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Author Topic: A Roman Centurian moment  (Read 7697 times)

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A Roman Centurian moment
« on: October 02, 2009, 12:01:24 AM »

Watching UFC's Ultimate Fighter this past week, YouTube sensation Kimbo Slice said something that I thought was rather intriguing.  Here's a guy who's made his name fighting in bare-knuckle brutal street fights, and is a fighter by nature.  A guy who everyone thinks is some reckless thug that only has his mind set on beating people up.  But he's actually more humble and reflective than most give him credit for, and in this week's episode, he seemed to touch upon a truth that is taught here at BT in regards to who the "enemy" really is:

The true enemy is the inner-me.  I like that sort of play on words.  I know it's not exactly parallel, but it almost echoes the teaching of who the "beast" really is!  I wonder if the Lord will take this man somewhere further with this.     

Anyways, it's a different perspective for sure.



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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 11:14:27 AM »

Hi Rob,

That's interesting.  It seems that once you have the knowledge of the truth firmly in place, it's like you can see bits of truth almost anywhere.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 05:14:04 PM »

Hi Rob,

That's interesting.  It seems that once you have the knowledge of the truth firmly in place, it's like you can see bits of truth almost anywhere.

mercy, peace and love


I have always wanted to ask in a post if others saw bits and pieces of the Truth in other places such as poems, books, quotes, nature etc. Some days it's almost as if everywhere I look I can see it.  I call them my "Awe-moments" and I cherish them.

Peace and Love,


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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 06:55:38 PM »

Watching UFC's Ultimate Fighter this past week, YouTube sensation Kimbo Slice said something that I thought was rather intriguing.  Here's a guy who's made his name fighting in bare-knuckle brutal street fights, and is a fighter by nature.  A guy who everyone thinks is some reckless thug that only has his mind set on beating people up.  But he's actually more humble and reflective than most give him credit for, and in this week's episode, he seemed to touch upon a truth that is taught here at BT in regards to who the "enemy" really is:

The true enemy is the inner-me.  I like that sort of play on words.  I know it's not exactly parallel, but it almost echoes the teaching of who the "beast" really is!  I wonder if the Lord will take this man somewhere further with this.     

Anyways, it's a different perspective for sure.



Ya, I watched this last night.. though not the whole thing, mainly just the match at the end... But true Kimbo does show a different side that you would never pick up on just watching his matches...

I see this truth of the 'beast' the 'monster' the 'inner-me' echoed all the time. I personally believe that every person, to a certain degree, knows about this 'beast within' all of us. It echoes in music, poems, in movies, on t.v...

The Christian band "Skillet" recently came out with a new hit song called "Monster". You wanna hear a hard rock song about the "beast of Revelation", this is the song to listen to. I've been working out to it the past few weeks, I love it!!

We all know it, but I think most try to 'ignore' or 'deny' it. Full recognition of the 'beast within' leads to humility and the destruction of 'ego' and 'pride' and 'self-righteousness', and for most this is just too high a price to pay, and too painful to bear.

When I first found Ray's site, and read his teachings, I believed them all, I knew he was telling the truth... but it took a while for it to really all 'sink in'... well, now it's starting to really 'sink in', and it's the most painful experience a human can ever experience--the destruction of our 'pride' and 'ego', things that are very dear to us carnal beings...

But they gotta go...

Daywalker  8)

Marky Mark

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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2009, 07:50:18 PM »


Ya, I watched this last night.. though not the whole thing, mainly just the match at the end... But true Kimbo does show a different side that you would never pick up on just watching his matches...

I see this truth of the 'beast' the 'monster' the 'inner-me' echoed all the time. I personally believe that every person, to a certain degree, knows about this 'beast within' all of us. It echoes in music, poems, in movies, on t.v...

