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Author Topic: "IN THE DAY OF THE GREAT SLAUGHTER" - When the towers Fell - What did you think?  (Read 19616 times)

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Thank you Bobby.... that is great food for thought. My Granny used to have an expression that we still use here today. When we "kids" started getting a little uppity she said "we were getting a little too big for our britches". What she meant was we were thinking or acting like we were smarter, better, etc. , than others. Sometimes I think  we are "getting too big for our britches" in this, our own country. God has brought me down to size more than once. I would imagine that He will have to do so till the day I die. It is just our old human nature I guess. As hard as the bringing down to size is  there is beauty in the breaking down. We have experienced it first hand over the last 2 months. We had the fire which was terrible and put us down to just about nothing but the beauty of that breaking was seeing the good in so many. We are guilty (Michael and me) of saying from time to time that the world is just about as messed up as we can imagine and what must God think of us and then in the midst of our breaking , the good shines through. We saw it in all of you. We even saw it in that company I told ya'll about. Sometimes we get too big for our britches and God steps in to remind us of just who the Father is. Love to you all, Jennie


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I sent Ray an e-mail with my question, so I'll keep watching my inbox and you all can watch the E-mails section on here. :)


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I really enjoyed the paper. Having been to a couple of conferences, I can hear his voice as if I was there. I know, I'm different ;D

Now for "Part D".


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I'll second that Patrick! ;D


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I'll second that Patrick! ;D

Arcturus, what part of my post are you being the second witness too; me being different or now for part D or maybe both?  ;D :P


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 ;D  :D I really enjoyed the paper.................. I can hear his voice as if I was there.............., I'm different

Now for "Part D".
  :D  ;D


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And the motion passes.  ;D


  Anne C. McGuire


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Hi.  Good to be back. (Please read my adventures in the thread 1Cor13, I need prayer)

Anyway, I have read this entire thread.  I have not yet read the paper.  I wanted to hear your reactions first.  Very interesting.

I am a little nervous to read it.  I thought there was not going to be any apocalyptic events like the tribulation.  Here goes.  I will check back with you after I have read it.



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Let us take a look at our tower. My tower was reaching to the heavens. I had it all,so I thought. I kept building that tower higher and higher. I ,on my own, was building the foundation and thought I could add each floor as I built it higher and higher.

 It was God who started to tear this tower down from the top floor down and as it crumbled each floor was being torn down as the top floor hit the next floor and further down it crumbled and there my life lay in one big heap.

 God started to rebuild by starting the foundation built on Jesus Christ and one day it will be a beautiful temple built by God himself.

 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

 Luke 14:30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

 Genesis 11:4-11

 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

 5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.


Bobby, that sounded more like the Ray I am used to.  I am still chewing on this paper and will re read it again (maybe many times).

It seemed like a very physical interpretation, one I am not used to.  I thought life was going to go on until that last person dies, then the 1000 year reign, then the GWT.  Somehow, I untaught myself to worry about a tribulation.  Did I get something wrong here?




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Hi gena,

Yes, this article does show a physical interpretation. 
It is my understanding, that there is the physical aspect of scripture and the spiritual.
The people given 'eyes to see' (like Ray) know how to apply this to the scripture. 
Not all scripture have a literal meaning either, so there has to be discernment.

God's Spirit gives us this knowledge, and God uses Ray to teach us.
and we have to pray that God will guide our understanding.

There is a lot in the scripture about the end times,
even the church know some things about it.
But I believe God will only give the whole truth of the matter, to the elect.

Rev 3:11  "Behold, I come quickly. Hold fast to that which you have, so that no one may take your crown."

He comes quickly applies to this life when we die and also the end of this world,
when Christ will return and rule all nations that are left on earth.

Rev 12:5  "She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron..."

We have to have faith that God will always watch over and protect His elect  :)

Psa 91:14  "Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name."

mercy, peace, and love

« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 12:27:47 AM by Kat »


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Hello Gena see the physical interpretation in the teaching  is something that I too noticed. I believe that this observation however points to the tremendous importance of reading the times accurately and interpreting the seasons according to the word of God that has been done for us who are being guided by the teachings as set before us on Bible Truths via Ray.

I too observe the contrast in style to Ray's previous insights shared with us and have been  struck in awe at the accuracy and the content of his writing that shows where this generation is in terms of its evil and wickedness and the propensity for this generation to teach and preach peace and to turn sweet into sour and offer evil for good. For me the teaching we have received is a barometer that signals  the dangerous apathy of the world as it gravitates into more carnality and apostasy in wilful blindness that does not see or want to see the evidence that shows the truth of Christ’s words spoken in Spirit and fulfilled right before our own eyes as illustrated in the teaching and revelation of the meaning in the Scriptures surrounding 9/11.

