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Author Topic: Who's turned against YOU?  (Read 11906 times)

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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2010, 12:29:17 PM »

Thanks Arc-you made me laugh with enthusism because you do not mince words-and neither does Ray.  Boy do they make all that look pretty-but I think it's because most people don't know any better, do they?   The blind leading the blind, and it turns my stomache to be immersed in it week after week!:/  My husband would kill me if he knew I said that.  Ugh, Lord help me to do the right thing!!!!  



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2010, 01:56:51 PM »

Greetings Arc,

Let's see where do I begin? My mother, father, sister, brother, both of my grandma's, aunts, uncles and cousins all believe that I am totally lost. Though they haven't officially stated they God has told them to cease fellowship with me, they have express it subtly by their actions. I went out to eat with my immediate family yesterday. The disdain they have for me is so obvious. Most of my family is HEAVILY involved in Babylon serving on various auxillaries. Even when I "came out of her" about 7 yrs ago they begin to look at me differently. The pastor of the church where I grew up was beloved by so many people as he and his wife did so many "wonderful works in the name of Jesus". So, when I refer to the truths of God it really offends them because it alludes to the fact that what our pastor taught is false doctrine.

My uncle is a pastor and he's actually having church every Sunday right here in my house. He couldn't afford to keep a building so my grandmother encouraged him to have service here. He, my grandmother and other relatives think it so strange that I often talk about God and His truths, but never fellowship with them in their church service. When I told my grandmother the reason why, she thought I was literally crazy. She asks me 'Who are you? What's so special about you where God will reveal this stuff to you, but not to those who have been studying and praying to God for years? I must admit it's hard for me at times because I want my family to see that I really do love God and I desire to represent Him, but I don't believe that will happen in this lifetime. I am encouraged by the scripture where Jesus states he didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. This is just a brief account of who's turned against me because of the word of God.



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2010, 03:53:57 PM »

Maybe in the coming months and years God will drag me out.  I pray He does because I am sad and discouraged there

Beth! I do not see that you are THERE in Babylon. I see  God IS dragging you out.

There is no  "maybe He will drag you out in the coming month and years!" He IS dragging you out NOW, TODAY and ever since He first introduced you to The Truth – that is the Spirit Mind and Heart of Christ His Son.

YOU are being dragged out of Babylon in Spirit.  Your body in the physical church is not where the spirit of your belief is today because you have come out.  Remember there is a church within the church. Those called OUT of Babylon are IN the Church of Christ that He is building in SPIRIT  not in the temples made with human hands. You are already in the Church of Christ as you have seen the Truth and you have recognized the Voice of Christ and the Wisdom of the Spirit of Christ leading you.
Joh 10:27  My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Joh 10:28  I give them the Life of the Ages, and they shall never, never perish, nor shall any one wrest them from my hand.
Joh 10:29  What my Father has given me is more precious than all besides; and no one is able to wrest anything from my Father's hand.

It is best to keep  harmony and peace between yourself and your husband. To defer and honor is your privilege to obey Christ as you suffer, pray and uphold your husband through your obedience and awareness of  Christ. We are in the Church of Christ within the world. This is our cross and Blessing, opportunity and gift - bearing  that we are appointed to do so in the silent, non-combative  acceptance and trust before God Who is doing a perfect work. 8) If yu were not suffering, then God would not be working....yet on and with you.  :)

1Co 7:13  And a woman who has an unbelieving husband--if he consents to live with her, let her not separate from him.
1Co 7:14  For, in such cases, the unbelieving husband has become--and is--holy through union with a Christian woman, and the unbelieving wife is holy through union with a Christian brother. Otherwise your children would be unholy, but in reality they have a place among God's people.


IF sadly,   I was to become a castaway

Remaining humble, modest, unpresumptuous, unassuming, unpretentious, lowly and trusting not of man or before man, but of God and before Him, is surely the Way of the Lord and His gentle Spirit among us.

