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Author Topic: My dear wife  (Read 5160 times)

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G. Driggs

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My dear wife
« on: July 17, 2009, 02:20:09 AM »

Hi all, please pray for my dear wife Della, she is trying to lose weight. I have told her to pray about it and that it is all in God's hands. She has always been very active, never lazy, and she does so much for my family and I, and I so want this for her. She is on her feet most of the day doing all she can for us and it is taking a toll on her. I love her very much for all that she does, and if it was not for God putting her in my life I would probably be lost, or worse. I try to tell her to just relax and rest sometimes, but she does not always listen. Im worried about her. Please pray God will enable/cause her to lose some weight, most importantly ask that His will be done and not my own. Thank you all very much.

Peace & Love


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 02:28:35 AM »

I will pray for her George. I have battled that for years. I was active and worked hard to George. I think some people think if you are fat you are lazy. Thats, not true.

In His Love,


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2009, 03:43:36 AM »

Hi G. Driggs,

My prayers for Della have been sent, peace brother, HE GOD, Has Got her back and yours too.
HIS Will, Is perfect for the occasion in this case, and in every known or unknown case.

george. :)



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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2009, 07:13:08 AM »

Hi folks,

  • "Do not let your adornment be merely outward--arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel--rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God" (1Pe 3:3, 4)

  • "Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies...Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates." (Pr 31:1, 30-31)

Why do people think that fat people are lazy? In fact, why would anyone make any such judgment of anyone at all? The truth be known; these are the ways of the flesh. The natural man can only see things that are natural, but spiritual people see the things of the spirit. God has made us as we are that we will stop looking at the things which are outward and to the inward things, the things that are of great value in the eyes of God.

I can understand your feelings (especially as I carry a few extra pounds myself) and many times areas of my own physique have bothered me. But then I think to myself, 'If God accepts me as I am, why should it matter what others think?'

It takes spiritual maturity to see with eyes of faith and to not be deceived by the flesh. My prayer for yous is that the Lord will give you the eyes and ears and the words of comfort to yourselves and to those you love, but ultimately only spiritual eyes will find joy in these circumstances because fleshly eyes will seek to put right the things of the flesh.

May the Lord's will be your pleasure for both yours, and His sake, that we may all rejoice with Him in His workmanship.

Grace and peace to you and yours


G. Driggs

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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2009, 08:18:54 AM »

I will pray for her George. I have battled that for years. I was active and worked hard to George. I think some people think if you are fat you are lazy. Thats, not true.

In His Love,

I know what you mean Marlene, most of the overweight people I know are very active, hard working people. Me I have been a skinny bone most of my life, and lazy for the better part of it, so go figure. ???

G. Driggs

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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2009, 08:33:57 AM »

I can understand your feelings (especially as I carry a few extra pounds myself) and many times areas of my own physique have bothered me. But then I think to myself, 'If God accepts me as I am, why should it matter what others think?'

This almost exactly what I tell her. She knows I love her no matter what, appearances mean nothing to me, but sometimes she gets down on herself and I just want to help. I just felt compassion for her, she has bad knees and may be developing diabetes, among other things. Believe me, I know this is all of God, so why cant He help her out? Can God grant physical needs as well as spiritual? I really want this for her, not for myself. As a matter of fact she is the one who brought up that she wanted to lose weight. Maybe I should have made that clear in my first post, sorry.

Peace and Love to you and thank you everyone for your prayers
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 08:43:48 AM by G. Driggs »


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2009, 10:58:08 AM »

