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Author Topic: Occultist symbols?  (Read 17764 times)

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2016, 01:47:15 PM »

Dave pointed out that Ray wrote..

".... we seriously have to ask ourselves..." why sacrifice a sacrifice to a huge stone owl and why do these same people belong to other secret societies such as skull and bones, Freemasons, illuminate, etc.

Ray told all of his readers to ask these questions.

Discouraging discussion on the topic goes against what Ray told his readers to do and so we shouldn't be afraid to discuss the fact that our news, entertainment, politics, religion, law... Really our society and world view is shaped by people who belong to occult secret societies.

There's a great line in the movie The Truman Show...

Interviewer: " why do you think Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?"

Producer: "we accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It's as simple as that. "

The truth sets us free , but not if we refuse to look at it. I don't need to know the ins and outs of these secret societies and I don't need to try and speculate what they're up to. Just learning that they exist and acknowledging that my world views and many of my beliefs and opinions have been shaped by these people, has freed me from continuing to believe some of those world views/beliefs/opinions. If I had never known about this stuff then I would still be influenced and deceived by... "the reality of the world with which I am presented. "

I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2016, 08:18:34 PM »

I feel thoroughly preached to now.   :)

I want to point out a couple of things.  The 'signs of the zodiac' in European tradition are not the same signs of the "zodiac" in Chinese and other Asian traditions even though, both being in the northern Hemisphere, 'we' see the same stars.  Are constellations objects, or interpretations in the minds of those who first imagined and codified them?  THAT is the "heavenlies" that Ray taught from Scripture where we are at war.  Our minds.

It is far and away NOT the truth that the rulers in our societies are the sole repositories of lies, evils, deceptions, etc.  There are plenty of people on the fringes, and in the middle who would in no way be classed as the "elite" neither BY the "elite" nor by regular folks, ready, willing, and able to deceive, distort, propagandize, mis-characterize, etc.  If there is a reputation or a buck or simply a perverse thrill to be made, some liar will find a way. 

Beyond which, the "man of perdition" we must be concerned with is not OUT THERE, or UP THERE, or IN THERE.  "He's" UP HERE and IN HERE. 

Where is your "here"?

Bringing it back to the level of this forum:  We are here to discuss what Ray wrote and spoke on, and (I suppose) the ramifications of that.  We are not here to bring "other teaching" in--certainly not by way of links, extended quotes or other avenues listed in the rules.  Since Ray spoke on bathwater, that doesn't mean the forum is now wide-open for discussions on bath-soap.  The fact Ray mentions these things does not open the forum to every "conspiracy theory" out there, contradictory as they are.  Fair enough?  Keep them out of the Off-Topics as well. 

I keep hearing about the WHAT (not so much here, but in the world), yet nobody really seems interested (publicly) in the WHY.  WHY IS THAT? 

« Last Edit: May 17, 2016, 09:04:16 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2016, 11:25:49 PM »

I forgot the second of the couple of things.   :)

Former US President Richard Nixon was recorded on the "Watergate Tapes" talking about his experience at the Bohemian Grove thing.  He said something like, "It was the most *** ****** ******ty thing..."  If Nixon EVER told the truth, it was on those tapes.  He was an "elite" wasn't he? 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2016, 04:55:52 AM »

largeli -

I totally agree with your post:

Dave pointed out that Ray wrote..

".... we seriously have to ask ourselves..." why sacrifice a sacrifice to a huge stone owl and why do these same people belong to other secret societies such as skull and bones, Freemasons, illuminate, etc.

Ray told all of his readers to ask these questions.

Discouraging discussion on the topic goes against what Ray told his readers to do and so we shouldn't be afraid to discuss the fact that our news, entertainment, politics, religion, law... Really our society and world view is shaped by people who belong to occult secret societies.

There's a great line in the movie The Truman Show...

Interviewer: " why do you think Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?"

Producer: "we accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It's as simple as that. "

The truth sets us free , but not if we refuse to look at it. I don't need to know the ins and outs of these secret societies and I don't need to try and speculate what they're up to. Just learning that they exist and acknowledging that my world views and many of my beliefs and opinions have been shaped by these people, has freed me from continuing to believe some of those world views/beliefs/opinions. If I had never known about this stuff then I would still be influenced and deceived by... "the reality of the world with which I am presented. "

It appears that you know much more than the tip of the iceberg you have presented here.

