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Author Topic: When The Towers Fall  (Read 8435 times)

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When The Towers Fall
« on: November 19, 2008, 12:12:15 AM »

Hello, I have been reading Ray's paper about when the towers fail. Now, I have been thinking about this. I use to ask Pastors about where USA fits in. They never could give me a concrete answer. But, I know Hagee is always talking about Israel. My Mother In-Law always says if we turn our back on Israel we are done for as a nation.

Now, I could never except that. But, at the time I had no concrete answers till I read Ray's paper about the Towers. I mean the greatest country in the world and not important in the Bible. I guess after reading this I see a place for us now. WE are where Mystery Babylon comes out of. Also, England.
But, we still are the greatest nation. So, now I see the church is going to be judged first. But, do you think these Pastors don't see, or keeping it from us. I don't know I could never understand how we did not fit into the Bible. Could it be that they don't want us to know our destiny or is it just because they are looking at the physical and not the spiritual. I am trying to think this all through. The destruction of Babylon in Rev. is this the church and political system of the entire world.

I wonder if it could be they don't want us to know our destiny cause they were jealous that God gave it to the Gentitle nations.

I hope I am learning what Ray is saying, correctly because no Pastor in Babylon churches have ever talked about anything but where Christ was put on the cross. If, you can give me more understanding or if you think I am understanding it better.

In  His Love,


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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 01:07:18 AM »

This is interesting! I just read that paper tonight for the second or third time!  I have found this easy to believe and understand because the church I was in for many years taught similar to this.They taught that Christians are Israel, and that America is in prophecy. Beyond that it was very legalistic, but some of the things I learned there helped prepare me for Ray's teachings. I was out of that church many years before I found Bible Truths. Until recently I thought much like your mother-in-law about Israel, because over the years I guess I fell for the idea that literal Israel is still God's special people for this time.

Some of the pastors probably don't know the truth or don't care to know it. Some of them are bound to know. Since churches are full of people and we all tend to get so busy "doing God's work" that we forget to slow down and listen to what God is actually saying to us in His word. I had gotten so busy doing "the work" that I was burning out. He showed me something about the church I was in that really shook me and literally made me sick. I had to leave. This is how we get deceived, we start to ignore God by being busy.
This probably doesn't answer any of your questions, it's just my experience.
Kathy :)

Richard D

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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2008, 02:14:37 AM »

Hello Marlene.

I don’t believe Christendom churches are lying to anyone. They honestly just don’t get it. They really believe what they are saying. However, if they know the truth and withhold it, forgive them they no not what they do.

I don’t believe God has opened their eyes, they are truly blind which is a good thing. What I mean by that is this, Jesus once said because you say you see then you are guilty. Marlene love is truly the answer to your question.

You know, Marlene, Take a judge, police officer and politicians as well as a prostitute, I believe the prostitute will be save before the rest of these I have mentioned because she knows she is a sinner but these others think they are righteous.

It doesn’t matter Marlene because everything you see and hear and what is, no doubt is apart of God’s purpose. Does someone believe in hell? I love them. Does someone in the pulpit not teach the truth? I love them.

Jesus tells me to love those who hate me and to pray for those who despitefully use me and to bless those who curse me. Nothing else matters. God is love and has called us to love and to be kind and to have compassion and mercy. But on whom shall we have these things for? Everyone, every human being in our lives.

Think of the things we have learned here? Have you met an evil man today or evil women today? Why are they evil? Were they not subjected to vanity? No, I don’t say love what they do. But what good is it if we only love those who love us? Do not sinners do that much?

The more we understand what God is doing the fewer questions we have as to why. Once I too was apart of these whom I speak of but God called me out. Am I any better than they or should I say can I boast? I think not. But for the grace of God where would I be?

I love God and I love people, Take the alcoholic and the drug addict, why can they not stop destroying there lives? Have they free will as to direct there own footsteps?

May God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change about me. Love is the answer. Your life my life and everyone’s life depends on the purpose of our God. God is truly sovereign, for all power and glory belong to Him and Him alone.

Every human being is clay in the potter’s hands. What ever I look like or what ever I am it’s because God is the potter and made me so and everyone else too.

