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Author Topic: The cup of his wrath  (Read 6778 times)

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The cup of his wrath
« on: July 26, 2006, 11:12:14 PM »

Are the things going on today in the middle east the endtime fullfilment of the 25 chapter of Jeremiah where God told Jeremiah to give the cup of his wrath to Jerusalem to drink and then to all the nations of the earth?this sounds a lot like the book of revelations.That part of the world does seem to be drawing all nations to itself for a great conflict


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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 01:22:55 AM »

Are the things going on today in the middle east the endtime fullfilment of the 25 chapter of Jeremiah where God told Jeremiah to give the cup of his wrath to Jerusalem to drink and then to all the nations of the earth?this sounds a lot like the book of revelations.That part of the world does seem to be drawing all nations to itself for a great conflict

Jerry, that is a good question.  There are so many false prophets of doom out there, selling books and making huge amounts of money over this question.  Years ago, I used to read every book out there on the " last days", whew, what a waste of time that was. 

Now, to be honest with you, I could care less what happens in the world around me, not saying that I don't feel sympathy for those suffering, but I cast my eyes on the heavenly things, not on the worldly things.  We have been called to come out of the world, and not to partake of her sins.

These days, I think it is important to focus our attention on the fatherless and widows, and the downtrodden, for these are the people we are, if we are honest.  And I know you are, from your posts.

This world, and the cares of it, is not what will be in the future.  But mercy, forgiveness, righteous judgment, and love, is what we are to think of.  These character traits simply exemplify the God, who we worship in spirit and truth.

Out of brotherly love,

God bless,



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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 01:35:26 AM »

I agree Gary,I wonder sometime if the prophets of doom anrt trying to bring about the end so they can take the credit for it,ooh! look what I fortold,they will say.They forget the way to peace...........Jerry

Joey Porter

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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 01:38:03 AM »

I agree with Gary.  I remember when I used to be thinking that all the conflict in the middle east was leading up to the end of the world, and also the hurricanes and earthquakes, etc.  And that may well be the case.  But I don't get as wrapped up in it as I used to.  I am much more intrigued with spiritual wars and shake-ups.  

Now, of course, many parts of God's word do often times have both a literal and spiritual meaning.  So, perhaps this boiling conflict in the Mideast is leading up to something.  But we just have to stay focused on the spiritual and if we do, the physical fleshly things should be much easier to guage and discern.


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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 02:11:39 AM »

I totaly agree that the spiritual aplication is what Jesus said to keep our focus on,I cant remember the verse but,but Paul said keep your mind on things above where christ is seated on the right hand of God.not on earthy things.Our flesh tends to gravitate to the bombs going off  around us,the obvious is hard to ignore..............Jerry


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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 11:49:59 AM »

I used to go to bed every night being terrified that this was the end of the world and that the "Rapture" was at hand (I was convinced I was going to be "left behind"...after all, I'm no better than the other sinners who I was told would be left).  What gave me peace...knowing that the "rapture" was false and knowing that if, and when, the world does end, we get to be with God.  I don't worry about the "end time" anymore.  When I get scared about this now, I try to remind myself that the "end time" just means the time when all will be reconcilled to God.  And that makes me happy and gives me peace.  All our doubts and sufferings will be over, our salvation will be at hand, we get to finally be with God, and He will wipe away every tear.  How awesome is that!   ;D 

And I love what Gary said: 
These days, I think it is important to focus our attention on the fatherless and widows, and the downtrodden, for these are the people we are, if we are honest. And I know you are, from your posts.

This world, and the cares of it, is not what will be in the future. But mercy, forgiveness, righteous judgment, and love, is what we are to think of. These character traits simply exemplify the God, who we worship in spirit and truth.

I hate to see the suffering and death and destruction...whether from wars or hurricanes or anything else.  It breaks my heart.  But I know that it is all going to be ok.  God is teaching us to love as He loves.  Instead of focusing on prophecies of doom, I've been trying to ask God each morning to help me to be open to whatever He wants to teach me that day.  To help me learn to be more like Christ and develop the fruits of the spirit.