                        G. {George },  I could see in your post it is Della that is wanting and trying to loose weight.   I could see your love for her and that it's unconditional.      That is wonderful and it is God that has caused you to love her this way.   I think sometimes women have a hard time believing they are loved, especially if they didn't feel the love growing up. Della maybe doesn't understand God's kind of love, and is only thinking in the flesh.      I can struggle with this,even though my husband couldn't be more loving .
        You are skinny, and people like you can eat as much as they desire and not gain weight, but in Della's case and mine we gain weight ,eating less than you.  Now the thing is to not get down on ourselves about it, as you say she sometimes does. I'll pray that she would not think less of herself than she should and believe that her appearance isn't showing the world outer beauty, but the person she is inside. Her loving,caring ways that shows who she is.        Look at the children she has had, each time gaining weight.  Some women just can't loose those extra pounds. Then there are the monthly womanly things ,with hormones all out of wack, you barely finish with it and it's upon you again.
        The bad knees and other health problems sometimes are coming on ,as a matter of age.  Adult onset diabetes, can hit us,as we age. My father and mother in law had this.  Bad knees can be found even in skinny people. Soooo, God knows what's going on and I believe we need to let go and let God, as the saying goes.  God loves Della, He loves her more than you do George, but you know that and I'm not saying anything you don't already know.
          If Della needs to loose weight in God's eyes,she will, He will see to it and then it won't be a struggle for her. But, we don't know what God has planned for Della,as far as her weight, whether there will be health problems or not.
          You're a dear man George!     
          Be it all according to God's Will .
I pray you not worry or fear about this, He is always in control.

         my love,meee


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2009, 06:44:29 PM »

Hi G.Driggs,

 I'm praying for your wife that she would be able to lose some weight, especially as she has diabetes starting. My wife was in the same position and tried exercising and did actually lose a few kilos. It helped but she has had to start  taking the medication in any case. It could be different for your wife, with exercise and diet controlling the diabetes, if it be God's will. I am reminded of the following verse:

1Ti 4:8  For bodily exercise is profitable to a little, but godliness is profitable to all things, having promise of the present life now, and of that coming.



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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2009, 12:16:27 AM »

Diabetes, runs in my Fathers side and Mothers. My Grandmother had it on my Mothers side, My Moms sister had it. My Mother got it in latter years. My Father had it. He had a Brother who died from it and had legs removed. My Father had a Sister who had it she died from it.I have a Brother who has it . A sister who has it. I have it. My Father weighed 130 lbs most of his life. Never, had weight problem. My Mother always took good care of all of us. We ate healthy foods. We had meat, fruit and vegetables . My Mother is a small woman no weight problems.

I was not always heavy. The first, year I was married my thyroid went and I have struggle since to loose weight. Thank God what weight I have lost is maintained.  I try to eat healthy, and I take fish oil tablets. I was walking every day and my work was very physical. I still have not put the weight back on I lost. That, has been several years now. I still need to loose more. But, I have back problems that makes it very hard for me to stand long lengths of times. I do try and walk some. My neurosurgeon told me that arthritis  has caused most of my problems. I blamed my weight on it all. He told me that he has seen athletes and skinny people as bad as I am. I had some kind of problem when I was 9 and  they never could decide what was going on. Then in my early 20's they found arthritis  in my blood work, it showed up in a test that had nothing to do with arthritis. They told me I would be lucky to stay out of a wheel chair very early in my life. Well, I still am going. I am not able to work anymore. But, God had other plans for me.

My Mother , Sister and her daughter and I all have had thyroid problems. I was only one not able to have children. None, of us were fat children.

I do try and manage my diabetes because it can damage your eyes, heart , cause strokes and kidney failure.  For, a long time I did not have to take anything. Lots of years I took one pill a day. Now, I take two pills a day, and some insulin. The disease in some cases does progress even with good diet.

So, I do not eat foods full of sugar and check all the labels. My Husband and I always bought our meat from a farmer, our eggs, and we planted big gardens.
But, now you are lucky to find a place to buy those things. He does plant a garden. I do believe supermarkets have been the cause of many problems.
Antibiotics and growth hormones, in our meat and milk and such I believe has changed our systems. Plus, you have to watch for foods with corn syrup and high frutose. I can remember when we got milk off farmers and the cream and all. I still think what is put in our foods today is cause of this.

High carb diets. Seems if you don't get diabetes you get cancer. My husbands Mother and Father both had cancer. Cancer runs in there family side. No diabetes.

