Here ya go! Hope it helps. Keep enduring,Tim
The two fold commission and teaching of Jesus Christ: Elders must be able, “…both to preach with sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict it�(Titus1:9, New Revised Standard Version).
Do you ever find yourself trying to understand what you are reading in the Bible, but give up because it’s just too confusing, boring, or you can’t get a grasp of the King James English? Whether the Bible has always been a deep seated part of your life, or you just have never cared one way or the other, it might be worth your time to read on and explore the hidden truths of Scripture through the writings and commentaries made available free of charge on the following issues and many others.
The Bible teaches no rapture to Heaven.
Are the words “everlasting,� “forever and ever,� and “ eternal� inspired Words of scripture?
Is God a trinity?
Is God controlling everything? Do we have freedom of the will?
Is being saved really a matter of reciting a twenty second prayer or how hard is it really and what are the Scriptural steps to Salvation?
What and where is Heaven?
What do the Scriptures say about how to study the Scriptures?
What is the “Lake of Fire� and the “Second Death� and is it really an eternal torture chamber with literal fire?
Who is the beast spoken of in Scripture and is the mark “666� a literal number or mark placed on man?
Did you ever wonder why Jesus would command us in Matthew 5:44 to love our enemies…and yet most of Orthodox Christian churches tell us that God is going to literally torture most of His creation in literal fire for all eternity if a person does not accept Him in his or her physical lifetime!
Please take the time to freely read, listen and study out the truths that the below ministries through their labor of love have taken thousands of man hours and dollars to make available to all.
May God richly bless all those who have a real love of the truth.