You wrote : I untaught myself to worry about a tribulation.  Did I get something wrong here?

Many thoughts all at once came to mind after I read your observation.

I think belief or acceptance of the teachings of Mystery Babylon result in complacency, luke warmness, and wrong understanding. Christ taught us to be watching and praying at all times. We know and understand that we are called to a way of life not a once off Sunday sermon, Easter or Christmas celebration. We  are constantly visible to Christ not just as we pray or do good deeds. We are in front of Him all the time and only the wicked will say that God does not see what they are doing.  He said it is only a wicked generation who asks for signs. They want to have the house in order for the arrival of the King not because they are living in orderliness but because they do not wish to be caught out and only seek to be found in order whilst living in disorder. That is why they want to know when the thief is coming to be ready at that time not because they want to be ready at all times in season and out of season. A wicked generation wants to have its cake and eat it too. A double minded generation that serves mammon while paying lip service to God and their hearts are far from God. This is not who we are.

So by Mystery Babylonian teaching the wrong signals for the times, many are mislead to believe that there is peace and that they are okay and  do not have to apply what Christ taught as being applicable  in all generations in all seasons. Jesus taught that if our focus and attention is on the cares of this world that this would choke our faith and that we are to prefer to rely, lean and depend on Christ’s faith for our salvation that He brings to those who are waiting, expecting and looking for Him. He taught us to cast our cares on Him. Paul said too, that he was laying aside every burden behind him and he was running the race set before him with his eyes on Christ alone. He set the example.

….. so much dung as Paul would write,…..what we have been taught or what we have thought to be the truth in the past. Now is the day to look ahead to Christ our King. Not yesterday. I too came through much garbage and now stand in open view of Christ in a better promise. Dragged out of the compost of Babylon, …………..

You ask did you get something wrong. Gena non of us got something wrong. We all got everything wrong. Only Jesus got it right!

And so looking ahead to that great day with hope and joy, expectation and excitement, be encouraged, He comes again to …bring to full salvation those who are eagerly, constantly, and patiently waiting for and expecting Him. Heb 9:28

Luke 13 : 24 Strive to enter by the narrow door, force yourselves through it for may, I tell you will try to enter and will not be able. 25. When once the Master of the house gets up and closes the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door again and again, saying Lord open to us! He will answer you I do not know where what house hold – certainly not Mine you come from.
26 Then you will say We ate and drank in your presence and You taught in our streets. 26 But He will say, “ I tell you I do not know where, what house hold – certainly not Mine you come from, depart from Me al you wrong doers!

 Compare Matt 7 : 7  keep on asking and it will be given you, keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking reverently and the door will be opened to you. 8. For everyone who keeps on asking receives, and he who keeps on seeking finds, and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened.

Matt ….asking seeking and knocking is a way of life. Asking dependence on Christ. Seeking thirst and hunger for Christ. Knocking acceptance that we are yet weak, liable to temptation and we fail and need Christ who alone can usher us to the Throne of God where we receive mercy grace and unmerited favour in our needs. Ref Heb 4 : 15, 16.

Compare Luke….knocking is a demand and self rationalization not Christ centred need searching and depending necessity for Jesus as in Matt. But rather a self approved, self appointed motivation to escape darkness after the door is closed.

We can truly and fully lean on and rely on the good deeds of Christ and on His faith. No false  teaching can substitute Christ and despite everything we have ever heard Mystery Babylon say to us it is through His triumph of overcoming the world that we are released from the need to think again about what we have been taught wrongly in the past. Like Paul we need only look ahead to HIM and our future He has prepared for us which is unlike anything history or the past could ever dare hope, dream or believe in  because it is an unmerited future fully gained and completely won by Christ. The world does not see or know this…..1 Cor 2:10 ......But God has revealed them to us by his Spirit:

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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I Thank God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for placing "In The Day of the Great Slaughter"-When the Towers Fell on Ray's heart and inspring to write this paper of great importance for all of humanity.

The last scripture placed in the paper Psalm 127:1 UNLESS THE LORD GUARDS THE CITY, THE GUARD KEEPS WATCH IN VAIN, really impacts my life.

The Lord has given me the task of being in charge of a group of Unarmed Security Officers whose duties include providing a safe and secure environment, protecting hundreds of employees at a call center.

During my seven plus years at this facility we have encountered occurrences yes, but only three of a threatening nature which turned out to be pranks. Therefore I say He, THE LORD JESUS is the One who make SAFE, SECURES, and PROTECTS.

