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Author Topic: Holidays  (Read 7321 times)

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« on: December 07, 2009, 12:10:15 PM »

Would anyone be willing to share how they handle the holidays, Birthdays, Easter etc. Never was keen on any of them myself,....EVER ! But that's just me, my family is a blended one, in every way.Catholic back round. Do not be afraid to offend in any of your answers, I have divorced the world.My first marriage was destroyed over the Christmas issue. JW and WWCG.  Just looking for some personal insight as well as scriptural ref.

Roy Coates

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Re: Holidays
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 01:15:26 PM »

1Co 8:13  Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

I try to celebrate the holidays everyday. I am grateful everyday that Jesus was born and that He rose from the dead. I am frustrated during the days that the world celebrates these days. That being said, because of my family and how awful they would feel if I didn't partake, at least in part, in these pagan steeped "holidays". I do my best to glorify God everyday and show my family the way to true worship. To keep them from falling away or stumbling I hang some lights and buy a tree. At the same time I explain where these symbols come from and what they mean, truth. The above scripture may or may not be an appropriate match, It is however what I apply to my situation. God will guide you. Peace


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 01:31:17 PM »

Thanks Roy,......I get confused within myself sometimes because of my personal feelings, Religious back round,etc and mostly because I do not want to offend the spirit of God.That was indeed helpful. I would welcome any ones else's insight as well.

E. Woods

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Re: Holidays
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 02:23:46 PM »

Would anyone be willing to share how they handle the holidays, Birthdays, Easter etc. Never was keen on any of them myself,....EVER ! But that's just me, my family is a blended one, in every way.Catholic back round. Do not be afraid to offend in any of your answers, I have divorced the world.My first marriage was destroyed over the Christmas issue. JW and WWCG.  Just looking for some personal insight as well as scriptural ref.

   I will share with you how I handle hoildays.
  As a child in a poor family, My brother and I would get clothes for christmas, while other kids would
get toys,  So I never did care much for that holiday season.

   With wwcg  back ground myself, I have no desire to celebrate the so called pagan festivals the way
the world does today.  and I don't miss doing so. And I don't think God wants us to do so . Deu.12:4,

   I like to study history along with the Bible, when I am trying to prove something.

  I think some of the things people do today when they celebrate their holidays is stupid.

  Just my opinion.    Be Happy.


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 02:38:40 PM »

Like Roy said, every day is a holiday. While the world gives thanks once a year and acts like Jesus is being born all over again, and then at Good Friday / Easter pretends like He's dying and raising from the dead all over again, we should celebrate Jesus every day... Freedom instead of rituals!

We stopped doing "Christmas" about 5 or 6 years ago, and letting go of it was quite freeing. Easter and Halloween we had stopped doing before that.

It seems every time we put another worldly tradition behind us, it feels like chains of bondage being removed.

I'm kind of funny: If the wide road leads to destruction, and if most of the "church" as well as the world celebrates something in unison, it sends me a message that it is potentially destructive.

Galatians 4: 8-11 speaks quite clearly:

But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain. (NKJV)

And yet, I'll concede quite quickly that we should never judge another for partaking of such things. Maybe they are "being all things to all men" or using these times to minister to others.



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Re: Holidays
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2009, 03:50:19 PM »

I am like you I try to celebrate Jesus everyday...I can't judge or condemn anyone for what they do because there is enough sin in my lfe to keep me busy with the log in my own eye! When God takes the love of the world from you then you move according to the way He leads you. You have to remember to just follow the way God leads..try not to accept the condemnation from people who would look down on you as if you had completely turned your back on God for breaking with tradition. People are very opinionated and Christians are some of the worst! They don't mind looking you square in the eye and telling you that God has prepared a place for you because you have "unconformed" to the church, and accusing you of falling back into the world! I'm saying it because I used to be one of the ones who thought in her heart that if you don't celebrate Christmas you must not believe in Jesus! I would never have said that out loud to anyone but my heart was ugly, anyway.I never liked the materialistic side of Christmas anyway I grew up poor and have lived that way most of my life. I hope that God has given me a kinder and more gentle spirit now so that when I look at others I don't want any ill for them in any way. If there WAS a hell, I would never wish anyone would go there!  All that said I believe we should take every opportunity to spend time with our families laughing  and fellowshipping with them and with each other and if a holiday like Christmas gives us that opportunity, then grab it! What's that saying? I can't remember the latin but it means "seize the day". Carpe Diem? That's the way I see it! :D
Kathy ;) :-*


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 09:13:16 PM »

I go through the motions.  I fight the fight everyday and when the holidays come around God knows where my heart is.



