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Author Topic: prayer for understanding  (Read 6633 times)

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prayer for understanding
« on: December 21, 2012, 01:35:29 AM »

Not for myself but for someone else. I need prayer that they will listen to what I have to say and for protection and wisdom of how to say it. I know I'm being vague, I apologize. Thank you friends.

Rhys 🕊

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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 02:50:32 AM »

Hi. Will be praying for the wisdom you need at this time.

God bless you



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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 03:22:33 AM »

Thank you so much!

Dave in Tenn

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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 03:44:14 AM »

Don't worry too much.  We have a way of saying exactly what's needed, and any overflow or understatement just helps us.  Let us know how it went.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 06:18:22 AM »

Thank you Dave, I'm doing my best. Really hate this sick feeling in my stomach... I'm sure it will turn out OK. Maybe its for the best this way and good will come of it. That's the mind set I try to keep and trust God.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 08:16:10 AM »

i will be praying for you Foxx. I heard my husband tell a friend of his last night that God's creation was just and experiment for Him. He thinks the angels turned on God, so God is going to test the waters so to speak when it comes to us. mind boggling to say the least for me. I use to let this man teach me or should I say God did and i learnt alot, butttttt...... He don't teach me anymore. Thank you Jesus.      Virginia


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 11:03:49 AM »

Praying for you Foxx.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2012, 12:11:54 PM »

I hope you get what you're praying for.  People can be so judgmental.  Most times it's because they don't have all the facts.

Don't be shocked or saddened if at first they are a little stand offish.  Just know that their reaction is no indication of God's love and devotion to you. 

God is very merciful, and if this person has God residing in their heart they'll come around eventually.  They have to.  That's the way God designed it to be.

Praying for God's peace and understanding in this situation.

God is good.
Man is not.



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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2012, 12:56:59 PM »

May God grant you the wisdom and ability to be persuasive.
Prayer for you my friend. God bless.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2012, 03:50:04 PM »

Thank you everyone. This person is quite reasonable and I have faith they will understand the circumstances and pressure I was under for not telling them this life situation until now. But God caused this to happen, I know that and I'll have faith in him that good will come of this, some how.

It means so much all of your love and prayers, this is hard but knowing I'm being thought of by you all gives me strength. No matter what happens I want you all to know I love you as brothers and sisters. You are all my friends.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2012, 07:15:02 PM »

Its fine, I just posted last night. Haven't had a chance to talk to my friend yet about all this. So prayers are still welcome for sure. I know the truth of the matter and I'm sure they will listen with an open heart. I hope so anyway.

Blessings everyone.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 07:23:02 PM by Foxx »


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2012, 11:09:12 PM »

Hello friends, I have yet to discuss the issue with my friend, needless to say its very upsetting but as i said yesterday your prayers help and it means the world to me.  Aside from my ordeal, I'm really concerned for Dennis I hope you keep him in your prayers as well.  Thanks guys, you are great. Blessings


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2012, 03:08:15 AM »

Answer QUESTIONS. That's all that is required.

If there aren't questions, say nothing.

If there are questions, the Spirit of God has the replies before you can prepare anything! Enjoy the purifying challenge facing you. ~ :)




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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2012, 03:47:10 AM »

I want to Arc, I just don't want this issue to cause trouble for my life  any further, its been like weight that can't be lifted. Just another way a persons past can cause problems, even if its nothing I did. It is my hope that people we are close to will take the time to understand each other first. accepting that this happened for a reason isn't the hard part...the hard part is being terrified of the outcome... I appreciate your comment and prayers though Arc. I'm staying as positive as possible and trust the Lord will protect me.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2012, 09:04:47 AM »

It is easier to say relax, than to do, relax!  :-\

RELAX, carries the direction of Christ's fearlessness. HE has overcome the world.

You are living a life God gave to you to live. No free will, remember?

You hope that people you are close to will take time to understand each other. Time might be required, but above all else, love is the requirement.

Feeling terrified of outcomes, is a constant human ordeal.

You have asked for prayers. That's God caused! 8) and God provided!




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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2012, 04:41:45 PM »

You are right Arc. Since the last several weeks a lot has happened in my life that I don't have time to go into right now but yes I 100% agree. Love never fails. One way or another LOVE ALWAYS WINS, maybe not right away but eventually.  No matter what my friend or anyone thinks of me I will still show love to them. I refuse to give into feelings of hate, anger, or regret any longer in my life. I don't want to live with regret or hate. There is so much hate in the world already.

I can't stand judging others..I know what it's like to be on the receiving end over and over again. and my situation isn't even that bad compared to many people's lives. I think back to Joseph, imagine what people thought of him. He had tried to do good by everyone and live an honorable life. And basically his boss's wife lied and said he tried to rape her! It was a bold face lie because she was mad because he rejected her knowing it was wrong. The consequence was years in prison. When he got out I bet there were plenty of people who still thought badly of him. People who thought, "yeah right, why would she lie about that, he is a bad person."

I'm certainly no Joseph in terms of how well I honor God..I know I don't but I can definitely relate to that feeling of people looking at you in a negative way like "did you hear what he did?" or "what a bad person" or something to that effect. Obviously my situation isn't anything as extreme as Joseph's but to take on all that hate from the world can easily make a person hateful as well. I have been blessed with a handful of people who know me and my heart so I am happy for that. Despite all the troubles this issues has caused in life I will not bow down to people's hatred, I will do my best to beat that hate with God's love. Because it is a far better weapon and I have seen how it has worked so many times in the past.

