Dear Alexie: I will make a few COMMENTS in you email...........
> Is man really an immortal soul.
COMMENT: NO. Man is a "living soul," until he dies, and then he is a DEAD SOUL.
When you die, do we really go to
> heaven and instantly go to hell.
Could you tell me what really is the
> Kingdom of Heaven.
COMMENT: Not in less than five or ten pages I have written much about it on our site.
You need to read our site.
What does the phrase "Born Again" mean?
COMMENT: Again, I have written on this subject on our site. It is qauite involved, as
no one is literally "born again" in this life. We are "begotten again" or "begotten anew,"
but we will not be literrally born anew of the spirit in spiritual bodies until the resurrection.
God be with you,