Thank you for your prayers. :)

Through my deepest hurts and pain, I have been lifted and most encouraged by the following Scripture.

1Co 15:19  IF IN THIS LIFE ONLY, we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.




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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »

Hi Charles

Your testimony is welcome and encouraging. Thank you for sharing and joining in.
My mother, father, sister, brother, both of my grandma's, aunts, uncles and cousins all believe that I am totally lost.

After I left the Catholic Church, I just dropped off their map, here today and gone tomorrow. Poof, gone! The Catholic Church would consider me lost too but not because they know what happened, but because they don’t know. They do not know where I went or where I am today both physically and spiritually.  May they never find me again, either way. To them I prefer to remain lost and better still - invisible!

they begin to look at me differently.

They say WE have changed in disparaging, accusing condemnational tones and undertones. I know. They are right. We have been changed. We were lost and now we are found. We were blind and now we can see. We were deaf and now we hear the voice of God assuring us that He is misrepresented by charlatan blind guides called our uncles aunties, brothers, sisters and earthy, worldly friends. This is part of the Planof God for us to bring us out of Babylon. We cannot change their thinking. We couldn’t change our own thinking and we cannot change theirs. That is not our job.  Only God can do new things. God only can give and bring us into a new family of His Spirit.

You say Charles, quote,...I want my family to see that I really do love God and I desire to represent Him, but I don't believe that will happen in this lifetime....

WE can see you love God Charles and you are still in this lifetime aren’t you?

You have Babylon coming to your house. Beth has to endure going there and we have a huge Church that expelled both my husband and I, being built right next door to us! These are physical aftermaths of the Babylon we have left behind. We don’t fit there anymore. We have been moved by the Spirit of God to the Spiritual Heavenly Jerusalem to which we now belong.

God is doing what He knows is best.  8)

« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 05:27:00 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2010, 02:35:59 AM »

Hey Arc,

WE can see you love God Charles and you are still in this lifetime aren’t you?

And He streched forth His hand toward His disciples and said, Behold my mother and my brethren.[Matthew 12:49]

For whosever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother[Matthew 12:50]

I hear ya loud and clear Arc. Thank you for your labor of love towards me. You all just don't know how I long for your correspondence. I think about how Jesus emphasises loving the brethren and I just hope and pray that He teaches me how to love you all in spirit and truth and not just word or affectionate feelings carnal men defines as love. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

I'm so excited because I get a chance to meet my real brother, Marques, for the first time face-to-face on Wednesday. I think I'm gonna learn a little something.. :o ;D Better put I KNOW I'm gonna learn something. God is SOOO good. I thank God He has given me brothers such as you and Marques and the rest of my family here on BT and across the world. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!

It's so ironic this topic is pertinent for me tonight. I just left the hospital with my grandmother and of course my uncle, a pastor of babylon, was there. I try to remain cognizant of the scripture that exhorts us not to cast our pearls before swine so I'm not as adamant with him about the truth. I just pose different questions challenging his theory of free will, but first let me state that I did NOT start a conversation with him. He invited himself into the conversation I was having with my cousin. He contradicted hisself so many times it was insane. I asked him did Pharoah have a free will? He said yes. I then asked him did he harden his heart or did God? He said God. The way he dribbled around the concept was to try to inject fear into me stating that I was playing with a very dangerous concept in regards to free will. He stated that "God does what He wants to do and it's not up to us to determine why God hardened Pharoah's heart." I wanted to say ummmm...duh ??? He then stated just know that we have to choose Him i.e He told the children of Israel in Dueteronomy, Choose you this day life or death..." I just begin to humble myself because I knew it was useless to go back and forth with him. I just nodded my head in silence. One day I believe it's not going to be as gentle a conversation. Somebody will be ready to kill somebody. I just hope the only thing I refute is false doctrine through the word of God.

You quoted, "These are physical aftermaths of the Babylon" In regards to church in my home ..etc. Can you break that down in more laymens terms? Are you saying that because we left Babylon, Babylon is now after us... :-\ LOL. I'm half-heartedly joking. I still want to hear your response.

