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Author Topic: END OF TIMES STUFF?  (Read 5945 times)

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« on: August 29, 2014, 04:01:02 PM »

Hi guys, my older brother sent me this post on Facebook a few days ago to mull over, it's quite a long read and it's rather Christendomite in content. I was just wondering what some of you might think of it in content (as some wise counsel for me) as to how I'm going to tell him gently that I don't agree with it. Any advice would be much appreciated as I don't understand the book of Revelation as an eschatological book anymore, but rather as a revealing of Christ's spirit in me. Cheers :).

Read Mathew 24:15 it is a riddle, “who reads let him understand”
I have taken the key words in the book of Daniel and used the strongs concordance translation, to arrive at the meaning.
Daniel chapters :9,11,12…… talks about the abomination of desolation
Take the key words and apply Translations from Strong’s concordance as follows.
Daniel 11:31
“arms” = political and military forces
 “sanctuary” = hallowed place such as a cemetery ( temple?)
 “strength” = fortress
 “take away” = put aside or turn aside
“daily” = job or position employment
“sacrifice” appears in brackets = job or position employment
“Abomination” = idol
“desolation” = horror which also means Terror
All the above means
Daniel 11:31 can be translated as …………………………………
And political and military forces shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the highly venerated hallowed fortress, and put aside the position of employment, and they shall place the idol that Maketh terror.
the idol that maketh terror, is the “ abomination of  desolation.” ( the words abomination and desolation need to be looked at separately)
Daniel 8: 9-14
Great = to make great, powerful
Pleasant = glory, honour
Host = organised army
Daily = continual employment
Away = rotten, wormy
Sanctuary = hallowed
Practice = perform
Desolation = causing horror (horror is also terror)
So it can read.
9: and out of them came forth a little horn, which grew exceedingly powerful, towards the south and towards the east, and towards the prominent, honourable and pleasant land.
10: and it grew powerful even to the army of heaven, and it cast down some of the army, and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
11: Yea he magnified himself even to the prince of the army, and by him the position of employment was made rotten, and the highly venerated, hallowed place was cast down.
12: and an army was given him against the position of employment, by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground, and it prepared, accomplished, performed and prospered’
13: then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, how long shall be the vision concerning the position of employment, and the transgression of terror, to give both the highly venerated hallowed place and the army to be trodden under foot.
14: and he said unto me, unto 2300 days, then shall the hallowed place be cleansed.
So we can see that a certain highly venerated place is cast down, because a certain position of employment was made rotten by transgressing the law using Terror.
And that highly venerated place will be trodden underfoot for 2300 days
  Daniel 9 : 24 -27
9: 25, seven weeks = a period of seven days or years
9: 26, cut off - means covenant
9: 27, sacrifice = offering (the Passover)
9: 27, oblation = present
9: 27, consummation = complete destruction
So Daniel 9: 24 -27 can be read
24: seventy years are determined upon thy people, and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy
25: know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the prince shall be Seven Seven and sixty two years the street shall be built again and the walls even in troublous times.
26: and after 62 years shall messiah make a covenant, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come, shall destroy the city and highly venerated hallowed place, and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined.
27: and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one period of seven years: and in the midst of the seven year period, he shall cause the Thank Offering and the Gift to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate, even until the complete destruction, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
The “going forth of the decree” happened in 1947 when Israel was declared a nation.
7 + 7 years later Obama was born and 62 years after he was born, he became president.
That makes 2009 to 2016 the final seven year period, and 2009 to 2015 the time frame in which he: makes a covenant, transgresses the laws, and the Idol of terror is placed in the highly venerated fortress.
Daniel gives the exact date the Idol will be placed in the highly venerated fortress,
He states that we should start counting from the time the Oath of Position is given
Daniel 12: 11 Away = depose (means to give an oath )
11: and from the time that the position of employment shall be given Oath, and the Idol that maketh terror shall be set up, there will be 1290 days
12: blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days
Obama officially took office on January 20th  2009 , so add 1290 days and you get to august 2nd  2012.
On august 2nd 2012 a steel beam was be put into place at the top of the new world trade centre, it was inscribed and signed by Obama – “ we remember , we rebuild, we come back stronger”
The signed steel beam is the Idol of terror put into place exactly 1290 days after Obama took the Oath of the position of president.
But Daniels’ angel said blessed are those that wait until 1335 days
