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Author Topic: Mindful Meditation  (Read 2648 times)

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Anjel Uriel

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Mindful Meditation
« on: May 18, 2022, 11:53:29 PM »

Hi everyone, I haven’t seen new topics being started recently so I decided to start a new one. What do you all think about mindfulness meditation. I’m into self improvement and everyone it seems that says that meditation is one of the best habits to implement along with gratitude journaling. I have no problem with gratitude journaling since it’s thanksgiving to God but I don’t know about mindfulness meditation. For people who don’t know, mindful meditation is when you concentrate on your breath and try to stay on the present moment. When your mind wanders, you’re supposed to let go of that thought and return your focus to your breath. This is said to improve your mindfulness or presence, which is the skill of focusing and not subconsciously daydream. People say that this skill is really important in the modern day and I agree.

With technology becoming more advance everyday and social media growing, people have started to become like zombies where their attention span is so limited that they can’t even talk face to face without checking their phone or read more than a few lines in a book before their mind wanders. The reason I’m asking what you all think is because when I think of meditation, I think of buddhist monks and eastern religions. I know Ray said in an email that it was the pagans who first started wearing shoes so not everything of pagan origin is evil. So, do you think a Christian could practice mindful meditation to make improve his presence skill, with no intentions of getting into pagan religions or do you believe it’s best to just stay away from it.

Maybe it’s a silly question because The Scriptures say to not be overly righteous but I don’t know what that means so I’m asking here. They also say “to the pure all things are pure” (Titus 1:15) so what I get from that is that as long as Christ is in you and your conscience is not condemning you then you’re not sinning when doing acts that are not so significant (like blowing out birthday candles which was the subject of the email).

 Here’s the email:,1239.msg10953.html#msg10953

I recently found out that Christmas along with other "traditions common to man" have nothing to do with Jesus when they originated.  However, I am finding limited information on birthdays and cakes.  Do you have information on this topic?  I am trying to figure out if God is pleased with me having cake and using candles.  (I already know the wishing part is wrong).

Dear Reader:
I think that there are more important things to be concerned about than candles on a birthday cake "Unto the pure all things are pure."
Not everything that may have originated with the pagans, is necessarily evil.  What will over-concerned Christians on such matters ever do if they find out that it was the pagans who first wore shoes?

God be with you,

The LORD answered, "Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. Isaiah 49:15

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2022, 12:06:56 AM »

This is meditation IMO:  Psa 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: ...

Anjel Uriel

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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2022, 12:34:25 AM »

This is meditation IMO:  Psa 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: ...

Hi Dennis, I honestly need to do that more. With all these news about a recession coming, inflation, war in Ukraine, etc, I think I lost sight of trusting everything to God. There’s a lot of fear mongering lately but I need to remember that this is all a part of God’s plan and that I must never let go of the faith, not that I did but I’ve certainly been more distracted than usual. Thanks and God Bless
The LORD answered, "Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. Isaiah 49:15


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2022, 02:17:55 AM »

The only form of meditation that I personally do is at night when I listen to scriptures read aloud set to relaxing music.  That certainly helps tame my carnal mind.  It’s very difficult and rather uncomfortable I find, to wander while doing that. 

Hi everyone, I haven’t seen new topics being started recently so I decided to start a new one. What do you all think about mindfulness meditation. I’m into self improvement and everyone it seems that says that meditation is one of the best habits to implement along with gratitude journaling. I have no problem with gratitude journaling since it’s thanksgiving to God but I don’t know about mindfulness meditation. For people who don’t know, mindful meditation is when you concentrate on your breath and try to stay on the present moment. When your mind wanders, you’re supposed to let go of that thought and return your focus to your breath. This is said to improve your mindfulness or presence, which is the skill of focusing and not subconsciously daydream. People say that this skill is really important in the modern day and I agree.

With technology becoming more advance everyday and social media growing, people have started to become like zombies where their attention span is so limited that they can’t even talk face to face without checking their phone or read more than a few lines in a book before their mind wanders. The reason I’m asking what you all think is because when I think of meditation, I think of buddhist monks and eastern religions. I know Ray said in an email that it was the pagans who first started wearing shoes so not everything of pagan origin is evil. So, do you think a Christian could practice mindful meditation to make improve his presence skill, with no intentions of getting into pagan religions or do you believe it’s best to just stay away from it.