The Christian band "Skillet" recently came out with a new hit song called "Monster". You wanna hear a hard rock song about the "beast of Revelation", this is the song to listen to. I've been working out to it the past few weeks, I love it!![/b]
We all know it, but I think most try to 'ignore' or 'deny' it. Full recognition of the 'beast within' leads to humility and the destruction of 'ego' and 'pride' and 'self-righteousness', and for most this is just too high a price to pay, and too painful to bear.

When I first found Ray's site, and read his teachings, I believed them all, I knew he was telling the truth... but it took a while for it to really all 'sink in'... well, now it's starting to really 'sink in', and it's the most painful experience a human can ever experience--the destruction of our 'pride' and 'ego', things that are very dear to us carnal beings...

But they gotta go...

Daywalker  8)

Hey Christopher, O-Man; LOL... :o ::) :D   :P




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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 07:51:37 PM »


Ya, I watched this last night.. though not the whole thing, mainly just the match at the end... But true Kimbo does show a different side that you would never pick up on just watching his matches...

I see this truth of the 'beast' the 'monster' the 'inner-me' echoed all the time. I personally believe that every person, to a certain degree, knows about this 'beast within' all of us. It echoes in music, poems, in movies, on t.v...

The Christian band "Skillet" recently came out with a new hit song called "Monster". You wanna hear a hard rock song about the "beast of Revelation", this is the song to listen to. I've been working out to it the past few weeks, I love it!![/b]
We all know it, but I think most try to 'ignore' or 'deny' it. Full recognition of the 'beast within' leads to humility and the destruction of 'ego' and 'pride' and 'self-righteousness', and for most this is just too high a price to pay, and too painful to bear.

When I first found Ray's site, and read his teachings, I believed them all, I knew he was telling the truth... but it took a while for it to really all 'sink in'... well, now it's starting to really 'sink in', and it's the most painful experience a human can ever experience--the destruction of our 'pride' and 'ego', things that are very dear to us carnal beings...

But they gotta go...

Daywalker  8)

Hey Christopher, O-Man; LOL... :o ::) :D   :P


Hey Mark,

Not sure what you're trying to say... enlighten me  ???

Daywalker  8)


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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2009, 04:08:51 AM »

Hi Daywalker,

These are some of the Scriptures concerning O man that mark is referring to i believe. The thread below discussed this O man, well worth reading again.,9822.msg83302.html#msg83302

2Sa 16:7  And Shimei said this in his cursing, Go out, O man of blood, O man of Belial.

Job 34:10  Therefore listen to me, O man of heart; far be it from God to commit iniquity; and from the Almighty, to do wrong.

Isa 22:17  Behold, Jehovah will hurl you with a hurling, O man, and grasps you with a grasping.

Mic 6:8  He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does Jehovah require of you but to do justice and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?

Rom 2:1 Therefore, you are inexcusable, O man -- every one who is judging -- for in that in which you do judge the other, yourself you do condemn, for the same things you do practise who are judging,

Rom 2:3 And do you think this, O man, who are judging those who such things are practising, and are doing them, that you shall escape the judgment of God?

Rom 9:20 nay, but, O man, who are you that are answering again to God? shall the thing formed say to Him who did form it, Why me did you make thus?

1Co 7:16  For what do you know, O wife, whether you shall save your husband? Or what do you know, O man, whether you shall save your wife?

george :).



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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2009, 01:28:50 PM »

Hey Mark,

Not sure what you're trying to say... enlighten me 


Christopher. It was a play on words. Since the O-man is carnal in nature and you wrote how much you love this song of the world,I thought that it was funny that you then mentioned how things that are of the world are what make us carnal to begin with.

Please don't take offense.Just my warped sense of humor...


No worries Mark, I wasn't offended...

Though personally, I don't see it as a 'song of the world' because it's all about battling with the 'monster' within us... the beast that keeps trying to claw its way out and take control of our lives, and gets us into trouble, etc... to me its a very spiritual song, especially because of some things I'm currently going through...

Daywalker  8)


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Re: A Roman Centurian moment
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2009, 01:12:14 AM »

wow  that was pretty great  prophets' writing on the wall   peggy
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