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Author Topic: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!  (Read 5026 times)

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My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« on: August 20, 2008, 03:27:46 PM »

 ::)  To all my brothers and sisters;

          I wanted to tell all of you that my big mouth striked out again. ::)  I am trying to get the gastric-bypass surgery have been for about year now. I had to attend a nutrition education class, 3 of them to be exact. Well, in my second class a husband and wife were attending. I noticed the husband reading the bible. In my mind I was wondering if he knew the truth. Then out of the silence of waiting for the instructor someone asked the man "Are you a pastor or a minister?". The man replied " I am a pastor". He was then asked the difference between a minister and a pastor. He tried his best to explain but the women looked confused. He told her he was raised a Roman Catholic and left it in search of the TRUTH...
         I figured that was my cue, I took a scrap piece of paper out of my purse and a pen and wrote down our BT web address and quietly handed it to him. His response was this"Oh, that website". I then felt offended and asked him "Did you read everything or just a few sentences?" The pastor said all he needed was right in his bible. I then went on and tried to explain our beliefs and all he could do was give me bible verse after bible verse. I told him "why do you have to give all these verses to prove I am wrong?". He said MY FREE WILL was telling him all this stuff and God will punish me.
        That was all it took!!! I asked who created Adam and Eve? Who created the tree of Good and Evil? Who created the serpent who tempted Eve? He answered with GOD. I then went on and told him we have no free will. I used Peter has an example.... If Peter had free will couldn't he free will himself from denying Jesus even after Jesus told him he was going to? He could not answer this question. The "pastor" then told me I need to hear the real truth or I was going to hell. I then made him mad when I said there was no hell. I told him how can a loving God burn and torment people forever and ever has you believe? He then threw more bible verses at me. I said "Why do you need so many verses to prove there is a hell, just give me one."
          I barely noticed anyone else in the room, I felt so compelled to protect my BT family I didn't realize someone sitting next to me. This women looked at me and told me something that makes me laugh but maybe it shouldn't...she said this"I will pray for your soul because you believe in the wrong God and you need to really pray and hope Jesus forgives you."
        I left that class and felt like I was flying, I don't know like something inside filled me with the desire to try and show this man and his wife the truth. I got home and told my husband(Brad-Samson)and he right way emailed the pastor and explained a little bit more about us. Not to our surprise the pastor never responded back. I have learned since coming here and having my eyes finally opened to the truth the world looks so much brighter and clearer. I never realized how amazing the Earth was until now.I am just rambling on now and probally lost some of you but I want to take them time and tell my boring story and say thanks to everyone who has helped open my eyes and showed me great love.

                                                                    With God's love& understanding,



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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 04:02:51 PM »

It is always disheartening to see someone refuse to leave tradition and think for themselves. I have faith the Living God will open the eyes of his heart.

Don't despair, rejoice because you know that man and his wife are not lost eternally.

Much Love B


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2008, 06:04:08 PM »

Good for you Pam, I think we all want to have a big mouth when it comes to trying to open someones eyes to Gods Truth.  Ive found out when i open my big mouth when trying to tell someone about what "hell" really is, they end up going into something that has to do with a persons free will to reject God.

Heres one scenario that happened

My brother:Yeah people are dead, but when the resurrection of Judgement comes these people will choose to go to hell instead of following God.

Me: oh really (as Ray would put it)(then verse after verse to defend the Truth).

He still keeps going back to free will.

Me: Alright let's just use some common sense here.  A person is going to be in front of Jesus and Jesus, as you put it, will give this person a choice saying "Ok Jimmy, I lay before you two options.  You can choose to follow me and have eternal life of joy and happiness or you can deny that My God exists and spend eternity burning in unimaginable pain and torture.  But before you make this decision let me remind you that you were once dead and now you are alive and with My Gods power i have brought you back to life.  So what do you choose.

Brother:  If that person was atheist he will probably choose hell.
ME: Now who in their right mind will choose that. Come on where the common sense in that.

It just amazes me what people come up with.  By the way my brother is a deacon at a southern baptist church.

