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Author Topic: Can you explain how God exist?  (Read 23279 times)

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Can you explain how God exist?
« on: October 27, 2013, 04:02:02 PM »

I was looking at some of the answers that Ray gave in his emails, and his exchange with an Atheist who asked if God exist was interesting. He told the man if he exist, then God exist; and if God did not exist, then neither would he. That got me to thinking a bit; I have had exchanges with Atheist plenty of times over the years, yet in all my learning, I wonder if I can explain how God exist, and am I getting better at explaining it? Do I even hold the right patience to explain it? Do I think its even worth trying to explain it? I used to take no thought of speaking with Atheist, now I kind of enjoy it a bit. I don't try an convert anyone, but I enjoy  a decent exchange with believers or unbelievers; I just like talking about God and my belief, when the opportunity presents itself. Two reasons why Ray got a lot of emails; people were curious, and he was willing to communicate with them. I hope I never loose that willingness to communicate about God, especially with unbelievers.

Should those conversations be rare? Or should they be increasing in your witness? Should we be witnessing, and how? What is a witness? Did Jesus do it? Or did he think himself different and stay off to himself or with just his friends? If someone knew the truth, what should they do with it? Is it just God's business, and you stay out of it?

What do you say to an Atheist who has an inquiring mind? And they honestly ask you if God is real, and can you prove it; or at least explain it as best you can? What are you going to say? What have you prepared to give? Or are you prepared to offer something about your belief?

In my experience with some Atheist, they will question every single thing; often ask for proof, then when you give them something, they just spit on it anyway, then ask for more. But should that keep you from being prepared? Does that ruin my study and my willingness to explain all that I can about this God I believe in? And you know what, it doesn't! I actually enjoy the exchanges and it keeps me on my toes; helps the rust from doing nothing and saying nothing about God, get oiled.

 I need to talk about God, or I just don't feel right. That's one value in websites; fellowship and challenges.

Is it wrong to like talking about your beliefs?

Does it get rusty if you don't?

I recall years ago putting together a list of answers for Atheist when they ask me to explain if God is real. The list is over 100 now, and I enjoy keep adding to it more each year; this website is one of the proofs I have used over the years. Referred people to it.

But I think its a good question to ask yourself; can you explain God?


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 05:25:58 PM »

Nature itself declares Gods existence but if anyone said to me prove God exist I would counter that by saying prove he does not.

Ray spoke of the human eye and how he could do a fifty page essay on it let alone two eyes side by side.

I believe unless God opens ones eye with faith its impossible for one to believe so God is not dealing with that one at this time.

Hope that helps.

Love and peace to all.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 05:54:12 PM »

Nature itself declares Gods existence but if anyone said to me prove God exist I would counter that by saying prove he does not.

Ray spoke of the human eye and how he could do a fifty page essay on it let alone two eyes side by side.

I believe unless God opens ones eye with faith its impossible for one to believe so God is not dealing with that one at this time.

Hope that helps.

Love and peace to all.

The burden of proof is on the claim-maker, one does not have to prove a negative. I can make the claim that Odin exists - prove he does not - see?


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 06:13:59 PM »

Hi mickiel, good thoughts. I do feel I have been given a great amount of faith to believe in God and what He is doing. But I take no credit for the faith I have and I understand how some just do not have faith... because it is a gift, in no way earned or deserved. It is purely by His grace that anybody has faith and to what degree.

Eph 2:8  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

So I can't really argue with somebody that does not believe. But if somebody has a desire to believe then I would say run with that, because we all have had our start at some point.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 08:27:08 PM »

Study biology and you'll realize there is a God.

I think there is a misunderstanding about science out there and many athiests.

Many athiests think science proves there is no God due to alternative explanations. That is not really the truth though.

Science explains what it can because it uses the natural world which it can observe, measure, quantify and study to come up with explanations. God is SUPERnatural and therefor, science CANNOT measure Him or even attempt to invoke His name in an explanation as it would go against everything SCIENCE is. The study of the NATURAL world.

NOW that being said, MANY SCIENTISTS believe IN GOD. They might not KNOW who He IS or even follow a particular religion (mostly because religion makes it too easy for the thinking man not to believe in God) but nonetheless, many DO believe in SOME sort of creator or higher power.

If you study biology, it is literally impossible to believe God doesn't exist. It really is. The inner workings of the cell are mind boggling. The complexity is absolutely mind blowing. I have many friends that are current scientists and biolgists in the field with me and I can't think of one of them who doesn't believe in some form of higher power.

It is the mainstreem world and the ignorant atheists who use science and "evolution" or "big bang" as proof there is no God.

Go get your degree in biology, youll never doubt the existance of God again.