It’s not about why but rather it’s saying Lord, forgive me a sinner whom you died for, what would you have me to do, how should I think and feel and respond to this life you have given me?  :)

                     In God's Love. Your friend and Brother. Richard.


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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2008, 02:55:50 AM »

Richard, When, I was is Babylon churches yes I was deceived. I still love them people. I have zeal to tell them the truth, but I know they could eat me alive. But, when I first repented I was in my home not in any church. Now, believe it or not even when I worked out I loved people of all classes and yes, when I was 19 I fail in love with a young man who had a drug addiction. I hated drugs, but I wanted so badly for him to over come. I loved him, but he did not love me back. He passed away at the age of 51 he had traveled all over US to help people with drug addiction. He even has articles on the internet. He was a seven-day adventist and for some reason he left. I never found any of this out till after his death. Even thend I did not have the total picture, but I can say a seven-day adventist pastor, said, Doug had left but he had not stopped loving people of a walks of life. Even, those who did not see things his way. I never quit loving him. The last time we talked he told me he hoped some day he could love like me. I dont tell these things to put a feather in my cap. I know, it was all God. I was in love with him at first sight. Even though he didnt love me back, I see love never fails.

Also, for these church people I love them. Now, you proably remember reading about my neighbor, some could think I was licking my wounds. She had done some things most neighbors could never take. I wont go into But, once when I got home from a trip she accused me of not telling her. I had told her, Richard she looked like she woul like to murder me. It scared my 87 year old Mother to death. She has a bad childhood and cruelty in her family. But, god knows I gave this relationship 17 years of loving her. But, god tells us to try and live in peace with people. He knew with some personalities we could not. She got mad at me for nothing again. She asked for every gift she ever bought me back. I gave it to her. She has never called since. Richard I have never been presecuted  like this for 17 years at a time. I have had some presecution. I believe god took care of this for me. He knows I did not ever show her anything but love.  She told me I was unforgiving person and I just wanted things. I had always forgiven her and I don't care about things. I have always had my needs met. I am glad I am not rich. I know people and love and god is all that matters. When, I worked out I showed love. When, I worked I gave an honest days work. I know who enabled this. I can't boast but I know that God judges my heart. I judge myself. Others are more important then me.
I can't save the world. I can only love them with Gods doing it in me. When, ever I show where I have come in my journey it is only to help others along. I am leaving it up to God with her. I do need peace for me and my family. I am not licking wounds. But, neither am I the Saviour of the World. That beast really wanted to rise the last two days and the Lord spanked me good. That, makes me see how he is working in me. I even thank him for that.

What, I was really trying to  say is that they don't see spiritual they see physically. Its not there fault no more the it was ours. My neighbor could not see 17 years of love. She made the choice to leave not me. She never seen the love. Maybe sometime she will. But, I still belive love never fails. I use my walk in life to show people where he is taking me. It has taken me years like Ray says to look back and see. I am no better then anyone . I was just mainly speaking about how here in America most don't see themselves as the church. They look at physical Israel that is not even who God is talking about. He is talking about himself Christ.  He is talking about us who are his called out overcomers church. Love is the sum of commandments if we had true love we would have no wars, no fights with neighbors and murders no hate, no jealousy. I know I am running a race. I know everyone wont be selected, but I run because he tells me too. I will tell you the last few days he has really made me labor. I know now how Paul talks of labor. He does it ,but it hard doing it, but joy when we do.  I have had all kinds of things said to me about my love, it weird , strange scary, so be it. That, I dont love, even though I stayed in it for 17  years. Am, I presecuted you bet. Is it worth it you bet. Cause,I know what the prize is and I know who is doing it Christ.

In His Love,


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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 06:00:34 AM »


It may well be that the deeper spiritual meanings in scripture are not seen by the ministers of Christendom, indeed even the very elect don't see or understand them very often. The Apostles didn't get what Christ was talking about most of the time, but they were blessed and chosen according to the Gospels.
However, much simpler to understand profound truths such as universal salvation are known and understood by many Christian ministers in the Church, but they do not teach them. Do not be deceived Richard, they deliberately lie and twist the word of God to keep their congregations in fear of eternal torment, to keep their Churches full, to keep their tithes coming in, and to keep their cushy jobs and lavish life styles.