George, I know how she feels. All, we can do is our best. Its all in God's hands. Only, he is able to help us do it. But, I will tell you that God helped me loose the weight I have. Also, Meee was so right. Its what is in our heart. My Husband never once told me to loose weight. He has always treated me like I am the most beautiful woman in the world.  I am the one always wanting to loose the weight.

George, I can tell you really love her. Yes, I know you want what is best for her. But, some people can eat like gluttons and never gain. Then, there are others who don't and it just finds them.

But, I really like what Meee said that its what is on in the inside that God looks like, He can help her to loose it anytime he wants. I found that my dwelling on it every minute made it worse. Now, I just try not to think of it so much. Lost 5 more pounds last time I went to doctor. I have tried not to dwell on it.
God keeps my mind on him and it works better then trying to do it yourself. Maybe that is how God humbles some. But, whatever way it is I will pray for her.
Looks like your wife and I  have  very loving husbands. I think the reason my husband never voiced it even for my health is because I am so hard on myself and try so hard. This, world is not like that much. Its all about looks even if there is not nothing on the inside.

Geoff, sound like you are a loving husband. Sure, you men worry for our health you love us. But, you know if someone is trying or not. If, it is God's will it will happen. Its like people who want to give up smoking or drugs. What, helps me is I tell myself there is always tomorrow. Plus, I get all wrapped up in God and know that food is needed to live. Also, if we drink water that can fill us up.

I think, you men are pretty special and Meee knows how women feel, cause she is a woman like me and others.

In His Love,


G. Driggs

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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2009, 07:06:02 AM »

My wife and I thank each and every one of you for the input and prayers, you all are the best.

My wife knows this life is temporary, and that some great day she will be given a new better spiritual body, that will not suffer, hurt, or die, and she seems to be comforted by that. So this is all in God's hands, just like it always has been, and always will be.

 I asked for prayers because I know nothing is too small a thing to ask for. Since her health worried me, the only thing I could think of was to pray about it, and ask for prayer. Again, thank you all for the loving comfort, input and prayers, we really appreciate it.  :)

Peace, Love

George and Della Driggs


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2009, 03:57:35 PM »

Hello George,
    I hope that today your wife is feeling better as she is the heart of the home you know.
  You have a wonderful family there George. Stay strong for them Brother. I don't know if there is anything
   more difficult to deal with than to have worries at home.
    I would love to come and visit with you for a while, but that is not possible, at least not these days.
    I'm from Canada and the Yukon has always been a place that I wanted to go and stay for a while.
        When I was younger I worked in the mines in Northern Ontario and New Brunswick.
    Lots of hunting and fishing there! Now I don't do either. 
        Do you do any stone carvings George?  I have a good piece of soapstone, about 30 to 40 pounds.
     I've had it for about a year now and I haven't got a clue what to try and make from it. Don't want to ruin the
     piece as I probably won't ever get another.
        I used to do wood carvings. Break up old skids or cut down a tree that wasn't wanted to get something to work
     with. Most of the carvings or paintings I gave away as gifts. I have a couple of bears, out of maple and poplar.
         I can send a couple of pics if you are interested.
        Take care and God Bless,

G. Driggs

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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2009, 04:33:39 PM »

Thank you for the encouragement bluzman.

I have not carved soapstone since the fifth grade, and I was never that good, but it was fun never the less. I do have two brother in laws that are really good at carving and artistic kind of stuff. They do some really good work.

Yes please do send the pics, I would love to see them.

Peace, Love

Roy Coates

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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2009, 05:56:08 PM »

Your in my continued prayers, Roy


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Re: My dear wife
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2009, 10:05:17 PM »

Hello again George,
   I will send a few photos up to you. I just came in from outside. I am making a wishing well planter
out of some pieces of wood that no one wanted and are of little value to this world.
   Doesn't that seem familiar? That seems to be the road that we are all on here.
   I know you live in Alaska, but I mentioned only the Yukon. Should have been to see you by way of the Yukon!
Sometimes my brain gets a little foggy.
   Peace Brother,
    Ches (Bluzman)
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