I know that the deception and lies are so big that most who discover this are scared to accept it - but I see more and more people on the Earth seeing these massive lies and deceptions.

It is like WOW -

'how could I have been so deceived all my life',

'why did The Lord not show me this much earlier',

'what is the point of showing me this now',

'how could I have been so stupid',

'how can people be so ruthless and uncaring',

'what is it that they want',

'have they not enough already',

'is it more wealth that they want',

'is it power that they crave',

'how can they blatantly lie like this all the time',

'O my God, they actually lie all the time that it becomes as normal to them as breathing air'

Then you get past the anger stage, and start talking to The Lord on a different level - and you begin to see things planned by Our Father from the beginning (and The Scriptures, especially The Words of Jesus become much sharper) and you begin to have a much higher understanding of:

'why Jesus was so angry with the money changers',

'why Jesus was kind to ordinary people, and loved them so much' - yet 'Jesus said some of the most powerful words against those in charge, with such passion, as He saw what was in their evil Hearts',

'you start to see the evil that is "usury",

'you see that they are parasites, who are psychopaths that prey on the innocent, and have done so in this particular manner for over 200 years',

'you see the real evil in those people who love to control others',

'you understand how perfect He has executed His plan to bring all His Sons and Daughters to His Kingdom once purified of all their imperfections - even the predatory parasitic psychopaths',

'you discover what you always suspected as not being right, is actually true - but a lot worse than you thought',

'you discover that most of what we have been taught as reality since we were born is actually false',

'you struggle to find out how you can escape from this false reality - and realise that you cannot - at least not totally - after all "we are in the world - but not of the world"',

'you cry out to Him - asking "what is the point of knowing all this" - "what am I to do now"',

'you start doing things differently, tell your family a little about what you have discovered - and your family think you are totally nuts',

'you challenge God - demanding to know why, why, why - but you really do know why - as His Plan is Perfect',

'you try to free yourself from this wicked system that controls all our lives - and you discover that it will be extremely hard - like discovering pearls hidden deep in the ground, but you need to be continuously diligent in order to dig deep to get them pearls out of the ground',

'you discover that there are natural cures - yet we are always given chemical treatments',

'you discover who really profited from all the wars of the past 250 years',

'you discover that what we are told is success - is not really success at all - as it is at the heart of their deception',

Oops. I have gone a lot further again than I anticipated I would.

I will end it here, as this really is the biggest subject I have ever experienced.

I hope I have not offended anyone; or broken any of the Forum rules.

His Peace I leave with you all, and His Joy and His never ending Love.

Still Learning George.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2016, 11:57:53 AM »

George, you have described well the condition of the world, now and how it's been for this whole age. The human race has been corrupt and filled with iniquity from the very beginning.

Rom 8:7  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.
v. 8  So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

The governments and religion have always worked together to satisfy their thirst for power, wealth and positions of authority over the masses. The world keeps on trudging along deceived, blind to what is really going on and helpless to the forces at work around them... it is all according to His plan. But a few have had our eyes opened, have been made aware of the condition of the world and what are we told to do about it?

Rev 18:3  For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living."
v. 4  Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;
v. 5  for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

2Cor 6:14  Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
v. 15  What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever?
v. 16  What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will make My dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
v. 17  Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,
v. 18  and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty."
7:1  Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

We are to "be separate," we cannot change what is going on in the world, but we are being changed/renewed, prepared and learning to serve God and not our carnality and this world. I don't need to dig down into the details of all the corruptions that fill the government, having been made known what Babylon is - the synagogue of Satan, that's enough for me. I'm not really avoiding more truth about occult symbols, I think we've had a good discussion on here, but I'm just not interested in seeking more of it out.

2Cor 4:16  Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. -------------------


"Has not the Potter [God] power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto DISHONOUR?" (Rom. 9:21.)

