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Author Topic: new heaven new earth  (Read 4266 times)

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new heaven new earth
« on: July 09, 2014, 08:20:29 PM »

Gen 8:21  And Jehovah smelled the sweet odor. And Jehovah said in his heart, I will no more henceforth curse the ground on account of Man, for the thought of Man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will no more smite every living thing, as I have done.
Gen 8:22  Henceforth, all the days of the earth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, shall not cease.
Rev 8:7  And the first sounded his trumpet: and there was hail and fire, mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; and the third part of the earth was burnt up, and the third part of the trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
Rev 8:8  And the second angel sounded his trumpet: and as a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea, and the third part of the sea became blood;

what i read here in genesis is that the Lord is not going to disrupt the seasons ever again.  My question and thoughts are, is revelation an unfolding of the natural world or the spiritual world, meaning a destruction of evil in us and a bring forth of His kingdom.
Ray said revelation was symbolism, clear enough, so with the verses above what earth is going to be affected?


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Re: new heaven new earth
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2014, 11:14:18 PM »

Hi ez2u,

It’s definitely spiritual, not actual or literal , as we all know , we human being have decided to go green , we need to save the earth, God knows of our plan and will not trash our work of saving the earth by burning  1/3 of the trees and doing other horrible things that would be considered not so green.

I hope you enjoyed my humor in these matters. God bless you.  :)


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Re: new heaven new earth
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2014, 09:08:22 AM »

He he he...Rick ;D!

Anyways its spiritual ofcoz, but i can't explain it like some of the guys on the site who are better equiped when it comes to writing.Though try reading the lake of fire series again coz Ray does give some insight of what is goin on in the book of revelation.--I think the earth is not affected, YOU are the one being affected.

Green grass being burnt up represents some spiritual flaw that will be burnt up in YOU.  Again as Ray said, its all ONE.Its the same message being preached just using different analogies.

I hope this helps provided i'm correct.


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Re: new heaven new earth
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2014, 09:24:06 AM »

Can't get ova ur reply rick..crack me up bra!


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Re: new heaven new earth
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2014, 11:27:23 AM »

Hi Peggy,

This may help explain all the symbolism in Revelation and what it means, Ray had talked about some of those very things you mentioned.,3849.0.html ----------

It’s all the same! It presents it from different points of view, but it’s ALL ONE!

The parables are all one.  Revelation is all one.

Then we come to the seals.
We got the white horse conquering, we’ve got the red horse, the second seal, sword killing. The third horse, black, famine. The fourth horse kills a fourth of the earth. The fifth seal, saints are killed. The sixth seal, men fearing from the wrath of God. The seventh seal, fire falls onto the earth. Then we get the trumpets. The first one, a third of the trees and grass dies. The second, a third of the seas and ships are destroyed. The third, a third of the rivers and fountains and stuff are polluted. The fourth one, the sun and the moon and the stars don’t give their light. The fifth, the scorpions torturing and hurting mankind. The sixth, a third part of men are slain. The seventh seal, Christ returns. Then we have the first woe, sores and horrible diseases and what not, for those who have the mark of the beast. Then the rivers and the fountain are turned to blood in the second plague. Then in the third one everything in the sea dies. In the fourth one the sun scorches men. In the fifth one, there’s darkness and pain and suffering. In the sixth one, we have armegeddon. In the seventh one, we have earthquakes and fires and the mountains are removed.

It’s all the same thing!
It’s not talking about physical chronology or eschatology of the chronological order of events leading up to the return of Christ. This is for us, we’ve got to keep this. How do you keep the darkness?  How do you keep “everything in the sea dies”? How do you keep that? You have to know what it means... it’s a symbol. He’s signified this book in symbols. Why? So nobody on earth would ever understand it, except the very Elect. 

You can’t understand this book. Scholars have poured over this for millions of hours. They cannot understand this book. This book is SPIRITUAL, these are spiritual words, these are symbols. They are all the same. It’s not as hard as we thought when God’s opens it up, it takes on a simplicity.

