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Author Topic: What are your foreign gods?  (Read 14688 times)

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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2006, 10:45:38 PM »

   Hi all4love,

    It is very hard to admit these things.  I am so glad that I started this thread however because it really put one thing in perspective for me.  Nobody here is better than me and I am no better than anyone else.  We are all in the same boat.  We fight with the flesh......and we lose.....over and over and over again.  I just cannot put into words how much I appreciate everyone's honesty.  This is amazing.  When I first started this thread I was very nervous. I figured a few might write in and say "Ya we'll pray for you prarrydog" and then I would be totally exposed to all my "perfect" brothers and sisters.  I truly did not expect this kind of honesty.  Thank you all for not hanging me out to dry  ;D.

with love

...Yeah, we'll pray for that miserable wretch over there...




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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2006, 10:49:39 PM »

 ;D ;D


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2006, 11:03:09 PM »

Bobby, you are doing great in keeping this thread alive.  Wow, honesty and truth, a beautiful sight.  Truth is Light and Light is Truth.  

I, too have many thngs going on as of now.  I had a good job at Ford Motor Co., worked night shift and fell asleep in my truck during lunch, this is the second time, and run them out of stock, being a forklift driver.  This stopped the line for 20 mins., and they fired me.  I worked there for 11 years.  Never been fired from a job, and this being the highest paying job ever.  

I, too smoke, and drink a few beers, but lately too many.  My wife of 26 years is now ready to leave, so needless to say serious distress now, yet the strange thing is through all these hardships, I feel God even closer, stronger and truer.  Know what I mean?  Strange thing this life.  

God bless all of you,



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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2006, 01:48:29 AM »

Gary, you are in my prayers.  Thanks for sharing. 


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2006, 04:05:29 AM »

Thank you for directing me here gmik. This thread is so refreshing.

One of the first things that happened to me when God started bringing me out of deception is that I looked at myself and saw my sinful nature. "Oh wretched man that I am" is very frightening at first. God was teaching me to rest in him and that the work in me was his work and not mine. I used to talk in my sleep about resting and struggled against trying to fix my sinful nature. I wanted to make myself good so I could be sure God would accept me. I came to realize that there is no good thing in me and I couldn't fix that.

I am guilty of grumbling and unbelief. My heart has waxed cold and where I should have so much gratitude I have grumbling. I walk in fear and worry instead of faith. God has never failed me, but it seems like a life time that I have been in this desert place. I fear that God has left me here to die. My false god would be symbolic Egypt I guess. At least there I had the hope of a promised land. I am wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. I am dull of hearing. I do believe. God help me with my unbelief.

I smoke too, but that just doesn't seem real important right now with everything else that's going on, lol.


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2006, 12:09:23 PM »

There is also the Allen Carr Method - He's the most popular and successful method for quitting smoking in the WORLD.  He wrote a book called, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" which you can get at any major bookstore or online.  He also has offices in select cities around the U.S.  If you are going to quit smoking with any external help at all - this is the only method you should use.  This guy explains the smoking problem in its entirety and once you quit, you never even want to go back.  He's the most intelligent man I think I've ever known.  It works and it is EASY (most of the world tells you that it's hard).  Over the course of reading the book(200pgs), he removes all of the brainwashing that you have created yourself or the world has created.  You smoke while you read the book as you gain a greater consciousness of what you are actually doing.....and once you've finished the book you are a happy just wait for the actual physical nicotine "monster" to leave your body (takes about 3 weeks).  The "monster" wanting its way is not painful at all....most non-smokers have these same "withdrawal pangs" as smokers - the truth is, the pang is not painful at all - very slight - it is the fear (which he helps you get rid of) that makes those slight pangs into huge and depressing and unmanageable pangs.   


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2006, 06:25:25 PM »

Reading all the replys of our faults brings me to some thoughts. How much of our personalities, our enviorment, and our parents have to due with who we become? My mother was not a believer but when she died at 93  I wanted to say some words about her at the furneral. The fruit of the spirit spoken of in the love chapter really described her. Her life was a testament of a Godly women and if not for her and taking on some of her  I could have been like my Dad who was basicaly a maniac. On my Dads side was a lot af alcoholism and addictive personality traits. Out of six kids my one sister and I took on her nature and the others were alot like my Dad.
Has anyone ever studied the 4 personality traits that all human beings are born with and the mixture that we can have. Like intravert and extravert. My husband struggles with anger(his dad was a angry man) and as a believer who could not rid himself of this regardless of all the prayers to God for help. Why does not God help us when we truly desire change and change would bring glory to him and also a witness? I don't have the answers .
Any thoughts ?


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2006, 08:13:54 PM »

Inezray, I have often thought of those very things.  Also, culturally an Italian is very different from a Swede who is very different and on and on.  That would make us feel things Italians being passionate and quick over their emotions whereas like my family, germans, think about every minute detail before making a decision.  But God made us this way for His purpose and plan and somehow it all fits.

Looking at this thread and seeing so many similar problems that we all share and we have all prayed for probably over and over, I don't know why so many prayers don't get answered.  We need to know where our hearts are and develop patience.

