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physical universe
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:15:47 PM »

The whole creations awaits the unveiling of. Christ.anyone have any ideas why we have an entire physical universe that boggles the mind
It can't be there just for show
Anyone think there is other life out there?


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2012, 02:10:23 PM »

First the physical then the spiritual. Ray said God is spirit and creates the physical, but what else is there?  Is there something besides the spiritual and the physical? The human mind just wont go there. Maybe its just Gods way of showing us what he is capable of. Plus none of us could ever go across our own galaxy in one lifetime much less any of the big ones that dwarf us. So life in other Galaxy's doesn't really matter if they can't get here or we can't get there. Possible…why not. Probable … not.  Reality is if there were why would they want us?  We have to have water to live they may not. Now of a truth I do know there is other life out there but not the little green men you are thinking of. The bible speaks of messengers (angels) from heaven … so other life yes. Just my thoughts
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 12:28:56 PM by gregorydc »


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2012, 03:28:25 PM »

Question is about what we can see,  not what we cant see. Angels or messengers, sports etc.  have nothing to do with the universe. What reason would God have to create more than once, is He not perfect. Other life out there, I dint thank so. Man has created other life out there, not God.  Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 11:18:58 PM »

The whole creations awaits the unveiling of. Christ.anyone have any ideas why we have an entire physical universe that boggles the mind
It can't be there just for show
Anyone think there is other life out there?

As everything that God does there must be a good reason for it. Either to be destroyed soon or to be used somehow in the next ages, I'm 100% sure there's a good reason for it, the size of it, the way it was done, etc. So I believe that there's no "just for show". There's a reason, and it's probably mind blowing :)

God bless,


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2012, 11:47:27 AM »

I think of the grandeur of the universe and the vastness beyond finding out all it's wonders is a physical shadow/reflection of how tremendous our God is. You know He could have designed this universe any way He so desired, I mean He could have created earth all alone in a kind of bubble, but He did not. He chose to show His glorious creative mind and power through the things He made.

Rom 1:20  For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

Now truly I don't believe that we were designed for space travel, nor do I think that was ever intended. But hasn't God revealed the wonders and glory of this incredible universe to us without having to have a first hand view of these things? Even the prophets and patriarchs of old knew a great deal about the universe without having all of our technology to probe into deep space. How was that possible? I believe the earliest man (Adam) was taught about it and shared that knowledge and the later generations built even more upon what they knew, as we are aware of ancient charts and calendars.

So is there a purpose in all this planetary design even for us now? Aren't all events connected and affected by nature as a whole, so that planetary movement and interactions have an impact on our Earth? Couldn't that be part of the purpose of it's design? I think so, we know that that planting and harvested crops is a very old technique based mostly on the movements of the moon and was done with quite a degree of accuracy and benefit. Using planets and stars is probably the oldest form of navigation, having the stars at night, and the sun during the day. One of the greatest stories in the Bible is the story of the star of Bethlehem. 

Unfortunately as a result of astrology and numerous other unscrupulous articles about planetary nonsense, this part of natural science is mostly discredited in the modern world. But even if it is clouded with this absurdity of some, it still can be considered and appreciated and recognised as the grand marval of are Creator that it is.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: physical universe
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2012, 05:18:07 AM »

God created the universe and all that's in it. I know this will not be popular but I strongly feel that The Creator of the universe that we know consist of billions of galaxies with billions of stars and planets would just create life forms on one puny planet called earth. I believe God has been around for ever. Alpha & omega.Therefore I believe He has many different life forms on many of the billions of planets in the billions of galaxies across the universe. Now as far as traveling across the universe.  No not if we think as humankind in the 21st century. Using 21st century tech. Never happen.  How much do humans really know. I how much we think we know. I believe theres so much more that we have not a clue. I believe we have a small taste of what God is and all that He encompass. I could go deeper but why? I probable said too much. 


Ps. Kat you say we were not designed for space travel. I agree. The way God made us physcially. But If God is in control of all and has foreknowladge Then He knew from the time Adam was created that man would traval into the heavens. AS many BTers say God has us just where we should be. Sorry just my thoughts no offense.


