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« on: August 04, 2012, 03:07:52 PM »

I have a strange question that has been kinda eating at me …  how long does it take to get the peace, I can read in many of your statements, into your life?  I seem to struggle with so many demons like anger, worry, selfishness. When does the peace come in?  Where or what am I missing?

Still a babe in Christ,


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Re: peace?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2012, 03:23:38 PM »

It's really true.  Everybody here seems so at ease and relaxed, not prideful or puffed up. 
But see, I see that in you through your posts too, Greg. :)   I'm sure glad you're here.  You're very real and truthful.  That's what's great about this place.  People can be themselves for the most part.

Of course right now you're going through a lot; you're transitioning, but you can still have peace. 

Believe me, I am for the most part very peaceful when I'm here -- living rivers of water and the fruits of the spirit are here and it sustains me.  But out there?  hmm...not so much.  It's a constant striving to enter that Christ rest -- you know that verse of scripture, right?

Christ is our REST and our peace.  He goes before us. 

You will not always feel the way you're feeling now, I know that sounds unlikely given your circumstances now, but we aren't trusting in ourselves but Christ; it's HIS faith that will get us to that place of rest.    He'll loosen you up.  But not so loose that you veer off course and spiral outta control. 


God Bless you! 


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Re: peace?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2012, 03:27:52 PM »

p.s.  Practice believing God forgives you and loves you.  And keep on reading Ray's material.  The truth of the Word of God will push out all the lies inside and you'll start to feel better, but it's not supposed to be easy; it's through much tribulation that we are entering into the Kingdom of God -- you know that verse too, I'm sure.   :-) 


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Re: peace?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 04:12:58 PM »

Hi Greg,

John 14:27  Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

I think the amount of peace you have is according to how much you come out of the world. By that I mean when you immerse yourself in seeking the Spirit, whether by study, meditation, prayer or whatever means that you can totally focus on God, to me that is when you find peace. So when you apply this, seeking the Spirit, in your life to as much of a degree as you can and for long enough, it becomes a big part of who you are. Therefore you are at peace, because your mind is 'resting     and as we must participate in the world we are now at peace and the peace remains with us even then.

how long does it take to get the peace, I can read in many of your statements, into your life?

So back to your question, I think it depends on how much you seek the Spirit. If it's only for a short time everyday, then it will probably be of slow progress. If you're always dwelling on things of the world, well how can your mind rest and be at peace? But you do determine what your mind is dwelling on throughout the day, meditation on spiritual things and pray really can occupy our mind at almost any time.

Heb 4:9  So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God,
v. 10  for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his.
v. 11  Let us therefore strive to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience.

Just the way I look on this, hope it is of some help to you.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: peace?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 04:24:17 PM »

June ‘07 Bible Study

                                                                    Saved By Grace Thru Faith
                                                          [By Divine influence upon our HEARTS]

This is a part of my on going attempt to show you how everything is interrelated in the scriptures.  Everything comes down to one main objective - one main purpose - one thing, remember I’ve said that so often, it’s all ONE.  You study out any subject in the scripture and it all comes down to one thing…. it’s all ONE.

Jesus Christ was an individual and He did all these many many things and He has a Father and He has done all these wonderful things.  Yet He says, “I and My Father are ONE.” (John 10:30)  And I have said everything is ONE.

Eph 4:1  I therefore the prisoner in the Lord, beseech you to walk worthily of the vocation wherewith you were called,
v. 2  with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
v. 3  Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

You know what unity means - unity means it’s all together, that’s what unity is, all together in one.  One purpose - one cause - one whatever, it’s unified. 

These churches of the world are out to create a unity between them.  I mean they would even try to create a unity between the Moslems and the Christians.  Give me a break, what fellowship has light with darkness, or what fellowship has darkness with darkness, how about that.  The unity already exist, we don’t create a new unity.  “Keep the unity of the Spirit,” there already is that unity.  We are encouraged to keep it, not create it, it’s already there. 

