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Author Topic: where is the safe room ?  (Read 10124 times)

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where is the safe room ?
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:10:40 PM »

i find lately that there are a good number of people coming to this board that do not really agree with Ray and Mikes teaching.


now i don't think what i would like should happen, but to help me express what i'm trying to say

lately i feel like i need a new section to appear on the forums

something like

"section for those who actually agree with Ray and Mike"

in that section no one would be permitted by mods to post anything that is in clear disagreement with the truths i've already accepted as i've studied Ray and Mikes sites.

again i'm not saying anything i say is what should happen (God forbid)

i'm trying to express my frustration at having to weed through dangerous  posts to get to the blessings

i have read posts here that have really blessed me though.

but i had to spend a bit long weeding through dodgy stuff to get to them

for example

posts seeming to suggest the babylon "church system" isn't all that bad

Mike clearly teaches it is and i agree with him, if it isn't all that bad why did God command me to come out of her.

posts seeming to contradict plain statement of scripture

whats that going to achieve that's good ?

posts quoting pseudo bible translations

i want to understand the hidden wisdom in the bibles i've already got not wade through the 10 wacky suns and the bits that might be damnable heresy

posts saying God might really want to torture people for eternity after all clearly states that is the gravest lie, and will disqualify anyone who believes it in their heart from entering the kingdom of heaven, i agree with that.

posts saying you shall not surely die

posts etc etc etc

i can't just ignore that sort of error

WHY OH WHY do i have to wade through this kind of junk day after day to get to the post that says

i am His can't you just hear something of Him in this post

so to recap i am just trying to express how i feel, that i long for a bt board where gainsayers will just not come in and waste precious time.

in brief i want to SEPERATE FROM THOSE who disagree with Ray and Mikes material, which i consider to be what God used to get me into the doctrine of Christ, that i am hoping to pursue until the Lord returns

i'm sorry if this comes across wrong

but at least i've expressed how i feel and don't have to wonder if you know how i feel

where is the safe room ? LOL!

look i want to love my enemies but i don't want to read their posts everyday. (maybe every other day, or once a week when i'm weary)

sorry, i guess you can tell i'm a little exasperated :)

if you don't see me post for a day or two it'll just mean i'm simmering down (just a little mind, not going off the boil)

well bless you all and sorry if i have troubled any unnecessarily

and thanks again to the genuine seekers here



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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 08:00:44 PM »

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Revelation 2:11 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.

Revelation 2:17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

Revelation 2:26 To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations—

2 Timothy 2 14Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 19Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The Lord knows those who are his,"[a] and, "Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness."

Romans 1:21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

1 Corinthians 1:18 [ Christ the Wisdom and Power of God ] For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:20  
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?

1 Corinthians 1:21
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.

1 Corinthians 1:23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,

1 Corinthians 1:25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

1 Corinthians 1:27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

There is no safe room.


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 08:07:44 PM »

thats nice and this is rays site even though he dosent visit.

 i thank God a came across bts!! and i so much enjoy learning from him and mike.

 but do we stop there?  for me ray's teachings made me realize i had a lot to learn, and that some of my beliefs where not correct!!

 if i read  something from ray or mike and it makes me delve into scripture and then i find a tid bit of info that i wanna learn more about

 can i do this?? and if it dosent line up exacty with ray or mike can i not question it here and get some good freindly input??

 and why do i feel i have to walk on egg shells around here?

 you all know i love Christ and that i am a determinist and a creationist!!

 if this is a club where no one can question anything  than i dont belong.

 is not ray still learning new things?
 are any of us at the finish line?

 i will always be gratefull to ray and mike and i will always read the material.

   if one see's one particular scripture different than ray are they automatically a wolf? and trying to cause division?

 well, yall be good

the safe room is Christ in your heart. NO ONE can take that away.

and unless this forum is made private and not public, bukker up
and join the party, for we where forwarned, just skipp over what you dont like and start a love thread ;-]


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2006, 08:17:12 PM »

I love Christ and that I am a determinist and a evolutionist.  :shock:  :lol:  :twisted:


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2006, 08:32:59 PM »

Ertsky, I agree with you.

Chuck, I don't think he was refering to people like you. but rather people like
" Broken " , " brokenagain "  and those that just come here to arue their
unscriptural ET heresy, immortal soul , tithing , babylon is good, Jesus will fail at saving the world, etc...