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2012, 04:37:37 PM »

Hi Greg,
I like these questions!

As of today, evidence does not exist that any forms of life exists outside our planet.
The possibility for life however does exist I believe!
There are very tiny creatures living on earth now that are capable of living in the vacuum of space called "water bears"
They are as of now the only creature capable of living in such harsh environments.

The elements that we are made of are very common to the entire universe. We are made of seven of the top 10 most common elements of the universe. By the way, there is no significance to the number seven here. We are made of lots elements in varying degrees of abundance.

So another question you can ask Greg is whether life is equivalent, not as intelligent or greater in intelligence? With, I guess we would be the baseline for that intelligence.

Also, since it took billions of years to come to what we have today, what makes us think that life anywhere else is as developed as here on this planet?

There are many arguments for and against life elsewhere but I tend to lean towards life. In what form is the question? I personally don't believe we are being visited by intelligent life either.

Also Darren makes a good point.
I don't quite understand statements like, "We are not created for space travel" What does that mean? That I can't fly around in space like Superman? I agree if that’s the point of making a statement like that!LOL But we are out there now! Mind you in vehicles designed for space travel.
We are not thwarting God's will when we "seemingly" defy the laws he has put in place. Those same laws make it possible!

Questions like these are beyond the scope of this forum but they definitely help us grow in the knowledge of this universe and possibly the purpose for a vast and ever expanding universe. I do believe God is preparing something for us. What that is I'm not too sure. Science is something I realize we can’t ignore anymore such as I did when I was in the worldly church.
As Ray has show more than a few times, science can reveal God to us in ways the words in scripture convey only when understood through that lens.

Greg I hope I help or given you a reason to do some research on questions like these.
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Re: physical universe
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2012, 08:34:41 PM »

Hi Antaiwan,

I don't quite understand statements like, "We are not created for space travel" What does that mean?

I made a comment like that and I don't mind explaining what I meant by saying that. Well at least just put my perspective up anyway.

Well we have managed to bump around in our on solar system a bit. But we have not even begun to explore our on Milky Way galaxy, other than by telescope, sophisticated ones for sure. But there is just too much unknown and it's too difficult and costly to consider maned space travel, even in our solar system much less the Milky Way galaxy or beyond is incomprehensible.

The universe is vast beyond measure. Astronomical distances are measured in light-year, approximately 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second. The nearest known star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, which is 4.23 light-years away. The fastest outward-bound spacecraft yet sent, Voyager 1, has covered 1/600th of a light-year in 30 years and is currently moving at 1/18,000th the speed of light. At this rate, a journey to Proxima Centauri would take 72,000 years. (Wikipedia)

Hey but that's the way it is now, maybe in the future man will put aside their differences and work together to develop major new advances in technology so we can strike out across the universe. Don't hold your breath  :D

But what good would it do to have space travel in God's plan of salvation. Seriously, that's the way I look at it. If it's some other life form other than a man, what's the point, we are designed in the image of God, a man, "God created man in His image;" (Gen 1:27). So what would other life forms out there some where provide for us, we are still discovery new species here on earth.

If it turns out that there are other civilizations out there across the universe some where. Well I guess we will meet together at the resurrection, as that's the only way possible I can see for us to be brought together. I hope it does not sound like I'm arguing, I didn't mean to, I do get a little intense sometimes. But just thought I'd give another view point for what it's worth  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: physical universe
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2012, 03:29:46 AM »

Hi Kathy,
I like that perspective you provided about the distance issues.
Ray has spoken on that a couple times I believe.
Yeah, it just too darn far! But that has nothing to do with life not being possible. That idea just shoots down alien visitation theories.
It's too far for them to travel! What a waste of fuel and other resources to mutalate cows, draw circles in the grass and taking a couple country folk minding their own business!!LOL Not too intelligent by my judgement!
But travel time aside, is it possible that life is out there?
I believe it's possible because of what everything is made of.