Jan 20th 2009 + 1335 days = sept 16th 2012 = The Feast Of trumpets, this is the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashana or the feast of trumpets, this is probably the most watched date for the rapture.
1 Corinthians 15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of and eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.
•   What is the highly venerated hallowed fortress = the one world trade centre
•   What is the idol of terror = it is a symbolic thing placed in a high position, the beam signed by Obama
•   What is the little horn = Horns represent kingdoms or nations, in 476 AD the Roman Empire fell and was split into 10 kingdoms that now make up the states of Europe. In 538 AD the roman catholic church came to power, Vatican city is an independent state or nation, it is the smallest nation in the world, so we see the little horn rising up amidst the 10 horns and the little horn tears out 3 of the other horns as it rises. History confirms that the rise of the roman catholic church had 3 opponents. 'Heruli', the 'Vandals' and the 'Ostrogoths'. These were the three kingdoms 'plucked up by the roots'. What happens when you pluck up a plant by it's roots? There's nothing left of it. The same can be said for these three kingdoms, they were completely destroyed!
Also the little horn speaks great things against God, so here are some catholic statements
"All must be subject to him (the pope) who has had all things put under him (the pope)." Evangelical Christendom, Jan 1, 1895, page15
"The pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted, that he is not a mere man, but as it were God." Ferraris Ecclesiastical Dictionary.
"No man may enter (into the kingdom) unless he is led by the Sovereign Pontiff, and only if they be united to him, can men be saved." Pope John XXIII at his coronation, Nov.4, 1958
"Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth." Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, 1763 Volume VI, papa II, page26
"This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin." The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol XII, page265
All the above are blasphemies
•   What is the abomination of desolation – luke 21:20 (1) armies around Jerusalem precede the abomination, and states that it is near .  (2) this prophecy involves something “standing in the holy place.” The holy place must be a location God considers or once considered holy, with something foreign and blasphemous placed there. "And when you shall see Jerusalem being encircled by armies, then know that its destruction is near. Let those in Judea flee to the mountains; and those in the midst of it, let them go out. And those who are out of town do not go into Jerusalem. For these are the days of vengeance when all things that have been written are to be fulfilled. But woe to the pregnant women, and those breast-feeding children in those days! for great distress will be on the earth and wrath on his people" (Lk.21:20-23 Paraphrased.).
An agreement will be made between the Beast (alliance of nations) and the Israelis to guarantee their protection The beast will lead armies to crush certain Arab states, and after this show of strength peace will be negotiated, and in this short time of peace the Israelites will rebuild the temple and reintroduce their sacrifices and rituals, this will be taken as a sign by the nations of Islam that the Israelis are declaring the God of Islam is an imposter.
The treaties will be broken the peace will end and war will commence.
 I believe the allied forces (of the beast) in collusion with Islam will covertly invade Israel under the guise of protecting it. Which explains why the rise of Islam is going unchecked?
And the Holy place (the temple) will be defiled by the leader of the armies of the beast entering it
•   What is honourable and pleasant land = the land given to the Israelites by God through Joshua
•   What is the position of employment = esteemed position or job
•   What is the most holy = the holy of holies , the inner chamber of the temple
•   Who are the people of the prince = "The people (the primary followers) of the prince (the False Prophet) that will come (in the last days), shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the Jewish Temple)."
•   Who is the covenant with/for =
I think
the steel beam (lifted into the high venerated place ie the new one world trade center) is akin to the capstone  at Gaza and signifies the beginning of the end
the fortress , the high place is the new one world trade centre
In 2015 Obama will put someone into a high or new created office, or he will be replaced.
In 2016 that person will firstly lead a more vigorous war on Terror and certain Arab states, the show of strength will enable the new man to create peace in the Middle East long enough (I think 2 years) to rebuild the temple.
After the temple is built, the peace will be broken, because the Israeli’s will resurrect their sacrifices and practices as of old, (as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end) this will outrage the Islamic nations and start a new ultimate war.
The new man with his allied armies (the beast) will offer protection to Israel, and when Israel feels secure, the allied armies will turn on Israel Causing abominations and desolation by means of terror that will be of biblical proportions, i.e. the woes of the book of revelation will begin according to revelation, and the new man will desecrate the temple by standing in it declaring himself God.
And then we have 7 years to the end of the world as we know it
Could it be that the revelation is entirely about the Middle East and not the rest of the world?
Join me now in my new massive money making business venture, selling asbestos blankets only on Sundays at the exits of Orthodox churches. It's really gonna take off.


