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Author Topic: i miss arcturus  (Read 7877 times)

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i miss arcturus
« on: August 26, 2008, 04:03:41 AM »

has anyone heard from, or any news about arcturus (deborah)? i haven't seen her post in many weeks and i really miss her input into the scriptures and ray's teachings. arcturus, if you are still out there and you read this post, please know how much we miss you sister. i know you were going through some difficulties in the months past. i pray you and your family are still under God's protective shadow.

your sister in Christ,


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 10:40:52 AM »

has anyone heard from, or any news about arcturus (deborah)? i haven't seen her post in many weeks and i really miss her input into the scriptures and ray's teachings. arcturus, if you are still out there and you read this post, please know how much we miss you sister. i know you were going through some difficulties in the months past. i pray you and your family are still under God's protective shadow.

your sister in Christ,

Hello Claudia,

                    I last noticed that she was on-line, August 18th, I PM her, telling her I missed her fellowship, she seemed by her response to me, to be in good spirits and doing okay. Don't know when she will be able to regularly be involved again, she didn't say.

                                          KInd Regards, Samson.


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 11:12:13 AM »

Hi claudia,

I pm'ed her and got a note on the 18th, I don't think she woukd mine me sharing it.

I am fully in the Plan of Christ to not have the opening to communicate in the Forum or the privilege of the blessing I have enjoyed since I have been separated from the regular contributions that were made in the past.

I am anticipating Rays September Conference...

Peace to you



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 06:04:54 PM »

I received a similar response.  God must have put her in our thoughts for a reason, so let us all pray for her.  I am excited as to what the Lord has in store for her :)



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 07:33:33 PM »

I miss Arcturus and her knowledge very much. My prayer is that she is safe and hopefully she can rejoin this forum soon. GOD is in control and I feel she is in HIS plans.


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 03:22:38 AM »

i am happy to see that others have been thinking of her too. thanks to each of you who have had contact with her for letting me/us know that she is doing well. we truly are a family together and it is hard to not know how your family member is doing in their life. God knows where arcturus/deborah is and He has her back. just like He does for each and every one of us. i just was missing her.



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 11:10:31 AM »

Hi Claudia,

Arcturus and I have been in touch through occasional PM's and although she has not been able to resolve the issues that are currently preventing her participation here she does manage to check in every now and then and print out topics and portions of Ray's transcripts (thanks again Kat!).




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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 02:29:15 PM »

Thanks everyone for the updates! are missed so much--
I just wish that we could all sit down with you and share a cup of coffee....and hear "the rest of the story"...
I am trusting in Him to hold your hand, keep you safe, and lead you through whatever you are facing today and forever!
Your friend, your sister,
Joyce :)


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 03:00:56 PM »

Hello friends!

Thank you for this thread. I am so happy that you have expressed your faith in the plan of Christ for me. I have really been in a most frightening storm of circumstances. My life has been in a most difficult transition and having read the latest instalment on Hell, I can truly relate to the fact that it is painful to be in the trials of faith that the consuming fire of God would have His children purified in!

Ray says he goes through this DAILY! That is too overwhelming to even contemplate. My trials are far from daily but it appears as though it is accelerating to a daily experience which is quite depressing to contemplate.  I am so appreciative for your thoughts and prayers for me. THANK YOU

Peace to you



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 05:37:33 PM »

Hi Arcturus!

Good to hear from you - it's good that you can still have access to the forum once in a while. I miss you here too, praying for you!

God bless you,
Here’s how to tell if you have faith; how do you live… what do you do… what do you accomplish in life… what are your goals… What is there about you that proves that you have this faith and belief inside of you? What?


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 06:20:52 PM »

Amen to that Eirik.  We all love and miss Arc/Deborah thats for sure!


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2008, 10:28:57 AM »

Hello Arcturus,

I seldom post BUT need to tell you I have missed you greatly. I want you to know you have been a fantastic teacher to me ever since I have been reading your posts. Panic had started to set in once I realized you had stopped posting, I am so happy as everyone else is to have heard from you. THANK YOU for responding to Claudia's post.

Your brother in Christ John  :)


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2008, 03:42:55 PM »

To All,
It is so good to hear from Arcturus and to know she is in CHRIST'S plan for her life. Even in the face of much difficulty and trials she is a wonderful example for all of us. None of us are really far from the experience which she is having and our prayer for her should be for all of us to not have this kind of experience to bear. She is so right when she refers to Ray experiencing these trials daily and our prayers for each and for all others in this forum shall be for HIS peace that passeth all understanding.
In HIM and through HIM,


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2008, 04:39:59 AM »

Hello friends!