The big bang spewed out everything necessary for us to be here. I find it arrogant to believe that this planet is the only one to support life of any kind or will be the only planet to support life of any kind. This theory assumes that earth isn't taken out by a huge asteroid or survives the supernova of our sun. I think about this sometimes...don't you?
Our sun is going to die one day (billions of years later). This brings up a lot of questions in my mind.
How do these things mesh up with the plan of salvation?
If the earth is destroyed, is God's plan ruined??
Will no one be on the earth in billions of years?
See where I'm going? I think you do Kathy, your mind churns too!LOL
So...I think about how this will work and still wondering......

So.... as for the kind of life
Kathy, I think your assuming life equivelent to human beings? As man will be in the image of God not other creatures, right?
Why do we need to be brought together with them IF they are human? Plenty people here on this planet die without knowing their neghbors.

So... on what other life forms provide for us...
What do other life forms here provide for us?
What do all the things in the entire universe provide for us? Just a map?

It wasn't just your statement, its been all over the forum. People making claims about what's important and what isn't.
My concern with statements like that is, "How do we know what's necessary and what isn't?"
The wisdom in what God accomplishes may include things we "think" are not necessary for the plan of salvation to be accomplished.
The problem is we are not wise enough to know what those things are. Who is? Let them speak now!LOL
Statements like that go all the way back to good and evil in the same fruit in one tree! Evil is as necessary as is good.
But we keep trying to separate them. "Well, if I eat this side of the fruit it will be okay."
Nope, its all in there and we have to make sense of it all.

How can we separate what isn't needed vs. what is needed?
Hope you get my point.

Kathy Hope you don't take any of this the wrong way.
Hope this doen't take your thread of topic Greg!
I'm definitely not trying to prove life elsewhere exist but I do believe the proof for the possibilty exists.
It is a big universe and its getting bigger!
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Re: physical universe
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2012, 11:38:46 AM »

Hi Antaiwan,

I'll admit I enjoy this kind of conversation very much. Having someone of like mind to bounce these ideas off of is very productive I believe.

But travel time aside, is it possible that life is out there?
I believe it's possible because of what everything is made of.

The big bang spewed out everything necessary for us to be here. I find it arrogant to believe that this planet is the only one to support life of any kind or will be the only planet to support life of any kind.

Okay, I would think this is going on the idea of evolution? God started it all, but it's now just building itself or something like that. It's the line of thinking that the chemical mix that came together on earth to bring about what we have here, should have certainly occurred somewhere else in the vastness of the universe, right? I don't see it that way. It is my understanding that God intervened here on earth to bring about the plants and creatures that we have here. Therefore this that we have here is a totally unique creation in the whole of the universe.

I can see how the earth was brought about in the natural formation of planets (but even that was preordained by God) that occurred throughout the universe with all the planets out there. But the seeds of plants that started the vegetation to growing on earth, where did they come from? Evolution. I don't think so.

Gen 1:12  The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Where did these seeds that brought forth plants come from, the earth brought them forth, but did it make them? I don't think so. Where did the animals and creatures in the water and air come from, evolution? No.

Gen 1:25  And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind...

Gen 2:19  Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air

God was the direct cause, He literally "made/formed" them and brought them about, that's why we have life on this planet and that's why I don't believe there is other life out there. I just don't see any mention in the Scripture of other life out in the universe. Because God is not just playing around with life here, so He might have made a few other planets with life just to see it how it works, no, He already knows how it will work. He know "the end from the beginning," so He already knows what will happen.

I believe that everything that is created here on earth throughtout it's history was ultimately for the plan of salvation. So what was the point of the dinosaurs then... doesn't mankind study and even use fossil fuel now? This is all a very intricate and complicated creation, God's creative genius is far above what humans can figure out with all the connections and interactive roles things play with each other. That's good, God gave us marvelous and curious minds that wants to explore and investigate and learn, well we will never come to a point where we know all there is to know about this incredible creation.