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Re: Holidays
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 09:26:15 PM »

Thanks again, every one !


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2009, 09:38:32 PM »

I realize I am probably in the minority here but here goes...
Being someone who used to be totally legalistic and wise in my own eyes, I condemned anyone who partook of Halloween festivities, was terribly judgemental of anyone who decorated with bunnies on Easter (and even refused to call it Easter), and was completely into CHRISTmas as my current Christian friends like to write it but would allow Santa decor for my hubbie and didn't teach my kids there was a Santa bringing gifts. I even looked into adding all the Jewish holidays to our schedule.
Now that I am releasing the bondage I felt to celebrate correctly, my kids were allowed to go house to house and gather candy this year and last (we still do not do anything that is fear based), we completely skip "Easter", and as I like to say with a smile, "I'm taking Christ out of Christmas" because I doubt He wishes to be involved in it. But we do decorate because we like the pretty lights and we just do a traditional American Christmas with family and friends.
God knows our hearts and if He tells us to stop any of these things, we will do so. And I no longer sit on my high pedestal judging others for what they do or don't do.

Ahhh, it feels so much better.  ;)


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2009, 11:59:12 PM »

I do not judge anyone who celebrates the Holidays. God knows there heart. I do not know there heart. I don't like the fact that christians use it as Christ Birthday. But, my family has been going through some hard trials.  Also, when we watch the things little children are going through, I do not believe God does not want them to have some fun in this world of darkness. Many children come from broken homes. I feel for those children as well as the ones who are ill.  If, someone gives them a good dinner or a gift I cannot judge that.

I believe we should live each day for Christ. But, again I am not there judge.

This is a time that I am able to spend with my family and have a nice meal and good talks. We try and have that as often as we can.  I would rather give then receive. Some people do not have money to buy for there children. Some do not even have food for meals. I use to help with the food pantry and it is available all year to help support. I do not believe God judges anyone who wants to give.

I also, believe that God wants us to enjoy our family times. We never know what a year or even a day may bring. I don't judge anyone.

In His Love,


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 12:04:40 AM »

Would anyone be willing to share how they handle the holidays, Birthdays, Easter etc. Never was keen on any of them myself,....EVER ! But that's just me, my family is a blended one, in every way.Catholic back round. Do not be afraid to offend in any of your answers, I have divorced the world.My first marriage was destroyed over the Christmas issue. JW and WWCG.  Just looking for some personal insight as well as scriptural ref.

Hey Gallenwash,

                      It seems this question arises in some form at Bible Truths every year. Like Linny, my former Religious Affiliation(JW'S) was very legalistic about what you could do or not do regarding the Holidays. As a JW, you couldn't do anything, but they sorta sneak their way around Thanksgiving by justifying that if your off from work, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a meal with Family members, as long as you didn't say Happy Thanksgiving(sounds like George Orwells 1984, thought control). I used to be sold on the Pagan Origin routine regarding Easter, Christmas and Halloween. However, with that being said, almost everything we come in contact with had or has some Pagan significance. In this part of the World, we don't Worship the Sun in the sky, we don't offer sacrifices to Fertility Goddeses(Astarte). During the week beginning on Christmas ending on January 1st, the Romans ran around having drunken orgies like carnal animals, so if celebrating Christmas or any Holiday causes you to act like a filthy animal, it's probably better to avoid it. If any of these things causes you to stumble or stumble others, by all means avoid it. As you probably know, the ring in Marriage is Pagan, the days of the week, the months of the year, even the cross and Pole have pagan origins and many artistic symbols we come in contact with in our daily lives. And the list goes on !