To people like that I say ban them on the spot. unless of course it's someone
truly asking sincere questions, and is sincerely seeking Truth, not someone that's here with an agenda.


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Safe Rooms not practical
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2006, 08:52:50 PM »

Hi ertsky,

Why are you looking for a safe room?  How are you going to learn to wield the sword of the Word if you hide out in a safe room?  Heresey was God's idea, he has a purpose for it.

(KJV)  For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.

Better than hiding in a safe room is training the eyes and ears to detect and refute it.  If weeding through the posts to get a blessing is cumbersome, you could post a blessing yourself for others to read instead.

The occassional post with obvious heresey (they can't possibly catch them all) is an opportunity to witness.  Someone may be turned from their error and you may gain a brother or sister.  If you are well grounded in the truths that you have learned at B-T you will not be shaken by the heretics, they can only make you stronger.

God's peace and strength be with you.



  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2006, 08:55:29 PM »

In Mark 11:18 the chief priests and scribes wanted to destroy Jesus for they were afraid of Him for all the multitude was astonished at His teaching. This statement was made after Jesus threw them out of the temple for misusing their position for filthy lucre.The truth will always divide.
Eph. 4:14 As a result we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by trickery of men by craftiness in deceitful scheming.  Why should we think this forum is any different from any other forum that is trying to teach truth? The wolves are in here, ready to pounce and attack the first chance they have.
1 Tim: 1:3 Don't teach strange doctrines. How do we know what strange doctrines are, if we don't know what the right doctrines are?
1 Tim:16 Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching. Why would we be warned to watch what we are taught, if doctrine doesn't matter, as I have heard a few say?
2 Tim. 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
We are to guard our mind from teachings that are contrary to good doctrine. That doesn't mean we don't have legitimate questions about Ray and Mikes teachings, but we should really do our homework first before we try to dispute their articles. I sometimes see people come here who just want to argue. They aren't interested in truth, they just want to fight.
I came to BT because I wanted to find like-minded people. I really hope the rest of the people who are here feel the same. I have some minor differences with Ray and Mike, mostly their e-mail answers. But the major core of their beliefs are my beliefs. In fact, God had showed me many of hte truths I found in Rays articles.
Let us not underestimate how important doctrine {teaching} is. False doctrines are like a cancerous lesion that can eat you alive. False teaching leads to more false teaching and then we have nothing but a feel good forum where anyone can believe anything they want because we don't want anyone to feel unwelcome. I never felt welcome at churches that taught contradictory, illogical doctrine. They hated to be questioned about anything. Questioning is one thing, antagonistic, in your face meanness is not acceptable here.


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2006, 10:55:19 PM »

Quote from: ertsky
i find lately that there are a good number of people coming to this board that do not really agree with Ray and Mikes teaching.

Here is a list of everyone on this new/refreshed board who has posted at least 10 times:

Dennis Vogel
nightmare sasuke
Steve Crook
jerry cabral
Chris R
Joey Porter

How many of these posters are those who come here to either preach their own doctrines or disagree with Mike and Ray? I don't recognize all of the names on this list but I am familiar with the majority of them and to the best of my recollection the majority are those on this list are 'in agreement'.

So my question is, how many 'bad' or 'negative' or 'unfruitful' posts are you having to wade through to find something edifying?

And if there are so many 'unfruitful' and 'unedifying' posts being made that you find it difficult and frustrating to 'wade through them'... and this isn't just an exaggeration, then just who is it that is making them, when the majority of these posters - according to this list - are those 'in agreement'?

I'll admit that I find some posts to be 'unfruitful' and 'unedifying', as well. But they are not the result of disagreement; they're the result of a lack of respect for others and for differences, however slight or insignificant. (And I am not saying that they are all minor or insignificant.)

Quote from: ertsky

now i don't think what i would like should happen, but to help me express what i'm trying to say

lately i feel like i need a new section to appear on the forums

something like

"section for those who actually agree with Ray and Mike"

in that section no one would be permitted by mods to post anything that is in clear disagreement with the truths i've already accepted as i've studied Ray and Mikes sites.

How about those 'in agreement' that violate the rules of the forum?

Quote from: ertsky

again i'm not saying anything i say is what should happen (God forbid)

i'm trying to express my frustration at having to weed through dangerous  posts to get to the blessings

i have read posts here that have really blessed me though.

but i had to spend a bit long weeding through dodgy stuff to get to them

Same question.... if the majority of those who are posting (listed above) are 'in agreement' then just how "long" is it taking you to "weed through dodgy stuff to get to them"?