Good for you Pam keep having that big mouth of yours.  Just dont let it get you in over your head. (I might be doing that with my brother because i asked him if i could come to one of their bible studiesand show them some real Truth and i know i am not a teacher). Hey i figure i gotta test out what knowledge i think i know somehow right.  Practice makes well, perfect.

All in Love,


Dave in Tenn

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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2008, 06:36:42 PM »

Didn't bore me, Pam.   ;D  You had me right there beside you.  Hang in there.  Seeds were sown...maybe in the Pastor, and maybe in the poor 'eavesdroppers'.   ;D

Unbelievable, Anthony!  I wonder if he realizes that a lot of 'Atheists' got that way because of utter stupidity like that.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2008, 10:23:56 PM »

Good thread!!  Not a bit boring Pam, but oh so familiar!!  We must all have big mouths!! :D


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2008, 10:43:58 PM »


I sent you a PM about that surgery...

Zechariah 8:16
These are the things that you shall do; Speak you every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:

Bless Your Beautiful Mouth,


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2008, 04:20:28 AM »

This line from the lady near you is a trip. It makes me laugh too!

"I will pray for your soul because you believe in the wrong God and you need to really pray and hope Jesus forgives you."

 ???    ???      ???      ???


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2008, 02:17:07 PM »

Hello Everyone,

                      Here is a copy of the E-mail that I wrote and sent to " Pastor " Goodwin in regards to the conversation that the Freckle Girl had with him and his wife, as a follow up. Read below:

    Dear Pastor Goodwin,                                  Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Brad Mathews and I'm a Forum member at Web-Site. Apparently my Wife Pam had a brief conversation with you and your Wife regarding some teachings at this Site. I would like to take the time to briefly touch upon some of the things that were discussede with her. It's not my purpose here to elaborate on every detail and Subject contained at this Bible Site. My wife suggested that you read more thoroughly on the information provided by Our teacher, L Ray Smith.                                Salvation, Punishment and Eternal:       Firstly, whenever the word Eternal, Everlasting or Forever is mentioned in the New Testament, the Greek Word Aion and it's adjective Aionios is translated into our English Eternal or Forever, it's an incorrect translation of this Greek Word. Aion literally means in the Greek Age-Lasting or Age-Abiding, it wasn't until sometime in the second century that this word had added meanings, by that time,the Bible Canon was already accepted and circulated. It wasn't until the Fourth Century through the order of Emperor Justinian and persuaded by " Saint " Augustian that this word was fully accepted as meaning Eternal. Most of the Latin Church fathers didn't understand Greek very well, Eternal comes from the Latin Eternus. Prior to the second century, the word Aion never meant Eternal or Forever. So whenever a Bible verse mentions Eternal Punishment or Eternal Fire, it should be rendered Age-Lasting Chastisement or Age-lasting Correction. Punishment is taken from the Greek Word Kolasin which primarily means " the pruning of the Luzurian Tree " or chastisement with a view to correction. Just like a Human Father disiplines his children, so our Heavenly father disciplines his children with a view to correction and improvement, just like pruning a tree. This punishment is not Forever, but temporary. Also the greek word for Destruction or Perish Apollemi and Oleuthron means desolation, lost or losing, but does not mean Annihilation or endless Death. Jesus came to save the Lost and Sinners. The Scripture at Rev. 20:10 regarding the Devil being Tormented Forever and ever, should read Tormented for ages unto ages. Just consider this Pastor Goodwin, how many forevers can there be, there can be only one Forever, not more than one as expressed in this verse. Fire is never literal in regards to punishment, it's Spiritual Fire, the literal fire's of Gehenna burned out long ago.                       Hell-fire and Hell(Mistranslations):          The Greek Word Hades is equivalent to the Hebrew Word Sheol and literal means Imperceptible or The Unseen and is commonly mistranslated Hell. Actually the Old English Word Hell original meant that and often referred to someone " Helling Potatoe's ". It never denotes any type of conscious Torment. The Word Hell-fire is taken from the Greek Word Gehenna, Gehenna was a garbage dump during and prior to Jesus Day, only garbage, wicked criminals and the carcasses of dead animals were tossed there, nothing conscious or alive was thrown there. Hades is mentioned twenty two times and Gehenna is mentioned twelve times in the New Testament. Our God is a consuming and refiners Fire. This Spiritual Fire of Gehenna and Spiritual Lake of Fire is going to purify all the Carnal Garbage and desires that are within our minds and hearts. The kind of things mentioned at Matt. 15:18-20. We don't believe in inherent immortality of the Soul, immortality is eventually given to all of us, but at different times and stages as expressed at 1Cor. 15:18:56. If you would like more details, read Ray Smith's Hell and Lake of Fire series.                           Eventual Salvation for All.      See 1 Tim. 2:3,4; 1 Tim. 4:10; 1Cor. 15:22,28; Acts. 3:21. Also a clear way of proving Salvation for All is at 2 Peter. 3: 9. " God Wills that none shall perish, but all attain to repentance. "  The Greek word for WILL is the strong form like expressed at Matt. 6:9 " Thy Will be done " In other words, it's not merely a desire or wishfull thinking on God's part. but it's his WILL that none perish. The word none means their can't be anyone in that group, so if none perish, their can't be anyone that does. 1 John. 4:14 " The Father sent Jesus to BE THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD " This isn't contingent on what we do, Jesus is either the Savior of the World or he's not, he cannot fail his commission to Save the World.                               The Myth of Free Will:     I'm not going to get into this subject today, only a brief mention of this, adding what Pam already mentioned, Our Teacher Ray Smith can more fully answer this. Pam mentioned the Apostle Peter, it was Peter's " Will " that he would stand by Jesus and not abandon him as the other's did, Jesus told him exactly what he would do, so much for Peter's free will, if Peter had free will, he could have altered the outcome of Jesus prediction for him. You know the story of the Apostle Paul, he changed his entire direction in less than ten seconds, after meeting the Risen Christ on the road to Damascus. There is no prior evidence that Paul wasn't going to change his murderous and plottting against Christians, prior to his very quick conversion.                        An Accurate definition of Free Will: A choice that has no prior cause, it's a proven Scientific fact that everything has a Cause/Efffect relationship. There are no choices that we make without a conscious or unconsious prior cause. If we had Free Will, we could perfectly control and alter our choices. As it stands, no one is capable of knowing exactly how a choice will end up or be able to alter the end result of that choice. Does anyone have Free Will, Yes, God The Father does.                       In conclusion: I'm not going to mention our entire belief structure from A to Z in one Email, my wife is thankfull for that; Ha Ha. The origin of Evil, the scenario in The garden of Eden, male and female being created or creating( a gradual process) in God's image and likeness, is for another time. MY BEST SUGGESTION IS TO EMAIL RAY SMITH AND TO READ HIS ARTICLES WHICH GO WAY BEYOND IN DETAIL AND EXPLANATION, THAN I'M CAPABLE OF.                            Respectfully Yours, In God's Love expressed through his Son, Our Savior God, Jesus Christ. Brad & Pam Mathews.

                        Comments by forum members are appreciated and expected.

                                         Kind Regards to all, Samson.


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2008, 02:45:52 PM »

Great letter, but i wouldnt hold my breath on a response from him.



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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2008, 03:26:17 PM »

Hey Samson,

As usual, your well organized thoughts written out are wonderfully clear.  That is certainly a gift you have.  What I just don't get with some people is why they aren't more curious [and would like to believe it]  I understand the position of "Prove it to Me" from scripture first.  Amen to that just doesn't make sense why they refuse the possibility of God being Good ???

My own Mom, wasn't interested, and God speaks through her to me at times.  I guess it's not our job to get them to believe, just to be obedient like Pam to speak, and yourself to write the truth.

You will Both be Blessed,

Mike T

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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2008, 06:54:09 AM »

flying   bright   clear    earth
Run Pastor, RUN!


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Re: My big mouth strikes again!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2008, 12:08:06 PM »

Don't worry, I wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut either.  The second someone says, "I've come out of such and such church and etered such and such church to learn the truth", I would say, truth?.  So in other words, you came out of one daughter of Babylon and entered into another to learn,,,,,,,,truth?  Then I'd get really sarcastic, ending with "you hypocrate". 
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