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Author Topic: Teach me how to love Science again..........  (Read 4677 times)

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Teach me how to love Science again..........
« on: February 22, 2008, 08:09:45 AM »

Often  I come here and see several different posts about amazing new scientific discoveries and such goings on in the world and it reminds me that when I was a child I loved science class. I loved learning about all the fascinating things in nature, plants animals, I loved looking at the stars and trying to imagine how long it would take to get from star to star or just wondering how did God created it all. 

And now that I'm an adult with a kid of my own  I realize now that for a long while I've been shunning (consciously and unconsciously) shunning science for a good while now because of the way that the majority of it tries to prove over and over how unneeded and unreal God is.  At least that's how it seems to me.  I'd hazard to guess that the majority of scientists in the world today are atheist.  I understand the basis of science and I understand how they are to include only the observeable in order to come up with their theories etc.... and yet it still bothers me. 

 If God's real as I hope he is, then He indeed created/allowed/started the spark, whatever term that anyone wants to term it....LIFE/THE UNIVERSE....etc...  That's what I believe anyway.  I Should be able to look at every new amazing discovery as a message from God right?  I want to and yet all the time you read through any scientific magazine national geographic, Smithsonian, scientific american on and on,  everything is without-god.  Not only is it without God, it's anti-god.  Not all but lots, probably most biologists, cosmologists etc...trying to kill God is what it feel like to me.  I know they only do what they believe is right and true, at least I hope that's why they say what they say. 

I am married to a nonbeliever so I try to keep an open and nonjudgmental mind at all times about the world in general.  I understand scientific process and how that kind of leaves out an entity that you cannot see, smell, hear or feel (especially if you are not being dragged to Him) but still I feel weird about it. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, far worse than just regular sinning somehow.     And how do I share it with my child.  And no I do not believe they should teach anything remotely religious in school either but that's not a problem for me anyway as my child is homeschooled, but I want her to know about all these amazing things but I'm afraid she'll have to know that a majority of the "discoverers" of the wonders in our world agree with her father on religious matters.

 I believe learning is there for a reason and God's showing the new discoveries to us for a reason so we shouldn't shun any of them.  I just hate it when I'm reading along and not only is all of this "Stuff" apparently happening completely on it's own merit completely without even a start from anyone or anything, it never needed any help in the first place!  That's the one thing I truly cannot believe and never have.  I don't know about much, I have lots of questions and doubts, but simply cannot believe that the Universe/life started itself.  I just can't.   Even when I'm going "God IF you are there, IF you can hear me"......I still cannot conceive of everything that IS creating itself!  I could beleive anything from evolution to God created things one by one, I don't care HOW, I just believe that God did it.  That without God NOTHING would exist.  Believing that everything that IS got here on it's own or by chance seems as much nonsense to Me as God is to an atheist!

We are so small and the Universe is SOOOOOOO HUGE!  Incomprehensible almost.  WOW.



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Re: Teach me how to love Science again..........
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 12:47:26 PM »

Hi Michele,

I to really enjoy seeing all these amazing new scientific discoveries.  It gives me and even greater sense of awe for the Creator of all of this.  I have found some very good programs on TV, 'The Universe' and 'Naked Science' that I just love to watch. 
I saw a segment on one of these programs that may help to explain why there is such a one sided view, why it seems that the majority of scientists in the world today are atheist.  In this segment it showed that leaders of the scientific community are frequently isolated from the general public in an exclusionary, closed culture and surprisingly (or not) resistant to new ideas.  Any scientist who speaks out against the scientific community will find himself out of a job, blackballed, and broke (no funding).  It is a much bigger problem than the denial of a Creator, many new and exciting scientific discoveries frequently disappear from view never to be heard of again. 

So I just take what we are given by the scientists and use my own knowledge of the Truth as a guide to understanding these things.  There are so many wonderful things to explore that are being published.  I agree with what you say... We are so small and the Universe is SOOOOOOO HUGE!  Incomprehensible almost.  WOW.

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 10:54:36 AM by Kat »


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Re: Teach me how to love Science again..........
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 01:20:10 AM »

Science is the best apologetic tool to use on the sceptic.  But only if you can sort out the science from the crap.  Let's look at some aspects.  The most basic cell has 10s or even 100s of thousands of parts performing necessary functions (Darwin didn't know this).  Most cells have molecular motors which are way more efficient than anything ever invented by man.  The history of life on this planet shows fossil's of life that sprang up from no where.  There are basically no apparent transitional species between animal groups.  The Cambrian Explosion has about 80% of all animal phyla appearing in a period that can't be accounted for with evolution.  Our universe is so perfect for our survival that no one can rationally credit random chance to explain away design.  There is no good science that I am aware of that can't fit right into scriptures.  This includes old earth/older universe. 

I will also add that scientists study laws of nature and natural tendencies of it.  I believe that God has blinded them spiritually for a reason.  The things that I mentioned above are more credible to a sceptic than if they came from someone trying to prove the Bible's authenticity.  And the evolutionist's are challenging me to see past their empty hypothesis, as I learn more and more exponential odds against it's many aspects. 
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 12:34:43 PM by musicman »


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Re: Teach me how to love Science again..........
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 07:58:05 PM »

Hi Michele--
Just wanted to say that I chose to homeschool too, but even if I had not homeschooled, I believe that I would have made time for nature walks with my children....there was just NOTHING quite like dicovering a new flower or hearing a new bird while poking around in the woods with my children! I'll treasure those years forever! And you reminded me of them....God bless you honey, in your efforts as you teach your little ones.....He'll guide you! Peace! and Joy!
Joyce :)
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