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Author Topic: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?  (Read 12253 times)

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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2009, 06:12:10 PM »

 So, the point of all this above is that if someone doesn't think your behaving like a Christian, all the concise and thorough explanation doesn't matter to them. Secondly, if they didn't accept or understand this explanation and didn't ask further questions regarding your beliefs, there's no point in continuing, it's Spiritually fruitless.

Amen to that!


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2009, 06:34:04 PM »

Here is another one....for mature readers only!

What do you believe?

I believe Ray Smith is one of God's manifested sons.

Ray who? What...where...? WHY? Oh yes....WHY do you believe that? How dare you! That is blasphemy! Why do you believe that?

Because I can!....  :)

...but ...but why...who...where....what....Ray Smith...Who is Ray Smith....Why Ray Smith...he is not GOD....

No. He is not. He is a son of God just like ....who...what...where.... ;D :) :-*




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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2009, 06:39:27 PM »

Wow.. Wonderful but loaded question!

I believe that Jesus is the Savior of ALL.. The WHOLE world. I believe that ALL shall be saved. God is sovereign, and this is HIS will.

I believe that God is a winner even though the 'church' presents God as a big time loser and a total failure. According to the 'church':

He created "Lucifer" only to have him rebel and become Satan. Then God created a perfect world only to have it become corrupt because of sin. Then He chose a people to be His own, only to have them abandon Him for other gods. Then He sent His Son Jesus to be our Savior but He failed in His mission when He only managed to save a few instead of the whole world. And then He started the 'church' which also went seriously off course, except of course for us 15 southern baptist Church of Christ Lutheran pentecostal Mennonites.

One BIG failure after another!
And yet I believe.. No wait.. I KNOW that God is anything but a failure!

I believe that Satan's power to corrupt is NOT greater than the saving power of Christ Jesus, but the blind church leads the blind into greater deception until God removes the blindness from their eyes. Someday ALL will know the truth about our VICTORIOUS God who LOVES us ALL.

As for how I present this to others, it depends on the situation and the person.
For sure this one verse baffles the Christian whose eyes are still closed, and yet it gives hope to so many who do not yet know Jesus at all:

1 Tim 4:10  For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.

I could go on here, but I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of you have to share. :)


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #23 on: December 05, 2009, 03:33:25 PM »


Thanks for bringing up this thread.  I will try to give my reply to my children when they are in for Christmas so they can see a little more of why I go to the conferences of the "Ray Smith guy."

I believe God is the sovereign Father of our Lord and creator Jesus Christ.

God gave us the scriptures, God's written word, to tell us what we need to know at this time.  Bibles are translations of these scriptures, sometimes mistranslations occur and therefore misrepresent scripture.  The original scriptures are inerrant.

 Genesis 1:27 sums up the ultimate purpose for the creation of this entire universe and everything in it.  Most bible translations get it wrong, but when correctly translated and understood this verse says :
'So God is creating man in His own image,
in the image of God He creates him;
male and female he creates them.'

God is making us God.

The entire process of our lives, the highs and the lows, the succeses and the failures, tears of hurt and tears of joy and of love, all that is, is for this ultimate goal.  We are on a journey and the destination is beyond our wildest imaginations.  Even when we get there it keeps getting better!!!!!-' because of the incease of his kingdom there shall be NO end!'  Ever been madly in love?
Think of that rare time of being consumed with the euphoria and positive power of that super sweet world-stand-still emotion of being completely in heartpounding love-now you are lucky enough to have a glimpse of God, because GOD is LOVE!!!   Eyes have not seen and hearts have not imagined what God has in store for us.  The HIGH is so high that nothing else matters, compared to our ultimate destiny everything else is miniscule.

God tells us these things, God reveals these truths a little at a time as we can handle them, to us. He tells us as much as we need to know, when we need to know it.  All our struggles are for our own benefit.  God tailors each life to that purpose of creating man into God.  Each little truth discovered is a victory,an excitement, a ten pound trout, a game winning shot, a revelation, another step in this truly important thing we call LIFE.

GOD is sovereign, that is all knowing all powerful all spirit all love all truth ALL and he made us for a reason WE ARE BECOMING THE PINNACLE OF CREATION...

This is what i believe because God has shown it to me through inspired scripture and of the indwelling spirit of love and truth and understanding of God.

Askseeknock and exult in the joy of His creation

Charles O


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2009, 04:53:25 PM »

I believe in the salvation of all mankind. All who ever lived and all who will live.

When asked what do I believe I usually reply, “Believe about what?”
(really trying to be simple!!!!)

Also when talking to people about what I believe we usually never make it past why I don’t attend “church”.

In that respect I usually give them these scriptures to ponder over:
Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her, that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues:
Then I get this scripture in response:
Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…………
Then I respond:
1Co 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Pretty strong considering the conversation usually ends at this point.

If someone sincere asks I usually take over the conversation by just spewing out all my beliefs at once!!! LOL. I guess I too excited when someone really wants to know!!

If that happens then the topic of hell becomes the focus.
What’s even more interesting is that most Christians don’t believe in or understand hell’s existence but they preach it anyway. What is up with that????