Eph 4:4  There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also ye were called in one hope of your calling;
v. 5  one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
v. 6  one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in you all.

It’s all ONE!

Hey Greg

You don't "get the peace" and, you aren't missing anything! ~  :)



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Re: peace?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2012, 04:32:24 PM »

I seem to struggle with so many demons like anger, worry, selfishness. When does the peace come in?

Hi Greg,

I can honestly tell you that my faith is the source to my peace. 

This does not mean I do not  get upset and bothered by people and events that happen in my life.  In fact, some days I feel like I am battling people constantly. :P   However, there is a solid, inward joy and peace I feel every day because I understand what a huge blessing it is to be given a heart to believe the spiritual truths that God has revealed to me.

Once you truly believe that our Creator is in total control and He is a God of love, you too will have that deep, inward peace that surpasses all understanding. :)



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Re: peace?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 07:55:49 PM »

Peace in this lifetime?...Never.  This life is not meant to be peaceful, it is a race, an endurance test, a piece of gold loaded with impurities that is getting burned out and refined daily.  But can you become at ease? Yes, when you realize that God is in charge of everything, why sweat the small stuff or even big stuff? Easier said than done....

If we are here to learn and endure then it seems to me our acceptance of this can give us some peace.  But be honest we don't accept it, we fight it daily.  We are not robots we make decisions and these decisions make things harder than they might not otherwise be. Struggles we have today, in many cases, can be rooted back to choices we made years ago.  And we still make the same bad choices today, some more so than others.  I wonder why that is? I think about these things alot when I consider the world around me. 

I see a lot of people around me who are in real pain, but when you get to know them you can see a roadmap of bad decisions after bad decisions throughout their lives.  I try to always stress to my kids that the decisions we make today will follow us the rest of our lives. God gave us a book full of helpful suggestions but we ignore them. I try to live my life by knowing what God says is good for us and making decisions based on this, but I still ignore Him alot.  I don't believe God makes "laws" and then He beats us over the head with a club when we break them.  He tells us not to do something because He knows, that if we do, the heartache it may cause ourselves and future generations, we beat our own selves over the head with the club.

On example then I'll end.  I have always wondered about pre-marital sex, why does God warn us against it? If a persons practices proper birth control and safety and it is between two consenting adults what does it hurt? I'll tell you my opinion, when people go right to the sack they skip over the part of getting to know each other, their hormones are in such high gear that they ignore all the warnings signs about the relationship.  They fall in "love" they get married, unfortunately some have children and in a few years they get divorced and it was because their spouse was not who they thought they were. Generations may be affected because of that one decision made when their relationship begins. They were not really in "love" they were in "Lust!"

So peace in this life?  No because as sinning machines we are not capable of it.




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Re: peace?
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2012, 08:54:30 PM »

Aw don't get me started, Craig.   ;D   

We definitely won't have peace when we're breaking God's laws. 

I disagree that we will have ease; I don't believe it will be easy -- the scriptures say we must "strive to enter Christ's rest."  By the very definition of strive, it will not be easy.

It is through much tribulation that we are entering in the Kingdom.

But I agree that we will not have peace at all times. 

"As Jesus was in the world so are we."  He most certainly did not experience constant peace as we well know from the constant battles with the pharisees and later as he was finally condemned to the cross. 

People in the world don't have peace, sure. 

Beasts operate based on instinct (through?) fear (maybe I got that backwards but you know what I'm trying to say).  Beasts have very little peace -- constantly in pursuit of something.

However, to his DISCIPLES and his FRIENDS he said this:  My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.  (John 14)

Didn't he tell his DISCIPLES (those he later termed FRIENDS) fear NOT! over and over again?  Why?  Maybe because the base of pride, lust (gluttony?), and anger is fear?

Even Ray said that the most heinous of sins are committed by people who are afraid of God.  I know that is true for myself. 