Quote from: ertsky

for example

posts seeming to suggest the babylon "church system" isn't all that bad

I haven't seen that one myself. Or are you referring to Jennie's question about her church and the fact that she took offense to the constant negative and often-time hateful remarks being made about "Babylon" and "Christendom", etc?? When she sees herself and her husband and those that THEY try to serve different from what you might find in other 'churches'?

Many who come here, especially those who are new to these teachings and the truth have not come out of their 'church' yet. Why is it ok to be so completely insensitive to that fact?

Quote from: ertsky
Mike clearly teaches it is and i agree with him, if it isn't all that bad why did God command me to come out of her.

Those who come out come out when God wants them to come out. No sooner and no later. Perhaps, since you have 'been there' you could remember from where is you have come and how far you have come and have some compassion for those who might come behind you - in their time, of God's choosing??

Quote from: ertsky
posts seeming to contradict plain statement of scripture

whats that going to achieve that's good ?

Well, doesn't that depend on a couple of things... like the motivation of the person making the post? ... their desire and ability to receive feedback and/or correction? ... the type of feedback that they receive?... God's will in this for them?

Quote from: ertsky
posts quoting pseudo bible translations

i want to understand the hidden wisdom in the bibles i've already got not wade through the 10 wacky suns and the bits that might be damnable heresy

Now we are getting somewhere... perhaps it is a particular poster that you have a problem and lack patience with??

To the best of my recollection, even Ray has at least some familiarity with these "pseudo bibles". He doesn't study them, as he has enough to do with studying the accepted cannon of scriptures. But why ostracize someone based on the fact that they have the time and desire to look into these things?  Perhaps they do so to look for additional 'support' of the Truth?

Quote from: ertsky
posts saying God might really want to torture people for eternity after all clearly states that is the gravest lie, and will disqualify anyone who believes it in their heart from entering the kingdom of heaven, i agree with that.

I agree with that as well.... but I also don't believe that not believing in "ET" automatically qualifies one for entering into His rest either. For anyone who "hates his brother" (whether or not he believes that the brother will be tortured in fire for eternity) abides in darkness and death and is of the devil (just read 1 John 3 - among other scriptures).

Quote from: ertsky
posts saying you shall not surely die

posts etc etc etc

i can't just ignore that sort of error

Then correct them. Someone took the time to correct your 'errors' didn't they? And where would you be today if they had not? Or if you had not come across Ray or Mike's website or a forum like this one (or whatever the 'beginning point' was for you)??

Quote from: ertsky
WHY OH WHY do i have to wade through this kind of junk day after day to get to the post that says

My original question still stands. Is this not a bit of an exaggeration considering the list above?

I object to many of the posts but my objections are completely different from yours, so I am having a hard time understanding why, when the majority of posts are from those of 'like-minds' that you have a problem with the few that are not (making them out to be more numerous and pervasive then they are)?

Quote from: ertsky
i am His can't you just hear something of Him in this post

I am His. Yet I am sure that some here think and believe otherwise, based on some of my posts about the division and strife among those who are 'in agreement'. Yet, I still hope that some here will hear something of Him in THIS post.

Quote from: ertsky
so to recap i am just trying to express how i feel, that i long for a bt board where gainsayers will just not come in and waste precious time.

Well, allow me to thank you for you comments and I acknowledge your feelings and I sincerely hope that God will work in you to overcome this issue and bring you peace where the forum is concerned.

We should all be allowed to express how we are feeling and have those feelings acknowledged. As I said, I have feelings/issues/concerns of my own and neither do I have the desire to waste precious time in wading through unfruitful posts. But I also believe that there is more to being "unfruitful" then just disagreeing. We all disagreed with at least some of these truths at one time or another.. and we found our way through that and TO Him.... the least we can do is try to help lead others to Him, as well.... even those who, for now, disagree. And we should show them the same respect that we ask them to show us or we are not better off.