Only theologians believe that vessels of "dishonor" malfunction, when in reality they were designed by their Creator for the very PURPOSE of malfunctioning. A malfunctioning, carnal-minded, God-hating, immoral, human slob is of great value to God. Paul was just such a person before God called him out of Babylon the Great. And now, PAUL IS GREAT! Marvel of marvels, the things that God can do with dung. --------------------

What is actually spoken of in these two chapters of Isaiah 13 & 14 is the history of world religion and government from the creation of man, through the destruction of man, and the realization of God’s spiritual Mt. Zion filling the universe. All the religions and governments of the world in the history of the world are personified in these two chapters. Isa. 13:1 begins with, "The burden of Babylon…" (organized religion and government against God), and ends with Isa. 14;32b, "That the Lord has founded Zion…" (The spiritual capital of the Universe governing all mankind). It’s all right here for those who have "ears to hear and eyes to see."

Let me give you the history of the world including all future prophecies, in one sentence:

God perfectly planned and recorded His creation of the heavens, angels, the earth, and carnal humanity, who sinned wickedly and were all drowned (save a few); who then reached for their own heaven at the tower of Babel in rebellion to the God Who then scattered them (save a few); who later built Babylon into a great pagan empire which God destroyed (save a few); who have since built many wicked and fornicating Babylons collectively called, Mystery Babylon The Great, whom God warns before utterly destroying again (save a few); and of ‘the Few’ God is creating a New Spiritual Humanity of Son-and-Daughter Saviours like unto Jesus, in New Jerusalem on spiritual Mt. Zion, were ALL will be redeemed (NOT just a few); that God may be "ALL in All"!

Maybe I could shorten it down a smidgen, but there it is. The reality of most of the symbolism of Revelation is contained in that one sentence.
mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 01:13:04 PM by Kat »


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2016, 01:34:26 PM »

Dave you make a good point about asking the why instead of, or more important than the what..

But if I don't know what Freemason is or what Skull and Bones is then why would I even care about the why? How can the answer to why benefit me at all if I don't know the what ?

What are these secret society's? What do they do and believe that I should care why? I mean we don't care if these people belong to elite country clubs do we? If someone said I need to ask myself why these people belong to certain country clubs I'd ask what is it about this country club that I should care why they belong to it?

Bath water... Dave is this really a good comparison? Ray spent the first half of the tophet and molech in hinnom paper teaching his readers about bohemian grove and occult secret societies. He provided pictures, names of CIA officials, presidents, CEO's, etc. etc. he provided YouTube links and said "..we seriously need to ask ourselves.."

Bath water is not a fair comparison to this topic.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 01:42:15 PM by largeli »
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2016, 07:05:57 PM »

Kat -

This is is spot on:

Let me give you the history of the world including all future prophecies, in one sentence:

God perfectly planned and recorded His creation of the heavens, angels, the earth, and carnal humanity, who sinned wickedly and were all drowned (save a few); who then reached for their own heaven at the tower of Babel in rebellion to the God Who then scattered them (save a few); who later built Babylon into a great pagan empire which God destroyed (save a few); who have since built many wicked and fornicating Babylons collectively called, Mystery Babylon The Great, whom God warns before utterly destroying again (save a few); and of ‘the Few’ God is creating a New Spiritual Humanity of Son-and-Daughter Saviours like unto Jesus, in New Jerusalem on spiritual Mt. Zion, were ALL will be redeemed (NOT just a few); that God may be "ALL in All"!

Maybe I could shorten it down a smidgen, but there it is. The reality of most of the symbolism of Revelation is contained in that one sentence.

Thank you for posting it.

Kind Regards.



Dave in Tenn

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2016, 07:50:41 PM »

Dave you make a good point about asking the why instead of, or more important than the what..

But if I don't know what Freemason is or what Skull and Bones is then why would I even care about the why? How can the answer to why benefit me at all if I don't know the what ?

What are these secret society's? What do they do and believe that I should care why? I mean we don't care if these people belong to elite country clubs do we? If someone said I need to ask myself why these people belong to certain country clubs I'd ask what is it about this country club that I should care why they belong to it?

Bath water... Dave is this really a good comparison? Ray spent the first half of the tophet and molech in hinnom paper teaching his readers about bohemian grove and occult secret societies. He provided pictures, names of CIA officials, presidents, CEO's, etc. etc. he provided YouTube links and said "..we seriously need to ask ourselves.."

Bath water is not a fair comparison to this topic.

I do care WHY people join elite country clubs.  I wonder why these things exist, and why somebody would want to join one.  That isn't even the end of "why".  WHY shouldn't I care?  It's part of the world we live in.