But once you start to recognize who you are and God changes your heart you do start to have some peace.

Fear not. 

My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.  (John 14)

When we look around us and see someone suffering because they have broken God's laws we are to pray for them.  We should not worry, we should not be afraid. 

I've lived in a state of constant fear my whole life and I am still learning how to not be afraid (all around me, people constantly are trying to take my eyes off God and put it on the "funny monkey"). 

I know this much -- panicking and worrying will put you 10 steps behind.  Trusting and obeying God, that will bring you into a state of peace. 

Jesus suffered immensely and was in real pain most of his life and so was Paul but it was Paul who said this:

" And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (Isa. 26:3) 

If you're asking and seeking God for peace -- you're going to find it.  But we do need that contrast of non-peacefulness in order for peace to really show up and mean something to us and as long as we're in this world we're never gonna run out of that.  ;)

God bless everyone.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 08:56:38 PM by Gina »


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Re: peace?
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2012, 10:02:48 PM »

I have a strange question that has been kinda eating at me …  how long does it take to get the peace, I can read in many of your statements, into your life?  I seem to struggle with so many demons like anger, worry, selfishness. When does the peace come in?  Where or what am I missing?

Still a babe in Christ,

Hi Greg,

Some very good replies in this thread but I thought I might throw in my two cents.

I get a lot of peace from that fact that I cannot overcome my sins/faults/demons by myself. After spending years struggling to do it all myself I found peace in knowing I cannot even change the smallest thing by myself and I am totally reliant on God to change me. Like many have said it is still not easy but remember that this life is temporary and that in time we will be in his image!

"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

God bless,


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Re: peace?
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2012, 10:19:16 PM »

Excellent reply, Space. 

Remember, Paul termed all his tribulation "light and momentary afflictions"; because in the grand scheme of things - that's what they are.  Wow that's saying a lot because there are days when it's just like,  Okay -- I'm done.  Stop the world I wanna get off.

Some days are diamonds
Some days are stones



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Re: peace?
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2012, 11:02:39 PM »

well, here's my two cents as well. This is almost 38 cents we all throwing in; its all good. Gina, i'm gonna have to agree with Craig. Can we be at EASE?? yes, but no, it's not EASY. But all because it's not EASY, that doesnt mean we cant be at ease: but it does take a level a spiritual maturity. A profound verse

"Be careful (be anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phi 4:6-7)

it was only the OTHER day this verse came across me and the truth of it blew me away. and I AM AT EASE in Christ. Because, no doubt, my life is not all roses. I have struggles and hardships; but my days of depression, hopelessness (which i remember oh so well) are GONE. I remember at those times, I HAD NO PEACE whatsoever because i remember just trying to figure out things, trying to understand things. I was ashamed of my sins and wrongs, my weaknesses, scared of the future; troubled on every side. But like someone else said, stay in prayer, meditation; constant connection with Jesus - "and you shall (become to) know the truth, and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE" (John 8:32)

So with all that; I COMPLETELY SEE AND UNDERSTAND how you feel and where you are at when it comes to peace. I couldve asked this same question a year ago. And i used to immerse myself in reading AND studying the bible, only gospel or christian music, stayed in church, prayed ---- but revelation and true deliverance is all apart of God's timing. I say, continue reading the teachings on this site, soak in the myth of free will, origin of evil, what the beast is; get in tune with these teachings. In God's timing you will become one with the "Peace of God, guarding our hearts and minds through Christ". In time. Truly, God works.

I will pray for Christ's peace in you.


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Re: peace?
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2012, 11:51:46 PM »

It's alright.  We don't have to agree on everything for there to be peace.  I know life isn't a bed of roses but there are moments of inexplicable peace.  That's all I'm saying. 

And if we have ease in this life instead of peace then I'll never have ease but I'm glad you and Craig do: ;D


easeiz(n.; v.)eased, eas•ing.

