves?
I had this happen to me before by the same person I let it build up and then one day I let her have it back, She was reduced to tears.
 I thought it would make me feel better but I just wound up apologising anyway so this time I felt confrontation should be avoided.
How do I get rid of this nasty beast inside of myself?
I want to come to a point where I am not sensitive to insensitive people. What a battle, I wonder if it will be finished in this life.


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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 10:38:57 PM »

Hello Jackie Lee,

                        Wow, Jackie, that sounds very familiar, we both should re-read Romans.12:9-12, the rest of our lives. My wife and I have difficulty with our temperment at times. We both greatly dislike injustice, double-standards, hypocrisy and unwarranted ridicule. My wife is very nice to most people, but when pushed to the limit by someones deliberate foolish nonsense and by phonies, she holds it in for so long, then look out. Yes I agree, its better to walk away( Proverbs. 17:14 ) and theirs' always that one person at work that has a talent for getting under your skin( sometimes its less grief in the long run to zip your lip or take your leave). Uncontrolled anger in the long haul is bad for our physical,emotional and spiritual health, remember all those scriptures in Proverbs that counsel us about too much anger. In my household, too much Irish, Italian and German genetics contained within. Actually its a good quality to apologize as much as possible, in the instances when dealing with the worst of the worst people, zip our lip and take our leave. Hope and pray that things go well for you in this area, please pray for me too.

                                                Your Brother in Christ, Samson.


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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 11:16:44 PM »

We always quote the "turn the cheek par"t but forget the first part.
Why was the person being hit in the cheek for in the first place.  Read all the words

(Mat 5:38 KJVR)  Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:[/u]
(Mat 5:39 KJVR)  But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Jesus was talking about a means for ameliiorating the extracting of revenge

Here are the three OT references that Jesus refererred to from in EX Lev and Deut

(Exo 21:23 KJVR)  And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
(Exo 21:24 KJVR)  Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
(Exo 21:25 KJVR)  Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

(Lev 24:19 KJVR)  And if a man cause a blemish in his neighbor; as he hath done, so shall it be done to him
(Lev 24:20 KJVR)  Breach for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: as he hath caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be done to him again.

(Deu 19:20 KJVR)  And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.
(Deu 19:21 KJVR)  And thine eye shall not pity; but life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot

Now why did Jesus say this...perhaps because he knows that we do derserve the "unecessary words" sometimes...perhaps we need to examine ourselves more closely.... sometimes we need to take it in on the chin ....perhaps she is getting back for the last lashing out that you gave?  Is this revenge eschalating on a small scale?

Rathere than "revenge" and getting your own due for her bad behavior forgive her this time ....and this time ....gently confront her in a positive and loving way. 

How many times are we to do this ,,,like Jesus told time seventy

Do not hold on to any anger rather ...see her sad state... and pray for her eyes to be opened.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 12:42:30 AM by Beloved »

Jackie Lee

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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2008, 12:38:44 AM »

 Hi Samson, thank you your wife sounds similar to me. I for two years have been praying about this, it can be hard and yes I will pray for you and please pray for me.  :)

Thank you Beloved, you have given me something to consider, the funny thing is about one hour ago I recieved a phone call apologizing for her bad behaviour, we were able to talk and chat a bit.
I accepted with happiness.
We even said we may be able to go to the Gym together once my body heals a bit more from my accident so yes possibly these words was something I needed and was best for both of us.
This is a odd thing since I realize no one has freewill, everything is of God.


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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 11:59:52 AM »

I have wondered about that myself and I think it may have to do with each person we deal with individually.   Jesus didn't appear to turn the other cheek when admonishing the pharasees.  Yet, he did not try to avoid crucifixion beyond prayer.

This verse has me wondering about things as well.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)

I don't think we are necessarily to be come doormats at the whims of people around us for the sake of turning the other cheek.  I'm certain that if someone broke into my home I am not going to turn the other cheek and let them have their way.  Something tells me it is not about letting people do whatever they want to us.