Quote from: ertsky
]in brief i want to SEPERATE FROM THOSE who disagree with Ray and Mikes material, which i consider to be what God used to get me into the doctrine of Christ, that i am hoping to pursue until the Lord returns

i'm sorry if this comes across wrong

but at least i've expressed how i feel and don't have to wonder if you know how i feel

where is the safe room ? LOL!

look i want to love my enemies but i don't want to read their posts everyday. (maybe every other day, or once a week when i'm weary)

sorry, i guess you can tell i'm a little exasperated :)

if you don't see me post for a day or two it'll just mean i'm simmering down (just a little mind, not going off the boil)

well bless you all and sorry if i have troubled any unnecessarily

and thanks again to the genuine seekers here


Well, I hope you feel better after you 'simmer down' Frank.

I too have always had a problem with those coming in to "preach" contrary to the truths that I hold dear. I have never failed to say so. Nor have I ever failed to speak my mind on some other things.

But I have no problem at all with those who differ so long as they do it respectfully and do not attempt to deliberately disrupt the fellowship. I figure that we are all here for a reason and there is room for growth in all of us. May God give us the patience and the heart (His heart) to do as He commanded... and love our enemies and pray for them... and on occasion put up with them. Perhaps the one that we see as an “enemy� is the one that God has put into our path for a reason. Perhaps for their benefit… or perhaps for ours.

Sorry for the added length due to the quotes and the list...



  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2006, 10:57:13 PM »

Quote from: rvhill
I love Christ and that I am a determinist and a evolutionist.  :shock:  :lol:  :twisted:



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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2006, 11:10:16 PM »


Do you enjoy causing Division and Strife?


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2006, 11:17:49 PM »

Quote from: chrissiela
Quote from: rvhill
I love Christ and that I am a determinist and a evolutionist.  :shock:  :lol:  :twisted:


I don't like creationism or ID, nether one set well with me. I believe that evolutionist is a weak scientific theory, but it the best we have right now. Evolution is a weak theory because it lack Data, and the evidence it does have is not as solid as it should be. All we have is the fossil record, and it is incomplete. At best the fossil record is a blunt tool. The fossil record allows to much politics and Dogma from all side to inter in to the debate. That said evoltion is a much better theory then either Creationism or ID.

I do not believe creation theory is scripturally sound. ID is not good science either. The reason why is you can  not scientifically prove the existent of God and until you do you can't add God to nature philosophy. As a Christian I believe God is responsible for everything, but you don't see me crying, because every scientific theory does not include God. Life is no less or more miraculous then Gravity, thermodynamics, relativity, and any other physical effect.


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2006, 11:37:38 PM »


If you do not believe in creation then you make Christ a liar.

Rev 3:14  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; Rev 3:15  I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. Rev 3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2006, 11:50:59 PM »

Quote from: rvhill
Quote from: chrissiela
Quote from: rvhill
I love Christ and that I am a determinist and a evolutionist.  :shock:  :lol:  :twisted:


I don't like creationism or ID, nether one set well with me. I believe that evolutionist is a weak scientific theory, but it the best we have right now. Evolution is a weak theory because it lack Data, and the evidence it does have is not as solid as it should be. All we have is the fossil record, and it is incomplete. At best the fossil record is a blunt tool. The fossil record allows to much politics and Dogma from all side to inter in to the debate. That said evoltion is a much better theory then either Creationism or ID.

I do not believe creation theory is scripturally sound. ID is not good science either. The reason why is you can  not scientifically prove the existent of God and until you do you can't add God to nature philosophy. As a Christian I believe God is responsible for everything, but you don't see me crying, because every scientific theory does not include God. Life is no less or more miraculous then Gravity, thermodynamics, relativity, and any other physical effect.

Thank you for explaining, though I am not quite sure that I understood your explanation - in that I am not sure how one can believe that God is responsible for all (be a Christian) and yet not believe in 'creation'. That seems contradictory to me.

But, again, thanks for the explanation.



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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2006, 12:16:59 AM »

Quote from: sparkyman481

If you do not believe in creation then you make Christ a liar.

Rev 3:14  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; Rev 3:15  I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. Rev 3:16  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

I don't see how not believe in creation theory make Jesus out to be a lier. Do you really believe that Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth after being cast out of Eden? That their children mated with angles? What about the land of  nod?

Genesis 4:15 But the LORD said to him, "Not so [ Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Hebrew Very well ] ; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

Who was there to kill him?

Genesis 4:16 So Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Nod,  east of Eden.

A land mean people

Genesis 4:17Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.

city also mean people.

