"Or where do we read that "to be absent from the body IS to be present with the lord" There is no such Scripture. That Scripture is virtually always misquoted. "
Is there a scripture that is misquoted? I have heard this at several funerals by the same preacher. I really enjoy your site. Thanks in advance...June
Dear June:
The Scripture in question is II Cor. 5:8--"We are confiden, I say, and willing ['confident AND willing'--two things, not one] rather to be absent from the body, AND TO BE PRESENT ['absent and be present'--two things, not one] with the Lord."
It is "AND to be present," and "IS to be present." This makes it two differnt things, not one and the same thing. Furthermore, "TO BE" is future tense not present tense as in the same instance as death, but rather something that will happen after in the future--AT THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
Paul knew that he would be resurrected from the dead in the future, not that he would be present with the Lord the instant that he died (See I Cor. 15:50-54).
God be with you,