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Author Topic: Need alittle help friends  (Read 4369 times)

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Need alittle help friends
« on: June 02, 2006, 12:45:58 AM »

Hey guys, me and nitemare Have this small group on myspace, and we try our best to teach the truths that we have been given and we have others who are earnestly seaking the truth.

There is this guy however who claims that there is 3 arcs to heaven or something like that. He posted this to validate his claim and that God revealed it to him,however i do not believe he is accurate it what he says.

Any help proving these verses have nothing to do with what hes talking about would be greatly appreciated as my knoweldge of revalations is limited.

My words are in IN BOLD his are not.

Start quote____________________________________________________

I take no credit for this, nor am I looking for a following. I only seek to share the Truth.

You have asked for scripture that would prove that indeed there are fallen angels.
Some of you have stated that the word angel translated means messenger. That is true; angels are the messengers of God. Now for the fallen angels and the three arcs.

Revelation 12: 3 And there appeared another wonder in Heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head.

No wi know heaven is in US, however i'm not sure what this is talking about. In heaven Satan has appeared, and He has seven heads ( 7 means Gods judgement correct?) and 10 horns i know that the number 10 means something but i don't know what, and the 7 (Gods judgement) crowns represent earthly kings correct?

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Not sure what a THIRD PART of the stars represents, i don't have the eyes or ears to understand this, I know the earth sometimes represents the Christian world, or the Church, Gods people the manny called but not chosen. Satan stood before the Women, The women being Gods church? And this is showing the elect coming into the world, and the church is gonna try and kill/persecute/ devour the elect?

7 And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought, and his angels,
8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found in Heaven any more.
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
/// The world spoken about here in Rev. 12:9 is the third part of heaven which was cast out to the earth.

I don't knwo what micheal represents however he appears to be a messenger along with other messengers, and they are doing battle (Spiritual i would assume, the spiritual battle against ourselves to fight the beast and to remove Him from off the throne in the temple of God - being us) satan decieves all world (Church or really the whole world except Gods elect) i think, he was sent into the church or the whole world and these messangers of his, "false prophets" i believe are sent along with him to the many called, because they cannot overcome the few chosen?

Let break this down Rev 12: 4 and his tail drew THE THIRD PART of the stars of Heaven, and did cast them to the earth. This tells us that there are three parts to the Kingdom of Heaven. The third was cast out to the earth. So if the third part was cast out then there must still be two parts or two arcs left in Heaven.

I don't know if theres any truth to what he his saying, i had no clue Heaven was divided into 3 parts... I think someone needs to tell me what the THIRD PART of heaven really means, so i can show him it doesn't mean that Heaven is split into 3 "arcs" as he would say.

Now lets look at Rev. 12 7-9. Scripture says that there was war in Heaven it says that Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. It says that Michael and his angels cast out the dragon and his angels; neither was their place found in Heaven any more. Michael is an arc angel; he is the anointed cherub or covering over his arc of angels (messengers). This makes one part of Heaven. Also scripture says the dragon and his angels. Now the dragon was the anointed cherub (covering) over his angels, of course before the fall he was not call the dragon, in fact this messenger was Israel, of the arc of Israel or one might say the house of Israel. As you may notice he was the anointed covering until the fall. So now we have two parts or two arcs of Heaven. This is where Gabriel comes in. Gabriel is also an arc messenger (angel) and is the covering over his angels. Now we have three parts or arcs of Heaven, although at this time the third part is in ruins. God has a plane of salvation, a plane of redemption to rebuild the third that was lost. The gentiles are the called; gentiles are new creations and are being conformed to the image of Christ the first born among many brothers. Read-- Romans 8: 28-30. The remenant (Jews) are being reborn.

Now there seems to be alot of unscriptual jargin here. Third part, the devil is an arc, etc... I didn't know any scripture that supported this but he seems to be misinterpreting revalations so any help of what is truly being said would be greatly appreciated. I tried :/ Now i guess he also thinks that the jews are being reborn as gentiles or something, its a bit confusing that last part i don't understand. All i know is that the JEWS are no LONGER JEWS outwardly, but only inwardly are they jews, those who are circumsised of the heart and the TRUE ISREAL OF GOD. Also by his sentance the gentiles it almost sounds as if ALL the gentiles in his statement are being conformed into the image of Christ, however we know that very few in this lifetime are actualy going through the lake of fire. So i don't know if thats what he ment or not.

Revelation 12: 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

I would like to share more with you - but only if you are interested. There is so much more to understand, what it is God is doing and why. I find joy every day, for every day is a divine inspiration, everything is God and there is nothing that God is not. Shalom

I guess that last part was for His point that God is doing all this to bring the Third arc of heaven that fell back into its place...


End Quote.

Well any help would be greatly appreciated, i tried, feel free to quote me and correct me where im completely off, im not sure if i got any of that right on revalations because its still a myster book quiet shut up to my eyes however it is slowly being revealed to me and making more and more sence, but God is slowly putting me through that Lake of Fire so the knoweldge is slowly coming on...

God bless and Thanks in advance,



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Need alittle help friends
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 01:09:09 AM »

Alex, sounds like this guy is so full of himself, its not even funny.  :lol:

If I were you, best thing is to stay away from those silly thoughts and stay in your bible and pray for guidance from the Spirit.

When they talk of themselves and do not edify the brethren, it usually is a good sign to stay away.  Just my two cents worth.

God bless,



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Need alittle help friends
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 01:13:51 AM »

Quote from: orion77
Alex, sounds like this guy is so full of himself, its not even funny.  :lol:

If I were you, best thing is to stay away from those silly thoughts and stay in your bible and pray for guidance from the Spirit.

When they talk of themselves and do not edify the brethren, it usually is a good sign to stay away.  Just my two cents worth.

God bless,


Thank you orion, i apprecaite your thought and comment.

However i do not feel i can ignore this, this his a post on a forum that me and nitemare do our best to share the truth of the word of God, and others who are not as strong in the spirit are in parell of becoming greatly confused by such a teaching, i feel i must address this issue. We are all there to share adn grow in the truth of the spirit, can i allow such a thing to float on the forum boards? Should i not adress it for those who might not have the understanding into such a matter? I for one do not fully even grasp a small part of revalations and yet i know in the spirit that this is incorrect.

Thanks though

God bless,

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