"Bath water" and "bath soap" is a "fair to middling" comparison to bringing in EVERY conspiracy theory on the planet to the forum.  Sorry I couldn't do better.  "Bath Water" is not a comparison to these other things...unless it is, of course.

Largeli, Ray said we seriously need to ask ourselves WHY...  WHY did you leave that out of the quote?  I tried to answer "why" from my perspective after much thought and a longish life and experience.  I may be wrong, but who else even tried?  Trust me, if one of us MUST focus on these things, I'd rather it be you than me.  That's how wicked and selfish I am.

You know, I think the producer of the Truman show made a good point, even though he/she is a member of the media elite.  "We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It's as simple as that."  It's so true that it even applies if we live in "Conspiracytheoryistan".

I thought about this subject off and on all day today.  (I hope that doesn't turn into a habit or especially a forum necessity).  This scripture came to mind.  The first is from the Apostolic Bible Polyglot, but I've included the "literal" translations I have access to as well as the KJV.  I'm changing other words to "evil" to be concordant.  Read ALL the words.

Genesis 6:5

(ABP+)  beholding And the lord God that were multiplying the evils of men upon the earth, and all that man considered in his heart was diligently upon the (evil) things all the days...

(CLV)  And seeing is Yahweh Elohim that much is the evil of humanity in the earth, and every form of the devices of its heart is but evil all its days.

(KJV)  And GOD saw that the (evil) of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

(LITV)  And Jehovah saw that the evil of man was great on the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the day long.

(YLT)  And Jehovah seeth that abundant is the (evil) of man in the earth, and every imagination of the thoughts of his heart only evil all the day;

Ray taught that "evil" in the Scripture (the word ra‛  /  râ‛âh) carried with it no moral bias.  That's the word in Hebrew in all of these, regardless of the translation.  That doesn't mean that "evil" is "moral".  It just means that the word is not SOLELY referring to wickedness.,4460.0.html

Here's my earnest hope.  While "looking into the world" OUR thoughts are not on EVIL CONTINUALLY.  You know what happened to those folks. 

Php_4:8  Finally, brethren, (yeah, me too, Brother least I can hope so) whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think (seriously cogitate, not simply daydream) on these things.



« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 08:34:58 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2016, 11:23:22 PM »

Cheekie wrote:  'you challenge God - demanding to know why, why, why - but you really do know why - as His Plan is Perfect',

I don't know if you are referring to my repeated use of the word why or not.  Believe me, I am not challenging God demanding anything. 

Here's what my "why's" are about.

Heb 5:14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
BOTH Good and Evil.  Both. 
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 11:37:03 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2016, 03:40:17 AM »

Dave in Tenn -

I was not making any reference to any of your posts on this subject - I used 'you challenge God' as a figure of speech - as that is how I personally felt at that particular point in my Walk on this Earth.

Cheekie wrote:  'you challenge God - demanding to know why, why, why - but you really do know why - as His Plan is Perfect',

I don't know if you are referring to my repeated use of the word why or not.  Believe me, I am not challenging God demanding anything.

Here's what my "why's" are about.

Heb 5:14  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
BOTH Good and Evil.  Both. 

I am sorry if I offended you Dave.

I find your posts very valuable, and you have unique insight into many, many subjects - which I (and I am sure the other Form Members) much appreciate.

Kind Regards.

Still Learning George.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2016, 12:52:56 PM »

Good morning everyone,

Thanks for your input in this topic, my intentions were never to get involved in any occultist group , club or organization. Someone close to me mentioned that they were uncomfortable with that symbol. I sincerely believe God protects me from harm and danger ( and if it is His will something happens to me , i hope to say like Job: tho He slay me yet will i trust Him ). I was just trying to get some info on the matter, i don't believe any of that stuff can harm me unless it is God's will.

Thank you all for being such wonderful loving brothers and sisters!! As much as i understand i love you all very much. Have a blessed and peaceful day!!!!
Job 13:15 "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him."


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2016, 03:45:38 PM »

My thought is that everyone is in bondage to something or to someone, because of being blind to the unfruitful works of darkness.
When the Light of God shines on such darkness it is revealed for what it is, and true freedom only comes through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Ray Smith did a lot in teaching the truth of the scriptures that brings faith to the hearts, and minds of those with ears to hear.
I thank God that he kept me from joining one of those groups mentioned, at the invitation of a man that was a member back then. Another man present at the same time, was all interested in the group and as far as I know did accept the invitation.