    (n.)freedom from labor, pain, or physical annoyance; relaxation or comfort:

    to enjoy one's ease.

    freedom from concern, anxiety, or solicitude:

    to be at ease about one's health.

    freedom from difficulty or great effort; facility:

    It can be done with ease.

    freedom from financial need; plenty:

    a life of ease.

    freedom from stiffness, constraint, or formality; unaffectedness.

    (v.t.)to free from anxiety or care:

    to ease one's mind.

    to mitigate, lighten, or lessen:

    to ease pain.

    to release from pressure or tension.

    to move or shift with great care:

    to ease a car into a narrow parking space.

    to render less difficult; facilitate.

    to bring (the helm or rudder of a vessel) slowly amidships. to bring the head of (a vessel) into the wind.

    Category: Navy, Nautical

    (v.i.)to abate in severity, pressure, tension, etc. (often fol. by off or up).

    to become less painful, burdensome, etc.

    to move or shift, or be moved or shifted, with great care.

    ease out, to prevail upon tactfully to leave a job, move from an apartment, etc.

    Category: Verb Phrase

Idioms for ease:

    at ease,a position of rest in which soldiers standing in formation may relax but may not leave their places or talk.

    Category: Idiom, Military


And the definition of Peace is quite similar:

peacepis(n.; interj.; v.)peaced, peac•ing.

    (n.)freedom from war; a cessation or absence of hostilities between nations.

    a state of harmony between people or groups; freedom from dissension.

    freedom from civil commotion; public order and security.

    freedom from anxiety, annoyance, or other mental disturbance:

    peace of mind.

    a state of tranquillity or serenity.

    silence; stillness.

    (often cap.) an agreement or treaty that ends a war or hostilities.

    (interj.)(used to express greeting or farewell or to request silence.)

    (v.i.)Obs. to be or become silent.

Idioms for peace:

    at peace, untroubled; tranquil. deceased.

    Category: Idiom

    hold or keep one's peace,to refrain from or cease speaking; keep silent.

    Category: Idiom

    keep the peace, to maintain public order. to prevent discord.

    Category: Idiom

    make one's peace with,to become reconciled with or to.

    Category: Idiom

    make peace,to arrange a cessation of hostilities or antagonism.

    Category: Idiom

Origin of peace:

1125–75; ME pes < AF; OF pais, earlier paiz < L pācem, acc. of pāx; akin to pact
Princeton's WordNet


    the state prevailing during the absence of war


    harmonious relations; freedom from disputes

    "the roommates lived in peace together"

    peace, peacefulness, peace of mind, repose, serenity, heartsease, ataraxis(noun)

    the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    peace, public security(noun)

    the general security of public places

    "he was arrested for disturbing the peace"

    peace, peace treaty, pacification(noun)

    a treaty to cease hostilities

    "peace came on November 11th"

Kernerman English Learner's Dictionary


    when there is no war

    The children here have never known peace.; a peace agreement


    when everything is calm

    the peace of the countryside; Leave him in peace to do his work.; I really need some peace and quiet right now.


    the knowledge that you do not need to worry

    Our insurance will give you peace of mind.


    to agree to end an argument

    He decided to make peace with his parents.

Webster Dictionary


    a state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose


    exemption from, or cessation of, war with public enemies


    public quiet, order, and contentment in obedience to law


    exemption from, or subjection of, agitating passions; tranquillity of mind or conscience


    reconciliation; agreement after variance; harmony; concord


    to make or become quiet; to be silent; to stop

The Roycroft Dictionary


    A monotonous interval between fights.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 11:54:50 PM by Gina »


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Re: peace?
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2012, 12:03:07 AM »

I was just talking with my friend Gail about this thread and she goes:

"Well, fretting about not having peace is just gonna prolong the next peaceful moment." 