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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 05:19:04 PM »

Hi Jeetkunejimi,
The first thing that I noticed was your comment about a United States President putting someone into high office in 2015 and that affecting God's plans.
One thing that I'm sure about is that the United States will not be in control of anything when Lord Jesus returns. (just my opinion of course)
Indiana Bob
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 12:07:35 AM by indianabob »


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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 11:04:11 PM »

To understand what this really means:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Read this:

This passage of Scripture has absolutely nothing to do with a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem as is taught in Christendom. Many in Christendom commonly agree that the "Israel of God" is physical Israel as opposed to spiritual Israel and many of the "eschatology experts" use the founding of Israel as a nation in 1947 as a start date to try and figure out when THE "Antichrist" will do this or that or when the temple will be rebuilt or what date Christ shall return, etc.

Ray has quite a few articles in the LOF series regarding all of these topics. There is no such thing as THE Antichrist or THE great tribulation. I could go on and on, but if you're looking for wise counsel, read the Lake of Fire series.



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« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2014, 12:37:19 AM »

Hi guys, my older brother sent me this post on Facebook a few days ago to mull over, it's quite a long read and it's rather Christendomite in content. I was just wondering what some of you might think of it in content (as some wise counsel for me) as to how I'm going to tell him gently that I don't agree with it. Any advice would be much appreciated as I don't understand the book of Revelation as an eschatological book anymore, but rather as a revealing of Christ's spirit in me. Cheers :).