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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2016, 05:40:39 PM »

largeli -

I totally agree with your post:

Dave pointed out that Ray wrote..

".... we seriously have to ask ourselves..." why sacrifice a sacrifice to a huge stone owl and why do these same people belong to other secret societies such as skull and bones, Freemasons, illuminate, etc.

Ray told all of his readers to ask these questions.

Discouraging discussion on the topic goes against what Ray told his readers to do and so we shouldn't be afraid to discuss the fact that our news, entertainment, politics, religion, law... Really our society and world view is shaped by people who belong to occult secret societies.

There's a great line in the movie The Truman Show...

Interviewer: " why do you think Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now?"

Producer: "we accept the reality of the world with which we are presented. It's as simple as that. "

The truth sets us free , but not if we refuse to look at it. I don't need to know the ins and outs of these secret societies and I don't need to try and speculate what they're up to. Just learning that they exist and acknowledging that my world views and many of my beliefs and opinions have been shaped by these people, has freed me from continuing to believe some of those world views/beliefs/opinions. If I had never known about this stuff then I would still be influenced and deceived by... "the reality of the world with which I am presented. "

It appears that you know much more than the tip of the iceberg you have presented here.

I know that the deception and lies are so big that most who discover this are scared to accept it - but I see more and more people on the Earth seeing these massive lies and deceptions.

It is like WOW -

'how could I have been so deceived all my life',

'why did The Lord not show me this much earlier',

'what is the point of showing me this now',

'how could I have been so stupid',

'how can people be so ruthless and uncaring',

'what is it that they want',

'have they not enough already',

'is it more wealth that they want',

'is it power that they crave',

'how can they blatantly lie like this all the time',

'O my God, they actually lie all the time that it becomes as normal to them as breathing air'

Then you get past the anger stage, and start talking to The Lord on a different level - and you begin to see things planned by Our Father from the beginning (and The Scriptures, especially The Words of Jesus become much sharper) and you begin to have a much higher understanding of:

'why Jesus was so angry with the money changers',

'why Jesus was kind to ordinary people, and loved them so much' - yet 'Jesus said some of the most powerful words against those in charge, with such passion, as He saw what was in their evil Hearts',

'you start to see the evil that is "usury",

'you see that they are parasites, who are psychopaths that prey on the innocent, and have done so in this particular manner for over 200 years',

'you see the real evil in those people who love to control others',

'you understand how perfect He has executed His plan to bring all His Sons and Daughters to His Kingdom once purified of all their imperfections - even the predatory parasitic psychopaths',

'you discover what you always suspected as not being right, is actually true - but a lot worse than you thought',

'you discover that most of what we have been taught as reality since we were born is actually false',

'you struggle to find out how you can escape from this false reality - and realise that you cannot - at least not totally - after all "we are in the world - but not of the world"',

'you cry out to Him - asking "what is the point of knowing all this" - "what am I to do now"',

'you start doing things differently, tell your family a little about what you have discovered - and your family think you are totally nuts',

'you challenge God - demanding to know why, why, why - but you really do know why - as His Plan is Perfect',

'you try to free yourself from this wicked system that controls all our lives - and you discover that it will be extremely hard - like discovering pearls hidden deep in the ground, but you need to be continuously diligent in order to dig deep to get them pearls out of the ground',

'you discover that there are natural cures - yet we are always given chemical treatments',

'you discover who really profited from all the wars of the past 250 years',

'you discover that what we are told is success - is not really success at all - as it is at the heart of their deception',

Oops. I have gone a lot further again than I anticipated I would.

I will end it here, as this really is the biggest subject I have ever experienced.

I hope I have not offended anyone; or broken any of the Forum rules.

His Peace I leave with you all, and His Joy and His never ending Love.

Still Learning George.


Wow. You have just described with amazing accuracy what it's been like to walk through this over the past several years. Praise God. It is so refreshing and confirming to know that someone else has walked the same path and had the same thoughts, felt the same feelings, and asked the same questions toward God about this. Literally I read your post and it's like I'm reading my own mental diary from the recent past.. Gods plan is perfect.