Love ya Arc,



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2010, 05:56:26 AM »


2Ti 1:3  I constantly thank my God-whom I serve with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did-when I remember you in my prayers night and day,
2Ti 1:4  recalling your tears and longing to see you so that I can be filled with joy.

I just hope and pray that He teaches me how to love you all in spirit and truth and not just word or affectionate feelings carnal men defines as love.

Charles your love IS grounded in Spirit and in Truth. You do not know me any other way! This internet is no accident! It  forms part of God’s design and regal extension of His Love working in each of us as we fellowship and touch hearts, thoughts and feelings by believing and sharing, serving and delighting in our Lord.  This spiritual connection is how and why you are anticipating the gift of meeting our brother Marques as Paul did in that same excited and joyful spirit THAT IS QUICKENED BY THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST HIMSELF. Any wonder that you are excited to meet our sweet in the Spirit, fierce in the Spirit and astute in the Spirit brother Marques.

I just hope and pray that He teaches me how to love you all in spirit and truth

You are learning how to love us all in spirit and in truth. You send me your love and you don’t even know what I look like? Would you recognize me in a crowd. NO. Would you see me if I sat beside you in a diner. No. Would you know me if I walked with you on a road to Emmaus? No. If I started to SPEAK to you – THEN would you recognize me? Would you know Christ if you were weeping for Him and He appeared before your eyes and said nothing? Nol You would think he was the gardener. When He SPEAKS then you know He is the Word of GOD.

So, what do we have in this Forum? WE speak in and before the Spirit of the ultra-sound of His Spirit that shows just how well we are growing up in preparation for birth! Well, this is how I see it.
There is no wrong to desire to see one another. NON at all. We ache to see a new born baby. Mary  g-r-i-e-v-e-d the loss of Jesus at His death and was overjoyed  to see Him again! We all have to grieve and die and lose, suffer and be rid of the aftermath of Babylon. Non want to be born through the trials and tribulations we must suffer to enter into the Life and Kingdom of His Spirit. We cannot do it ourselves just like a baby cannot decide when to be born. All it knows is that things are getting tighter and tighter and that passage with the light at the end of the tunnel looks like death and it is, in the way that it is death to darkness that has to proceed the light. First the natural then the Spiritual. Does this not touch us in our hearts, quickening our spirits, that  are being raised from the death in our sins into the Light of His Stand and Presence in Spirit and in Truth?  Yes. Of course it does!  I can feel your excitement Charles and I welcome the joy ahead for you. We all will see each other and we are being united under the auspices and Spirit of Christ to receive that great gift of seeing one another for the first time face to face as He is! I get chills just writing this.

1Th 3:6  But Timothy has just now come back to us from you and has told us the good news about your faith and love. He also told us that you always have fond memories of us and want to see us, JUST AS WE WANT TO SEE YOU.

Somebody will be ready to kill somebody. I just hope the only thing I refute is false doctrine through the word of God.

Spot on Charles. They are ready willing and able to kill our bodies but not our souls. We are being prepared to kill their idolitary with that swift clean blade of the sword of the Word of God that cuts between the marrow and the bone as we are to reveal the intentions, false beliefs and errors of their thinking! That is the second death of chastisement when they realize that God rebukes them, knows them not and is Present to US His children. They do not know His Voice. They are not His Sheep. We are the children of God that have no desire to harm their bodies as they delight at the though of our bodies burning in their pagan hell holes of barren dark evil depravities that court their every thought as dark deep despairing lonely dungeons of relief for their own souls caught in lies and errors. The righteous of God is their key out into the Light of healing warmth and new living spreading their wings for the first time – then they will sing! Not scream, gargle or gurgle their filthy and bloodied platitudes. Then everything will be good in the world when Gods judgements are in the earth and the inhabitants learn His Righteousness. For what else are we here for Charles if not for that life and Hope! Bring it on! :)..."Oh REALLY!"...L Ray Smith quote... :)

The “physical aftermaths of Babylon” are like the birth of a baby that is cleaned of the mess it is in because of what it has to go through to be born. Ever seen a baby being born? It is not that pretty picture you see in the TV adds for baby food. Oh no!