Our sun is going to die one day (billions of years later). This brings up a lot of questions in my mind.
How do these things mesh up with the plan of salvation?
If the earth is destroyed, is God's plan ruined??
Will no one be on the earth in billions of years?

I do not believe the human race was intended to have a permanent physical existence. We are all ultimately to be born into the God family with spiritual bodies, Like Christ has. This is a temporary experience of good and evil in which to shape and mold a character in us. We all need knowledge to start with, all the evil and good we experience forms a backdrop, so God has something to work with to shape and mold. Yes He will evenually destroy all the evil/carnality in us as He shapes/molds us into His image, but He will not destroy the unique personality that we all have developed that makes us individuals.

This process of the creation and life here on earth is so carefully planned and being worked out. But Christ will return and begin the process of redeeming the whole human race, that could be some time off yet, but I do not believe it is billions of years away. When/if the earth is destroyed at some distance time, it will have been ordained to happen and will not interfere or be contrary to God's plan.

So there is more of my thought and again, for what it's worth, just a little exchange of ideas  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: physical universe
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2012, 12:49:12 PM »

Here's a what if for you all.  What if, since we are to be sons and daughters of God, we are to create our own "earth" like Christ did? It could be what the rest of the universe is for. We are to be saviors right?  Just maybe God is using his creation family to be a creating family throughout all the universe he has made. Gods thoughts are higher than ours, and we wont know until it occurs , but why not? Just a thought,


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2012, 05:40:52 PM »

Gregorydc, what scriptures do you think indicate those possibilities in the scriptures?


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2012, 09:23:27 PM »

The whole creations awaits the unveiling of. Christ.anyone have any ideas why we have an entire physical universe that boggles the mind
It can't be there just for show
Anyone think there is other life out there?

Hi Greg,

Since there is no Scriptural evidence that Life Exists elsewhere and Ray doesn't teach this possibility, I guess this is another opinion related General Discussions Topic where speculation will predominate. Since God's prized creation, Human Beings are extremely Carnal, that's the majority of the Planet and need an excessive amount of refinement before everyone is completely created in God's spiritual image, a process that's lasted for quite some time from Our perspective, it shows there's allot of work that needs to be done In & For Us to remove Our Carnal Nature. Aside from a very small minority, the Elect of God, there's not much change being done in the present Eon.

As an example displaying Our extremely Carnal Nature, Our Race, Human Race that is, We mainly ignore aiding & assisting Our fellow Human Beings down here on this planet while spending Billions of dollars sending Probes, Instruments, Manned & Unmanned Spaceships all over the Galaxy to determine whether or not Life exists or existed elsewhere while the "intelligent" creatures down here are Carnally messed up. That being the Mindset(spending money & resources like this) while neglecting even the basic things that need vast improvement demonstrates to Me that there's too much work to be completed here first.

I like Star Trek, Star Wars and Science Fiction for Entertainment too, but I would think or speculate that God would probably finish the work done here before creating Life elsewhere in the future Eons. When the time arrives that none of us fall under the category of Galatians. 5:19-21, the works of the flesh, then only God knows already in advance if He has plans for Life elsewhere, there doesn't appear to be any Scriptural evidence to suggest this.

Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2012, 05:47:09 AM »

Hi Kathy!
I'll admit I enjoy this kind of conversation very much. Having someone of like mind to bounce these ideas off of is very productive I believe.
So do I!! ;D
I'm not married to any of these ideas by the way! Just talking about what I'm talking about!

Okay, I would think this is going on the idea of evolution? God started it all, but it's now just building itself or something like that.
Kathy, I don't quite understand all the aspects of biological evolution but the first few chapters of genesis certainly imply it.
Let the earth.....etc.
Let the waters.....etc.
Both denote a process, right?
I think a good study in how elements come to be can help. I'm just diving into my new hobby of physics and a little chemistry!!
Regardless of how we see it God is responsible, that's for sure.

It's the line of thinking that the chemical mix that came together on earth to bring about what we have here, should have certainly occurred somewhere else in the vastness of the universe, right?
Instead of should, I believe it could.
I'm not saying other life exists, I'm saying it could. Big difference right?
Life may be unique to this solar system but what about elsewhere? I can't say for sure. Who can?

