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Author Topic: Literally  (Read 5033 times)

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« on: December 14, 2006, 02:16:41 PM »

 If I believe the scriptures and they are NOT true, I haven’t lost anything.

    BUT – if I DON’T believe them and they ARE true, I’ve lost EVERYTHING.

    I believe we should take the scriptures LITERALLY – for what they say.  I do not believe God would fill the scripture with symbolism and “deep thoughts” that would require US to SEARCH for the true meaning.  The Bible is meant for EVERY man and is FULL of his love for us and instructions for living.

    I didn’t read much of your site because I think you are walking a very thin line.  But I did read a portion about tithing not being scriptural.  Now – I ask YOU – WHERE do we get everything we have?  Isn’t it God who gives it to us in the FIRST place?  If so, don’t you think WE should give a portion of it back?  The scriptures say to “test” God in this area; it’s the ONLY place where we are told to test Him.  If we aren’t “tithing” in some form or fashion, we are simply TAKING.

    Tithing IS scriptural.  We were created to GIVE BACK.  Now – I don’t think it means we HAVE to give 10% back to the church, but I do believe it is our duty, as blessed children of God, to give back in helping the poor, feeding the hungry and spreading God’s word.  And sometimes, it isn’t MONEY we have to give; it could be our TIME.


    Dear Carol:

    I quote you:

    [1] I believe we should take the scriptures LITERALLY – for what they say.

    [2] Tithing IS scriptural.

    [3]  Now – I don’t think it means we HAVE to give 10% back to the church....

    Now, Carol, as you work a law firm, do you know what a "contradiction" is?  Do you think you would recognize one if it were shown to you?

    So we are to take the Bible "literally," and tithing [a tithe means TEN PERCENT] is "scriptural," but you don't think that we have to give 10% back?  In other words you don't believe your OWN WORDS. You DON'T believe that we are to "LITERALLY" do what the Bible says? Only what smaller portion YOU decide is adequate. Give me a break.

    God be with you,




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Re: Literally
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 02:17:49 PM »

I said:

–       I don’t think it means we HAVE to give 10% back to the church, but I do believe it is our duty, as blessed children of God, to give back in helping the poor, feeding the hungry and spreading God’s word.  And sometimes, it isn’t MONEY we have to give; it could be our TIME.

I did not “contradict” myself.  There are different ways to “tithe,” but it IS “tithing” all the same . . . .  And it IS scriptural.  Not to give back in some form or fashion is simply TAKING.  Again – we were CREATED to give.

Dear Carol:

Don't play "lawyer" with me, Carol, you are out of your league.

YOU SAID "LITERAL."  You said the the Bible is LITERAL. Yet when the Scriptures say "literally" 10% it does not mean "figuratively" 5%. If you believe that Tithing is a Law as it is stated in the Law of Moses, and you working for LAWyers, I would think that you could wrap your mind around this simple concept. Literal is LITERAL, and the percentage is spelled out precisely--10%!!  God did not say you could substitute some of your time in some other area of service and therefore STEAL part of the LITERAL 10% tithe that belonged to HIM!  Am I going to fast for you?  You contradict, Carol, and you contradict BIG TIME.  And now, to add insult to injury, you foolishly try to argue your way out of your unscriptural statements.

God be with you,



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Re: Literally
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2006, 09:20:57 PM »


First of all – I am NOT playing lawyer.  Nor do I claim to be a Bible scholar.  You are NOT reading what I wrote.  Let me rephrase:

I BELIEVE in giving 10% - as the Bible instructs us.

Scripture says to give to the LORD.  There are DIFFERENT ways of giving to the Lord – giving to the local church, supporting mission fields, helping the homeless person on the street, feeding the family next door who has lost its job, buying a meal for a “bum,” offering transportation to someone who doesn’t have a vehicle . . . .  The ways of “tithing” go on and on and on.

My mother taught me that you give where you are fed, and since I am fed at my local church, I do pay my tithes.  But it isn’t always necessarily in the offering plate as it is passed.  Especially at this time of year, my “tithes” are being spread throughout my community helping those in need.&nbs p;

God richly blesses us, and if we, in turn, give outside of ourselves – whether it be in the local church or throughout the community in HIS name, he will continue blessing.  But if we are just going to take, take, take and not be accountable to give back a portion, we are “robbing” God.

As the author of this website, you will not get your point across by attacking your writers.  I apologize if my initial email came across to you as an attack.  I merely have strong opinions when it comes to “interpreting” scripture.  I bel ieve it is very dangerous and confuses minds who do not know any better.

I continue to hold fast to my belief that we shouldn’t question what is given us in black & white.  I do believe that through certain times in our lives some scripture will have more meaning to us and perhaps we will see something in the verses that others cannot.  But to go through and pick at what we have been given to live by is dangerous.  We c< SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 11pt; COLOR: blue; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">an all “interpret” things differently, but to take it LITERALLY is quite “safe.”  I do not think God will hold it against us if, by chance, we had a misconception.

I DO believe in the rapture – and I believe our souls will be caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus.  That’s what God’s word says.  I DO believe in Satan – the father of LIES.  I believe in Heaven and Hell.  And I believe in the promise of eternal life through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Again – I apologize if I seemed to attack you; I try not to attack people.  Please forgive me.  I was merely expressing MY firm convictions and beliefs.

God is ALWAYS with me as HIS child,

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