Richard D

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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2008, 11:34:55 AM »


Satan is the god of this world and he goes about deceiving as many as he can, in fact Satan has deceived the whole world except those who God is calling out. My point is this, to fight against these things is to fight against God purpose for these things.

Having said that, God calls those whom He will through those whom belong to Him. It’s possible that some ministers don’t believe in God at all, to them it’s a living where one can earn much money for one day’s worth of work.

Too others, they honestly believe what they teach because their eyes have not been open and to those who know the truth but teach a lie do s because money is truly their god.

The worldly environment we live in is perfect for leaning the fruits of the spirit. I cannot learn to forgive where there is no offence.

Marlene my sister, I hope you are receiving the things I’m saying in the spirit of love I’m saying these things in. You know, Jesus said to the crowd that was standing by let him here who is without sin cast the first stone, I just can’t cast stones anymore.  :)

If someone gives me a reason for hating I give them a reason for loving. If someone gives me a reason for condemning I give them a reason for forgiving. For this cause we struggle in our spiritual walk with God because the natural person does contrary to the things of God.

Rom 7:25  I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

                                      In God’s Love. Richard.


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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2008, 08:58:49 PM »

Richard, I know what giving love is and how to do it. But, I have a question do you think it is your next door neighbors business to get involved in you and your wifes business. Would you want your neighbor to call all day long and also when you are eating meals.Would you want attacked if your wife and you went on a trip with out telling your neighbor. I have tried to live peaceful. I have loved her to death. So, much that she thinks she runs our place. I should have put an end to it. My family all felt sorry for her. I know you are trying to tell me this in love. I am not self-righteous, but I treat people the way I want treated always have always will.

Heck, I am not even mad at the ministers even if they do know. That is up to God. But, dont tell me if someone knew you were ill and disabled that you would call anytime of the night and day. I have an 87 year old Mother here who has a bad heart. My husband work nights. He would not even get in the door and she would be waiting. Where, do we draw the line. And, even in all of this she was the one who got mad and left and I never did a thing. I really believe God handle this for me. But, I have to say I am not tooting my horn. But, I still love her and if she called and wanted forgiveness I would give it to her, but this time I would set limits and that is my family comes first. Now, if you could handle let me know. We can judge but till put in the situation no one knows.

Now, I was merely talking about things I read when the Towers Fall. I know it is all in Gods purpose. God tells us to live as peaceably as we can. I have always done that. I have never liked to fight with people. But , I would not be so sure that many of these TV ministers don't know what they are doing. But they will answer to God not me. Actually, I don't  hate them. I see it in Gods plan.  Richard, I actually think she has some mental illness going on. Now, tell me don't you think God would want me and my family to live in peace. This was not a one day a week thing , it was every day. I am even getting use to when my phone rings every day thats it not her. ... But I Love her and would forgive, but on my terms as only a neighbor. You know I am human but this was insane.

David, gave me some answers, I agree with some do know some don't .  But, do I hate them heck no. I am use to presecution  you have no idea about. I am just saying in my case with my neighbor I have a right to my family life with her in every move and even our business.

In His Love,


Richard D

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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2008, 09:20:43 PM »


In answer to your questions to me my answer is no, I don’t agree our next door neighbor has these rights.

Marlene, I probably misunderstood everything you were saying as I now am questioning what I have been learning here myself as a few times this week alone I discovered I have been so wrong about things I thought I was right on.

I think I’m going to stop posting on this forum and just read Ray’s papers for awhile. I think I’m causing too much division in my post and replies and not being helpful. 

Marlene, I certainly hope I have not somehow offended you too, I been doing a great job at that in the past few weeks starting with Craig and ending with Marques. Sometimes I just don’t get it.  ???