God was the direct cause, He literally "made/formed" them and brought them about, that's why we have life on this planet and that's why I don't believe there is other life out there.
God is the direct cause of all. When is he indirect?

I just don't see any mention in the Scripture of other life out in the universe.
Neither do I, but I'm not making the point that it is. There are many objects in the universe not mentioned in bible verses as far as I know. I'm not trying to make a case for other life from the scriptures.
Just taking Gregs question seriously. Most alien questions are not anwsered with a degree of research or inquiry.

Because God is not just playing around with life here, so He might have made a few other planets with life just to see it how it works, no, He already knows how it will work. He know "the end from the beginning," so He already knows what will happen.
I'm not implying that! No, I'm not implying test sites!LOL In wisdom, he did all! Yes I agree!

I believe that everything that is created here on earth throughtout it's history was ultimately for the plan of salvation.
I agree!!
I don't know the purpose for all creatures. In Ray's 08 nashville conference, I remember someone saying that the dinosaurs provided that fuel. Ray said they provided something else but never mentioned it again. I have always wondered what he thought?
Yes Kathy, everything is intricately laid out but I have no reason to believe we won't figure it out! At least not with a carnel mind!
God is a wonderful architect of the universe and I can't help but think about the way in which he did everything.
I'm a designer myself and the process of design seems in line with which God created everything, from conceptualization to a physical finished product. I think it can help in understanding how he did it!

Kathy, I respect your thought process!
Thank you for a mature conversation! And yes this is just an exchange of ideas!

Those thoughts have crossed my mind many times. Nothing to support it but being like our elder brother!
I like the way you think!

Yes, this is another opinion related general discussion topic where speculation will predominate!
Maybe the moderators can move it to off topics?
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Re: physical universe
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2012, 11:29:14 AM »

Hi Antaiwan,

Kathy, I don't quite understand all the aspects of biological evolution but the first few chapters of genesis certainly imply it.
Let the earth.....etc.
Let the waters.....etc.
Both denote a process, right?
I think a good study in how elements come to be can help. I'm just diving into my new hobby of physics and a little chemistry!!
Regardless of how we see it God is responsible, that's for sure.

God is the direct cause of all. When is he indirect?

What I meant by God is the 'direct' cause of life on earth, is that most systems in the universe do move along as designed by God in a kind of evolution kind of way. From the 'big bang' down through the billions of years all the planets and stuff are moving as preordained to, so that the universe is moving along to where we have it now.

But here on earth things are very different, as the earth reached a certain stage of development God directly intervened and "made" or brought about the different life forms we have here. Then He designed them to continue on in a kind of evolution kind of way. The earth and waters do bring forth life now in the way that God designed them to, but they did not start or evolve on their on. That is why we see all the other planets as barren wastelands, God has just left the evolution process He caused to continue with them. Earth is the only exception, at least I think it is.

I believe this whole creation is designed just for us and to bring the people here into the family of God. If it turns out there are others out there some where, so be it, I won't be mad  ;D

mercy, peace and love



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Re: physical universe
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2012, 05:19:15 PM »

Hi Kathy!
I wouldn't be mad either and I don't think we have reasons to be mad :)
Life existing somewhere else wouldn't contradict the laws of the universe or scripture in my opinion.
Life existing somewhere else wouldn't make us less unique in my opinion
Mercury, Venus and Mars are definitely not as biologically active as our planet and I would agree that the seeds of life prospered here far better than our neighbors!

End the end what does it all mean? Nothing really. The plan of salvation carries on with or without Joe Blow alien! ;D
Nothing added and nothing taken away.
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Re: physical universe
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2012, 02:47:12 AM »

As a cellular bio major, evolution as the origin of life, unguided, is a complete farce and requires more faith than believing God made the animals, man and life as we know it.

I say this with good authority and understanding on the subject.

Adaptation and "micro evolution" as they would call it does occurs all around us but... "macro evolutions" as the origins of life is as of yet nothing more than a theory.