Wow!  Tell me that wasn't from God!!  :)


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Re: peace?
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2012, 12:33:59 AM »

oh yea and Greg, dont be discouraged. I truly understand. Paul told us to, " pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with all who are calling on the Lord out of a clean heart." (2Ti 2:22). So pursue these things; but all in all, we can only pursue them by His grace and spirit. so stay in prayer. The biggest encouragement is that,

"goodness and mercy shall PURSUE YOU all the days of your life..." (Psa 23:6)

know it's his goodness that leads us to repentance (Rom 2:4) and it's all a journey that God is working in us. "seeing that out of Him and through Him and for Him is all: to Him be the glory for the eons" (Rom 11:36). Till peace shine in your heart as the new day, STAY IN PRAYER. And stay in fellowship. Christ's peace will come in season. "for everything, there is a season..." (Ecc 3). But as a Child of God, with the spirit of God as a Guarantee and pledge for the life to come (2Co 1:22); be encouraged that Christ is working His Will and Purpose in us. So that one day; we will be Free.

Thanks for the definitions Gina!

Dave in Tenn

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Re: peace?
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2012, 02:35:33 AM »

I don't want to get all theological, but for me the Peace Christ gives is the cessation of conflict, not endless rolling fields of organ-music playing wheat.   :)  There isn't any grace or fruit of the Spirit which exists in a vacuum.  ALL of them are in contrast to some evil in this life.  I think this peace is LIKE the peace that breaks out after the war is over.  Or if not 'over' at least moved beyond my piece of ground.  How much peace we're experiencing is in relation to how little war is still going on.

So I think you're ALL right, and that's not just 'peacemaking'.   :)



Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: peace?
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2012, 02:45:06 AM »

"goodness and mercy shall PURSUE YOU all the days of your life..." (Psa 23:6)

Thank you back!  That's the first time I've seen that translated that way.  That is like music to my "ears."


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Re: peace?
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2012, 02:50:03 AM »

Dave = The Voice of Reason.



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Re: peace?
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2012, 02:53:13 AM »

he he, So Greg -- Has it become abundantly clear that even though we may seem to be at peace, we're not all that and a bag o'chips? ;D

(Lots of times people have accused me OF being angry with them (on line) when in reality I was laughing my head off at them.  I'm SERIOUS!  ;D)


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Re: peace?
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2012, 03:17:53 AM »

We can have some peace in just knowing that God is for us.
Romans 8:31
What then shall we say to [all] this? If God be for us, who [can be] against us? - Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?
This post reminds me of the man that Jesus delivered of an unclean spirit, and the peace he must have had afterwards.
Mark 5:15
And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.

I would be lying in saying that the Lord hasn't given me a good deal of peace, and has delivered me from a lot of religious demons, and yes some sins that I use to be caught up in. The Truth Of the Word of God, as Ray has taught at Bible-Truths has freed many that have been burdened and bound with the lies and chaos that we all know is out there in the masses. That's the way I see it anyway.

We can have much peace if we know in our hearts that we don't have the same old evil eye, looking to do something that we know is against God's Word.  Not fighting God, give in, give up, rest.



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Re: peace?
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2012, 03:41:53 AM »

Yes, Joel.

Sorry to keep poking my head in here Greg, everybody, but... every time someone says something it sparks another thought.  And I think, well it'll help someone.  It might even irritate someone.  Oh well!  Can't please everybody. ;)

We are prone to worry.  That's why Jesus said, don't worry.  And then it's like this: 

You start to focus on not worrying.  So you tell yourself not to worry, but it doesn't help because you're focus is still on worry and how not to.  So now you're worrying about worrying, see?   Vicious cycle.  Jesus tells us to not worry the same way God told Adam and Eve to not eat of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  But without God holding us back from worrying, we're gonna worry, just like we're gonna eat of that tree without direct intervention -- not because we want to worry but because we're too weak NOT to worry.  It's just too tempting. 

Then again, there's worry and then there's working out your salvation with fear (awe) and trembling.  What's the difference?  I don't know.

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