Read Mathew 24:15 it is a riddle, “who reads let him understand”
I have taken the key words in the book of Daniel and used the strongs concordance translation, to arrive at the meaning.
Daniel chapters :9,11,12…… talks about the abomination of desolation
Take the key words and apply Translations from Strong’s concordance as follows.
Daniel 11:31
“arms” = political and military forces
 “sanctuary” = hallowed place such as a cemetery ( temple?)
 “strength” = fortress
 “take away” = put aside or turn aside
“daily” = job or position employment
“sacrifice” appears in brackets = job or position employment
“Abomination” = idol
“desolation” = horror which also means Terror
All the above means
Daniel 11:31 can be translated as …………………………………
And political and military forces shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the highly venerated hallowed fortress, and put aside the position of employment, and they shall place the idol that Maketh terror.
the idol that maketh terror, is the “ abomination of  desolation.” ( the words abomination and desolation need to be looked at separately)
Daniel 8: 9-14
Great = to make great, powerful
Pleasant = glory, honour
Host = organised army
Daily = continual employment
Away = rotten, wormy
Sanctuary = hallowed
Practice = perform
Desolation = causing horror (horror is also terror)
So it can read.
9: and out of them came forth a little horn, which grew exceedingly powerful, towards the south and towards the east, and towards the prominent, honourable and pleasant land.
10: and it grew powerful even to the army of heaven, and it cast down some of the army, and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them.
11: Yea he magnified himself even to the prince of the army, and by him the position of employment was made rotten, and the highly venerated, hallowed place was cast down.
12: and an army was given him against the position of employment, by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground, and it prepared, accomplished, performed and prospered’
13: then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, how long shall be the vision concerning the position of employment, and the transgression of terror, to give both the highly venerated hallowed place and the army to be trodden under foot.
14: and he said unto me, unto 2300 days, then shall the hallowed place be cleansed.
So we can see that a certain highly venerated place is cast down, because a certain position of employment was made rotten by transgressing the law using Terror.
And that highly venerated place will be trodden underfoot for 2300 days
  Daniel 9 : 24 -27
9: 25, seven weeks = a period of seven days or years
9: 26, cut off - means covenant
9: 27, sacrifice = offering (the Passover)
9: 27, oblation = present
9: 27, consummation = complete destruction
So Daniel 9: 24 -27 can be read
24: seventy years are determined upon thy people, and upon the holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy
25: know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the prince shall be Seven Seven and sixty two years the street shall be built again and the walls even in troublous times.
26: and after 62 years shall messiah make a covenant, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come, shall destroy the city and highly venerated hallowed place, and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined.
27: and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one period of seven years: and in the midst of the seven year period, he shall cause the Thank Offering and the Gift to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations, he shall make it desolate, even until the complete destruction, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
The “going forth of the decree” happened in 1947 when Israel was declared a nation.
7 + 7 years later Obama was born and 62 years after he was born, he became president.
That makes 2009 to 2016 the final seven year period, and 2009 to 2015 the time frame in which he: makes a covenant, transgresses the laws, and the Idol of terror is placed in the highly venerated fortress.
Daniel gives the exact date the Idol will be placed in the highly venerated fortress,
He states that we should start counting from the time the Oath of Position is given
Daniel 12: 11 Away = depose (means to give an oath )
11: and from the time that the position of employment shall be given Oath, and the Idol that maketh terror shall be set up, there will be 1290 days
12: blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days
Obama officially took office on January 20th  2009 , so add 1290 days and you get to august 2nd  2012.
On august 2nd 2012 a steel beam was be put into place at the top of the new world trade centre, it was inscribed and signed by Obama – “ we remember , we rebuild, we come back stronger”
The signed steel beam is the Idol of terror put into place exactly 1290 days after Obama took the Oath of the position of president.
But Daniels’ angel said blessed are those that wait until 1335 days
Jan 20th 2009 + 1335 days = sept 16th 2012 = The Feast Of trumpets, this is the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashana or the feast of trumpets, this is probably the most watched date for the rapture.
1 Corinthians 15:52
In a moment, in the twinkling of and eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.
•   What is the highly venerated hallowed fortress = the one world trade centre
•   What is the idol of terror = it is a symbolic thing placed in a high position, the beam signed by Obama
•   What is the little horn = Horns represent kingdoms or nations, in 476 AD the Roman Empire fell and was split into 10 kingdoms that now make up the states of Europe. In 538 AD the roman catholic church came to power, Vatican city is an independent state or nation, it is the smallest nation in the world, so we see the little horn rising up amidst the 10 horns and the little horn tears out 3 of the other horns as it rises. History confirms that the rise of the roman catholic church had 3 opponents. 'Heruli', the 'Vandals' and the 'Ostrogoths'. These were the three kingdoms 'plucked up by the roots'. What happens when you pluck up a plant by it's roots? There's nothing left of it. The same can be said for these three kingdoms, they were completely destroyed!
Also the little horn speaks great things against God, so here are some catholic statements
"All must be subject to him (the pope) who has had all things put under him (the pope)." Evangelical Christendom, Jan 1, 1895, page15
"The pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted, that he is not a mere man, but as it were God." Ferraris Ecclesiastical Dictionary.
"No man may enter (into the kingdom) unless he is led by the Sovereign Pontiff, and only if they be united to him, can men be saved." Pope John XXIII at his coronation, Nov.4, 1958
"Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth." Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, 1763 Volume VI, papa II, page26
"This judicial authority will even include the power to forgive sin." The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol XII, page265
All the above are blasphemies
•   What is the abomination of desolation – luke 21:20 (1) armies around Jerusalem precede the abomination, and states that it is near .  (2) this prophecy involves something “standing in the holy place.” The holy place must be a location God considers or once considered holy, with something foreign and blasphemous placed there. "And when you shall see Jerusalem being encircled by armies, then know that its destruction is near. Let those in Judea flee to the mountains; and those in the midst of it, let them go out. And those who are out of town do not go into Jerusalem. For these are the days of vengeance when all things that have been written are to be fulfilled. But woe to the pregnant women, and those breast-feeding children in those days! for great distress will be on the earth and wrath on his people" (Lk.21:20-23 Paraphrased.).
An agreement will be made between the Beast (alliance of nations) and the Israelis to guarantee their protection The beast will lead armies to crush certain Arab states, and after this show of strength peace will be negotiated, and in this short time of peace the Israelites will rebuild the temple and reintroduce their sacrifices and rituals, this will be taken as a sign by the nations of Islam that the Israelis are declaring the God of Islam is an imposter.
The treaties will be broken the peace will end and war will commence.
 I believe the allied forces (of the beast) in collusion with Islam will covertly invade Israel under the guise of protecting it. Which explains why the rise of Islam is going unchecked?
And the Holy place (the temple) will be defiled by the leader of the armies of the beast entering it
•   What is honourable and pleasant land = the land given to the Israelites by God through Joshua
•   What is the position of employment = esteemed position or job
•   What is the most holy = the holy of holies , the inner chamber of the temple
•   Who are the people of the prince = "The people (the primary followers) of the prince (the False Prophet) that will come (in the last days), shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (the Jewish Temple)."
•   Who is the covenant with/for =
I think
the steel beam (lifted into the high venerated place ie the new one world trade center) is akin to the capstone  at Gaza and signifies the beginning of the end
the fortress , the high place is the new one world trade centre
In 2015 Obama will put someone into a high or new created office, or he will be replaced.
In 2016 that person will firstly lead a more vigorous war on Terror and certain Arab states, the show of strength will enable the new man to create peace in the Middle East long enough (I think 2 years) to rebuild the temple.
After the temple is built, the peace will be broken, because the Israeli’s will resurrect their sacrifices and practices as of old, (as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end) this will outrage the Islamic nations and start a new ultimate war.
The new man with his allied armies (the beast) will offer protection to Israel, and when Israel feels secure, the allied armies will turn on Israel Causing abominations and desolation by means of terror that will be of biblical proportions, i.e. the woes of the book of revelation will begin according to revelation, and the new man will desecrate the temple by standing in it declaring himself God.
And then we have 7 years to the end of the world as we know it
Could it be that the revelation is entirely about the Middle East and not the rest of the world?