Marlene, you a sweet and precious sister in the Lord to me and I know you have many difficulties in your life and I hope I have not added to them in anyway but the way things have been going with me this week I should just say Marlene I apologize to you also as I’m probably wrong again.
Please disregard my previous replies to your thread because I’m sure I’m way off track with everything I said.  :(

                                  In God’s Love. Richard.  :)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 09:24:39 PM by Richard D »


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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2008, 08:58:18 AM »

Marlene, I certainly hope I have not somehow offended you too, I been doing a great job at that in the past few weeks starting with Craig

Richard, you, or so far, anyone on this forum has "offended" me.  As moderators we are here to protect the integrity and members of the forum, we also guard the truths that we have accepted and the teachings that bring us here.  If I question a post or tell a poster "what a crock" it is because the statements do not line up with the teachings we've learned.  I let a lot of posts go without responding, instead I let the membership iron out ideas, when I do respond I use few words and get to the point.  Now the poster can contemplate these words and study and see where they might have strayed or they can agree to disagree and go on.  The only thing that gets a poster in trouble is when they disagree and and won't let a subject go or post on other subjects that also is not taught here. eventually if is discovered that they are not of like mind and are banned from the forum.

I'm not singling out you or anyone in particular with the following statement just making an observation...

I would like to see more posters actually read and try to come to an understanding of Ray's teachings before posting, but alas I've learned that hardly ever happens.  Sometimes we post when our voice adds nothing to a thread.  I learned long ago that our silence cannot be misunderstood.



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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2008, 01:56:08 PM »

I would like to see more posters actually read and try to come to an understanding of Ray's teachings before posting,

whos ray  :o ;D :o :-*

its time i myself went back and  reread some materials, i wish there was a search button? is there? did i miss it?




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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2008, 02:43:29 PM »

Hi Chuckt,

There are a few different ways to find what you are looking for on the BT site.  There is the outline of Bible-Truths website, here is the link,2808.0.html

But I use Google to Search Ray's articles for spectific phrases I remember, but don't know where they are.  Here are details on how to use Google search.

Go to Google i.e.

Shortcut - Skip going to the 'Advanced Search' area by adding '' (without the quotes) to your search criteria during a normal google search.  Or

Use the 'Web' search - see the upper left hand corner of the page. (This is the default search type. Skip this if you haven't selected another option. ex. News Video Images, etc)
Click 'Advanced Search' located just to the right of the 'Search Button' (See resulting screen below)
Enter your search terms in the 'Find Results' area
Scroll down to 'Domain' option and...
select 'Only' option in the 'return results from the site or domain' box enter
Then click 'Google Search' button to perform the requested search

Once you get your results you will notice that they will all be from or  If you click on the title of each result, you will be taken to the appropriate page at

BUT... Notice that at the end of each hit there are usually two additional links, Cached and Similar pages.  Use the 'Cached' link and the resulting page will come from Google's copy of the page with the search terms hi-lighted.

For easy pull up, when you get to the Google advanced search page, save it in your favorites.

A quick way to search each article is to use 'Ctrl-F' this will locate words on the page.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: When The Towers Fall
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2008, 02:51:21 PM »

Hi Chuckt,

There are a few different ways to find what you are looking for on the BT site.  There is the outline of Bible-Truths website, here is the link,2808.0.html

But I use Google to Search Ray's articles for spectific phrases I remember, but don't know where they are.  Here are details on how to use Google search.

Go to Google i.e.

Shortcut - Skip going to the 'Advanced Search' area by adding '' (without the quotes) to your search criteria during a normal google search.  Or

Use the 'Web' search - see the upper left hand corner of the page. (This is the default search type. Skip this if you haven't selected another option. ex. News Video Images, etc)
Click 'Advanced Search' located just to the right of the 'Search Button' (See resulting screen below)
Enter your search terms in the 'Find Results' area
Scroll down to 'Domain' option and...
select 'Only' option in the 'return results from the site or domain' box enter
Then click 'Google Search' button to perform the requested search

Once you get your results you will notice that they will all be from or  If you click on the title of each result, you will be taken to the appropriate page at

BUT... Notice that at the end of each hit there are usually two additional links, Cached and Similar pages.  Use the 'Cached' link and the resulting page will come from Google's copy of the page with the search terms hi-lighted.

For easy pull up, when you get to the Google advanced search page, save it in your favorites.

A quick way to search each article is to use 'Ctrl-F' this will locate words on the page.

mercy, peace and love

wow thanks a bunch!


safe weekend to all

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