Thank you for this thread. I am so happy that you have expressed your faith in the plan of Christ for me. I have really been in a most frightening storm of circumstances. My life has been in a most difficult transition and having read the latest instalment on Hell, I can truly relate to the fact that it is painful to be in the trials of faith that the consuming fire of God would have His children purified in!

Ray says he goes through this DAILY! That is too overwhelming to even contemplate. My trials are far from daily but it appears as though it is accelerating to a daily experience which is quite depressing to contemplate.  I am so appreciative for your thoughts and prayers for me. THANK YOU

Peace to you

deborah. i was so excited to see your post. i have missed you my sister. in my life too, the trials of faith by God's consuming fire seem to be accelerating. i too hold your hand in spirit and wanted you to know i was thinking of you. i do not know the details of your personal purgings, but i do not need to know them. i feel kindred with you and all others on this forum, knowing that we all are being purged. i remember my very first posting in which i laid out my personal problems. i know that God led me to do that, as i know He led me to this forum, and i received much kind and uplifting support from my brothers and sisters here. i know also now that God is showing me that eventhough our Teacher suffers greatly from the cancer raging thru his body, he bears his suffering with quiet dignity and all the while still strenghtening each one of us on this forum. as has ray's example, your example deborah in your personal trials is also my teacher. God is showing me that although there is a time to make known our specific needs and specific sufferings so that we can help each other carry each other, there is also a time to suffer our fiery trials in silence to allow God Himself to carry us through. i pray for you with my heart and soul, and i hold you in spirit.

your sister in Christ Jesus, our Saviour and our Bridegroom,


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2008, 06:02:43 AM »

Hi Deborah,

I'm so glad that you were able to post once in a while and God made it possible, just to let us know that you are still with us.

I just want to tell you how grateful I am for having you as one member whom I esteemed highly.  When I started reading the forum section (I was not yet a member at that time just reading in the background) you are one of the few here that I admire, full of God’s wisdom.

I really miss your posts and your contribution here. Though I’m not an avid poster as you can see the number of my posts, but I do read the forum regularly.

May God extend His hand to whatever you are encountering right now in Jesus Christ name!

God bless you sister,



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2008, 01:32:21 PM »

Good morning Deborah,

We all miss your insightful commentary and candor.
One way to recall old memories is to go back over the messages we received in July or June or May.
This is how I stimulate my brain to take an interest in topics for Bible study.

Thanks for all you have shared in the days passed and the gifts of love that we know are yet to come.

Indiana Bob


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2008, 05:15:10 PM »

I am touched and encouraged by your warmth and very healing words of consideration for me. I appreciate it!

I have realised that I am only being pruned! The shearing cutters of God's hand in my life is cutting me down in many many areas of my life. The branches of my leafy memories and attachments are being cut off limb by limb.

Is being pruned the same as being judged? Am I learning anything? OH YES I AM! I am being shown how the beast that I am is SO self dependent, self deceived and self motivated. It is IMPOSSIBLE to lay down my life to take it up again if CHRIST does not do it for me and MAKE me go where I do not desire to go, do what I would not do and become what I would not become....DEPENDENT on HIM.

I have been shown that I am a blasphemer, idolater and participant in all forms of self reliance! I have been shown that it is my nature to depend on my own understanding and to govern my own steps without consulting my creator. I have been shown that the second death is necessary to purge out the nature that defies God and assumes superiority above the Sovereignty of Christ.

I have been shown my utter inability to free myself or disengage my self from my life and the attachments I am tangled in that bind me to vanity. I have tasted the cup of pain that has made me act like a mad woman that brings imagination into the forefront of reality where relief is briefly felt imagining death in a self induced tragedy.

In heightened pain I have horrifically accused Christ of being worse than Satan. I have experienced mind numbing agony that is emotionally so intense that some relief came from screaming like a totally mad woman as I drove my car whilst receiving the bitter taste of imagining the sweetness of escape via causing myself to crash into one of the big trucks passing me in the opposite direction.  I was shown that to have even entertained such a thought was equivalent to murder of an innocent party. To accuse Christ of being worse than Satan revealed the fact that there is no truth in ME, and that Christ is the victor over all evil. ONLY HE has overcome the World.  I felt His pity and sorrow for my  rightly earned second death manifested from out of the pain I was feeling within which I stated honestly what I most deeply felt in my pain and anxiety. In lesser times of pain I have felt every little match stick of my self perpetuating weed like resilient self reliance is being uprooted by God who is entering into my thought realm to dismantle every deception every time it shows up. No one can be still and know that God IS GOD unless GOD make it so....UNLESS HE MAKES IT SO...NOTHING CAN BE. No one can wait on God unless HE makes it so!