The physical aftermaths of Babylon for us are those dead pieces of flesh and the cut umbilical cord that held us attached to its doctrines of darkness. Indianabob, once posted a brilliant post that medically describes the way a baby is changed to dependence on the womb for food and air and how its lungs are changed in half an hour, to breath new life after it is smacked to shock it into breathing.

You might have to do the same for a few babies out there needing a wake up call, whack, wallop, thump, slap or clout Charles! If you ever get a baby by both heals and you have them hanging upside down and it is not breathing, give it a hard swift slap across the behind but make sure you have cut the umbilical cord first…..that part won’t hurt them.

Are you saying that because we left Babylon, Babylon is now after us...

No. They can’t see us they just feel tight, uncomfortable and ready to be born when we get round them. For that they will kill us any way they can to keep the soft cozy comforts of their watery dark and false ideas of what life is really like in the Kingdom of God.

We all have to go through the birth canal of death to the world we knew in order to be born again. Remember conception and birth are the same word in Greek. We are already born, conceived. The birth is the painful, scary and very challenging experience in the babies passage from darkness to light. Very scary. Very hidden to public curiosity and embarrassing nudity required for the operation. Dignity, gentleness and knowing what you are doing is requisite to delivering the little ones and then the training begins.

You wanted my response. Okay so now it’s like the water has broken. The birth pangs are ahead. For every stinging birth pang that Ray has answered in the pressure that is too much for some to bear,  when they get exposed for their erroneous beliefs in darkness, they too, shall come to see and know Ray as the Spiritual Giant he is to a world of many small rebellious, few godly children all of God, waiting to be born.
I hope this does not sound too convoluted for you. Getting born is no small event.

We all have to get a slap in the process. It is really tough! That is where the real work begins.

Joy to you Charles and to Marques our brother as you meet for the first time face to face.  Joy and blessing to you both!

« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 06:00:59 AM by Arcturus »

judith collier

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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2010, 07:50:17 AM »

Oh Arcturus, Linny and Charles what a delight you all are!!!
There have been several times when I saw attacks from people who previously had been my good friends as the works of the evil one. I mean I KNEW where these attacks were coming from because the Holy Spirit made my senses stand on edge. It was ethereal. I could see clearly these friends were pawns and didn't even know it. You guys really, Count it all Joy. Hold your ground and be still. Do not defend yourself or your beliefs. When Jesus was lead to  to the slaughter remember he said to Herod, barely anything, except " thou sayest it" Jesus knew that nothing more or less than what the Father had ordained was going to happen to Him. Was it pleasant, No. Nobody attacks unless something in their life is being threatened,  their belief system, their money, their reputation, their relationship with you, you name it. You guys have struck deep into them, nothing will ever be the same in them again even though it might appear otherwise.
I actually had joy knowing I was put in a position of persecution because in this I saw God and whatever He was doing was going to be good.  The results were fantastic over time. I was apologized to and a different Spirit came over them, our conversations changed, I had more influence but i didn't use it to convert them to my beliefs but subtly challenged them by my behavior towards them


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2010, 10:41:19 AM »

Hey guys! I haven't added to this thread, but I've been reading it all..I've been busy for the last week because my brother and his wife were visiting me...I wanted to share something that has happened in my life this past week...Arc, I appreciate that you have started this!

I have family members who also think I'm crazy for not going to church and being on this forum and reading the works of L. Ray Smith..although they know little of what I believe...I have been sort of a "rebel" in my family for many years..because many years ago I broke with tradition and became a Seventh Day Adventist! My parents did not judge me because of that...They were just happy that I was the only one of their 6 children at that time who was a Christian and went to church! One thing my dad said to me when he was dying was that I would help my brother who is just younger than I, and his wife to find the Lord and I told him I would...I don't think I really did that! I have often wondered why his dying wish was for that brother and not my other brother or my sisters to find God! And why did he want ME to do it??