One last thing,  isn't it amazing that we, the "few" that understand somewhat about who the beast is and where he is living, is having so much trouble with sins, idols of the heart, weakness of the flesh, whatever.  Maybe, since we have publically aired out our faults one to another some healing can begin and maturity.  Actually, I feel closer to all of you now that I know I'm not the only one who "ain't perfect".


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2006, 08:19:23 PM »

  Maybe, since we have publically aired out our faults one to another some healing can begin and maturity.  Actually, I feel closer to all of you now that I know I'm not the only one who "ain't perfect".

  I too feel closer to everyone here now. 


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2006, 12:47:27 AM »

Reading all the replys of our faults brings me to some thoughts. How much of our personalities, our enviorment, and our parents have to due with who we become? My mother was not a believer but when she died at 93  I wanted to say some words about her at the furneral. The fruit of the spirit spoken of in the love chapter really described her. Her life was a testament of a Godly women and if not for her and taking on some of her  I could have been like my Dad who was basicaly a maniac. On my Dads side was a lot af alcoholism and addictive personality traits. Out of six kids my one sister and I took on her nature and the others were alot like my Dad.
Has anyone ever studied the 4 personality traits that all human beings are born with and the mixture that we can have. Like intravert and extravert. My husband struggles with anger(his dad was a angry man) and as a believer who could not rid himself of this regardless of all the prayers to God for help. Why does not God help us when we truly desire change and change would bring glory to him and also a witness? I don't have the answers .
Any thoughts ?

Inezray, that is a good point.  This is one thing I never could understand about the teaching of hellfire.  I feel very blessed to be born into a good family and in this country.  To be honest, if I were born in different circumstances in a different envoirnment, I know things would be totally different.  So, who are we to say anything about anyone, when it was all up to God where we were born, with the circumstances given.

It has always boggled my imagination of so called christians, who tout their damnation beliefs and hell doctrine, thinking they are right and most are doomed, yet every funeral they always say such nice thilngs to the departed, changing their stance just to appease others and look good in others eyes.  Never once have I heard them back up their belief in time of death.  Sorry, off track, but hypocrites never cease to amaze me.

Inezray, even the desire to change is up to God.  Here is a Psalm that every human being can relate to:

(Psa 38:1)  A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance. O Jehovah, do not rebuke me in Your wrath, and do not chasten me in Your fury.

(Psa 38:2)  For Your arrows sink in me, and Your hand presses heavily on me.

(Psa 38:3)  There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your anger; nor peace in my bones because of my sin.

(Psa 38:4)  For my iniquities have passed over my head; as a heavy burden too heavy for me.

(Psa 38:5)  My wounds have putrefied and rotted because of my foolishness.

(Psa 38:6)  I am bent down, I am bowed down exceedingly; I went mourning all the day.

(Psa 38:7)  For my loins are filled with a burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh.

(Psa 38:8)  I am exceedingly benumbed and crushed. I howl from the groanings of my heart.

(Psa 38:9)  My Lord, all my desire is before You, and my sighing is not hidden from You.

(Psa 38:10)  My heart throbs; my power forsakes me! And the light of my eyes, they also are not with me.

(Psa 38:11)  My lovers and my friends stand apart from my stroke, and my neighbors have stood far off.

(Psa 38:12)  And those seeking my life lay a snare; yea, those seeking my evil speak ruin, and they utter deceits all the day long.

(Psa 38:13)  But like a deaf one I do not hear; and I am like a dumb one who does not open his mouth.

(Psa 38:14)  And I am as a man who is not hearing, and who has no rebukes in his mouth.

(Psa 38:15)  For I hope in You, O Jehovah; O Lord my God You will answer.

(Psa 38:16)  For I said, Lest they rejoice over me in the slipping of my foot; they exalt themselves over me.

(Psa 38:17)  For I am ready to fall and my pain is before me always.

(Psa 38:18)  For I will confess my perversity; I am anxious from my sin.

(Psa 38:19)  And my enemies are living; they are strong; and ones hating me have multiplied; they lie.

(Psa 38:20)  And those who repay evil for good, they attack me, because the good follows me.

(Psa 38:21)  O Jehovah, do not forsake me! O my God, do not be far from me.

(Psa 38:22)  Make haste to help me, O my Lord, my salvation.

God has ALL in His hands, each life no matter how we perceive it, has progressed to His plan, through all circumstances.  The penalty has been paid, sins are forgiven, this we must put faith in.  To us, at times things seem impossible and incomprehensible, but to God all things are possible.  We must never forget, that He, and Him, emphasized, is in the business of creating us in His image, and His will be done, no matter what we or others believe or say.  And the bottom line is, God is love.  This is GOOD NEWS, in which we can be at peace, knowing these things.

God bless,




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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2006, 09:41:44 PM »

Got to be more out there!!  Feels good to air out the laundry!


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Re: What are your foreign gods?
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2006, 04:50:10 AM »

the good that I will to do.I do not do,but the evil I will not to do that I practice.the flesh is a little god.I wonder If all sin can be traced back to the flesh wanting to feeel (take)...........Jerry 
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