May we see HIS protection every second of our lives.




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  Amen to that.  May God protect all that are in the armed forces, governement, and other places.  May his favor fall upon us this year as we strive to keep in running to which is our eternal prize and heavenward.  May we never lose sight of Jesus no matter how bad things may get this year. 


  Anne C. McGuire


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This was a great paper by Ray. I had no idea that 9/11 would be in The Old Testament.

Amazing huh?



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Kat & Arcturus,

Thank you so much for your love, wisdom, and keen insight. You gals keep the scripture in front of us and at least for me brings me back on focus.  Yes, we all got it wrong -only Jesus got it right.

I will read it again w/o fear & doubt. Psalm 91:14 will be my guide.

Hey, Sorin, good to hear from ya!!



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Hi all,

Not really too concerned with the outward things of this world but here is an interesting video. . .  remember not to lose sight of the "prize" and God Bless!

Loose Change



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Hello my Family of God and loved ones:

I read Rays very sobering paper and then reread it (to my hubby :)  and I just thanked God for Rays ability and insight and willingness to be the 'voice crying in the wilderness' for us to hear!  I praise God that HE is grooming me and my DH and DS for somethging very unique and special enough that HE would show me things that probably 99+ percent of the rest of the world  (6 billion people) does'nt understand; and I thank Him that HE has set me apart from the world; yet I am nothing without Him living in me.  

Once I viewed the Twin Towers falling, I knew in my spirit that this was Of God's wrath being poured out on this fallen(spiritally) country that He had so blessed aforetime.  (It made me literally ill to know why this was occuring; I repented.)  I asked for wisdom, and heard from the Holy Spirit that New York definately was Babylon.  I looked on a map and saw a literal city in NewYork called BABYLON, NY! (they have the deepest seaport in the world... I never knew that before 9/11!)   Just to think that this was brought about b/c of so much sin that had reached God's nostrils...AND THE PEOPLE STILL DIDN'T WANT TO REPENT WHEN THEY HAD THE CHANCE TO.

I must say that the one thing that got me the most in this paper was the reality that God is repulsed by 'christians' b/c they are "...having a form of Godliness, but, the truth is not in them..." and that the good ole USA is 'Christian' Nation rather that 'Christ- like  Nation'!  ( I knew this, but what I didn't realize was just how enormous the number is of those whom WANT  to be decieved really is!!!  As well as how God HAS FINALLY (AS OF NOW) TURNED THEM /CHRISTIANS OVER TO A STRONG DELUSION!!!)   Thus, I learned that we must ('come out of her my people' )  NOW even more than we already have.  I am grieving at the reality of those whom I personally know and love  and whom  have chosen to go the' broad way to destruction'.  Plus, the fact is, that I NOW,CAN NO LONGER HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH THESE PEOPLE b/c the power and influence of the deceived masses is so emense in numbers and so strong in their 'unity' for their unGodly beliefs in this country, that they have a potential of taking us  down with them if we (Gods' Elect/saints)  choose to mingle and fellowship with them in their unGodliness and in their carelessness.  They do not care for the truth; they are comfortable with where they are.  Now, I must do all I can to stand for my very life.  Sadly, the dillusion that they have bought into is SO easy to get out of, but they don't want to give up what they have in order to know the truths of God; now that is amazing to me.

(Dennis, you are right, there are no other Christian countries available to live up to being the next greatest 'christian' nation...)

Bobby; what insight!  I love your beautiful analogy of the 'spiritual Temple' that God is building up in His saints.

Thank you all for your comments, as they were very enlightening!


Very sobering indeed.




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Hi all,

Not really too concerned with the outward things of this world but here is an interesting video. . .  remember not to lose sight of the "prize" and God Bless!

Loose Change

I feel the same way dustin, and also like you i'm sketchy on the whole thing bieng a terrorist attack by bin laden and his crew.

I've watched many of these videos, and the whole thing is too strange to have been done by these terrorists.

Thanks for the video!

Love in Christ,



  • Guest

I feel the same way dustin, and also like you i'm sketchy on the whole thing bieng a terrorist attack by bin laden and his crew.

I've watched many of these videos, and the whole thing is too strange to have been done by these terrorists.

Thanks for the video!

Love in Christ,


Nice to see you around, Alex.  Keep your faith brother and you will finish without disappointment (2Ti 4:7).

God Bless,


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  Very good post indeed.  It is somewhat disheartning that we have to get somber and sobering messages to clean up our act indeed.  Perhaphs one day it will only take a kind warning, but until then I am thankful that God has raised up people like Ray and others to go to town on presenting the truth with no holds bar.


  Anne C. McGuire
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