These mountains, what are mountains? These are mountains in our life, not mountains over there in the Rocky mountain chain.  These are mountains - HUGE things in our life that have to come down!

The sea is the flesh - humanity. Everything in the sea has to die! This isn’t talking about killing fish in the Indian Ocean. Of what value is it to kill the fish in the Indian Ocean?

This is for us, the people who have the testimony of Jesus Christ have to live all this stuff. What is it? IT’S ALL ONE! It’s just like the parables and all of those other things... tree of good and evil, the 5 wise and 5 foolish, the tares and the wheat and every parable and every teaching. It’s all ONE! Directed toward us! All these things, the Old Testament, it’s all for US!

1 Corinthians 10:11 And all these things happened to them as examples; and it is written for our warning on whom the ends of the world have come.
All these things take a lifetime. We’re going to live "the seals." A third part of the man died... that’s a third part of the man in us that is going to die, a third part of the carnality. God works in increments, He wipes out some of the trees and then He burns some of the grass… what is the trees and the grass? These are all things in us. We have islands, and mountains, and trees, and grass. All of these are belief systems and ideas and doctrines and philosophies of life and all these things. They are all going to be burned out and broken down and destroyed. All of those seven seals, seven trumpets, seven plagues, they are all things that must happen in our lives.

You say, 'Well I don’t remember any trees being burned down.' First of all, you won’t even know some of it is happening until it’s over. Some of you will remember, I have this in my Lake of Fire Series: “And I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day and I heard a voice BEHIND me as the voice of a trumpet and I turned to see the voice that spoke to me and being turned I saw…” You won’t see some of these things until they are behind you. You’re going to have to look behind you to see where you came from, to see where God has been taking you. Some of us wouldn’t want to live tomorrow if we knew what was coming, you know.  Be thankful that you don’t know everything that’s coming. Be thankful that you only have to take one day at a time.  You don’t want to know what every day has to hold. Take it one day at a time as God presents it to you.

There will come a time, when you can look behind you, as I can, and see where God’s been taking you all these years. You’ll see it plain as day. I could sit here for hours and tell you all about it. I can tell you about trees and grass and mountains coming down, I know what it means. It’s all one, all this stuff. Are you getting it? It’s all one thing. Whether you believe on Christ or enter the door of Christ or call upon the name of Christ or accept His grace through the faith of Christ, it’s all one thing. It’s all Christ coming to you, living His life in you!

You notice how many things in Revelation are described as “for a times, time and half a time” - “for a year, years, and half a year” - “for a season, seasons, and half a season” - “for 42 months” - "for 1260 days."  How much is 3½ years, 3½ seasons, 1260 days and 42 months? How much is that? It’s all the same! It’s a symbol of something spiritual. I think I can prove, although it’s not as easy as you might think, that Christ’s ministry lasted 3½ years. You know how long that is? 42 months - 1260 days... Why do we have these, why are they in there? Why is that over and over in there? Because Christ lived in the flesh in his ministry for 1260 days, 42 months, 3½ years. He’s going to live that ministry in us!

And that’s why we live these things that take 42 months, 1260 days and 3½ years. And that 3½ years will be His ministry. Maybe it will take 4½ years to live His ministry in us, maybe it will take 40½ years… it’s a symbol, however long it takes. It’s going to go through this generation of believers and then this one, then this one and on and on because Jesus Christ is, was and will be. He’s not in the past and coming again in the future, He’s here now! He was here before and He’ll be there in the future, He is, was and will be!

Well, I’ll end with that.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: new heaven new earth
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2014, 09:31:01 PM »

thanks Kat once again you clear this up for me :)  and confirm what i was thinking. Its really very comfortable knowing what Ray wrote in this post even thoug h i have been through a lot of very trying times.  Because am still here an have measurable amount of soundness in my mind.  the Lord has kept them through some of this tribulations. 
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