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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 12:21:49 PM »

If we are having our eyes opened to the Truth, then we have a much greater understanding of why things happen in this world.  We know that God causes all things and any situation that you find yourself in.  So since we know that He is creating situations in our lives to teach us from, can't these situations be seen for what they are.... learning experiences for His chosen.  If we truely understand that Christ is in control of every situation, can't we see how we are being taught how to show love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
v. 23  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
v. 24  And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
v. 25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Just felt like sharing my opinion on this  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 01:26:36 PM »

Hi Everyone,

I think Beloved touched on something in her response (as did you all) bringing up the apparent difference in the OT (Old Covenant) admonishment of an "eye for an eye" for carnal justice and the NT (New Covenant) "do not resist" for spiritual judgment.

The decree of an eye for an eye was there to make sure the earthly punishment fit the crime, do not take out a person's eye because he chipped your tooth. Do not amputate a a persons arm because he cut your finger.

It was a decree of proper and fair judgment and punishment, the New Covenant expanded on that.

Think of this as you consider the denominations doctrine of punishment of an eternal hell for a temporal, finite sinful life and what an evil message it is, no wonder unbelievers believe that they could not worship a god they themselves feel superior to.

Job 4:17  Shall mortal man be more just than God? shall a man be more pure than his maker?

In regard to what Jesus was saying about not resisting evil aren't these folks (committing evil acts) judging themselves when they do you wrong? Whether it is rumor mongering, theft, beatings or any other evil thing we can do to one another we should pray like Christ prayed to our Father, not to give us the authority and power to seek vengeance but for the strength of spirit to discern the situation and forgive our tormentors.

1Ki 3:9  Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?
1Ki 3:10  And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing.
1Ki 3:11  And God said unto him, Because thou hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself long life; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked for thyself understanding to discern judgment;
1Ki 3:12  Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee.

Of course we are going to protect our loved ones or those who are weak but in doing so we must never exact revenge, only restraint, restrain the one committing the aggression (as He leads us) and the restraint of ourselves from succumbing to the temptation to exact revenge.

Please let us not get into hypothetical situations where it descends into Rambo or Batman scenarios, these are not edifying and are not of Christ, the following is of Christ.

Matthew 6:34 (King James Version)

Matthew 6:34  Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Matthew 6:34 (New International Version)
Matt 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34 (Amplified Bible)
Matthew 6:34 So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

We need to strive for faith in Christ not faith in ourselves, that is what this journey is all about.

His Peace and Wisdom to you,




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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2008, 04:15:46 PM »

For me, turning the other cheek is this quote : 1 Peter 2 : 23  When He was reviled and insulted, He did not revile or offer insult in return: when He was abused and suffered, He made no threats of vengeance; but HE TRUSTED HIMSELF AND EVERYTHING TO HIM WHO JUDGES FAIRLY.


I found this scripture that I believe ties in with your observation.

Col 1 : 16 For it was in Him that ALL THINGS WERE CREATED (even our circumstances that are either good or evil, every opportunity and every (apparently to us in our carnal mis-understanding,) lost opportunity, and every hair on our heads! :Dand exist through Him and in and for Him.

Peace to you all

Arcturus :)


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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2008, 07:11:58 PM »

I seriously wanted to turn another's cheek today.

Don't think that's what Christ meant though.

Jackie Lee

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Re: Turning the other cheek
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2008, 12:13:49 AM »

If we are having our eyes opened to the Truth, then we have a much greater understanding of why things happen in this world.  We know that God causes all things and any situation that you find yourself in.  So since we know that He is creating situations in our lives to teach us from, can't these situations be seen for what they are.... learning experiences for His chosen.  If we truely understand that Christ is in control of every situation, can't we see how we are being taught how to show love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Gal 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
v. 23  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
v. 24  And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
v. 25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Just felt like sharing my opinion on this  :)

mercy, peace and love

Thank you, this what I believe also, It is not always easy.....But Yes!
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