Genesis 6:2
the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose

Adam and Eve and their children are the Sons of God, but who are the daughters of men?

There is a reason why the bible say God created the earth in 7 days, but it does not mean in 7 real days. Any more then it mean the Beast is some man, who the world will follow as God. Notice that 6 the number of Man, and Adam was made on the 6th day. Each of the 7 number has a second meaning, and you can understand that meaning from reading Genesis 1. The story of Creation has nothing to do with Creation other then to say that God made everything. It about a lot of things, but it not really about how God made the world.


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2006, 05:28:36 AM »

Ertsky, I know we can all relate where you are coming from.  At times it gets hard to put up with people of the world.  This suffering, long patience, enduring, persecution, misunderstandings, accusations and feelings of lonliness, can at times get the best of us.  Never fear my brother, we have the spirit of the One who has overcome the world in us.

My brothers and sisters, I love to walk this life with His spirit, suffering as He did for this is a witness into itself that we are chosen of God.  Fight the good fight and endure unto the end.  When we try to walk in our own power we shall fall, or worse we might feel the need to be accepted by the world.  Always remain thankful, in which I know you are, to be accounted worthy to suffer for His names sake.

With my own experience, God knows that when things are going good and smooth, I have a strong tendency to not put Him foremost in my life.  So, I have learned from the chastening of the Father, that I must suffer to keep Him above everything else, and for this I am eternally grateful for having such a loving Father.

I must be honest and speak the truth, all the good times, praise from men, times of ease, do not have near the memory or lesson learned that have come from suffering for His names sake.  We are no longer of the world, that is why they will hate us.  But we, when we go through these experiences learn the right, albeit hard way, to treat our brethren.  Ours is not in mere words, but through truth in sincerity with a broken heart.  This is why we will one day be able to say these words, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

It's all about love, forgiveness and mercy.  We know the day will come when everyones eyes will be open, but we are the few, now.  We must never forget that they will, in Gods due time see the glorious truths as we do now.

The kingdom of God is within us, now.  The more we think on the spirit of Christ in us, within the inner man, the outer world becomes smaller and smaller.

Anyway, you made me think on some good things and that I am thankful for your post.

God bless you,



  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2006, 10:18:41 AM »

Quote from: rvhill
Quote from: chrissiela
Quote from: rvhill
I love Christ and that I am a determinist and a evolutionist.  :shock:  :lol:  :twisted:


I don't like creationism or ID, nether one set well with me. I believe that evolutionist is a weak scientific theory, but it the best we have right now. Evolution is a weak theory because it lack Data, and the evidence it does have is not as solid as it should be. All we have is the fossil record, and it is incomplete. At best the fossil record is a blunt tool. The fossil record allows to much politics and Dogma from all side to inter in to the debate. That said evoltion is a much better theory then either Creationism or ID.

I do not believe creation theory is scripturally sound. ID is not good science either. The reason why is you can  not scientifically prove the existent of God and until you do you can't add God to nature philosophy. As a Christian I believe God is responsible for everything, but you don't see me crying, because every scientific theory does not include God. Life is no less or more miraculous then Gravity, thermodynamics, relativity, and any other physical effect.


dang, depends on what angle you come from, there are differnt creationist
points of view. one is the  7 day, one is the gap theory, one is god working thru evolution, one is God created all men at one and then created adam, cain got his wife from people who where already here.

ID is the same what angle you come from? some beleive the big bang just happend, some beleive some ID is reponsible.
etc etc.

 and what kind of hints does God give us from scripture? well i got a bunch.
the first one being God did it!!!!! ;-]

 but that can be for another thread. if anyone wants to have an itellegnt
discussion i would love it , maybe i can learn more.and share what i have.

 well just ramblin


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2006, 10:40:13 AM »

Quote from: Sorin

Do you enjoy causing Division and Strife?

thats funny sorin, by this statment alone you do the same thing.

im 100% positive chrissie wants to see growth and maturity.

also :wink:  by me responding to it i am guilty, so everyone forgive me.

had to edit this in :oops:


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2006, 11:16:32 AM »

Quote from: eutychus
Quote from: Sorin

Do you enjoy causing Division and Strife?

thats funny sorin, by this statment alone you do the same thing.

im 100% positive chrissie wants to see growth and maturity.

also :wink:  by me responding to it i am guilty, so everyone forgive me.

had to edit this in :oops:


How about you let her answer her own questions?
when I'll ask you something then I'll expect you to answer.

