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Author Topic: Sharing Rays website  (Read 5178 times)

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Sharing Rays website
« on: July 19, 2009, 04:45:07 AM »

Would someone be able show me some of Ray's teaching that would be good to share
with my daughters mother? I feel the Lord putting it on my heart to share with both of them
about Ray's website. I have been unable to devote my own personal time into reading Ray's teachings
due to personal problems (that I wont go into here). I've read on here before where members have tried to share Ray's teachings with family and it has back fired on them.




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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2009, 09:57:06 AM »

Would someone be able show me some of Ray's teaching that would be good to share
with my daughters mother? I feel the Lord putting it on my heart to share with both of them
about Ray's website. I have been unable to devote my own personal time into reading Ray's teachings
due to personal problems (that I wont go into here). I've read on here before where members have tried to share Ray's teachings with family and it has back fired on them.



Hey Matt,

You could print out or email the web address link for the 'Fool, Hypocrites, Snakes' paper from the main BT page: ( I heard from more than one person that it's recommended that anyone new to the site read the content from the top on downward.

Another good one is the 'Fundamental Truths' bible study from Feb '08: (,6452.0.html)...either the printed transcript or the audio file to listen to in the car or at home.

Let us know how it goes,


Roy Coates

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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2009, 11:16:13 AM »

For me I wait until a specific topic comes up. Either they become interested in learning or accuse of it being heretical. At this point I give the material specific to the topic and ask them to show me where it is wrong(with Scripture) so far there has been nobody even attempt this. I get some superficial arguments that have more holes than swiss cheese. Some of Ray's teachings have taken root in my wife and kids, most have not. As far as outside my family I have no idea how it is working yet. God be with you and may you have peace as you spread the good Word, Roy


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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 11:45:49 AM »

I have been unable to devote my own personal time into reading Ray's teachings due to personal problems (that I wont go into here). I've read on here before where members have tried to share Ray's teachings with family and it has back fired on them.

Hi Matt,

I understand what you're saying but I'd recommend that you learn things yourself first. Keep it simple and be honest. When studying the Bible it's important to remember the principles of studying the word, namely,

1) Rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15)
2) Follow the pattern of sound words (2 Tim 1:13)
3) Proving the things that differ (Php 1:10)

There are other principles which Ray has written about and I'd recommend that paper when you're ready to apply yourself to serious study of the Bible.

However what I'd recommend more than anything is this,

  • "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Pr 3:5, 6)

Remember this too, the carnal mind will struggle with stacks of deep truth and no matter how much YOU may want them to know the truth they will only know it if the Lord opens their eyes and ears. Be patient and wait on the Lord, all His ways are truth and righteousness. Speak when the spirit within you indicates to speak, avoid arguments and see yourself as just a messenger unless the Lord indicates otherwise.

By all means point them to Ray's website, but don't have any expectation of it, leave it in thew Lord's hands. May He bless you and yours according to His will.

Grace and peace to you



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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 07:56:10 PM »

Southland When I first started coming in here I was concerned for all the lost in Babylon. Even, when I knew they were not going to Hell. But, that was hard for me because those in Babylon teach us that we should try and win souls for Christ. I had to die to that false teaching.

But, I do love them.  I would love all them to know. Now, I remind my self that it is going to happen unless God wills it. I also, before speaking make sure it is not about me.

But, this verse I never understood till God gave me understanding.

(KJV) Matt. Chapter 23 verse 23 Woe, unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weighter matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

When, i get to eager to tell others I think about this verse. I need to learn how to show mercy. I believe, that God will prepare us first. When, we are to speak up he will do it in us. But, anything should be done with mercy.

In His Love,


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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 12:29:07 PM »

I would ask you if either of them have approached the subject with you? Have THEY said anything to you that would lead you to think they might be open to hearing about Ray's teachings?
If not, I would not be in any hurry to share.
If we offend those not ready to hear (and believe me, people are easily offended by truth when they are blind to it), then we risk alienation with them.
I would rather "be ready to give an answer" when they ask a question so that I feel more secure in God's leading and will be there for them if God should choose to open their eyes.
Just my opinion....


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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 04:42:40 PM »

very good "opinion" lin!  8)



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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2009, 07:26:11 PM »

Hi Matt,

I would suggest continue learning the bible truths. You'll learn very fast that not everyone is interested in learning truth. That may include your closest family and friends. It's like this. How do you undo all the teachings that have been implanted in people who attend church today by false teachers for centuries? You don't. God does.

I have shared several bible-truths to my family and friends and the looks I got were not very enthusiastic. The truth is since God led me to in the summer of 2007 I have not met in one person who shares my beliefs of Ray's teachings. I see many at this forum! That's good news! Now I understand why Ray teaches that many are Called, few Chosen and the "Elect" much less than Chosen. It takes courage to go against the grain on Christendom doctrines and false teachings.

I would just pray for those who don't know truth and ask God to open their minds and hearts. Don't be anxious to try to save anyone or have disputed arguments about about bible-truth topics. Remember we are called to Christ by the Father and by His Grace has called us into truth. Allow God to do His work so you can give Him glory if He chooses to allow them to know truth.

Hope this helps,



G. Driggs

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Re: Sharing Rays website
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2009, 05:33:55 AM »

Hi Matt, you have gotten some pretty good advice from the Brothers and Sisters, I just want to add that it may help to actually get a good understanding of these truths for yourself before you actually share with someone. Study these truths thoroughly till they are firmly planted and written in the tablets of your heart, then you might be able to share when asked or otherwise.

Pro 3:3  Don't let love and truth ever leave you. Tie them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of your heart.

Pro 7:3  Tie them on your fingers. Write them on the tablet of your heart.

2Co 3:3  You make it clear that you are a letter from Christ. You are the result of our work for God. You are a letter written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God. You are a letter written not on tablets made out of stone but on human hearts.

Peace, G. Driggs
« Last Edit: July 22, 2009, 03:50:35 PM by G. Driggs »
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