Thank you for posting this.
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2016, 08:13:02 AM »

largeli -


Wow. You have just described with amazing accuracy what it's been like to walk through this over the past several years. Praise God. It is so refreshing and confirming to know that someone else has walked the same path and had the same thoughts, felt the same feelings, and asked the same questions toward God about this. Literally I read your post and it's like I'm reading my own mental diary from the recent past.. Gods plan is perfect.

Thank you for posting this.

I sensed the same in your words - hence my very lengthy response.

I understand that He has started a great awakening with a few in all Sovereign Countries on The Earth; like a trickle that gets bigger and bigger - or as we hold up the 'self proclaimed elite' and they cannot survive as 'lords over all' without us, the more He awakens the greater the crumbling down will be - great will the fall of Babylon be.

You (and all of us) are not a number, nor alone, nor helpless - as we are on His Winning Team of Called Out Called Out (Wide Awake) Ones - we are (each of us) His Precious and unique Gems (and Priceless).

Kind Regards.

(Was asleep and now I am wide awake - and I keep knocking on His door, asking, seeking, and wrestling with Him for specific guidance on how to deal with all that He brings my way in my own personal daily journey He Planned from the very beginning) Humble & Humbly George.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 03:06:03 AM by cheekie3 »


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2016, 10:12:59 AM »

Hi George,

When you said "you discover that there are natural cures - yet we are always given chemical treatments" it really struck home.

God allowed me to get to a point where things were very desperate with my health. He then lead me over a long period of time to natural cures. I could clearly see God's hand in leading me.

The medical profession to me is like the false religions of this world. About the only thing I would go to the doctor for is a broken bone or help to straighten out a spine out of wack (then I would seek out Alex). If I am wrong on this the worst that can happen is I die which will happen anyway. I'd rather die praying to God for help than go thru chemo any day.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2016, 11:42:48 AM »

Doug -

Hi George,

When you said "you discover that there are natural cures - yet we are always given chemical treatments" it really struck home.

God allowed me to get to a point where things were very desperate with my health. He then lead me over a long period of time to natural cures. I could clearly see God's hand in leading me.

The medical profession to me is like the false religions of this world. About the only thing I would go to the doctor for is a broken bone or help to straighten out a spine out of wack (then I would seek out Alex). If I am wrong on this the worst that can happen is I die which will happen anyway. I'd rather die praying to God for help than go thru chemo any day.

I do not want to upset anyone, but our health service is reliant on the drugs they give us: and sadly for me, it is not about our health, but about commerce and profit.

There are very, very poor people in places like India who queue up to see their natural herbalist to cure (and not treat) their ailments and diseases- and the specialist natural herbalist is skilled at detecting the root cause and provides herbal remedies that actually work.

I agree that, if possible, we should avoid putting chemicals in our bodies that are self healing if provided with the correct natural herbal (true) medicine.

I am very pleased that you sought and was cured by natural means.

May He Keep you and Bless you in His Marvelous Grace.

Kind Regards.

(natural) George.


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2016, 11:52:49 AM »

stello / largeli / All -


I will try to put my understanding of this thread as plainly as I am able to do so without losing any meaning.

Here goes:

1. We know that Satan is the god of this World - which I have always understood to mean he is in charge of the ruling authorities of Mankind on the Earth - which includes powers and principalities, and evil and corrupt men and women at the top levels of power.

2. As such, these powers and principalities, and evil and corrupt men and women at the top levels of power, do not worship the One True God of The Holy Scriptures as they (willingly or by deception) serve the Devil - and Satan has his own symbols, etc, all over the Earth that can be seen in plain sight. These are numerous and not a few.

3. Think about it, if Satan owns all those that rule over us and lay claim to have the (rule of) law over us, rather than serve us as Jesus Christ and His Followers have done and still do - where are these rulers who claim dominion over all mankind.

4. We all have these wicked and evil rulers in our lives each and every day. Are their offerings and intentions not full in our faces each and every day. Is not Satan the god of lies and deception. Did Satan not want His very God Himself (Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ) to fall down and worship him. Did Jesus accept Satan's offer. No, Jesus told Satan what he should do with his disgusting offer.