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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2006, 02:56:22 AM »

I have'nt looked at the prophets as prophecies of doom and gloom in many years but have understood that tribulation is part of the process of the work God is doing in us,did I say somthing to made you think I did?Im sorry I did'nt make my post clear on that.I did'nt want of appear to be teaching but just shareing things I was studying,Should we think of Gods  judgement as gloom and doom or being a good thing,Revelations 19 chapter shows a lot to rejoicing over the destruction of babylon the great whoever she may be.I remember when my sister had her last baby in my house,how she screemed with the pain of giving birth it seemed to have gone on for hours and what really shocked me was the absolute joy and laughter and smiling she experienced emediantly after she gave birth it really seemed so unbeleavable to me,If giving birth is the symble of this life transforming into the glorious how can we block from our minds the things that God himself has put in order as part of the process of the glorious work he is doing in us good and bad.Ive had to go through a lot of pain,anxiety,fear,lonleyness,distress,rejection to gain the very small progress Ive made until now,want this whole world have to go through this same process? should we as Gods people Ignore it, is it possiable, or should we praise God,for me at least its easier to just except it that bad times are coming,but rejoice.isnt Gods judgement an good thing, Is this the proper attiude?...........Jerry   


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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2006, 04:34:57 AM »

I have'nt looked at the prophets as prophecies of doom and gloom in many years but have understood that tribulation is part of the process of the work God is doing in us,did I say somthing to made you think I did?Im sorry I did'nt make my post clear on that.I did'nt want of appear to be teaching but just shareing things I was studying,Should we think of Gods  judgement as gloom and doom or being a good thing,Revelations 19 chapter shows a lot to rejoicing over the destruction of babylon the great whoever she may be.I remember when my sister had her last baby in my house,how she screemed with the pain of giving birth it seemed to have gone on for hours and what really shocked me was the absolute joy and laughter and smiling she experienced emediantly after she gave birth it really seemed so unbeleavable to me,If giving birth is the symble of this life transforming into the glorious how can we block from our minds the things that God himself has put in order as part of the process of the glorious work he is doing in us good and bad.Ive had to go through a lot of pain,anxiety,fear,lonleyness,distress,rejection to gain the very small progress Ive made until now,want this whole world have to go through this same process? should we as Gods people Ignore it, is it possiable, or should we praise God,for me at least its easier to just except it that bad times are coming,but rejoice.isnt Gods judgement an good thing, Is this the proper attiude?...........Jerry   

Amen, Jerry.

Judgment from God is a good thing, for it brings righteousness, not of ourselves, but the righteousness of Him.  God knows me all too well, the suffering in this life has kept me on the right spiritual track, because when things are going all too well, the truth is, I don't think of Him.  This is something, for me needs lots of work.  It is easy to cry to our Father when things are rough, but to cry to our Father when things are good and smooth, this is another thing all to itself.

The suffering we experience in this life is nothing compared to what He has in store for us.  Looking at the lives of the prophets in the OT, the apostles, and even our Lord, suffering seems to be an absolute.  We all are in good company.

God bless,


Joey Porter

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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2006, 02:10:02 AM »

I just thought of a verse that could possibly be in relation to this topic:

2 Thessalonians 2
11For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

Perhaps this "strong delusion" will consist of the middle east conflict causing all of the Christian world to get its sights focused on the things of the flesh, the fleshly Jerusalem, instead of the Jerusalem that is from above.


Chris R

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Re: The cup of his wrath
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2006, 08:54:10 AM »


Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin [US] , be revealed, the son of perdition;    Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.   Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?   And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.  2Th 2:3-6

This delusion is revealed in "our time"...and has nothing to do with the middle east,... it is the lie that we posess this imaginary thing called "free will".

There are hundreds of scriptures that describe our "falling away"...this is just one.
Hope this helps

Chris R

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