Over the years through hard trials my brother and his wife have definitely found God! A long time ago I shared some of their trials on this forum..

Fast forward to last summer...We took a trip to Arkansas to visit my brother and his wife...I spent several days with them and we talked about our experiences in the Lord..I told them some of the things I have learned about God in the time I have been reading and studying on Bible Truths for the last almost 6 years, now...They marveled at all the things I shared with them! My sister-in-law was so impressed when I told them about all of my brothers and sisters on this forum and the things we have shared together here! She said, "Wow! I wish I had a place like that where I go share and fellowship!" They belong to a little church, I visited there when we were with them in Arkansas...The people there are friendly and they have a very nice pastor...My brother and his wife and I talked for hours last summer, just sharing what God has done!  8)

Then they came here last week...and we talked and my sister in law said.."When you left last summer I told Lonnie (my brother) that I enjoyed our talks so much and that I was going to miss talking to you about what God has done!"  Well, it all boils down to this...My brother and his wife believe and understand that God will NOT burn His enemies in the fires of Hell for all eternity!! There are many things we shared, but I felt most pressing was to show them that God is LOVE, not hate and vengeance!! They believe this!! We talked about judgment, punishment, and eternity!! We talked about our "free" will and that God's will is GOING to be done! I was nervous at first, but God is good and He softened the whole scene for me! God knows that I am not a forceful person...I can't use fancy words, or smooth talk...I just told them what I believe and we shared scriptures and they understand that the Bible is not necessarily "scripture" they even call it "the Word"! So God was ready for them to understand that part of His character! I am just saying this because we know that nothing we do can convince anyone, but God brings whom He will..and I told my brother that when Jesus said,  "No one can come to Me if ever the Father Who sends Me should not be drawing him. And I shall be raising him in the last day." John 6:44 CLV
actually means that God really drags any way He sees fit!  They love their Strong's Concordance so it was easy for them to look that up!! and they had their computer here so I downloaded E-sword for them, they were really excited about that!  :D

So what I'm saying to all of you is don't be discouraged by people who don't accept you or believe you...even if they are in your own family...because God has His own and He will send them to learn the truth!! You live it, and God will honor it in ways we may never understand! I always think of the line in the movie, Field of Dreams where Ray hears a whisper, "If you build it we will come.." Well God tells us "if you build it, (not a big fancy church's trust) they will come" So just keep yourselves in the truth and be steadfast...God will do the rest!  :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2010, 11:37:23 AM »

Hi Charles,

Matt 5:14  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
v. 15  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
v. 16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Yes continue to "Let your light so shine before men," but know your actions speak louder than words and the way you live is a witness to the truth. As Judy said, "I had more influence but i didn't use it to convert them to my beliefs but subtly challenged them by my behavior towards them." That's right, it's not so much that we are trying to convert our family and friends, but shine a light into the darkness.

Php 1:27  Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,
v. 28  and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.
v. 29  For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,

We are living examples of the Truth, as our behavior is being watched by this world. This does bring on persecution, as the world loves it's own, we no longer belong to them and they know it and they will continue to try to brag us back down to where they are.

John 17:14  I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.

But we do not have to fear the world/Babylon. We are in Christ and He is indwelling in us too and we know that none of this world has power over Him because He has overcome it - to subdue (literally or figuratively): - conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory.

John 16:33  These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

But we are not sitting idlely by, no indeed, we are busy preparing, it is a daily quest to "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2Tim 2:15). In order to be strong and to stand firm in these Truths they must be written on our hearts, which can only come from delegent and continued study of His word.

