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Author Topic: Holidays  (Read 5284 times)

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« on: November 19, 2009, 10:21:48 PM »

Greetings,......I myself am an old member of wwcg back to 1980.Left around 1987. What are some of Ray's teachings regarding the holidays?  On another note what are the Mobile gatherings all about? What does Ray have to say regarding the old feast of booths and old testament holy days.Any comments would be appreciated.


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2009, 12:02:07 AM »

Greetings,......I myself am an old member of wwcg back to 1980.Left around 1987. What are some of Ray's teachings regarding the holidays?  On another note what are the Mobile gatherings all about? What does Ray have to say regarding the old feast of booths and old testament holy days.Any comments would be appreciated.

Hello Gallenwalsh,

Welcome to the is an email from Ray that touches on holidays.

Email reply from Ray (,2759.msg20428.html#msg20428):

Dear Shannon:

Of course everyone says they want the truth and they want it straight until you give it to them. Hopefully, you are different.

Yes, Christimas and all of its accoutrements and paraphania (evergreen tree, orbs, eggs, mistletoe, presents, winter solstice, yule logs, fires, drinking, etc.) are also pagan. But then again virtually all who shun this day with great horror think nothing of having a traditional wedding with the same pagan acoutrements (vale, something old, something new; something borrowed, something blue, rings, rice, honeymoon, bells, wedding cake, etc.).  Then of course at least some of them have their boys in the Boy Scouts with all their pagan accoutrements (left-handed locking little finger hand shake, spirit of scouting, the insignia--fleur-de-lis, etc).  Did I mention that it was the pagans who whore shoes before the Christians.  The Scriptures tell us that we should "Be ye not righteous over much" (Ecc. 7:16). And Paul said: "To the pure all things are pure."  I just don't get all bent out of shape over these things. I personally do not get caught up in the "spirit" of any of these things, but neither do I condemn those who do. These are things that each of us must decide in their own way. However, for what it is worth: Dumping Christmas for Hannukah seems to me like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

God be with you,


Which Mobile gatherings are you referring to? The bible studies or the bible conference? Both are simply about believers of like-mind, coming together to fellowship in the Truth.

Here are some emails from Ray regarding Holy Days and other physical rituals

Email reply from Ray (,732.msg5604.html#msg5604):

Dear Bob: You topic is an interesting one, but however, one entirely too big to answer in any detail in an email--it would take days to answer thoroughly.

    Suffice it to say:

    1. Jesus did NOT keep the Sabbath. He taught in the synagogues on the Sabbath because that is the time that everyone was gathered together, not because Jesus wanted to "keep" the sabbath day. Jesus healed and commanded to carry a bed on the Sabbath which was against the law of Moses. Neither did Jesus' disciples observe the sabbath according to Moses. Jesus did not deny breaking the sabbath in Matt. 12. He showed that His breaking of the sabbath was NOT A SIN. He used David and the Priests to substantiate His claim, plus the much greater reason being that Jesus Himself was Lord of the Sabbath.

    2. Jesus did not keep the Annual Holy Days. Jesus did not eat the passover on the eve of Nisan 15, but rather they ate a supper on the eve of Nisan 14. Jesus was crucified late afternoon before the 15th just as the passover lambs were being killed--of ocurse, Jesus WAS  the True Passover Lamb. "THAT sabbath was an HIGH DAY" we are told. The weekly sabbath was also the Passover and first day of Unleavened bread which is always an Holy Sabbath Day.

    Jesus didn't keep the Feast of Pentecost or Trumpets, or Atonement--Jesus IS our Atonement.  Jesus said that He and His disciples wouldn't fast during His ministry. Jesus did not keep the Feast of Tabernacles. The made no temporary booths in which to live for seven days. Jesus sent His disciples up to the feast, but He stayed back. He went up later in the feast to TEACH, not to keep the feast. Etc.

    3. There is nothing physial that will make you spiritual. The Sabbath has a spiritual fulfillment. It is a rest that we enter into with God. When we have the real thing, we no longer need to be observing the shadow or type of the REAL THING, which is CHIRST.

    God be with you,


Email reply from Ray (,1520.msg12862.html#msg12862):

Dear Mildred:

"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a HOLY DAY, or of the new moon, or of the SABBATH days; which are a shadow of things to come, but the body [Gk: 'substance'--the REAL THING] is the Christ [or 'is the Christ's']" (Col. 2:16-17). See also Heb. 8:5-6 & Heb. 10:1.

We are not obligated under the New Covenant to "keep" any holy days.

