Hi Mr Smith!
I would like to make my acquaintance before I proceed, my name is Johann and I live in South Africa near the capital city of Pretoria.
I stumbled across your web-site not too long ago, and I would like to thank and praise and glorify God’s big Holy name for bringing me to somebody like yourself in this modern day and age of so much confusion and rubbish going on in the world. You make a lot of things so much clearer.
My parents in law used to subscribe to a magazine in the USA called ‘The Philadelphia Trumpet’ for like 15 years or so, every Sunday when we went to have lunch over there, I read this magazine and checked out their website
www.thetrumpet.com. And the leading man Gerald Flurry used to make out like he’s the next Messiah or something until on the internet one day, I read a confession of one of his ex-congregation member’s about what a fraud he really is. Anyhoos, what your writing about the word of God gives me a lot of comfort if I try and to compare it to what I’ve been taught in church from childhood(We were part of the Dutch Reformed Church from as early as I can remember).
Although I don’t know you personally and have to evaluate all your writings for myself in the Word of God about hell not existing and the rest of your articles, I want to pray with you that I cannot conceive a life after death not being in God’s Holy presence, and that’s where I get so much truth about your explanations about the Scripture, the absolute Truth in the whole known universe.
I thank and pray to God for people like you out there who brings the love(His Word) of the Lord to the people on this planet, and that you continue with your good work.
Kind regards