Before I stumbled upon bible truths site I pondered hell for a long time and it just didn’t work in my mind. Well when I listened to a radio program called the bible answer man (Hank Hanegraaff) He said this about hell:
Not a direct quote:
“Hell has different degrees of punishment.”
His scriptural proof was:
1Co 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
1Co 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
1Co 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

It still didn’t make any sense??? He never explained it like it I was reading it, SAVED BY FIRE!!!!

This scripture is a mainstay for me!! I adore it so much!!! When I finally understood this verse I knew about all the mentions of fire in old and new testaments!! To show this to someone is a joy to me.
God truly heals by fire!!! Seriously he does!!! LOL ;D

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2009, 10:06:56 AM »

Ibelieve Jesus is the son of God and that He came to die for all of our sins because He was the supreme sacrificial Lamb. I had an emptiness in my life.... God was always there... I just didn't recognize it.... ond day I did recognize and the emptiness in my soul was filled. I love it that He forgives me for all of my "bumblings" about. I am so thankful to God that  there is no religion involved in my relationship and love for Him... it is all love. I love that God leads me to fellow believers that have recognized that God is and was always there . There are so many reasons and I am not good with quoting scriptures... I just know what I believe..... He died for ALL of us. Much love to ya'll from my cold and snowy mountain, Jennie


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2009, 10:39:10 AM »

There are so many reasons and I am not good with quoting scriptures

Jennie.. I'm not good with quoting scriptures either. You are not alone.  :)


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2009, 12:56:14 PM »

It's not as important, to me, to be able to quote the scriptures as it is to have them stamped on your heart and to live them out..that's "where the rubber meets the road"! That's when YOUR LIFE becomes the scriptures and you walk them out!! That is between YOU and God and that's where God uses us to reach out to those in need..God loves others THROUGH us sometimes and that's very good! You guys know how to do that!  :D ;)
Now that's not to say that quoting the scriptures isn't good, it is! I have been comforted and blessed by people posting scripture here and to me privately. I want to have them in me so that when I am asked to give an account I will know what to say!  :D


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2009, 04:57:08 PM »

It's not as important, to me, to be able to quote the scriptures as it is to have them stamped on your heart and to live them out..that's "where the rubber meets the road"! That's when YOUR LIFE becomes the scriptures and you walk them out!! That is between YOU and God and that's where God uses us to reach out to those in need..God loves others THROUGH us sometimes and that's very good! You guys know how to do that!  :D ;)
Now that's not to say that quoting the scriptures isn't good, it is! I have been comforted and blessed by people posting scripture here and to me privately. I want to have them in me so that when I am asked to give an account I will know what to say!  :D

Amen to all of that!!!

It's much more important to LIVE the Scriptures, than it is to give Chapter & Verse.... besides, that's what eSword is for.  :D

Daywalker  8)


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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2009, 05:51:55 PM »

At this point in my walk I'm unable to quote chapter and verse as well. One thing I do know for sure though, if I continue to heed Timothy's advice by studying to show myself approved and David's example by continue to meditate on His word every day, I'll become the word. No longer I, but Christ that lives in me. This thread reminds me how important it is to study that I may be ready to give an answer and one day be able to quote chapter and verse. Pretty much just re-iterating everything Ninny said :D

In His Grace,


Roy Martin

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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2009, 08:34:29 AM »

It's not as important, to me, to be able to quote the scriptures as it is to have them stamped on your heart and to live them out..that's "where the rubber meets the road"! That's when YOUR LIFE becomes the scriptures and you walk them out!! That is between YOU and God and that's where God uses us to reach out to those in need..God loves others THROUGH us sometimes and that's very good! You guys know how to do that!  :D ;)
Now that's not to say that quoting the scriptures isn't good, it is! I have been comforted and blessed by people posting scripture here and to me privately. I want to have them in me so that when I am asked to give an account I will know what to say!  :D

Kathy, you said this from the heart, "To have them stamped on your heart, and to live them out."
  I want to want that more than anything. Very beautiful Kathy.



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Re: What do you believe? Why do you believe it?
« Reply #31 on: December 08, 2009, 01:41:47 PM »

Hi all,

I believe my Glorious Father and his wonderful son Jesus Christ. I believe in the Father"s sovereignty and kindness, love ( I had struggled with this for a long time , thinking that God was only a God of punishment).

I believe that God is the savior of the world and will not fail to do what has been promised.

I believe that all who will live a righteous life in Christ must suffer. It is not a curse but an honour.

I believe that with God nothing is impossible. ( I know it because His spirit is at work in me, a lot people have always walked all over me, scorn and just hated me for what i believed. I have resented them for it in the past and sometimes I find myself going down that road but after much prayer, crying and meditating.I can feel subtle changes. The original feeling of resentment comes around but then i find myself being allowed to remember to forgive my enemies and to pray for them and to love them. Trust me that never the case before.)

Again, I believe that without God we can do nothing, the beast within is the hardest thing to dispatch of and only the Lord can do this for us and It will be done.

I thank the Lord for you all, not to mention Ray. I have learnt so much from all of you. I can't really do a lot of posting but i am able to read most things on the forum and website from my phone. I am still here praying with you all and reading and "studying" everyday. The Lord is replacing my overwhelming, crippling and imprisoning  fear of not having a job for so long and not knowing what tomorrow holds for me with the hunger for reading, understanding and applying His word to my life . I thank Our Father and also our Lord Jesus Christ for this opportunity and I am ever thankful for my brothers and sisters on this forum.

Peace and Love to all.


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