Maybe it’s a silly question because The Scriptures say to not be overly righteous but I don’t know what that means so I’m asking here. They also say “to the pure all things are pure” (Titus 1:15) so what I get from that is that as long as Christ is in you and your conscience is not condemning you then you’re not sinning when doing acts that are not so significant (like blowing out birthday candles which was the subject of the email).

 Here’s the email:,1239.msg10953.html#msg10953

I recently found out that Christmas along with other "traditions common to man" have nothing to do with Jesus when they originated.  However, I am finding limited information on birthdays and cakes.  Do you have information on this topic?  I am trying to figure out if God is pleased with me having cake and using candles.  (I already know the wishing part is wrong).

Dear Reader:
I think that there are more important things to be concerned about than candles on a birthday cake "Unto the pure all things are pure."
Not everything that may have originated with the pagans, is necessarily evil.  What will over-concerned Christians on such matters ever do if they find out that it was the pagans who first wore shoes?

God be with you,


Anjel Uriel

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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2022, 02:43:45 AM »

Hi Ralph, I’ve done something similar but it’s when I fall asleep to ASMR of people reading the gospels. I find that it helps me immensely to relax. Hearing Christ’s words while a soothing voice reads them makes me sleep like a baby. But, I think I might implement your method of meditation because I need my carnal mind to stop wandering. Especially, when it comes to intrusive thoughts. I’ll be thinking of Jesus and out of nowhere here comes the evil thoughts or just doing something like taking out the trash and here comes the carnality blindsiding me. I’ll start to think deeply on The Lord's Word since it seems like the Scriptural form of meditation. Which will be to grow closer to Him and also practice focusing on something specific cause I’ve found that a lot of times people will be talking to me and mid conversation, I’ll space out and start daydreaming. To the point they have noticed and told me things like “Earth to Anjel”, “Yo comeback”, “Anjel, you’re going on a trip”. I think it’s a combination of my ADHD and blasting my brain with social media and video games.

The only form of meditation that I personally do is at night when I listen to scriptures read aloud set to relaxing music.  That certainly helps tame my carnal mind.  It’s very difficult and rather uncomfortable I find, to wander while doing that. 

« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 02:48:24 AM by Anjel Uriel »
The LORD answered, "Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. Isaiah 49:15


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2022, 05:10:01 AM »

I can definitely relate to the ADHD and intrusive thoughts.  I’ve been battling those for 30 years, although things have greatly improved.  And it wasn’t because of anything I did.   The change started when I began to feel sickened by my thoughts and behaviors, fell to my knees and begged God to deliver me from them.  I still battle with these things but often when a thought creeps in, I am able to stop myself from entertaining it, whereas before, I would almost go into a trance meditating on it.  Here is a good thought that just creeped in.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

P.S.  You need to stop blasting your brain with social media and video games bro.  I was there too.  Do you have any hobbies?  Mine are art, music and I am learning Spanish.  Very therapeutic. 

Hi Ralph, I’ve done something similar but it’s when I fall asleep to ASMR of people reading the gospels. I find that it helps me immensely to relax. Hearing Christ’s words while a soothing voice reads them makes me sleep like a baby. But, I think I might implement your method of meditation because I need my carnal mind to stop wandering. Especially, when it comes to intrusive thoughts. I’ll be thinking of Jesus and out of nowhere here comes the evil thoughts or just doing something like taking out the trash and here comes the carnality blindsiding me. I’ll start to think deeply on The Lord's Word since it seems like the Scriptural form of meditation. Which will be to grow closer to Him and also practice focusing on something specific cause I’ve found that a lot of times people will be talking to me and mid conversation, I’ll space out and start daydreaming. To the point they have noticed and told me things like “Earth to Anjel”, “Yo comeback”, “Anjel, you’re going on a trip”. I think it’s a combination of my ADHD and blasting my brain with social media and video games.

The only form of meditation that I personally do is at night when I listen to scriptures read aloud set to relaxing music.  That certainly helps tame my carnal mind.  It’s very difficult and rather uncomfortable I find, to wander while doing that.


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2022, 05:08:45 PM »

I can’t think of anything negative arising from daily meditation. What would be a reason to not implement this?
I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi

Anjel Uriel

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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2022, 10:06:14 PM »

I quit playing video games around like 1 month ago. I have played sometimes on my phone but after a day of downloading the game, I delete it. It's been mostly easy, sometimes I get the urge to play them but unlike my other vice, it's pretty easy to resist. It's been a weird experience though, Ive been playing video games ever since I was a child, I think I was already playing them when I was 4. I quit because I realized I wasted my childhood and teen years inside a virtual world instead of making friends and having new experiences. I let my social skills deteriorate so badly that I'm a 21 year old hermit. The fact I take long to respond to messages and posts here despite doing nothing all day is proof of how much they have fried my brain and my ability to communicate with others. I saw everyone my age having social activities and would get sad so to numb the pain I would hop on an RPG to feel like I'm making progres instead of leveling up in real life.

