Thanks so much for your kind words ladies. People such as you are being used of Him to bless and encourage others and I would endeavor to do the same. Pamela, the song you referenced speaks to me profoundly. We all go through storms in life in the carnal,but the storms going on inside which is of a spiritual nature are what would seem to me to matter the most.
For I believe this is where Jesus Christ not only sees us through the carnal storm but he heals the internal storm raging as well, eventually making it calm "as a sea of glass". Praise Him for His tender mercies; I do not deserve such love. I can go through the storms of the sea and by the Grace of God we all can and will! God has humbled me and shown me that if you think your "storm" is too great to endure that there are many going through much rougher,harder and chaotic storms than I am. HE is there for us all and I praise Christ for this. I have read much of L. Ray Smith who was and still is a great teacher inspired from our King; and I believe in my heart of hearts that his reward will be great. I look forward to seeing this man eye to eye, and shaking his hand and embracing him. I will thank him for being strong,teaching and enduring so much and for being used of God even after his passing unto sleep.
Love in Christ,