So you are right, Arc, I need to believe in God's love that it is more powerful than any anger that mankind can muster up. I will heed your advice and not ask questions until they are asked of me, perhaps that is the wisest thing, and when they are asked I will answer in love and honesty. Thank you, you truly have helped me feel better.

 Every one of you have. I am just so grateful to have you all. I'm young and still have plenty to learn, thank you all for your wisdom.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2012, 09:01:12 PM »

Hey Foxx

Maybe, before you speak to your friend, you and I can hash this out here without your friend around and that way, you  can get a better feel for what you should do.  So, let's just pretend I'm your friend in this situation -- we're just pretending, okay? 

True or not, ask yourself: 

"Do I owe this person any explanation at all"?

"Is my friend at any disadvantage by me not telling them what's going on in my life?"

Let's just say for the sake of argument you, just like Joseph, were falsely accused of having harmed a female and now you're walking around with this thing hanging over your head.  You know the truth and the alleged "victim" knows the truth, but you have all this hate coming at you from people who don't know you or the "victim" at all -- all you have is a stamp that says "Guilty!" whether it's true or not. 

So now you have befriended this person who knows nothing of your guilt or innocence.  All they know is, they like you a lot and they want to truly be your friend.

Now let's say that they've invited you to come to stay with them in their home for a length of time and little by little people start coming up to your friend and saying, hey did you know that your friend has this thing in his past and it doesn't look too good?  (Your friend might even fall victim to someone's hate crimes.)

Could you handle having harm and hate come upon your friend when they for sure are innocent?  Would you be okay with that?  Even if you didn't want that to happen?  Do you think it would be fair of you to not say anything at all and just let your friend discover these things on their own? 

I wonder what your friend will  think then?  Will they thank you for having hid the truth from them and having unwarranted hate come upon them? 

And if the friend was angry and upset with you for having hid the truth, only to have something like that come upon them, would their anger over the situation fall under the category of "hate!" and "judging!" in your eyes?

I can't tell you what to do, but if the shoe was on my foot, and I was planning on moving in with my friend, visiting for any length of time, or becoming intimately involved with them and their friends, then I would say something just to give my friend, the one that I care about, a fair edge/advantage so they aren't caught off guard by the hate and judgment of others.  That way, they can say, Hey man, I love you and all but I've got enough drama in my life, maybe we can work something else out?

I'm the type that would believe my friend, if they truly were my friend (i.e.  exercised a habit of being truthful and upfront with from the beginning).  But if I feel my trust has been broken and someone's trying to pull the wool over my eyes... no telling what I would do.  But that's me.  Nobody's perfect.

God bless.  All the best to you, my friend.  :)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 12:28:30 AM by Game Over »


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2012, 03:11:11 AM »

deborah/arc, i just wanted to say that your post replies to foxx have been so uplifting and inspirational.  and simple.  thank you for following the Spirit by posting.  iron sharpening iron.



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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2012, 02:36:32 PM »

You took the words right out of my mouth. I thought the same thing when I read Deborah's posts.
She knows how much I respect and admire her wisdom and maturity.
And I am always impressed by your constant words of encouragement to forum members. God bless you both; I know how much the family appreciates you.


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Re: prayer for understanding
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2012, 03:44:40 PM »

Game Over, do I owe them an explanation at this point in our friendship? No, not specifically I guess. We all have things in our lives that we don't feel comfortable with sharing, even with people we care about out of various fears. If I were to go live with them for a time, which I don't believe was something that would happen so this is sort of an extreme example. I visit people all the time but I don't live with them or anything. Seeing as how nothing like that has happened in the past I don't see something negative like that happening in the future but I know that's just my perception. Of course anyone I have ever stayed with is typically close enough to me that I am open with them about my life and if I were to stay with my friend then, yes, I would share major details of my life prior to do doing so. But since that hasn't been an actual option (not that I know of) then I didn't feel then need before now to discuss it.

At any rate, yes your point is a valid one, in extreme case scenario. When I discuss things like anger or judgment by others it is typically on a personal level. That is to say, people may dislike someone because of something, not that there were any actual ramifications other than the possibility of judgment or like you said "drama". So drama wise you are correct and in that situation it would be the right thing to do to discuss first, which as I said is something I do with someone I"m close enough to stay with. I don't stay with people I distrust, ha!  I do see your point though. That it isn't me specifically being a problem but that my issue at hand may cause problems for them, potentially at least. It is a good point, so thank you for you mentioning it. While extreme it is not completely unfounded and if I had stayed with my friend they would know before hand.

The reason I don't go around telling all my close friends certain issues is because i can conversely ask the opposite, what need do they have to know? I don't know everything about everyone in my life. I guess I am a "present minded person" so I typically think about how a person is now. How do they act and treat others, do they make me happy and bring joy to my life. In my mind this what I think of but I do take others lives into consideration. I'm not saying your point isn't valid at all though. I can see both sides. If they talked to me about it then I could actually explain the issue in detail. But at this point that opportunity hasn't presented itself. Thanks for mentioning it because it does pertain to my issue, sort of anyway, ha. But I still will take Arc's advice, I'll just wait for them to ask me for reason why I didn't say anything. Your point of view has been a blessing and opened my eyes a bit to what the could be thinking about. It's a great point, so again thanks.

Hey JohnChris, yes Arc's advice was invaluable, it meant so much to me and really helped that sick feeling inside go away. I want to enjoy my time with my family during this time of year and her words helped pick me back up on my feet and got rid of the fear in my heart. I'll admit I was moping about quite a bit. I'll just trust that my friend is the good person I believe them to be and will come around when they are comfortable with it. Thanks again Arc!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 03:50:52 PM by Foxx »
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