In a way, Linny's right, there's nothing Christian about Christmas, Jesus wasn't even Born anywhere near December 25th, probably in late September, early October. So, she chooses to celebrate it in a secular manner, removing the Religious aspect. Personally, I try to approach the Holidays in a sane balanced approach. I don't bother with Easter or Halloween, Christmas, we do the gift exchanging routine and cards. I have no desire in any decorating, if my Wife wants to, no judgement from me. I don't attempt to put Christ back in Christmas, because there isn't any evidence from Scripture that he was ever there. If Celebrating the Anniversary of his Birth was important, there would be Scriptural evidence of Paul and the other Apostles doing so, there isn't any, with that being said, I don't Judge anyone that chooses to do so, it's not a major deal to me, at least not getting expelled for, as the JW'S would do.

                           Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2009, 02:16:21 AM »

You really think God cares about what holidays you celebrate and don't? If theirs one thing the truths of God have taught me is that God is far bigger a being than one who worries about silly little things.

If you don't give your children christmas then you're robbing them of their childhood. Now do you really wanna do that to your kids?

God bless,



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Re: Holidays
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2009, 08:37:28 AM »

I enjoy the holidays. Just days for having extra fun to me (And mmmm presents). :D

I agree with Alex. As long as you don't turn it into an idol of the heart, I don't see anything wrong with celebrating public holidays.


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2009, 09:29:33 AM »

I love you!! That's what I'm talkin' about!! To be young and to love life and to love and follow God!! What could be better than that! ha!! Presents are very cool!! getting them and giving them...if you do it with the right spirit!! :-* :D

And friend..stay light, but go deep!!  ;)


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2009, 09:33:57 AM »

 Holidays .....or time out . or time with ...
     Are we so govened  by what every one else is doing . or do we stand out . & not have any thing to do with other s who as you say . take on board a belive . or what ever  they hold  dear . do we become monks & just hide away . isolate so religous  with our own idear s & belives .
   What did Jesus do . went to a wedding . he did not pull back . because of what some did . or would do . do we not join in we dont have to do what they do .we dont have to drink thier wine or what ever  & be drunk .. thier wine was mixed with two parts water ,. because of & you know why .

 Time with family . is just that . do we have to fight over this & then lose out on our friendship . with our own people . because they may belive or do some things differentlly than we do ... i have 100 s of friends . in our communitys . around the world . i may not go along with what they do & belive . okay . can they still be my friends .....
     my point is . & some may not agree  
      my Lord put me in the middle . & being in the middle has resposablitys  .he has not just left me alone he is with me at all times . i am there & will stay there . till i am taken out ......i did not ask why or why me .    the Lord will use us were he needs us .
 As i said i dont have to drink thier wine . or take on the mark in my forhead .   because i am covered . by his presence . & he goes before me .we can enjoy . our friends . familys .

  Familys are where our lord has  allowed us to be ...if not then we would not have children .so enjoy your time with them .
 If there is some thing that is amiss dont fight about it . you know that word over look
 Iv learnt over the years to keep my peace.  so  just for a few weeks . its not worth the hassel
     any way just some thoughts .
  have a neat time with family  & friends . & enjoy your time to gether
        from Jos & noeleena



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Re: Holidays
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2009, 10:29:47 AM »

Once I found out the truth and the roots of these holidays I could no longer support them or participate with them.  Take 'Merry Christmas' for example.  The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English phrase that means "Mass of Christ."  The word Mass in religious usage means a death sacrifice.  The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, Merry Christmas, they are literally saying Merry death of Christ!  Furthermore, when the fat man in the red suit laughs boisterously  and says, Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas, he is mocking and laughing at the suffering and bleeding Saviour, who died for our sins.  He does this while parents place their little children into his waiting arms to hear his false promises of gifts that he says he will give them.  I know the vast majority of people are ignorant of these things and I am so greatful that we serve a merciful God.  Yet I shudder when I consider how I have blasphemed him in the past unknowingly going along with these celebrations.  Once I knew the truth I could no longer participate no matter what anyone else might think.  YMMV


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Re: Holidays
« Reply #16 on: December 09, 2009, 11:31:58 AM »

Every year this subject comes up and every year there is never a total agreement. This thread started well but as always, it becomes 'what I think' vs 'what you think'. That never leads anywhere good.

If you truly do not want to be a stumbling block to your fellow brethren [Rom 14:13, 1 Cor 8:9], then don't just say it, do it.

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