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Author Topic: Rabbits don't lay eggs.  (Read 7290 times)

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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2006, 08:03:01 PM »

 :D Good one??  Crucifixion-bunnies;   Jesus Birth-santa & reindeer


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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2006, 08:12:14 PM »

Sorin Robin Williams and most of the World see the church as hypocritical and foolish.  Anyway here is some information that may help you.

The eighth century English monk, Venerable Bede, popularized the notion that "Easter" is derived from Eastre, the old Germanic goddess of spring. Others conclude that "Easter" began with Ishtar, the Assyrian fertility goddess of spring, or Astarte--the Phoenician or Greek composite of Ishtar and Aphrodite.

The fact that many pagan people used rabbits and "Easter" eggs as fertility symbols to celebrate the forces of spring, and that such forces were usually manifested in popular goddess images, is also indisputable.

It was at Noah’s great grandson Nimrod' who built the city of Babel that was the origin of an idolatrous system that swept the world. The Bible says of her, "Babylon... the nations drank her wine; Therefore the nations are deranged" (Jeremiah 51:7). The Bible often speaks of the Satanic religions which came from her.

Basically, almost every vile, profane and idolatrous practice you can think of originated at Babel with Queen Semiramis, the Mother Goddess and Nimrod. As the people scattered from Babel with their different languages, they, of course, used different names for Nimrod (Tammuz) and Semiramis.

Some called the Mother Goddess "ISHTAR" (originally pronounced "Easter"). In other lands, she was called Eostre, Astarte, Ostera, and Eastre. Other names for Semiramis, the Mother Goddess include: Wife of Baal, Ashtaroth or Ashtoreth, and Queen of Heaven. The Mother goddess was frequently worshipped as the goddess of fertility - and as a sort of Mother Nature and goddess of Spring and sexual love and birth. She was also worshipped as a mediator between god and man. Sexual orgies and temple prostitutes were often used in her worship and in attempting to gain her favor.

The Easter Rabbit or Hare
The rabbit is well known as a sexual symbol of fertility because of it reproductive proclivities. In various parts of the world, religions which developed from Babel also associate the rabbit with periodicity, both human and lunar (Egypt, China, etc.).

As you may remember, the Mother Goddess Semiramis (Easter) is associated with the Moon. In other words, the Easter bunny symbolizes the Mother Goddess.  Annual Spring time fertility rituals are associated worship of the Mother Goddess and Tammuz, the reincarnation of her husband Nimrod.  In the scriptures the reference to the women crying for Tammuz in Ezek 8:14 were celebrating the resurrection and fertility rituals.

The Easter Egg

"The egg was a sacred symbol among the Babylonians. They believed an old fable about an egg of wondrous size which was supposed to have fallen from heaven into the Euphrates River. From this marvelous egg - according to the ancient story - the Goddess Astarte (Easter) [Semiramis], was hatched. And so the egg came to symbolize the Goddess Easter."

The idea of a mystic egg spread from Babylon to many parts of the world. In Rome, the mystic egg preceded processions in honor of the Mother Goddess Roman. The egg was part of the sacred ceremonies of the Mysteries of Bacchus. The Druids used the egg as their sacred emblem. In Northern Europe, China and Japan the eggs were colored for their sacred festivals.

Who would not watching birds emerge think it miraculous. After all birds flew in the heavens and were thought of as omen bearers.. owls, ravens doves etc.  The egg was as an object of fertility easily becomes the symbol of fertility; Semiramis (Easter) was the goddess of Fertility. The Easter egg is a symbol of the pagan Mother Goddess, and it even bears one of her names.

As usual as young church grew and became organized she became more entangled in the world she too incorporated these customs and the Catholic church kept the name Easter and pagan symbols along with it and eventually so did many of the Christian churches.

Chocolate did not come until much later and that is a Whole Different Matter.
Chocolate is not a sin.  It comes from a cocoa bean. Thank you God for chocolate,



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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2006, 08:26:43 PM »


I know all about Easter, and the Rabbit and the Eggs. I know Easter is Pagan, and yet the Christians keep it. That's why I posted that link, to make  other's laugh.



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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2006, 08:38:53 PM »

Oop now I got egg and rabbit on my face




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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2006, 09:13:11 PM »

This is OFF TOPICS and I did not want to waste any egg material  I want to stick to the Off Topiic .  You seem to like the unusual.

Sorin my old firend ...did you ever break open an an raw egg an look at its content .  Most people know about the yolk because its yellow. They do not especially like the gelatinous portion until  it becomes the white of the egg when it is cooked or mixed up and cooked with other food..

But if you look within this wonderous gelatioous material in a raw egg you can actually see a woderous structure called the chelaza. It is composed of protien and is twisted in appeareance. It lies on each side of the yolk.  Do you know why God put that there???

Well when the egg is fertilzed there is a pinpoint area on the top of the yolk and that pinpoint will become the embryo. As the embro grows , the mother bird will rotates the egg in order to distribute the yolk nutirents to the embro and the chalaza helps the ebyro to be "righted" so it will always faces the underside of the mother and can be kept warm. 

I always loved the metaphore Jesus used of a Hen wanting to bring all His chicks into HIM

Whether you believe it or not ...Sorin you are one of His favorite roosters



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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2006, 12:39:32 PM »

Cool.  God's ways are so wonderful even to the smallest detail.


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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2006, 08:36:22 PM » good friend

Funny :D :D :D

I was asked once why i did not wear any gold crosses, i simply said i detest carry a corpse in gold to represent a graven image of my savior.

George Carlin gots a few skitts of religion that i would recomend you see.....

« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 02:18:32 AM by Falconn003 »


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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2006, 11:17:48 PM » good friend

Funny :D :D :D

I was asked once why i did wear any gold crosses, i simply said i detest carry a corpse in gold to represent a graven image of my savior.

George Carlin gots a few skitts of religion that i would recomend you see.....



How are you? Heh, that was a good answer to the "gold crosses" question. And do send me a link or two of George Carlin.


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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2006, 11:58:28 PM »

Sorin my friend, where would this board be without you.

That was a classic  :D




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Re: Rabbits don't lay eggs.
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2006, 12:07:12 AM »

Sorin my friend, where would this board be without you.

That was a classic  :D


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