Edit: I wanted to add one more thing, there are scientists and even biologists who don't believe in God but I just wanted to make it very clear that it isn't black and white and that the line is very much blurred and I would dare say that you would find the majority of scientists (especially in the fields of biology) to believe in a higher power.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2013, 08:30:58 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2013, 04:03:03 AM »

I do always encounter that question either from athiests or from other denominations.....

My simple answer is this......

Ok i will give you the simplest answer if you can tell me where is the starting and ending point of a circle...... :) ;)


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2013, 04:11:57 AM »

I dont know, maybe a _ _ _ did it! :( Bless you all.   Ricky
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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2013, 01:36:06 PM »

God says I can't explain God.

Mickiel, for me "Is there a God?" almost doesn't qualify as a question, even if it has a question mark.  Without HIM, there is nothing.  Not even "empty space" nothing.  Can you or anybody else really understand "nothing"?  If there was nothing, would you be there to contemplate it?     
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 01:40:41 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2013, 01:42:18 PM »

I don't go out of my way to speak to athiests but when they do ask me a question about the existence of God I think John said it well...

"It's pretty easy.  Where did all the stuff come from?  Either Someone very smart and powerful made the stuff, or the stuff made itself.  How can stuff make itself?  If you believe it did, then prove it, show me."

In so many words, that's what I will talk to them about because in no way are they looking spiritually with spiritual eyes. I just approach it from the type and shadow physical side.

I basically tell them a story and place them in it...... "If you were an astronaut and you flew to Pluto, and after you landed, you jump out of the shuttle and on the ground is a swingset (a kids play toy, or whatever). The first thing you would logically think is.... 'Someone has been here before me and made this and sat this swingset here on Pluto'. 

It's the same with any object you see or hear or feel or smell or taste. It has an origin. An originator. Stuff doesn't make itself. There is some grand intelligent being that started all this. It takes power and intelligence to create anything.

That's how I start out. You can't explain to them the circle theory, the circle theory doesn't explain anything.... that such and such created such and such and so on and so forth, rubbish. THERE IS AN ORIGIN. There HAS to be an originator for ANYTHING at all to exist. Logically, there has to be a Beginning.

I remember, I spoke with an athiest one time and he said... "Okay, I get that, but why would an originator create all this death and pain and suffering? Why burn everyone in fire forever for not believing Him and then call Himself love?

THAT, I think is the real issue athiests have with religion. Most religions teach that if you don't follow their ways you get punished forever or destroyed. Then of course you give them the gospel of the kingdom... the old man and new man. knowing good AND evil, you can't have one without the other etc...  If they logic this out, and of course God's spirit is working in them, they will begin to understand.

In the past athiests use to argue and argue with me and I use to give them the same christian orthodox answers, "Well, they will burn in Hell forever, etc..."  No wonder they would argue with me. My explaining to them that God is love but will burn most people DID NOT make sense to them. I was just parroting what I had been told believing it to be right.  Thank you LORD you pulled me out of that.

To me, an Athiest is a person who believes there is no God. Logically, it's not possible to consider yourself an athiest. If they base all they know on "sound logical princibles" then they would have to call themselves a Agnostic. Which means, they don't know whether or not there is a God, there may or may not be one.  You would have to know all the knowledge in the universe to logically call yourself an athiest.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 01:44:29 PM by se7en »


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2013, 01:57:24 PM »

I forgot to add.....

Logically they can't call themselves an athiest... because they would have to know all the knowledge in the universe to determine whether or not there is a God.  Athiests can BELIEVE that there is no God, but then they are basing that on faith, or belief alone. Not sound, logical thinking.

Prove to me that there IS NOT an invisible flying speghetti monster who created us all.

Oh you can't prove me wrong? Well then why are you logically calling yourself an athiest?

They really are agnostic, they just don't want to admit it.  And because they don't really know if there is a God or not, there might be..... we introduce them to that "unkown" God like Paul did in Acts.

I think like 90 or 93% of the world believes in some type of a God (latest statistic? it was a very high number) Athiesm is not common.

God gives us a brain for a reason.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2013, 01:59:56 PM by se7en »

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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2013, 02:04:00 PM »

You're describing me in certain details there, se7en, before B-T.  I was an agnostic, and would have been an 'atheist' if I could have been.  When you don't even like the 'god' you have, you'd just as soon be rid of him.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2013, 03:24:59 PM »

Proof Kills Faith:

Joh 20:29  Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2013, 05:52:15 PM »

It is interesting to think about the proofs of God and to know them. And one could never know enough of them. Such as " Increasing Complexity", complex things can only come from complex things, ( Or Life can only come from Life.) Or the " Anthropic Principles"; which means if one walked down a street and saw a dime on the ground, they  may think nothing of it. They walk further and see three dimes on the ground, they may now think someone has dropped them. Then they walk further and discover 100 dimes on the ground, yet each standing on their edges- complettely balanced; now one can correctly assume that this was " Deliberately Done!" That is the Anthropic Priniciples in a nutshell; we can look at the Universe and many things and see that this had to be deliberately done. And things like this can be explained. One verse in scripture advises to " Prove all things", certainly God himself would be included in that; if one would care to take the time to do it to themselves. Prove it to yourself.