Take care,


  • Guest
where is the safe room ?
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2006, 11:18:57 AM »

your wish is my command


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where is the safe room ?
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2006, 12:32:29 PM »

Quote from: Sorin
Quote from: eutychus
Quote from: Sorin

Do you enjoy causing Division and Strife?

thats funny sorin, by this statment alone you do the same thing.

im 100% positive chrissie wants to see growth and maturity.

also :wink:  by me responding to it i am guilty, so everyone forgive me.

had to edit this in :oops:


How about you let her answer her own questions?
when I'll ask you something then I'll expect you to answer.

Take care,


You seems to have a problem with one person vouching for the character of another, unless they are vouching for yours. Why is that? If someone knows someone better than someone else and well enough to know a little something more about their character or demeanor, then why shouldn't they be allowed to speak up for that other person in the midst of others who don't? That, to me, is brotherly love.

I did not answer the question because my intentions are NOT to cause strife and division, Sorin. Yet, your 'question' seemed, to me, to be one to PROVOKE such.

I try, on occassion, to PROVOKE OTHERS to LOVE and understanding and peace, Sorin.  No, I am not always successful - because some look to find fault with whatever is said and see only what they want to see. Not only in my posts, but in the posts of others. And the comments that are made are not always proper or necessary. This is evidenced by many of the locked threads. Those threads are not locked purely because of 'outsiders' or 'heretics'. Even those of like-mind are attacked by fellow brothers and sisters. Just look at what happened to Chuck the other day. And you wonder why he thought perhaps he was one of the ones that Frank was referring to?

He did not start the thread and he mentioned "Intelligent Design" (GOD) in his very first post in reference to the "Big Bang" but was accused of NOT believing in "Creation" and of "not being clear" and so further accused of "bringing it onto himself".

(I don't say that to reopen the discussion. Only to use as a recent example that should be fresh in everyone's minds. Please no one come here to reopen that discussion.)

I saw the comments that were made by Frank to Peacetroll on another thread and I could tell that there was a 'problem' there. And while I agree that Peacetroll has some very strange thoughts and ideas about the scriptures that are very foreign to what I would call the truth (Sorry peace, but true), I haven't seen him (or is it her?) be overtly disrepectful or over the top. And I have seen a lot of growth in Peacetroll and in the manner in which he posts over the time that he has been here. So shouldn't that give us some hope for him?

Not everyone (if anyone) comes to these truths overnight.  But they certainly aren't being 'helped' to come to them if they cannot even see the LOVE that we have for them and for others... and for EACH OTHER.  

We are to be known by the fruit of the spirit, Sorin. And if we abide IN HIM, then we abide in LOVE.

I was sinply trying to demonstarte to Frank that the majority of posters in this forum now are of like-mind and even some of those who are not are very close on many topics and not causing any problems.

It seemed to me (as he said so himself) that Frank was becoming overwhelmed... not by the 'majority' but by the 'minority'.

But because he is feeling so overwhelmed he is seeing what could be looked at as a much smaller problem (and be much more manageable to him) as a huge issue. I thought that if he realized that and could change his FOCUS a little bit that he would find this whole thing a lot more manageable and NOT feel so overwhelmed by it.

Sometimes we NEED people to come forward and say.... "Hey Stop!! and just take a minute.... take another look... maybe you can look at it differently... what about THIS??"

Is that not what we do with our very own children to teach them about how to manage "problems"? And even friends, relatives, co-workers, etc as we go through life and face various issues, problems and circumstances? Or see THEM facing problems and dealing with circumstances? ESPECIALLY when they become overwhelmed by them?

Sometimes it TAKES someone else's input and perspective to help you sort things out.

So no, Sorin I do not "enjoy causing division and strife". Nor do I think that I do that. If that is the "result" then I am sorry. If that is just simply all you "see", then you are wrong.

And I appreciate those who know me better KNOWING that my motivations are always sincere and my intentions are NEVER to cause strife or provoke others to anger.  Thank you Chuck!!!

I have answered the question now. I hope my answer is clear. I have no desire or intention to turn this into an argument so I'm not going to comment any further.

Blessings to all of you. May we all be guided and direct by His spirit and be found abiding in His love.

And may Frank not continue to feel so overwhelmed and be able to come back and find and enjoy the fellowship that he longs for, here.

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