Eph 6:10  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
v. 11  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
v. 12  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
v. 13  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
v. 14  Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
v. 15  and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
v. 16  above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
v. 17  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
v. 18  praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints--

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 01:03:30 PM by Kat »


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2010, 11:49:36 AM »

I just wanted to say how much I have loved, needed, and learned from this thread!  ;D :-*
Thank you to all who have participated.


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2010, 01:08:40 PM »

Hey Kat,

Yes continue to "Let your light so shine before men," but know your actions speak louder than words and the way you live is a witness to the truth.

We are living examples of the Truth, as our behavior is being watched by this world.

You know what Kat...Amen! God is chastising me. I didn't know how God was going to deliver me from the strongholds in my life, but for the past few weeks my character has been the most prevalent issue on my mind. His word is what's going to deliver me! By hearing these scriptures like "Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only" and "Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:That whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation" These scriptures are eating me up. I remember Ray stated in his study on repentance how after awhile your conscience will not allow you to be at peace unless you submit yourself to what God wants you to do.

In order to be strong and to stand firm in these Truths they must be written on our hearts, which can only come from delegent and continued study of His word.

You know Kat I know this to be true, but everytime I sin I feel so unworthy that I fall off from studying for a few days. I know this is the trick of our adversary, the accuser of the brethren. I read the scripture in Ezekiel where God states he was going to write His laws on the tablets of our hearts. I never put 2 and 2 together to understand that He wasn't going to just magically place them in our hearts, but by diligent studying the word they will become who we are. "For whatsoever a man thinketh in his heart so is he". Thank you so much Kat for your labor of love. I needed to read everything you posted Love ya Sis.

Hey Arc,

The way that you described the birth process is so profound. As I was reading your post it was making sense word by word. I never thought of the spiritual birth process in correlation with the natural that deep. You make sense out of so many things I post and relay the scriptures so precisely that I know you are a brother in Christ. That's what the scripture means when it says "Try the spirit to see whether it be of God". Kat told me a couple of months ago that my understanding of God's plan for me is only a milestone towards my growth. It's getting more and more interesting as the days go by. However, I know that I must suffer for the name of Christ so by no means do I feel that this will be a cake walk, but I'm just basking in the truths of God and look forward to hearing "Well done my good and faithful servant". I will be posting a testimony soon of how God delivered me from the strongholds in my life. I know He's doing it now.

May God Bless You All,


P.S. Now let me get ready to meet Marques, it's today and not tomorrow ;D


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2010, 01:42:53 PM »

Linny, you are always welcome and Charles I am not your brother, brother! Ask Marques to explain that one! ;D :D ;) :)

...I just told them what I believe

we know that nothing we do can convince anyone

So what I'm saying to all of you is don't be discouraged by people who don't accept you or believe you...even if they are in your own family...because God has His own and He will send them to learn the truth!! You live it, and God will honor it in ways we may never understand!

Those are worthwhile thoughts Kathy. Thank you.  :)

I think that Jesus was saying that the consuming fire of His Spirit we would be separated from the attachments we have to our earthy family. This process is painful for us because we are betrayed and rejected.  Jesus said we would be hated but not forever or without remedy or relief.
Mat 10:21  And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

The brother that shall deliver up the brother to death is the rebellious brother. The father that delivers up the child to death is the rebellious father. The children that rise against the parents and cause them to be put to death are the rebellious children NOT the children of God.

Mat 19:29  And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Like no one goes to Christ unless God drags them, so too, no one forsakes houses and property and siblings or parents who being children of God, are the ones forsaken, betrayed, despised and hated.
Christ means more than any human relation, any earthy property to the Children of God who enjoy the fruit of His Spirit His Mind and His Heart and that is the hundredfold return – His Spirit. 8)
I am so happy that under your roof, God has appointed your loved ones to know Him Kathy.