I remain deeply grateful for the teachings and sufferings and purging fire of our Maker that have been brought to us via Ray. We know who is the refiner, the maker and the One who saves by fire. I am grateful for all the good times of joy and peace and this site, and the encouragements that have been shared and the truths that have been embraced because without those times of seeing that God was the author of my happiness in times past....I could have no sense of sanity, or hope or peace to return to after the purging fire of His purifying promise that all shall bow and know that He is God.

Peace to you



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2008, 06:58:02 PM »


I can remember 2 times in my life that fills my heart with regret. One was yelling at God in the car just as you did or even worse. The other was telling him to go away and leave me alone when he would not stop purging. After that I did not feel his presence for close to 10 years. Before finding Ray I thought I committed the unforgivable sin and thought he left me.

No one can wait on God unless HE makes it so!

So true. I would have found an escape long ago if there was a way. We are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation.

Jude 1:23-25
24Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 1
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

My prayers are with you Deborah.


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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2008, 04:26:12 AM »

I am touched and encouraged by your warmth and very healing words of consideration for me. I appreciate it!

I have realised that I am only being pruned! The shearing cutters of God's hand in my life is cutting me down in many many areas of my life. The branches of my leafy memories and attachments are being cut off limb by limb.

Is being pruned the same as being judged? Am I learning anything? OH YES I AM! I am being shown how the beast that I am is SO self dependent, self deceived and self motivated. It is IMPOSSIBLE to lay down my life to take it up again if CHRIST does not do it for me and MAKE me go where I do not desire to go, do what I would not do and become what I would not become....DEPENDENT on HIM.

I have been shown that I am a blasphemer, idolater and participant in all forms of self reliance! I have been shown that it is my nature to depend on my own understanding and to govern my own steps without consulting my creator. I have been shown that the second death is necessary to purge out the nature that defies God and assumes superiority above the Sovereignty of Christ.

I have been shown my utter inability to free myself or disengage my self from my life and the attachments I am tangled in that bind me to vanity. I have tasted the cup of pain that has made me act like a mad woman that brings imagination into the forefront of reality where relief is briefly felt imagining death in a self induced tragedy.

In heightened pain I have horrifically accused Christ of being worse than Satan. I have experienced mind numbing agony that is emotionally so intense that some relief came from screaming like a totally mad woman as I drove my car whilst receiving the bitter taste of imagining the sweetness of escape via causing myself to crash into one of the big trucks passing me in the opposite direction.  I was shown that to have even entertained such a thought was equivalent to murder of an innocent party. To accuse Christ of being worse than Satan revealed the fact that there is no truth in ME, and that Christ is the victor over all evil. ONLY HE has overcome the World.  I felt His pity and sorrow for my  rightly earned second death manifested from out of the pain I was feeling within which I stated honestly what I most deeply felt in my pain and anxiety. In lesser times of pain I have felt every little match stick of my self perpetuating weed like resilient self reliance is being uprooted by God who is entering into my thought realm to dismantle every deception every time it shows up. No one can be still and know that God IS GOD unless GOD make it so....UNLESS HE MAKES IT SO...NOTHING CAN BE. No one can wait on God unless HE makes it so!

I remain deeply grateful for the teachings and sufferings and purging fire of our Maker that have been brought to us via Ray. We know who is the refiner, the maker and the One who saves by fire. I am grateful for all the good times of joy and peace and this site, and the encouragements that have been shared and the truths that have been embraced because without those times of seeing that God was the author of my happiness in times past....I could have no sense of sanity, or hope or peace to return to after the purging fire of His purifying promise that all shall bow and know that He is God.

Peace to you

deborah, it is so so so amazing that i too have in the past 2 weeks been going through the absolute painful purging of my sickening self. i have lain in bed and cried because of my inability to banish vane thoughts from my heart. God has shown me as i look thru the flames how helpless i am to present myself to Him as a pure vessel. the words of paul ring in my ears as he too spoke of his daily struggle with the flesh. just yesterday i was so angry and anxious  that i found myself cursing outloud and slamming things about, suffering the wailing about of the beast within my flesh as he fights like a frustrated soldier trying to take hold of me and destroy the hope i carry knowing that God's will is STILL leading me, even through the mesmerizing physical pain that i live with daily. i just am awed by how we all are being shown that our sufferings must come and we are helpless to stop them. i have even found myself afraid to look in my mirror knowing that on the surface i see only the flesh which is the beast spoken of in His scriptures. it is only when God quiets me that i am reminded by Him that my Saviour has overcome the flesh, and that we too will overcome and be victorious by His victory. ONLY GOD, GOD ONLY came drag us to Him to cast off this horrid beast which is our flesh.



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Re: i miss arcturus
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2008, 05:28:54 PM »

MG thank you for your precious prayers.

Claudia,  I guess it is the process of recognising the truth through personal experience! 

Peace to you both
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