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Author Topic: the near death experience topic  (Read 5833 times)

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the near death experience topic
« on: September 06, 2006, 08:54:25 AM »

hi everyone,

i was just reading the insert on near death experience to Ray and i just had to write this:
mybe the explanation of the experience is wrong, mybe we should call it something else but guys, there is that odd experience that one gets and come out of it to think its kind-a near death cos its not of this world so to say. this guy was explaning his near death experience and i really really can relate to it.
with my experience i was not even sick or in an accident or life threatening situation. i had just been crying so much for my mother and after i prayed to God to show me and assure me that my mother is fine wherever she is. one day when i came back from work i took a nap and it only lasted for some time but like that guy said: it not abt time when one is out of his\her body.
suddenly i went to deep sleep and had a man coming to show me where my mother was and the way he came to fetch me he just took the spirit and not the body and i could still see my body as i left with him. i asked him why is my body left that cold cos i could see that he is taking me and leavin my body cold, i told him that i had to come back to that body and U know his response? he said that, that is what happens if a person dies, only their spirit gets taken and their body is left lifeless and let me refer U to Genesis 2:7 that the Very spirit that God blew after making a human being, He only takes that and the rest goes back to the soil that He used to make a man. i witnessed my father dying and can confirm that his last breath was out of his nose and not anywhere else. (U R allowed to call me crzy)
the story is long and people will find me crazy i know but guys, its so true. only a person who's been there can understand really. with me i did not have to be bed-ridden to experience it hence i say mybe we wrong by calling in near-death experience rather we call it somethin else.
wish i could tell U more on this experience but let me rather leave it. its like God words, its madness to some people.
wonder if i can have one witness out there to confirm this.



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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2006, 02:25:06 PM »

It's an interesting topic, but I've never had the experience, nor do I personally know anyone who has. I still believe Ecclesiastes 9:10 is correct when it says there is no knowledge (or awareness) for those who have died.

Some NDEs can be explained away as dreams or visions. However, there are records of people who've had these experiences while there was no brain activity. If Scripture is true (and I believe it is), then in those cases, the brain activity was probably so miniscule that the monitors were unable to pick it up, but it was just enough to allow them a bit of awareness.

Anyone else have any ideas?



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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2006, 03:24:22 PM »

Hi Shoani and Sandy,

I have a male friend who attempted suicide to the point his heart stopped, along with his breathing for 2 or 3 minutes before the paramedics resuscitated him. We spoke about it after a loved one of mine comitted suicide and I wondered where he 'was' now.
Anyway, my friend went on to describe how he saw his mum and his uncle 'on the other side' and felt that he didn't want to leave them when he was 'brought back'  At the time I admit to getting a bit of comfort from that in the light of my then recent circumstances. I doubted it was really true though but believe that HE really felt that he had had that experience. When I asked him if he thought it could have been a dream, he said it couldn't have been because he was technically dead at the time.

In fact, the truth is that even though someone is technically dead because they are flat-lining and have respiratory failure, The brain is not really dead for quite a bit after that. Deterioration under normal circumstances does not really start till about 4 mins after circulation stops (there are always exceptions tho) People have been resuscitated as long as 8 mins after the machines stop detecting, without adverse effects on recovery, 16-20 mins if drowed in very very cold water (slows deterioration)

Anyway, my point is that the body tissues  and fluids hold enough reserves to keep the brain going long enough for the subconscience to continue even though there are no outward vital signs. It is said that the 'hearing is the last thing to 'go' which is why we were always very respectful about what we said when performing 'last offices' on a dead person. Now, if the person is successfully resuscitated, then there is a very good chance they will retain a thought pattern of what was going on in their minds. I have to say also, on a personal note, that the couple of near-deaths I've had, there was nothing of real note I could remember or comment on other than hearing sounds but not being able to distinguish where they came from or what they were.