Your story encourages me that my sister will see The Light, yet, most likely,  through ways, means and circumstances not given me to know, which is okay.  It’s okay – though I miss and love her I have hope. :)



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2010, 02:50:14 PM »

I will pray for your sister..and you! There are many others in my family who think I'm strange..but you know even if they think I'm strange, (my son even told me that I should think about going to hell, I told him I'm not afraid of hell!) in all of that they cannot deny that I have loved and trusted in the Lord most of my life and there have been times they thought I might end up "drinking the kool-aid" They have seen the consistency of how God has led me. And they know that God has kept His promises and they have seen the evidence and even though they have also seen me fall they have seen God lift me up again! So whether anyone else comes to the truth that we know here..I know that God has given the light to me and I can pray that He will give it to others of my family..but if He doesn't ..I know that all is not lost!!

1Ti 4:10  For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God,who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.

A friend of mine who is a pastor always says, "If there is a "therefore" in scripture...we need to find what it's there for!" So it is a surety that in believing and trusting in God we will work hard and suffer reproach!!

Kathy ;)


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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2010, 03:43:48 PM »

Arc, I have a Brother, who thinks I am lost. I don't even go near him because he has alot of health problems and I do not want him to drop over from anger with me. He is in the church system and thinks he has led people to God himself. Not, knowing God does the drawing.

I have come to find out in my life, the best thing is to keep my mouth shut and let them see the light in me.

Now, I have to tell you this. I have been married for 30 years. My Husband has always been a light to me. He never much studied the Bible. But, he believes Jesus died for him. But, I have watched others mistreat him and abuse him and he is never but kind. He helps our widowed neighbors. I have gone to his work place and people tell me I have the kindest most giving Husband. I have seen God in action.  He forgives and forgets.  I am learning to do this.

I asked God many years ago for a man like a Uncle I had. When, I was a little girl I thought he was like Jesus. Everytime, I was around him I was so happy.
I asked God for a man like him. He gave him to me. He was a great man of faith and did not go to church but read his Bible and spent time with God in private.

No matter the trials we have been through , he never lost hope and he never sweats it. I am learning in my life to be the same. It was not easy. Now, I can have peace in adversity.

Now, my Husband excepted this right away. He never believed in Hell. My Mother who is 89 never believed in Hel. So , God has blessed me big time that way.
Now, because of all the Love I have showered on my Sister and her family she is begining to believe there is no Hell. My neice who is only 36 and was diagnosed with cancer of the colon, liver , and pancreas has the same Spirit. She excepted thist away. She has had two sugeries and as 4 more. But, they never gave her any hope. But, she believes God not the Doctors. Her cancer number has went from a 14 to a 4 and 3 and 2 is perfect. She has worked except for the surgeries and a few times with a couple of issues. When, I go over to the hospital people tell me they have never seen a Spirit. Teresea has great faith and always has as a child. My family did not go to church much at all.  I didn't much till I got married.But, I asked God to use me to be a light to my family and to any one to may pass my way. I saw God in my Mother. I saw him in My Father in his latter years.

My Husbands, family thinks I am lost and do not want to hear it. But, I just don't say anything about it. Hopefully, by being around me they will see a sweet meek Spirit about me. The worse thing about these people they want to serve God in there own carnal way, while we all seek to serve God in his way. I never, look at them against me. I know, they are blind just as I was. They are afraid to look at anything knew because they are blind and think they have the truth.

So, Arc what we know helps us like you said we have other like minds and of that I am grateful. I am blessed to have some of my own family members seeing the truth. But, my Mother and Husband and Neice never believed in Hell. Now, my Sister is starting not to believe in Hell. I hope my younger great nephews and neices will learn the same. I have decided to leave what I have learned to be passed down to my generations if I should die. We are a product of what we have been taught by the church system and our carnal minds. We need the Mind of Christ.

Gods Church on earth is the light to the world. There may not be many, but he has them scattered through out the earth.

We are actually walking through the fire and not being touched. God holds us up. God is holding Ray up. You already know he holds you up and you are lights for us. We can be lights to the world by them watching us be humble and enduring things that blow them away. Who, knows maybe watching us will make them want what we got. I believe in miracles for lost family members and the rest of the world. Its all in Gods time.