So I quit and been feeling better but I inadvertently replaced my addiction with the bad habit of scrolling endlessly on social media, i.e. Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. I deleted the Instagram and Facebook app from my phone but I still hop on occasionally but I went from easily 2 hours daily to maybe 20-30 minutes weekly and every day I want to get on it less because it tempts me to sin (the most popular content on IG is mostly half naked women). I still use YouTube A LOT,  I know I need to reduce my consumption but I haven't gotten to that point yet.

In terms of hobbies, since quitting video games and IG/FB, I have gotten into reading, which I used to like as a kid but stopped because books aren't as stimulating as video games. I gotten into fitness and when I get the chance I'm getting in the gym. I like journaling because I get to express my creative side and I have been resurrecting my backyard with my dad and learning to grow food so you could say I also picked up gardening/agriculture.       

I can definitely relate to the ADHD and intrusive thoughts.  I’ve been battling those for 30 years, although things have greatly improved.  And it wasn’t because of anything I did.   The change started when I began to feel sickened by my thoughts and behaviors, fell to my knees and begged God to deliver me from them.  I still battle with these things but often when a thought creeps in, I am able to stop myself from entertaining it, whereas before, I would almost go into a trance meditating on it.  Here is a good thought that just creeped in.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

P.S.  You need to stop blasting your brain with social media and video games bro.  I was there too.  Do you have any hobbies?  Mine are art, music and I am learning Spanish.  Very therapeutic. 

The LORD answered, "Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. Isaiah 49:15

Anjel Uriel

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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2022, 10:22:54 PM »

Hi lareli, the reason I asked is because when I hear about meditation, there's multiple viewpoints. There's the scientific viewpoint which is that daily mindful meditation helps people reduce overthinking and increases presence which basically means staying in the present moment, not daydreaming or mind wandering (which happens to me on a consistent basis). So I would think there's nothing wrong with it until you reach the religious folks. The pagans say that meditation is a technique to clear your mind of thoughts so you can reach enlightenment, open the chakras and connect with "The Universe" as well as reaching inner peace. The christians say that meditation is a ritual to worship false gods and practicing it is engaging in heathenism as well "learning the way of the nations" and that you shouldn't empty your mind of thoughts but fill it with The Word of God. That's why I'm conflicted if I should implement it or not, I'm not trying to open some chakra or worship false gods, but be able to stay more in the present moment and not get distracted so easily. But, I don't want to engage in something which could be evil so I asked here since multiple heads are better than one.

I can’t think of anything negative arising from daily meditation. What would be a reason to not implement this?
The LORD answered, "Could a mother forget a child who nurses at her breast? Could she fail to love an infant who came from her own body? Even if a mother could forget, I will never forget you. Isaiah 49:15


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2022, 02:32:35 AM »

I don't personally see anything wrong with meditating on good things, especially if they set us on the race to win Christ. Though, I do wonder (quite a bit, I may add) how much our preconceived ideas (after coming out of Babylon) on what is right and wrong are spiritually in line with the Spirit.

I remember Ray once said something like – “a person can be in a wheelchair or bed and still come into union with God through His spirit”. That tells me that whatever is right or wrong comes out of the heart and mind. If I do outward physical things that, I think, make me holy inside, but my heart and mind are dark, what's the point?

Rom 7:25  I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I myself am a slave to the law of God, but with my flesh, to the law of sin.

If I gain the world's approval, what profit is it? According to the world, I'm a dead beat good for nothing sinner. I never do things that are right in their eyes. Maybe God wouldn't have it any other way. Perhaps God did this to humble me so that He could exalt me later. If what Paul said is true, then I should glory in my weakness's. 

We start by cleaning the inside and the outside will follow. I know you know these things, Anjel, so it's good to encourage one another with these words.

Mat. 23:26 First clean the inside of the cup, so the outside of it may also become clean.