5. Are these evil and wicked rulers at the top levels of power not in the governments, the media, in Hollywood, in schools, in the military, in the health service, and everywhere else. Do they not bombard us with their messages stating that we need to be governed by them (as there is no alternative), accept their media broadcasts and communications as fact (because there is no truth but theirs), be taught what to think and obey those in their authority (and not question anything), be told to serve our countries (without question), be told we need chemical treatments (as opposed to natural herbal and permanent cures), and have all their other garbage thrown at us continuously, which is difficult to avoid or disregard. Is this not how they lay their LORDSHIP claim over all of us - by stating that they have the power and the authority - so everyone must consent to obey them without questioning anything. Do they not rule behind closed doors claiming they are totally transparent; but in reality they rule by deception, stealth and dishonesty.

6. What is Our Heavenly Father's confirmed way of perfect and peaceful authority - is it not willing and obedient servitude to Him as He is Perfect and does not err or bare malice or is anything other than Love personified in All His Work on this Earth of ours; even His Works with evil in order for all of us to have the knowledge of good, and the knowledge of evil, firmly and permanently embedded in our hearts and minds (so that we all will, each in our own time of His choosing, select to do good). Has The Lord not confirmed that there is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed. Is The Lord, and how He Reigns, not totally transparent (as opposed to ruling by deception, stealth and dishonesty).

7. If Jesus instructed us that those in authority LORD it over others, and we are not to be like them - is it possible that those who do LORD it over others are arrogant and self-righteous, who probably laugh at their deemed subjects, and they have all their graven images all over the Earth in symbols. Off course they do - and the whole Earth is full of their occult (which means hidden) symbols, and all of these are hidden in plain sight - and they probably gloat about it amongst themselves.

8. But these enemies of The Cross of Jesus Christ have no jurisdiction over His Called Out Called Out Elect - and their time is short - but they appear not be able to help themselves showing off their love of Satan and his wicked symbolism all over the Earth.

Oops, I appear to be rambling on a bit now - as I intended to write a very small post; which has taken on a life of its own and magnified - so I will stop - as I have put down a lot of interrelated themes which are extremely hard to grasp and fully understand.

My aim was to state that these symbols are all over the Earth, and have been for a very long time - but now they are much more in our faces, albeit hidden in plain sight - and anyone who thoroughly researches these Satanic and demonic devilish symbols, will be shocked to discover how they were meticulously planned and implemented (to be placed in plain sight) over the past centuries; all over the Earth, and in particular on their power bases on the Earth - including their financial stronghold that is 'The City of London' , their military powerhouse that is 'The District of Columbia' and their self-proclaimed religious authority that is the 'The Vatican' - which to me are their three (3) pillars of Satan's Babylonian Empire that rules on the Earth today.

I hope this helps a little, as we should not be afraid to discuss issues such as these on this Forum of The Lord - as His Love (in us) casteth out (all) Fear.

I hope I am not offended anyone on this Forum; or breached any of its rules.

Kind Regards.


Hi George,

All these things you say describe planet earth and the two seeds no doubt however all these politicians and media people did not fall out of the sky but come from American familys which is telling of today's America.

The problem is not out there but in US, all these things you speak of is what is going on  inside of us and a great deception is to think the other guy is the problem.

We know the plan of God and because we know God's plan we understand why things must be like this and the more time we give credence to these things or learning about the occult is less time learning about God.

However don't you think the more we learn about God the more we will understand the world , life and ourselves ?

If we who come to hate these things we see and know that are evil and the wickedness in the world could change it then we would of thwarted the plan of God which no man can do.

God bless.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 12:16:39 PM by Rick »


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2016, 05:10:13 PM »

I understand that He has started a great awakening with a few in all Sovereign Countries on The Earth; like a trickle that gets bigger and bigger - or as we hold up the 'self proclaimed elite' and they cannot survive as 'lords over all' without us, the more He awakens the greater the crumbling down will be - great will the fall of Babylon be.

I personally believe that the greatest lie ever told is "TEIAFP"; and this can be proved by each of us walking on the Earth today.

Hi George, this specific phrase caught my attention. It sounds like what I have heard that some teach... that the resurrection has already come, that it's a spiritual awakening starting with Christ, and His few chosen at that time and will continue on until the whole world will be one with God. I believe it has reincarnation instead of the resurrection of the dead as the means of eventually getting everybody perfected.