In His Love,



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2010, 06:26:45 PM »

Arcturus ??? My bad Sis ;) You still love me?  :'( :-\   I know you do  ;D



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2010, 08:40:07 PM »

Hi Marlene,

We are actually walking through the fire and not being touched. God holds us up.

I love that thought, just beautiful. There have been some wonderful things shared here  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2010, 02:40:07 AM »

God is doing what He knows is best.  8)

"Father Knows Best".    :D




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Re: Who's turned against YOU?
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2010, 07:19:08 AM »

I asked God many years ago for a man like a Uncle I had. When, I was a little girl I thought he was like Jesus. Everytime, I was around him I was so happy.
I asked God for a man like him. He gave him to me. He was a great man of faith and did not go to church but read his Bible and spent time with God in private.

spent time with God in private

Jesus did that too. 

As I pasted this comment of yours Marlene, I felt like this Forum also does this for all of us. It is a gathering place for us in private, away from the prying blind eyes of the world outside! We too are in private right here together.

Let no one ever again make any one of us feel guilty or disobedient towards God for not gathering with them in their man made Church’s for we gather every time we open the Forum to read, participate and reflect on God and His Spirit right here in our midst as we discuss and meditate and are following our Lord as He leads us to green pastures and feeds us His flock – in private right here in this Forum. As Ray says, he is in Chruch every time he opens his Bible!

It is also wonderfully inspiring that Charles has been led to remind us to love one another as we are commanded by Christ to do. That one another is you and I and all the membership here in this Forum. We are the brethren of Christ.

Marlene, your husband sounds like a real Godly man and spiritual head of your house. What a Blessing. I think he would find much in common with my husband who is such a softy and generous man too. I am so blessed to be married to him because my bad traits he more than compensates for! I thank God for him.  Where I am frightened, he is fearless. Where I am uncertain, he is assured. When I am less, he is more.  God knew what I am like and gave me a husband to balance me out! He is strong and makes me strong.  When he has been weak, God shows through like sunshine shining through the rain.

It was not easy. Now, I can have peace in adversity.

Personally I do not think I am fully at the place where I have peace in adversity yet. God is showing me, causing me and blessing me to keep leaning on Him for His Mercy and Pity. Once complete, the fullness of His Peace shall reward us all every time we experience adversity. Then adversity will loose its sting!  :)  Thank you for sharing your testimony of His gift showing you His Peace and assuring us of His Peace to you Marlene, by which my encouragement to Hope is strengthened. We all have felt His Peace and it is such a gift for us to one day to blessed to fully absorb and retain His Spirit His gifts and the fullness of His Presence. There is joy in that Hope isn't there! ;D

I never, look at them against me. I know, they are blind just as I was. They are afraid to look at anything

That is wise as a dove to not take anything personally but to recognize the blind spirit in the offenses and persecutions that come against us. For we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

We are actually walking through the fire and not being touched.

Like Kat, I also love that comment that inspires my memory of our dear brothers Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego!  Yes as they were physically bound and thrown into the furnace, so too do we spiritually follow right behind them to experience that God is our companion through all.

God holds us up. God is holding Ray up. You already know he holds you up and you are lights for us. We can be lights to the world by them watching us be humble and enduring things that blow them away. Who, knows maybe watching us will make them want what we got. I believe in miracles for lost family members and the rest of the world.

Yes, I can acknowledge with gratitude, relief and joy,  that  God holds me up and He has always been the strength, compassion, pity and mercy that has been my personal rescue through the trials of His revealing to me the nature of my own faults that increase my dependency on Him.
Its all in Gods time.

Yes and not only in God’s Time, but His Plan, Purpose and Will assuring us of His Mercy Pity and Goodness that will not leave us abandoned, vulnerable and not knowing God.  On the contrary, though we remain scattered, God is spiritually drawing us together in His Spirit and Truth.

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