Coming from one socially inept hermit to another. ;)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 02:35:20 AM by Porter »
Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2022, 03:36:06 AM »

Well I guess I could call myself some what of a hermit the only time I have with people are my kids And grandkids .
Otherwise I'm alone I watch documentaries on nature very enjoyable watching God beautiful creatures and seeing parts of the world I've never seen before .
I also find painting by numbers is relaxing while listening to Rays audios .
I've started gardening veggies and flowers .
God Bless



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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2022, 11:21:51 AM »

Thank God we have a High Priest who pleads to God for us, for our welfare
and is mindful of us.

Heb.2:6–It has been testified somewhere, what is man that you are mindful of him?
Or the son of man that you care for him.

the worldly meditation out there is self-serving, and some is big business.
And a lot of it draws the tourists, same as architectural monuments etc.
Do you notice how people are drawn to history. Like Ray once said, “ history is a
chronicle of wars”. It’s also full of evil deeds. The carnal mind is incapable of true
Spiritual meditation.

Ray,,” As long as we obey the beast within, we are NOT AWARE of just how evil
this beast really is. As long as we obey our carnal mind ,we are NOT AWARE of how evil our carnal mind is. The carnal mind sees only itself.

Because the carnal mind (of humanity ) is enmity ( deep seated hatred) against God) for it is not subject
to the ( spiritual) law do God, neither indeed can be (is able) so that they that are in the flesh( carnal
minded) cannot please God.( Rom.8:6-8)

Here are a few statements from BT posts that I wholeheartedly agree with.

“ When the beast within is diminishing, the spirit of Christ is increasing. This in itself will
open up some serious spiritual insights.” Joe

“ After we see that we are the beast, we know that there is nothing good within us or of any worth.
Then the knowledge we gain is centred in who He ( Jesus ) is and not self serving knowledge that
feeds the beast.” Robin

“if there is anything worth knowing, it is that free Will is a myth, a lie, and the truth is that God is in control.”Arc

I believe that a total understanding of the sovereignty of God is the most important knowledge
and wisdom that we can acquire.

2 Tim. 1:13…. Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me,
in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

Luke 18:1…. And He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray
and not lose heart.

Psalm 88:1…. O Lord God of my salvation, I cry out day and night before you.

Porter, I heard Ray say that also, that even if you are paraplegic on you back in bed , you can still
do this because it is spiritual. ( of the mind)

As he thinks, so is he, so think on these things. All the good news .

Gen.8:1…. But God remembered ( mindful) Noah and all the beasts, and all the livestock
that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth and the waters subsided.

The troubled waters subsided.Praise God.
" No man can come to me,except the Father draw him"
                                   (John 6: 44)


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2022, 03:16:35 PM »

Well I guess I could call myself some what of a hermit the only time I have with people are my kids And grandkids .

I can relate to that. I'm surrounded by family, but I'm introverted, and it makes me sad if I think about it too much.

I believe that a total understanding of the sovereignty of God is the most important knowledge
and wisdom that we can acquire.
I think so too. What could be more carnally minded and God hating than believing I am my own god? It could be that there is no greater abomination for me than to stand in the “holy place” which belongs to God.

To be honest, I'm uncertain if I'm completely over this yet, hence “there was a war in heaven”. No doubt, the beast within doesn't go down without a fight.
Luk 22:31  "Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.
Luk 22:32  But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you, when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2022, 05:09:16 PM »

This is meditation IMO:  Psa 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: ...
Yes Dennis, I believe it's just that simple.

One of the first times the Bible mentions meditation is in Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

The Bible also mentions meditating on God’s unfailing love (Psalm 48:9), on God’s works and all his mighty deeds (Psalm 77:12), on God’s precepts and his ways (Psalm 119:15) and on God’s promises (Psalm 119:148).

Secular meditation is focused on letting go of our attachment to everything but the present moment, the present breath. Biblical mediation is focused on clinging as close as we can to the ways, promises and words of God.

Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.
                                     John 8:12


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2022, 07:08:11 PM »

Summed up beautifully.  Amen.

This is meditation IMO:  Psa 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: ...
Yes Dennis, I believe it's just that simple.

One of the first times the Bible mentions meditation is in Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

The Bible also mentions meditating on God’s unfailing love (Psalm 48:9), on God’s works and all his mighty deeds (Psalm 77:12), on God’s precepts and his ways (Psalm 119:15) and on God’s promises (Psalm 119:148).

Secular meditation is focused on letting go of our attachment to everything but the present moment, the present breath. Biblical mediation is focused on clinging as close as we can to the ways, promises and words of God.

Philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


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Re: Mindful Meditation
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2022, 01:36:50 AM »

Very well stated Wanda
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