Hi jeet,

You can tell him gently, or shout from the rooftops that he hasn't a clue as to what the Bible is talking about...either way, he won't listen to you. So don't expect much...and I would advise not talking to him about this at all, because here is how it will go:

You: I don't think this is talking about end times stuff.

Brother: :::three more pages of nonsense:::

You: But it says in Revelation that _______ ...

Brother: ::: eight more pages of nonsense:::

Etc. Etc.

It will be a big waste of your time and possibly muddle your own understanding of the truth. He obviously is very involved in these numerical/Middle East/End Time things, and save a miracle, he's not about to change. Your time would be much better spent in personal study, rather than listening to your brother's beliefs and/or debating with him. If you want to know what Revelation is talking about, read Ray's Lake of Fire series.


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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2014, 07:21:07 PM »

Cheers bro,
                I know it's going to be hard telling him what a total crock what he has postulated really is, we fell out 7 years ago when God called me out of Babylon (Rev 18:4) he didn't understand it then and I know that he hasn't fully understood it yet, as he left our old Pentecostal church a year after me for the wrong reasons. We have slowly healed and things have got a lot better between us over the last couple of years and this may cause some tensions again when I explain to him all the errors in his Christendomite thinking on this.

It's not easy telling an orthodox Christian that they are an Anti-Christ, a false prophet and a beast. It's not easy telling them that it is himself like me that sits in my temple (body) professing myself as God via a supposed freewill. However I am trusting God to give me the right words and timing to tell him so that he isn't totally crushed, unless of course that is God's will for him in this matter and myself too.

Thanks to you all for the heads up... I just needed some advice to remind me of my path in this matter.

God bless us all, and praise Jesus. Amen. :)
Join me now in my new massive money making business venture, selling asbestos blankets only on Sundays at the exits of Orthodox churches. It's really gonna take off.

Rhys 🕊

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« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2014, 06:05:18 AM »

This is awesome new teaching to me...........I thought the one they call Ray was onto it. Now I have something to really sink my teeth into (even though I may lose them by the sound of this  ;D )

Is there a website where I can find out more about this teaching and the end times we are in now. I have been building a fence this week and I'm sure it must be in connection with me separating from my enemies........I knew I should of used a steel beam  ???

Good temple building has been approved.......good thing I have the fence  ;)

Who is this new teacher of truth that I may go up to some mountain and worship him  :P

Anyway............tell your friend to come back to earth as there is enough of them floating around in space at the moment.

Your friend............ The AntiRhys

Ian 155

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« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2014, 06:35:45 AM »

Your friend............ The AntiRhys



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« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 02:37:10 PM »

Jeetkunejimi your bro might be wrong about his understanding of those scriptures but do you think he's wrong about this time being the end of the age? Do you think 'the end is near' so to speak? I mean the end of this age or the end of this world as we know it and Christs return?

Maybe instead of just telling him he's wrong you could talk to him about the paper Ray did on the two towers.. If he agrees with what Ray wrote in that paper maybe he'll be open to reading what else Ray wrote about.
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi


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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2014, 06:08:10 PM »

"So trust me when I say that America figures more prominently in end time prophecy than any other nation on earth" -Ray Smith.

"When those Twin Tower Symbols fell, it was not just another disaster - it was a symbol of disaster to come of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS!" -Ray Smith.

"If America doesn't return to God and repent of her national and individual sins, America is going down, and nothing is going to stop it....

Yay, like somebody's going to listen to this 'trite' warning, for: 'Who has believed our report?'" -Ray Smith.

I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi
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