I would still go with the scripture. Hope that helps in some way



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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 12:06:14 PM »

i blive that God's work is beyong human explanation. even if we were to explain it in medical terms but i think God goes beyond that. mybe people can call it what they like but there is such experiences that people get and i've come to realise that the world has become so intolerant of such things so much that people dont want to talk abt it anymore and think they'll be ridiculed.  like i said mybe its not near death but it really is something to write home abt and happens to at least one person in 20\30 or so.
death is just the removal of human breath from the body and the body gets taken to the very soil where it was made from. its not that big secret as people make it to be. the actual secret is where does one go after death not the death itself. death is just the mode of transport and the destination remains the secret which i think with such a loving God we have, he must have at least chosen His beloved to show them the place and He knows that even if they were to tell, the world will not blive them cos they never blived Jesus anyway.

thanx for responding though Angie


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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 06:02:23 AM »

sorry Bobby, like i said initially, mybe this experiences have been called near death as people did not know what to call them but I Stress that people have had experiences like that, so i dont want to be misunderstood: i DID NOT SAY its the near death experience but rather an experience that those who have experienced it opted to call it near death, remember i said mine, "I DID NOT HAVE TO BE DEAd OR NEAR DEATH to experiences it. was just tired coming from work when i had one. if its from Satan then, he did not get anything from me by that.
the question is not who  this experiences R from but R people right by calling them near death? that is what i was trying to raise. not death itself. i know a person dies and that's it. no return.

as for ur question that why doesn't everyone experience them? then i can ask U the same and say why dont i have what U have? and that is bcos we R difference and that is what makes life interesting. i cannot have what the next person be it big or small. its like asking God why he made us more darker in Africa rather and made it worse by placing us near the Sun from the Tropic of Capricon. His answer does not matter, the thing is HE luvs us just the same.

still i say, am not of the opinion that its a NEAR death experience but JUST an experience. i was not near any death situation at the time myself Bobby. Sorry to hear abt ur death accidents. if Angie can explain it she'd probably say U never had one cos ur brain was swollen and U could not have remembered even if U had one(Medically that is) but dont respond to this one ok.

U right abt dying once. death is a one way trip and nobody has come back except Jesus alone. i also remember the scripture of Jesus's late arrival at some woman place who asked Jesus to pray for a dead child, which Jesus did and then the child came to life, just cant seem to find that  scripture.  now.mybe some1 will find it and tell me.

Chris R

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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 10:16:40 AM »

Mark 5 : 39-43

Chris R


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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 12:56:24 PM »

just a thought:   my experience has been that I can hear the phone ring or something-- when I am sleeping and dream what
seems like a complete dream surrounded around that ring or child calling for me........  but obviously, it was only a moment in
time -- seemed like a long dream experience as I wake up and remember it..... in that state of barely conscious.  That is weird,
how a complete dream experience can happen in the short time it takes for the phone to ring and awaken me. 

Couldn't a similar thing happen w/ some people when they are losing consciousness in a trauma? 

just a thought.......



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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2006, 01:06:45 PM »

what could I possibly say here, that would not be misconstrued, taken the wrong way, seen as negative, backbiting or defamatory to anyone in some way?
I thought about it all afternoon, I prayed about it, and in short, the answer was 'nothing' so here it is.


[lets call it my other cheek]
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 04:03:49 PM by angie »


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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2006, 05:20:36 PM »


Beautiful...Couldn't have said it better myself, oh yeah, I forgot... I have.... now if we could somehow make people believe that.

Your discomfitted brother,


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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2006, 06:15:51 PM »


Right on!

Mongoose: Didn't mean to make it sound like I had said that BETTER than you, just that I HAD said it...kinda looked that way after I read it again. Just wanted to clear that up.



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Re: the near death experience topic
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2006, 05:47:38 AM »

thanx Chris for the scripture Mark 5 -39. i lea

Mongoose - U right abt lot of things. but am lost by some of the things said and wont explain myself. its ok.

it may have not been a hill's beans on Christ i agree, hence i posted it under off-topic discussions. i thought i will have more clarity (open minded but sticking to Christ) and guidance on that. am still new to Christ myself and mybe am guilty for not explaining myself clearly. for me this is a misunderstanding. but like i siad its ok.

thanx for spreading luv

May God of luv reighn over small discussions like mine.


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