Unfortunately the term evolution itself is constantly changing and all it means today in a university and scholarly setting is a "change over time." In that sense... adapation constitutes as evolution so I guess that means evolution brought about all this life because we just said adaptation does occur right? WRONG PALE FACE! It's not the evolution you're thinking of.

Adaptation brings about variations in species over time but it does not change one species into another. This would be the difference between "micro" and "macro" evolution. Virus' undergo mutations which cause adaptive changes to secure their survival in an ever changing environment as well as bacteria (and even ourselves, see; "sickle cell anemia" and why it displays dominant patterns of inheritance) but these virus' and bacteria do not change into eukaryotic organisms and etc.. they remain virus' and bacteria respectively.

Here's the catch though.. an evolutionist would argue that with enough time and adaptations (aka mutations).. adaptions or "micro evolution" can result in "macro evolution." This has not been proven nor shown to occur. It's just assumed.

Become a cell bio major if you want more info and you'll learn why evolution is just not the answer.

I'm a year away from my B.S. degree as well as a minor in chemistry.

IF evolution happened and that's a big if, and not the adaptation kind, then it was guided by the hands of The Almighty. There simply is no other way. Not even with 4.6 billion years worth of time.

I guess that's my, informed, opinion. ;)

God bless,


« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 03:28:47 AM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2012, 04:09:24 AM »

Yes earth is special teaming with life. Life is in the skys, in the deepest darkest coldest parts at the bottom of the oceans where no life should be. Life is in the hottest deserets around the world. Life in the coldest parts of the artic. AS humans we think as humans do. Yes, the our moon seems to be a wast land. We know alot about the planets in our solar system. At least we think we think we know. Just as we knew that no life could exist on the bottom of our oceans where its pitch dark and colder than &%^*. Thats untill man took their first journy to the bottom and was amazed at the life that did exist. Totally shocked and talking about alien. Lets face facts. Just as we knew for sure without a doubt that the world was flat. We knew for sure that earth was the center of the universe. Just we know something for sure, we find out we dont know. Theres one thing I can say for certain im 100% sure I do not know if there is any kind of life on other planets. Sicentist are dicovering at an alarming speed that there are many, many earth like planets in the universe. we know alot about our little solar system. As far as outer space and beyone we know next to nothing. It just very hard (for me) to beleive  The Greatest Creator God Himself would limited His creation of life on one small planet in one tiny speck of a galaxy among billions of planets and galaxies accross His universe. I beleive that there is so much we dont know about the big picture. I believe scripture that ALL IS Of God all came from God and All will go back to God. I think the word ALL is more than human can comprehend.



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Re: physical universe
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2012, 02:49:17 PM »

As a cellular bio major, evolution as the origin of life, unguided, is a complete farce and requires more faith than believing God made the animals, man and life as we know it.

I say this with good authority and understanding on the subject.

Adaptation and "micro evolution" as they would call it does occurs all around us but... "macro evolutions" as the origins of life is as of yet nothing more than a theory.

To be precise, evolution isn't the origin of life, it just explains the diversity of life.  Abiogenesis deals with the origin of life.


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Re: physical universe
« Reply #19 on: October 14, 2012, 03:21:14 PM »

As a cellular bio major, evolution as the origin of life, unguided, is a complete farce and requires more faith than believing God made the animals, man and life as we know it.

I say this with good authority and understanding on the subject.

Adaptation and "micro evolution" as they would call it does occurs all around us but... "macro evolutions" as the origins of life is as of yet nothing more than a theory.

To be precise, evolution isn't the origin of life, it just explains the diversity of life.  Abiogenesis deals with the origin of life.

Yes, one predates the other. Since kat and akira were talking about evolution, I felt like jumping into the conversation right there.

But yes, technically this is true.

Random chance, luck and time is all that is required for either. I don't buy into that. If abiogenesis and evolution did occur (which I don't believe evolution on a macro scale did) then it was guided and not random or luck at all.

God bless,

1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."
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