God be with you,


Hope this helps,



  • Guest
Re: Holidays
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2009, 01:30:08 AM »

Hi Gallenwalsh,

I too am ex-wwcg, was there from 1980 to about 1995  :P  But I think that background in darkness is why the light is so bright now  :D
Here are a couple of excerpts that should help your understanding, they are from the 2007 conference (conferences are scheduled from time to time so that we can meet together and hear Ray's latest study). -----------

                             IN CHRIST  - IN SPIRIT

Col 2:10  And you are complete in Christ, who is the Head of all principality and power,

This is talking to the Colossians here, these are Gentiles, these are people who are trying to be the kingdom of the heavens.

Col 2:11  in whom also ye (all of you) are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands (no more physical rituals, talking about the real stuff now, in your heart - in your mind - in your soul - in your spirit), in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ,

People will say, ‘so Ray you are saying that we don’t need to be baptized anymore?’  Oh I never said that.  I never said we don’t have to be baptized anymore.  We have to be baptized, we have to be circumcised, we have to partake in the foot washing, we have to keep the Sabbath, we have to partake of the bread and the wine…  IN SPIRIT. 

If you don’t do it in spirit, then forget it.  When you go down dry, you’ll come up wet.  You will loose some skin and some blood and that’s all.  You’ll eat a little piece of wafer and you’ll drink a little grape juice and that’s all.  This is the real thing,  SPIRITUALLY.

Spiritually you must be circumcised, you must have the foreskin of your heart, that flesh cut off.  You must be baptized with Christ, that means you have to die.  That’s not too popular, that you have to die to the flesh.  The flesh doesn’t want to die.  The flesh says, here I am look at me, don’t let me die, pay attention to me, puff me up, make me great, make me important, it’s flesh flesh flesh. 

We have to be crucified with Christ.

Gal 2:20  I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

But this next verse is “buried with Him in baptism.”

Col 2:12  buried with Him in baptism…

It doesn’t say buried in water.  Where do you see buried in water there?  I don’t see buried in water, I see buried with Him in baptism.

Col 2:12 …in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.

I don’t see anything about water there.  You say, ‘well that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?’  Paul said in the first chapter of Corinthians, Christ has not called me to baptize.

1Cor 1:17  For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel,

He said that’s not my calling, He called me to preach the gospel.  This is the gospel.  Being baptized in Christ is the gospel and persecuted with Christ, and hated of all nations.

Mat 24:9  Then they will deliver you up to be afflicted and will kill you. And you will be hated of all nations for My name's sake. ---------------

But there is only one body, one spirit.  Even as you are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism.  There’s only one baptism that counts, that’s Christ’s baptism.  Now if your not baptized into Christ, your water baptism is of no value whatsoever.  But people want to do the physical, keeping the physical.  They think well I have to keep the baptism and circumcision, and every year we have to wash one another’s feet, and we take the Passover or communion, sometimes it’s six times a year, sometimes it’s twice a day, whatever. 

Paul says they love the letter, their little communion thing and their little wafer (such a cute little thing) and they take their communion cup and say bless you, bless you, bless you and send me money, money, money.  You have to have an anointing cloth and the hands laid on you and rubbed with oil... You got to pay your tithe and keep the Holy Days... You can’t wear mixed fabrics... The clean and unclean foods... You have to keep the Sabbath... You can’t work from sunset to sunset... and it just goes on and on and on.  You do all these things and you will be a holy person, it will just make your heart so wonderful.  But what it does is it makes hypocrites and heretics out of people.

It’s only ONE baptism and that’s Jesus Christ.  We are baptized into His death.  You say I thought we were suppose to be baptized in water?  No.  We are baptized into His death, that’s the thing that counts.  It is only one baptism, there is only one circumcision, you either get that one or you have none at all.

Col 2:10-11  “And you are complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power, in whom also you are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands…”

No skin, no hands, no knife, that's circumcision, okay.  Continuing verse 11 “… putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.” 
That is what it represents, “the flesh by the circumcision of CHRIST!”  That is the only way it counts. 

Col 2:12  “buried with Him in baptism, in whom also you were raised through the faith of the working of God, raising Him from the dead.”

Then you say, 'alright Ray there it is, we have to be baptized, can’t you read it in context?'  The circumcision is without hands, the baptism is without water.  This is Christ’s circumcision, Christ’s baptism, Christ is the anointing, it’s Christ, Christ, Christ, all of it.

If you don’t see that, you are just spinning your wheels in physical rituals.

mercy, peace and love

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