That is not what Ray taught, nor what we support here on the forum. Now that may not be what you meant, but it did sound quite similar to it, and I know a brother/friend who left the forum to follow this line of reasoning, therefore my concern.

But I just wanted to make it clear to anybody reading here that we do not believe that, nor will we allow it to be taught here. If that was not what you meant, then good, just couldn't let it go.

Mercy, peace and love

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2016, 06:51:46 PM »

largeli -


Wow. You have just described with amazing accuracy what it's been like to walk through this over the past several years. Praise God. It is so refreshing and confirming to know that someone else has walked the same path and had the same thoughts, felt the same feelings, and asked the same questions toward God about this. Literally I read your post and it's like I'm reading my own mental diary from the recent past.. Gods plan is perfect.

Thank you for posting this.

I sensed the same in your words - hence my very lengthy response.

I understand that He has started a great awakening with a few in all Sovereign Countries on The Earth; like a trickle that gets bigger and bigger - or as we hold up the 'self proclaimed elite' and they cannot survive as 'lords over all' without us, the more He awakens the greater the crumbling down will be - great will the fall of Babylon be.

I personally believe that the greatest lie ever told is "TEIAFP"; and this can be proved by each of us walking on the Earth today.

You (and all of us) are not a number, nor alone, nor helpless - as we are on His Winning Team of Called Out Called Out (Wide Awake) Ones - we are (each of us) His Precious and unique Gems (and Priceless).

Kind Regards.

(Was asleep and now I am wide awake - and I keep knocking on His door, asking, seeking, and wrestling with Him for specific guidance on how to deal with all that He brings my way in my own personal daily journey He Planned from the very beginning) Humble & Humbly George.


What is "TEIAFP"?


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Re: Occultist symbols?
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2016, 02:43:27 AM »

Rick -

However don't you think the more we learn about God the more we will understand the world , life and ourselves ?

If we who come to hate these things we see and know that are evil and the wickedness in the world could change it then we would of thwarted the plan of God which no man can do.

God bless.

I obviously did not make clear that I do not expect the evil and wickedness to change (in this age of ours) - and like you, since He Called me Out, my heart's desire is to Know Him and Obey His Commandments, in order that I may please Him in all that I desire, think, say and do - and I value no ones opinion, especially my own - as I understand, it is all about His Truth, and never, ever, about our / my opinion(s). Ultimately, He is engraving in our hearts and minds His Fruit - which are His Characteristics - (i.e. the nine fold Fruit of His (Holy) Spirit), but each of us in His Time of His choosing).

I believe that evil men and women, or those that do extreme wickedness to others, are influenced by His adversary (that He created) , namely Satan, the Devil, who was a murderer and a liar from the beginning - and Satan has a kingdom that is not divided (as Jesus Himself confirmed) and Satan's kingdom includes demons, as well as wicked men and women (of which some pretend to be His Church doing His work on the Earth; but not all of Satan's kingdom is in the church, as there are many, many, who follow him who are outside the church), and these wicked men and women do not worship the One True God Almighty.

So yes, the Law of Sin and Death is in each of us, but there are Powers and Principalities in the heavenlies (who are not men and women) - who try to make men and women do these wicked and evil things.

The point I was trying to make was that these symbols are everywhere in plain sight - and it is only during the past several months I have seen this clearly (like I have awakened from a deep sleep, or come out of a heavy mist)- as I did not give it much thought until recently - when I saw the root cause of a significant aspect, and how this controls and enslaves each and every one of us in our daily lives.

I am simply stating that since I have seen the depth of this deception, I am daily seeking His Face, asking Him to show me what He wants me to do about it - and how I can come to terms with this Truth - as once this is known, it cannot be unknown.

I am sorry I did not make this clear - as we know that He prepares the steps that we must all walk in, and always has done - and we must all walk in these steps He has prepared for us (whether we do Good or we do Evil).

I hate no one at all - as He has Commanded us to forgive everyone all things lest we be not forgiven our own sins by Him - and that we conquer Evil not by doing Evil ourselves, but by doing Good - and we all know that Good only comes from The One True God Almighty.

I am sorry I did not make this clear - and I hope this further clarification explains this point a little better.

Kind Regards.

Faithfully and Sincerely, George.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2016, 04:37:28 AM by cheekie3 »
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