I often go through it with myself. Faith is one thing good to have, reason and logical proof is another. I kind of think we can use biblical archaeology to prove it; even science and history. There are many ways to prove God, and just as many reasons to do it. Faith is a strength for believers, but when speaking with an unbeliever or an Atheist, they won't understand or accept that. Dealing with an unbeliever can be an excercise, and could work you over; and some of those work outs can be good for faith; in a manner of speaking.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2013, 06:00:30 PM »

God says I can't explain God.

Mickiel, for me "Is there a God?" almost doesn't qualify as a question, even if it has a question mark.  Without HIM, there is nothing.  Not even "empty space" nothing.  Can you or anybody else really understand "nothing"?  If there was nothing, would you be there to contemplate it?     

I think " The Nothing", is a good point of proof for God; so many have fallen for " The Nothing", and actually believe all this came from nothing. Which is incredible assumption! They would rather give creation over to nothing, than give the credit to a God. Some give credit to this " Big Bang Theory", as if all this " Life" came from a super explosion that generated from nothing; how they feel and reason that life could originate from a destructive explosion, is beyond me.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2013, 06:07:40 PM »

Hi mickiel, good thoughts. I do feel I have been given a great amount of faith to believe in God and what He is doing. But I take no credit for the faith I have and I understand how some just do not have faith... because it is a gift, in no way earned or deserved. It is purely by His grace that anybody has faith and to what degree.

Eph 2:8  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

So I can't really argue with somebody that does not believe. But if somebody has a desire to believe then I would say run with that, because we all have had our start at some point.

mercy, peace and love


I certainly wish I had more faith, its a wonderful thing to have I would imagine. So I have to often argue with others using reason, facts, history and reality as it is and has been. Which is hard at times, some people are really sharp and intelligent; but yet they are curious about God. Strangely interested really;( some of them I call " Closet believers", just not out of the closet.) I like asking the question: " If your not interested in God, then why are you so interested?" I tell you, I am just amazed at how many Atheist are invading religious message boards lately, and in some places, literally taking them over from believers.


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2013, 06:30:37 AM »

I tell you, I am just amazed at how many Atheist are invading religious message boards lately, and in some places, literally taking them over from believers.

Probably a sign that we shouldn't be on message boards in the first place. :)


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2013, 03:24:10 PM »

Maybe we should tell those guys that God came from nothing!! and took over the place  Ricky
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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2013, 03:27:31 PM »

They would believe it decause its not the truth. :(
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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2013, 08:26:16 PM »

I tell you, I am just amazed at how many Atheist are invading religious message boards lately, and in some places, literally taking them over from believers.

Probably a sign that we shouldn't be on message boards in the first place. :)

I kind of like seeing how different people are thinking, and letting them know how I think. Letting them know there is another way that the biblical message is explained; that there is a gospel that excludes nobody and a salvation that encompasses all people and secures them. And many of them have never heard that and listen to it being explained. It affords  an opportunity to explain God; ( for those who still like doing it.)


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Re: Can you explain how God exist?
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2013, 11:52:05 AM »

Some have mentioned the awe-inspiring creation as proof of God's existence. But I think for many atheists there is something that bothers them more than the idea of a creator: the so-called "problem" of evil. There is a lot of horrific suffering and evil in this world, much of it caused by man's hatred for man, but also because of natural things like hurricanes and earthquakes. An atheist in Oklahoma might lose his daughter in a tornado, and that is proof enough for him that God does not exist. As horrific as it is, though, a tornado in Oklahoma is a very small thing compared to the size of the universe. So the atheist says, "If God can create this incredible universe, surely he could stop a tornado from happening on tiny planet earth." Or "If God can create this incredible universe, surely he could make humans that don't hate and kill each other." A co-worker in her early 20s told me she used to believe in God, but she doesn't anymore because her dad died.  Not meaning to be disrespectful to her feelings, I thought this was a rather arrogant reason for not believing in God. "Never mind the fact that everyone in history before us has died, if somebody I love dies, then there must be no God." For some people, that's all it takes.

Yesterday I was listening to "Does A Sovereign God Change?" and Ray said something like "People like to believe that God changes his mind, because every notch God goes down, they go up. You don't know how badly people want to be on par with God!" That is the crux of this problem of evil. People want to play God. "If I was God, I would do it this way." "If I was all-powerful, I would just make a perfect world." I suspect many Christians feel this way too, not just atheists and agnostics.

Also, as se7en mentioned, some are atheists because of "hell".
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